Thinking of getting a pet


*Still love Disney!*
Feb 19, 2002
DH wants a cat, I would like a dog. Any opinions?

Oh boy! much time will you be able to invest in the animal. If not much time (busy at work, active social life), I say go with a cat.

If you have time to housetrain, play with, and watch a dog, go with a dog.

While I love our dog, Chloe, dearly, she sucks up a lot of time.
Our three cats are soooo easy compared to her.

Hi Lisa! I would like to do a rescue kind of thing for a dog. I am sure there are a great many dogs out there that need a good home. My DH said the same things as you. Having a dog would be like having another child.

We have 2 children but I think either a cat or a dog would be great for them.
Oh definately! How old are your kids?

We got two of our cats from the Humane Society. Molly( my 9 year old cat), I have had her since she was about 10 days old.
Her mom was feral and they could not catch her.
So, I fostered her and her two sisters and one brother. Only her brother did not make it.

My dog Chloe came from the Humane Society. She is a great dog, she just has some issues. I believe the people that surrendered her beat her. She is very cautious around men. She is not violent, she just shakes and is very nervous.

My nephew got a dog from a lab rescue and his biggest problem is that he can't be left out of his crate alone.
He climbs on the counters and eats anything not nailed down!!

He is a crazy dog!

That would be wonderful if you do decide to go to a rescue place.
There are so many great dogs out there. Just take your time and ask lots of questions on why the animal was given up.

Have a great time looking for a new family member!
Let us know when you find someone!!

Lisa about a rat? We just got one. :eek: It is the sweetest little thing! Kind of like a miniature cat.:eek: We already have 2 dogs and 1 cat.
I think cats are very easy (this is my first). However, dogs are great because they think their owners are more wonderful than we could ever be.
I'm not much help, am I? LOL
Good luck!
I've always had cats and dogs. Presently have 2 cats and one dog. My dh says we are currently on 'zero pet replacement policy'!! I love my golden to pieces, but......he does make it hard to just pick up and leave. The cats I can leave for several days and not have to worry. They are indoor cats. When all these beloved pets are gone, I'm not really sure if I would get another. My dd is 9 now. She'll be in high school when it becomes an issue. If I had to make a choice, it would be a cat. Yes, a dog loves us unconditionaly, but they are just so much work. I must be getting old!!!
Take a look at

They have listings of pets at local shelters & rescue groups. I keep looking even though I really dont' need another pet :rolleyes:

We have had a cat and dogs. I can no longer have a cat due to youngest DD & MIL who are both allergic. :( We've had dogs that were outside and just recently added a Bichon Frise. I wanted a dog that could be inside and not cause my DD problems. It has worked great :) he's definately more of a house animal but like any dog loves to be outside running around :)
Why not both? If they grow up together they should be ok. We have 2 cats (females almost 15 years old) and 9, yes, 9 birds - 2 cockatiels and 7 parakeets. We keep the birds away from the cats, but the cats are actually afraid of them. (they are indoor cats)

The more the merrier I say...

We have both, a 15 or 16 year old cat who still acts like a kitten (we think she was around 1 when we adopted her the year we got married), and a purebred black lab who is a year and a half (apparently they're puppies until they're at least 3). We love them both, but there is definately something to be said about a low maintenance cat. Bear is much more work than Tigger. He eats everything that is not nailed down. We are forever sticking out hands down his throat to get, pencils, markers, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, garbage, wrappers, receipts, kleenexes and anything else he can get his mouth around. He is great company for me when my DH is out (3-4 nights a week) and very protective of us all (not scary to us, but would be to anyone trying to hurt us, especially my DS). Good luck with your search.
I was always a cat person and my DH a dog person. Last fall, we decided to get a dog because Patrick has always wanted one and I felt ready to take the plunge. Dogs are definitely more social creatures and need more interaction than cats. So I guess I would say if you have a lot of time to invest in training and playing with a dog, go for it. Cats are so much more independent and low maintenance. Whatever you think will work best for you, Jen. :)
Good luck!


I'd love a dog, but we're not home enough. Maybe when my son is older, and can go home during the day...

For now, we have a cat.
Cats or dogs are both wonderful !

I have 2 cats and I have a very strong opinion about this.

If you decide to get a cat..........please get 2 of them at the same time. They will keep each other company when you are away from the house for a little while.

We adopted our cats five years ago. They are best buddies.
They were litter mates, one boy and one girl. They were already "fixed" at the shelter before we got them. Even though they were litter mates, they don't look alike.

It is the most wonderful thing to see how they relate to each other, and how they play with each other. They chase each other through the house in a "Tag" game. It is also so sweet when they wash each other.

Getting 2 kittens instead of just one is extra special.


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