This is my training journal. I'm bad at titles. (Comments welcome!)

Running a marathon takes a lot of mental focus and the fact that you did it when your head wasn't in the game is nothing short of phenomenal. Great job!

Not sure if it's any consolation, but I cried before my run today and it a) wasn't nearly as far and b) I'm not going through any abnormal personal turmoil. Let those tears flow unashamed!
Remember you CAN do hard things! My mantra, stolen of course, at the moment. It may not have been the time you hoped for but you did something hard, on top of dealing with personal hard stuff. I hope it gets easier. In time it should.

we are all proud of you.
Congratulations, maybe not the time you wanted. But you got out there, toed the line of a marathon and put up a really good time in route to crossing the finish line. Marathons are difficult, that is why less than 1% of people ever finish them; and you are one of them!
I cried when I crossed the finish line, and quite randomly, I cried a few times on the (long) walk back to my hotel.
I really get this. I choked up really bad after I crossed the W&D Half finish line - didn't quite cry, but not by much. It was a race I wasn't ready for and probably shouldn't have run, but I finished, and it hit me a lot harder than I expected.
Congratulations! I think it's more impressive to keep going when you're having a tough time than it is to have a perfect training cycle/race. So you should definitely be proud!
This^. Training for a marathon is hard. Dealing with personal/relationship problems is hard. Doing hard things at the same time is more than double hard. I’m proud of you for running your first marathon! That is a major accomplishment.
I did no running at all last week as I recovered from the marathon, which was definitely a weird feeling - but necessary. Many of the resources I read recommended at least one week off from running following a marathon to let the body heal, so I had already mentally prepared for the break. I was quite shocked at just how fatigued I was! It took until Friday until my legs felt mostly normal. By Sunday I was finally starting to feel the itch to run again. Yesterday, I went on a slow, easy 3 mile run and that felt fine.

Today, I wanted to run again, but like many of you I'd like to incorporate strength training. I tried doing this during the training plan and that was a terrible idea, so there's no time like the present. I started Stronglifts 5x5, which I did and stuck with for quite a while in the past. It's one of the few routines I really like. I know I'll be quite sore this week and I probably won't run much, but I'm hoping I'll get to seamlessly incorporate this into my fitness routine.
November 28 - December 4

Slowly getting back into the swing of things... as mentioned, I started Stronglifts 5x5 last week. Stronglifts consists of 2 daily workouts 3 times per week, on alternating days. Meaning, you do one workout one day, do the other workout the next day, then repeat the first workout on the third day. One week is A-B-A, then the next week is B-A-B, and so on. Each lift within the workouts is 5 sets of 5 reps (plus warmup, if applicable), and you progress 5 pounds each workout. I know Stronglifts gets a lot of flak from "serious" lifters because the newbie gains from the +5 run out very quickly and it can lead to frustration, and many lifters believe you should be doing more strength training than Stronglifts provides. But I dunno, I hate going to the gym for 1+ hour at a time. I get bored too easily. So I always liked Stronglifts as a supplement to whatever else I was doing. It felt good to do it again this week.

Workout A:
Bench Press
Barbell Row

Workout B:
Overhead Press

Each set begins with just the olympic bar (45 lb) and progresses by +5lbs per workout, with the exception of the deadlift - that begins at 75lbs. I super love deadlifting. I remember when I got over 200lbs on the deadlift in a previous go on this, I always felt like I was making real progress and could feel the strength building in my legs. And with luck, this will make me stronger and less-injured as a runner, too.

Monday: 3 Miles EA (10:22)
Tuesday: Stronglifts A
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 3 Miles EA (10:22) + Stronglifts B
Friday: 3 Miles EA (10:22)
Saturday: Stronglifts A
Sunday: 4.5 Miles EA (10:22)

I can definitely still feel residual soreness as my body recovers from the marathon, and first-time DOMS is no joke. But I can take it slow now because there's nothing to train for, and hopefully I can keep a similar schedule as I add running volume back. I'll never need to do any more strength training than this (although they will get a little longer as I add weight and build with progressive warm-ups).

My personal life continues to be in transition, as we are cohabitating while we run out the clock on our current lease. She is moving out in a little over a week and I'll move out at the end of December. Luckily, I had already planned to spend Christmas in Mississippi with my parents, so that's one thing to pass some time. Being stuck in-between is pretty tough, but at the same time it's made building a routine a little easier simply because I just don't want to sit in the apartment all day. On those days, I'm grateful for running.

Looking ahead - I hope to add more volume next week if my legs can handle it. 3 miles suited me just fine earlier this week, and by Sunday I felt I could do a little more. But I'm trying not to push at the moment. The Cherry Blossom 10-Miler lottery opens soon, and the DC Rock n'Roll Half Marathon is coming up in March. I've always wanted to run that, so assuming my recovery continues without issue I'll likely enter that race in January. It'll be a very abbreviated training plan, but I'm hoping I have enough fitness to run a decent half on a couple months' running. But that is all still to come.
December 5 - 11

Total Running Distance: 25.1mi
Total Running Time: 4h 8min

Monday: 3 Miles EA (10:22) + Stronglifts B
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 5 Miles EA (10:22)
Thursday: 4 Miles EA (10:22) + Stronglifts A
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Stronglifts B + 1.75 mile warm-up + Anacostia Parkrun 5k (25:16)
Sunday: 8.25 Miles EB (9:41)

A nice variety this week, as I was able to get in 25 miles and my body feels pretty good all-around. This is also the second full week I've kept up with strength training; I find I need a solid 2-3 weeks to build a habit so I'm happy overall with my effort this week.

Some friends wanted to run the local Parkrun Saturday. I didn't feel like I could race a 5k just yet (or at least I didn't want to), plus I got very little sleep the night before so I got up super early and went straight to the gym to get my workout in before it filled up (Saturdays get nuts). But still, I'm always happy to oblige with a race especially when they're free.

Despite not wanting to race, I wanted to take it at least a little fast just to see how it felt. My splits were 8:19, 8:07, 8:00, and 7:35 (0.11mi). Negative splits - can't hope for anything better than that. I was fatigued during the last mile but I felt like I still had push in me had I actually been racing. After resting a bit the remainder of Saturday, I was able to get up and run 8.25 miles on Sunday. This is all a very good sign to me. My body is recovering well from the marathon. I'll continue to add mileage and time next week. I'm hoping to build back to 30-40 miles per week as a baseline even if it's all easy running.

I signed up for the Rock n' Roll Half Marathon on March 18, and entered the Cherry Blossom 10-miler lottery for April 2. If I get in, I'll use the HM as a training run and race the 10-miler. I've never been happy with my attitude or effort on the only other 10-miler I've ever raced (Cherry Blossom September 2021), so it would be nice to exercise that particular running demon. But if I don't get in I'm more than happy to race a HM I've always wanted to do but never run because I was usually racing Princess weekend at WDW. I haven't quite decided how I'll train for the HM/10-miler yet, but I'm traveling for the holidays so I likely will focus on basebuilding with easy running for the rest of December and start training in the new year. It'll be an abbreviated training cycle, as that will leave 11 weeks until the HM and 13 until the 10-miler. That's definitely enough for a good cycle, but I probably won't see quite the gains I'd normally expect.

Big changes upcoming this week, as my wife (ex-wife? soon-to-be-ex? Labels are hard) is moving out. I need to get packing immediately thereafter, as I'll be spending Christmas in Mississippi with family next week, then moving to my new place immediately when I return after Christmas. I normally love the holiday season and do lots of things to celebrate, but with everything going on this year I just haven't been in a festive mood. At least I'll be with family on Christmas this year - between spending time with them plus the divorce, I get to knock out all the holiday unpleasantness in one year and (hopefully) feel better about things next time around.


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