Think you may have already had Coronavirus?

1) Do they know if people who have had COVID-19 can't catch it again a year later? Are you talking about testing populations to see who has it, or everyone, or what?

2) Yes, they would need to tell us that they are testing for something.

Dr. Fauci has stated that unless the virus mutates, you are not going to get it again. He said that once you get a virus and your body fights it off, you now have the antibodies to protect against getting it again.
1) Do they know if people who have had COVID-19 can't catch it again a year later? Are you talking about testing populations to see who has it, or everyone, or what?

We don't know that for sure, but it would be consistent with what we know about virus immunity in general. Specifically, this virus is very similar to the one that causes SARS, and that one confers immunity that lasts for a period of years (though not, from what I've read, a lifetime). If this behaves the same, knowing one's immune status now would allow a return to normal habits while awaiting the development of a vaccine.

As far as testing everyone, that would be the ideal. But starting with a representative sample would likely be enough to extrapolate overall levels of herd immunity and guide public health policy going forward.
1) Do they know if people who have had COVID-19 can't catch it again a year later? Are you talking about testing populations to see who has it, or everyone, or what?

That is what antibody testing tells you. It's the same way they determine if you need a booster vaccine. They will not know generally speaking how long someone will have immunity to this virus until testing. It can of course vary person to person.

Dr. Fauci has stated that unless the virus mutates, you are not going to get it again. He said that once you get a virus and your body fights it off, you now have the antibodies to protect against getting it again.

The virus will mutate, in fact it already has - at least 2 strains have already been identified. But viruses mutate to weaker form not a deadlier form.
My Dh thinks I had it last month. I had a bad cough, extreme fatigue, chills, and an achy feeling in my upper chest. It felt so different. I was getting concerned and then I slowly got better. DH had something similar but not as bad and only sick for a couple of days. I suspect alot of people have already had it.
I agree 100%. There was a virus going around that had some of the same symptoms but was not COVID 19. I'm really not sure how people in the US had COVID 19 in December or even earlier when the first patients didn't even show up in Wuhan until December. Do I fully trust that China is telling the truth about the virus statistics? No. But all evidence is pointing to it starting no earlier than December at this time.

A co-worker friend had the same virus as the students. Because she is high-risk they tested her for COVID when she was sick and it was negative. It was just a typical virus that goes around during the winter months.

Exactly!!! As I said upthread, this has been a horrible year for viruses & flu. Our pediatric hospital has been overfull since October. Many of these viruses have similar symptoms as covid-19. But unless you traveled to China in December, you did not have it in December or early January.

Just look at the current numbers of hospitalizations & the death rate around the world. If everyone who thinks they had it in January & February did, there would have been increased hospitalizations & deaths then too. Covid did not skip the elderly & compromised in January & just infected them now.
You didn't have COVID-19. Antibiotics don't do anything to help a virus.

DOCTORS NEED TO STOP PRESCRIBING ANTIBIOTICS FOR EVERYTHING! And people need to stop demanding them and learn some science.

Agreed, I didnt demand jack. And that goes to show you doctors dont necessarily know jack.
My husband and I had the flu in Feb. just after the superbowl. It lined up just like the flu perfectly though we did not get tested. Sister-in-law's boyfriend however did and tested positive for B, he was standing next to me the whole 8+hours in the very cold day for the victory parade and rally. I got sick first and despite trying our best my husband came down with it as well. It was just like me when he came down with it like a faucet was turned on. One minute you're fine and the next your temp is rapidly (like within a few hours) sky rocketing to 103.

That coincided with a span of just around the super bowl to a few weeks after of a spike of flu cases (as notated in the hospital systems) in my metro. There were about a million people out that day at the victory parade and rally. I have no reason to suspect in all honesty that it was COVID-19 rather than the flu especially given the verification that the super bowl coincided with a localized spike in the flu. It was described that the flu was on a more mild strain with less severe hospitalizations and complications.

You can't get tested here for COVID-19 at least in the drive thru testing if you test positive for the flu, you have to have a doctor's note and a negative flu test or if you haven't gotten one pay for a rapid flu test and test negative.

Could it be possible? Sure and I'll leave that possibility open as well as other viruses rather than the flu. But I've seen way too many people leap to thinking they had it. I think we need to temper ourselves. We could have had it but we very much could have not had it. We don't need IMO to get in the habit of self-diagnosing our past illnesses. Even with the test that would reflect we had it remember you can be asymptomatic so you may have had another virus or the flu and then later on have had COVID-19 without any symptoms.
gee this thread is very intersting--we were in WDW the end of JAn into the very beginning of feb--2 days before we were to come home I started what I thought was a cold--not terrible just not right--the flight--home was great until we were landing--felt like my head was going to blow off--it didnt get any worse but not getting better either--until about a week after we got home I was achey tired and low fever and sore throat

I did finally go to the dr who a strep test and I had strep throat but the symptoms seems pretty close now that IM thinking about it yet I got an antibotic and felt great within 3 days which isnt the case unfortunatly with this virus
gee this thread is very intersting--we were in WDW the end of JAn into the very beginning of feb--2 days before we were to come home I started what I thought was a cold--not terrible just not right--the flight--home was great until we were landing--felt like my head was going to blow off--it didnt get any worse but not getting better either--until about a week after we got home I was achey tired and low fever and sore throat

I did finally go to the dr who a strep test and I had strep throat but the symptoms seems pretty close now that IM thinking about it yet I got an antibotic and felt great within 3 days which isnt the case unfortunatly with this virus
You had strep throat.
We went to WDW Feb 18-23. Flew ATL to MCO. After returning my daughter had mild cough and sniffles. I had a "cold" thats lasted 3 weeks. Sniffles and cough. Some days just that crappy cold feeling. I did lose my appetite for a week or so which is very odd for me. I usually stay hungry through most illnesses. Some days I had to take Advil to make it through the day ache wise and others I didn't. Several days I was cold when I rarely am. And on the third week I had incredible pain in my chest. The first day the chest pain started I almost went to the ER but my wife is in medicine and checked my vitals to rule out a heart attack. That lasted about week and then went away. I maintained an occasional cough for the entire 3 weeks. No idea what I had. Probably just an upper respiratory(although the chest pain was worrisome) but with the state of testing in the US I'll never know.
Back in January I caught a real ugly virus which turned the entire inside of my mouth into one big cold sore. The usual symptoms of fatigue, cough, sore throat, chills, fever. I never go to the doctor. But this time I did. A strep test came back negative. Doctor gave me anti biotics. Eventually it all went away after about three weeks.
COVID-19 patients are being treated with antibiotics due to the pneumonia factor.
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Iodine, zinc, vitamin C, mask, latex gloves and eye coverings, watched South Korean version of Dr Fauci and he said masks are entirely the reason spreading contained over there. Anyone saying masks do not work are misinformed and/or trying to prevent hoarding, when this ends, all those outlets who told people that masks don’t work will have some ‘splaining to do.
We have been seeing new reports in the news of new symptoms like loss of taste/ smell, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea which has everyone here thinking we may have possibly had it unknowingly.

My dh and I went on a cruise Feb 5-17 that was from Miami. After we disembarked, my dh flew home to Mass. and I stayed I in FL to meet my daughter who flew in for February break. She is a teacher. At the time I mentioned to my dh that I felt like I might be getting a chest cold but ignored it since it didn’t get worse and I had no other symptoms besides feeling a little something in my chest.

My daughter and I then came home on the 21st. The following week my youngest daughter was on Spring Break and we decided to do an impromptu road trip to Florida from Massachusetts. This was around the end of Feb. and the first week of March.

We had a great time until March 5 when I woke up in Orlando violently ill with both vomiting and diarrhea. It was the sickest I could ever remember being and was nonstop for well over 24 hours. We somehow made it home a few days later and my daughter went back to school. The very next day she called me vomiting, etc.. I went and picked her up and she was violently ill for the next day. While I was picking her up my other daughter who lives at home called and said she was sick too. So the both of them were sick at the same time with one worse than the other. My dh didn’t feel great either but he literally just slept the entire next day which is unheard of for him and then he was fine. I am still feeling like I am getting a chest cold a month later. It is just a slight feeling in my chest with no other symptoms.

So the last week or so we have been at home away from people and two days ago we get a text from one of my daughters friends that she woke up throwing up with diarrhea. She has been violently ill the last two days and we havent heard if anyone else in her house has it. No one from our family has been around her in weeks because she was away at college and since came home. So we know we didn’t pass it to her.

Now we are all wondering....was it just a really bad stomach bug or this stupid virus? Is it manifesting this way now in more people? Normally I would discount it but the fact that I still feel like I’m getting a chest cold and my daughters friend has the exact same symptoms makes us wonder.

Anyone else have weird sickness or something similar lately? Wonder if we will ever know.

Needless to stay we don’t want to be sick again so we are staying home.p which is easy because we all work at schools which are closed.

Stay healthy everyone!
My son had a virus that started on Christmas Eve with similar symptoms. Nausea, diarrhea, vertigo, double vision, fever, chills, body aches, lethargy, headache, cough. We spent Christmas in the emergency room. They tested for flu, mono, meningitis, Lyme and all kinds of other things that came back negative. It was an unnamed viral infection, they said. Go home rest, blah blah blah. Tens day later (and many doctors/minor emergency clinics later) most symptoms persisted. In the meantime, he developed a deep, excruciating pain in his side. An abdominal scan showed gallstones/ inflammation. A week later, they took out his gallbladder. All symptoms still persisted. The gallbladder was healthy when they took it out. No stones, just mild inflammation.

A week after surgery his health was declining. I called a cardiologist friend because my son had developed shortness of breath anytime he tried to walk. He said meet me at the ER. They admitted him for a week and ran every test known to man. Started him on antibiotics and many other drugs. He was in very bad shape. He had a spinal tap and all kinds of scans, MRI's, etc. They could not tell us what this virus was that was plaguing him. This was the first week in February and Covid-19 was not reported in the US yet. There was no test for it and no one even mentioned it to us.

He still hasn't fully recovered. He had to withdraw from school because he couldn't walk or sit up and his vision was doubled. He has post viral syndrome and the virus itself caused fluid on the brain. Before the "mystery virus", he was a normal healthy 20-year old who worked out every day and walked 6-10 miles a day at school,

By the grace of God, he is slowly recovering now. It will be a long journey for him. We hope he will be fully recovered enough to return to school in the fall.

In my heart, I believe he had Covid-19. The more we learn about the symptoms now, the more I believe it to be true. Someday there will be a test for antibodies and I will have him tested.
No, but his girlfriend at the time was from China and she had just returned from there a couple of weeks prior. So, yeah, thanks for the kind words.
Interesting. But she was not sick?

I feel for how sick your son was. Mine was also very sick in December and hospitalized and it was awful. He wasn't hospitalized for his respiratory symptoms, it was for something else, but they found he had pneumonia when they did a chest XRay which he didn't know he had.
My son had a virus that started on Christmas Eve with similar symptoms. Nausea, diarrhea, vertigo, double vision, fever, chills, body aches, lethargy, headache, cough. We spent Christmas in the emergency room. They tested for flu, mono, meningitis, Lyme and all kinds of other things that came back negative. It was an unnamed viral infection, they said. Go home rest, blah blah blah. Tens day later (and many doctors/minor emergency clinics later) most symptoms persisted. In the meantime, he developed a deep, excruciating pain in his side. An abdominal scan showed gallstones/ inflammation. A week later, they took out his gallbladder. All symptoms still persisted. The gallbladder was healthy when they took it out. No stones, just mild inflammation.

A week after surgery his health was declining. I called a cardiologist friend because my son had developed shortness of breath anytime he tried to walk. He said meet me at the ER. They admitted him for a week and ran every test known to man. Started him on antibiotics and many other drugs. He was in very bad shape. He had a spinal tap and all kinds of scans, MRI's, etc. They could not tell us what this virus was that was plaguing him. This was the first week in February and Covid-19 was not reported in the US yet. There was no test for it and no one even mentioned it to us.

He still hasn't fully recovered. He had to withdraw from school because he couldn't walk or sit up and his vision was doubled. He has post viral syndrome and the virus itself caused fluid on the brain. Before the "mystery virus", he was a normal healthy 20-year old who worked out every day and walked 6-10 miles a day at school,

By the grace of God, he is slowly recovering now. It will be a long journey for him. We hope he will be fully recovered enough to return to school in the fall.

In my heart, I believe he had Covid-19. The more we learn about the symptoms now, the more I believe it to be true. Someday there will be a test for antibodies and I will have him tested.

was he tested for adeno 7 or 14?


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