Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Books, beaches, and bathrooms were on my list, but pretty much everyone else's list, too, so I'll try to come up with some new "B" words:

Breweries. What?? Not necessarily for the beer, although I do enjoy it, but because of the people. I live in a small college town with 3 microbreweries. When we go into the closest one to our home (Black Bear.. also "B" words), we always have friends to talk to and hang out with. We know lots of folks here in town, just from hanging out at the brewery. It always cracks me up, that they like to hang with us, as we are at least 20-40 years older than most of them! Still, it's fun to hang out, play cribbage or trivia, and laugh with friends.

Brothers. I miss mine. He took a decided right-wing stance about a year ago and "unfriended" my sisters and me. Won't answer messages or texts, doesn't call or visit anymore. I am not sure what happened or was said that turned him against us, but I miss him.

Basketball. Geez, I love watching college basketball! We lived in Syracuse for 5 years when they were a powerhouse of the Big East, so we watched a lot of college ball. Also, DH was on faculty at Michigan State for 5 years, so there's another big basketball school. It was just the game- although I'll watch just about any college basketball game, not just teams of which I'm a fan. I loved having friends over for a college basketball Saturday. I'd cook a lot of food and friends would come hang for an hour or the afternoon. On a good Saturday we'd get 4 games in... hanging out, laughing and sharing, watching some good basketball. Good times!
What a beautiful painting!!!!! I love it !!!

Wonderful painting, PollyannaMom!



How could I forget that one?! :laughing:

Basketball. Geez, I love watching college basketball! We lived in Syracuse for 5 years when they were a powerhouse of the Big East, so we watched a lot of college ball.
Another good one! - I loved going to my college team's games, and even played in some intramural games against other dorms.
Good Morning! :wave:

#1 - The Sky - I‘m always grateful when we can see that beautiful blue sky.

#2 - The Blue Liner in my pool - I love our pool and the liner is so pretty. It looks like a mosaic of different shades of blue. I’m counting down the days until I’m floating in it.

#3 - My Blue Coffee Mug - I bought this at WDW several years ago - Snow White is my favorite princess.
BLUE Probably my favorite color! ...Navy, denim, powder blue marl...

Blue sky. Especially, when the view is broad. I ❤️ big skies!

My (relatively) new bluetooth speaker, which, also, happens to be blue!!

Blue flowers: -

Running behind…had a whirlwind trip to Arizona and trying to catch up.

Three things B-
1. Last names- DH and I are both from families with last names beginning with B.
2. Boats- Of course there are practical aspects like transportation, shipping and security. I was thinking about things more like using a boat for fishing trips, snorkeling or even big boats, like cruise ships.
3. Beds- Well, at least comfy ones. Normally, I really miss my bed when we travel, but our budget hotel in Arizona had really great beds.

Three things BLUE-
1. Pretty blue water- I’m not a beach person, but I love pretty water. While you can’t swim in it, even the pretty blue thermal pools in Yellowstone count.
2. Blue china- It’s not solid blue, but I love the color blue. So, I picked a china pattern that had a lot of blue in the mix. Grateful may be a bit strong, but it’s so pretty and I just love to look at it.
3. Blue eyes- DD15 has such pretty blue eyes… kind of like my maternal grandmother’s.
Running behind…had a whirlwind trip to Arizona and trying to catch up.

Three things B-
1. Last names- DH and I are both from families with last names beginning with B.
2. Boats- Of course there are practical aspects like transportation, shipping and security. I was thinking about things more like using a boat for fishing trips, snorkeling or even big boats, like cruise ships.
3. Beds- Well, at least comfy ones. Normally, I really miss my bed when we travel, but our budget hotel in Arizona had really great beds.

Three things BLUE-
1. Pretty blue water- I’m not a beach person, but I love pretty water. While you can’t swim in it, even the pretty blue thermal pools in Yellowstone count.
2. Blue china- It’s not solid blue, but I love the color blue. So, I picked a china pattern that had a lot of blue in the mix. Grateful may be a bit strong, but it’s so pretty and I just love to look at it.
3. Blue eyes- DD15 has such pretty blue eyes… kind of like my maternal grandmother’s.

I can't believe I didn't immediately think of boats and my bed! I'm very keen on both. :D
I nearly wrote blue eyes - since I am very appreciative of mine - and, then, I got distracted by the idea of blue flowers!
And I agree about pretty blue water.


P.S. I hope it was a good trip to Arizona?
Yeah not a big fan of large gatherings I mean I’ve gotten to the point I don’t even like going to concerts I did force myself to go to my favorite band But for some strange reason going to Disney doesn’t bother me a bit someone explain that one but on the other hand I do not like being on a full cruise ship
With that being said I’m not afraid to speak to people that I don’t know I’m a strange duck 🦆🤣🤣🤣 I will often strike up a conversation with somebody by me while I’m sitting waiting for people im with to go ride something I can’t ride and I’ve been at Disney when it’s full to capacity I don’t like to be in the mob and will usually find my way out of it but I’m not overly uncomfortable or I have to leave the parks
But if I’m at home I would never do anything like that kind of crazy I can tolerate it at DISNEY but no place else
I can so relate to all this! I look at photos of the crowds in WDW sometimes and wonder why it doesn’t bother me when I am there. I get claustrophobic in lots of situations. It’s one of the reasons I have never and will never take a cruise. The thought of being trapped on the ship and unable to go on land when I want to gives me anxiety.
I think the reason I don’t get claustrophobic at WDW is because my level of happiness is so high there that I can tolerate it better. That’s my theory anyhow. :)
Since blue is my favorite color, I am going to narrow my 3 blue things to being Disney-related.
1. Obviously, I have to go with my DIS name and icon as #1. On a trip in 2002 I became obsessed with the dark blue color the castle would get when it was changing colors at night. For unknown reasons, that color made me so happy.
2. The blue paint jars in the old Animation tour. I recognized the different blues from every Disney movie, especially Cinderella.
3. My DGD’s Elsa dresses and gloves. She shares my love of blue.


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