Things that you make you feel old

My 20 year high school reunion is next year - so crazy!

Being called ma'am or the other day it was madam... huh?

Less energy and more weight on my body - need to work on that big time. Starting Atkins this week!

My parents turning 60 this year.
I now get mail from Medicare, we had our 38th wedding anniversary yesterday, my hair is all grey, since my mom died, I am now the matriarch of my family.
Mrs. Homie and I were at a local water park yesterday, and went to get adult beverages. They asked for ID! I had mine, but Mrs. Homie didn't have hers. She kept trying to show the guy her gray hair, but he wasn't having it. Fortunately when his boss left the bar the guy took pity and sold her her beer.

Many places have a policy of carding EVEYONE, even obvious senior citizens.

I can understand not having ID on your person at a waterpark, but it happens in so many other places too where liquor is served, stadiums, outdoor festivals, etc.

Complaining about today's music and realizing I sound just like my dad complaining about the Beatles. . . 45 years ago. :scared1:

your music sucks.jpg
When 8 to 10 students in every class at the school I work at, parent's also went to school there when I worked there. But whats even worse now there are 4 or 5 kids that's parent's and grandparent's both went to school while I have worked there...
My latest age indicator -- arthritic knees. I call it having a case of the kneasles.
Many things!

My firstborn turning 21!

Thirty years ago last week, I graduated from High School!

I will soon be celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary!

All the grey in my hair!

The creaks and groans as I attempt any movement!
Many places have a policy of carding EVEYONE, even obvious senior citizens.

I can understand not having ID on your person at a waterpark, but it happens in so many other places too where liquor is served, stadiums, outdoor festivals, etc.

Must have been specific to that water park, because here in Missouri, I never get carded. Not ever. Not at the grocery store, not at the restaurant, not at the liquor store or gas station (Side Note: I'm starting to wonder if I might have a drinking problem, lol). But in Illinois they card me (and I'm assuming everyone else) for every purchase, every time, everywhere.
Celebrating my 30th highschool reunion
Annoyed by loud noises
My thighs... even after daily running
Preferring to watch sitcom re-runs
Getting ready for bed at 9:30 instead of getting ready to go out
Wearing readers on a regular basis

Need I say!
My age makes me feel old.

And the fact that I feel like a grumpy old man, I get so irritated by things that didn't used to irritate me.
Okay, here's one...
Caught Blues Brothers on Cable TV!!! OMG!!! Classic!!

Son comes home and walks in, doesn't know who Dan Akroyd is..
And, I tell him, "You know, Dan Akroyd... Froehmeyer from Christmas with the Kranks!!!"
(OMG, loved that movie too!)
When I was planning ODD's bday slumber party and I realized that I actually need to have a "no electronic devices" rule for the party because an 8 yr old is attending and not only has her own iPhone but records videos of herself all the time and posts them on her YouTube channel.

Ah no. You will NOT be accidentally taking video or pics of little girls in their pajamas and putting it online for the whole world to see.
When I hear about celebrities that were popular when I was in my teens, and they are now in their late 40's and 50's. It hurts my head every time.

Some examples:
Ralph Macchio (Karate Kid) is 54
Luke Perry is 49
Jennifer Grey (Dirty Dancing) is 56
Molly Ringwald is 48

When I was planning ODD's bday slumber party and I realized that I actually need to have a "no electronic devices" rule for the party because an 8 yr old is attending and not only has her own iPhone but records videos of herself all the time and posts them on her YouTube channel.

Ah no. You will NOT be accidentally taking video or pics of little girls in their pajamas and putting it online for the whole world to see.

An 8 year old with a iPhone?! :eek:

And posts videos on YouTube?! :faint:

No. Just no. :sad2: Of course my 8 year old DD asks for an iPhone, and of course she knows there isn't a snowball's chance in hell she's getting it.
I seriously don't feel that old, but then I remember I graduated from high school 25 years ago.

DH & I have been married for 21 years.

DD is 16. 16!! I distinctly remember being 16.

DD is 16, & our older DS is almost 15. Mine & DH's ages pretty much fit in w/ other parents who have kids those ages. However, our younger DS is almost 7, & we're quite a bit older than his friends' parents.

My niece has a little boy, so I'm a great aunt. And we have some friends who are already grandparents.

DH was a youth group pastor for many years, & now all of the teenagers that were in our youth group are married w/ kids of their own.

What really makes me feel "old" though is watching my parents & DH's parents get older & frailer & coming to the knowledge we are now the "middle" generation.

Oh, & we went to our local amusement park last month, & I quickly found out that I can't ride the spinning rides any more like I used to. Years ago, I could ride upside down & round & round over & over again. I'm so sad I can't do that any more!!

And music! The other night, DH & I played some old Bon Jovi songs for the kids, &, before I could stop myself, I said, "They just don't make good music like this any more."

Realizing the current trendy celebrities & athletes are younger than I am & that the "stars" from my day are really kinda old can make me feel older too. When "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" came out, I was like, "No way can Harrison Ford be that old!"


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