Tiaras and Tantrums 08-- The Farewell. . . Will YOU join us next year?

We took the Friendship Boat across to the Future World side cause Flat Shuggie needed to ride Soarin!


Phors doesn't ride Soarin and she needed to sit down and rest anyway so she found a comfortable spot at the exit to wait for us. We got in line and when we got up to the front we asked to sit in the first row. Kim had never seen it without stinky feet in her way and we just had to fix that! And despite Patrick's rules that we had to remove our Ears, they let us keep them on since we had them securely attached!

We met back up with Phors outside the ride and she told us about the interesting conversation she was evesdropping on. Apparently this man was very upset that he had paid so much for his vacation and had to stand in these long lines! I can't remember all the details so maybe can fill in more of them. But we decided that they had a point--so "Not MINE", was joined by "I spend a lot of money on this vacation". I mean how dare they make us stand in line behind those other people, because "I spent a lot of money on this vacation."

Why should I have to wait for a table at a restaurant?
"I spent a lot of money on this vacation!".

What do you mean they don't have that t-shirt in my size?
"I spent a lot of money on this vacation!"

Where is that bus?
"I spent a lot of money on this vacation!"


Taz and I both have Disney Visa Cards and Flat Shuggie HAD to see some characters so we decided to take advantage of the Visa Photo thing inside of Innovations. Darn if they didn't make us wait in line again! But it wasn't too bad and luck was with us when we got inside

The main mouse himself!

Along with Goofy.

(Taz takes GREAT photos, doesn't she!)

We introduced the Queen and explained the story



Goofy was a Shug hog! He wouldn't let Mickey hold on to her!





Mike, Kim, Mickey Mouse, Phors, lovetoscrap, Flat Shuggie, Goofy, Taz

Test Track was next but it was starting to rain again so Queen Shuggie was put away to keep her dry. No photos there. We wanted to ride the Clammobiles so off to Nemo. Besides we were going to try to teach the Seagulls to say "NOT MINE". Belive me we tried. Especially with all the little darlings (remember they are darling if they are not yours) climbing up on the rocks and trying to get into the Nemo and Seagull display areas. "NOT MINE"!


*Behind the Scenes of a Flat Shuggie Photo Shoot



After the ride Bruce was circling quite ominously and we thought she might be a gonner, but at the last minute my cell phone rang and we jerked her from the jaws of death and didn't have time to take a photo. It was NurseTink calling! She and I had been in contact to meet up for the last few hours and she was finally almost at the building. I stepped outside and she was coming down the walk. I think she recognized me immediately-- no idea why? :confused3 Fortunately she was a hugger so we didn't scare her off by hugging a total stranger. In fact she fit in great with our little group and off we went!

. . . . . to Figment. When we got off of Figment we were scurrying through that area at the end with all the "kid trap" stuff. You know what I mean! But we were stopped by the lady at the Kodak Picture Maker stand . Once she figured out that we were NOT getting married, she loved that we were there for a Girls Only get away and had brought our friend Flat Shuggie. She took numerous photos of our group with her camera and printed them out for us. Sorry my scanner isn't working right now but I will try to get them posted later. In all honesty the quality of them wasn't so great but she was a HOOT! You have to go and see her when you are there. And did learn something very valuable. All photos printed on the Picture Maker are Waterproof. This was something that could come in very handy later when the drinks start flowing!

She was eager to pose for photos with Flat Shuggie and let Shug help her out with the camera.






There was some brief shOOOOOOOOOping in the Gift Shop, and Shuggie really wanted to meet Figment. Lucky for her we found him more her size!


After we left and were walking around we passed a young man speaking very animatedly with his family in Spanish. Phors has been saying she wants to relearn Spanish and this seemed like the perfect time to impress the group with my language skills. When we were a safe distance past I asked:

"Do you guys know what he was saying?"

"No. Do you?"

"Yep. He said "I paid a lot of money for this vacation". . ."
And anyone going who is contemplating the wrist card...do it. I thought it was great (until I ran out of money). The CMs all liked them too, so easy.
Hi Mom :wave2:

(sorry for the interruption, but she is reading so I wanted to send a shout out)
Forgot this photo earlier:


And that was where we were headed now--Spaceship Earth.


NurseTink and I ended up in Outerspace!


I LOVE the future! All those great travel possibilities and I apparently will finally get down to a size 2!

It was getting late and our tummies were starting to growl again. Time to finish our quest of eating around the world. But first I had a major problem. I had been watching my battery gauge all afternoon and it wasn't looking good. It was losing juice fast. In the spring I had no problems with it lasting all day, but as the batteries get older they lose the ability to hold a charge. And of course I hadn't expected a problem so my charger was in the hotel. I told the others to go on and I went all the way back to the front of the park to get a WDW scooter. Man those things are HUGE! No wonder people are constantly running over people and things in them. It was like driving a Mac Truck. I was not happy about wasting $45 that could have been better spent shOOOOOOOOOOOping, but I had no choice. They guys there were really nice and said they would see if they could find a charger that fit my battery and they took my scooter into the back to keep it safe. Back on the road driving a WDW Semi I raced back to meet up with the others in Mexico.

I was really craving another plate of the Beef with Cheese Polenta, but we had to work our way back around. (heck, I am craving that right now! Hamburger Helper just isn't going to do it for dinner tonight!) But Mexico had the 2nd most craved thing--MARGARITAS! Everyone was already in line when I caught up with them. Amazing how I knew exactly where to find them--isn't it?! ;)



That is NurseTink on the right in the blue shirt.

On around we went, tasting at the different areas as we went. We all were looking forward to Potstickers in China and they did not disappoint. But the Chicken sure did! Chicken Sha Cha? There was no description but we just assumed it was probably like the Teriyaki chicken on a stick you get at any Chinese place. WRONG! I was the first to take a bite and


The very unmistakeable flavor of fish:fish: I hate fish! I told the others that didn't get the chicken what the problem was and they didn't seem to believe me. Why would chicken taste like fish? I have heard of fish tasting like chicken but not vice versa. Isn't everything supposed to taste like chicken? Taz came out of line with her potstickers and chicken and took a bite.

:crazy2: Tastes like FISH!

Yep, now they believe me. I just needed back up. Good money wasted on that. If you don't like fish then don't get the Chicken ChaChi in China!

There was an area this year having to do with pears. I guess maybe it was sponsored by the National Pear Board? Is there such a thing? We skipped over it earlier because it just wasn't very interesting looking. But after a Margarita and/or beer or more those pears were calling to us! No samples, but Queen Shuggie knew she had to make an aPEARance here.






I skipped this photo op since I already know what I look like pear shaped! Bet you all are jealous you weren't there with us, aren't you?!

Pear fun over, time for Illuminations! But wait. Did you see those guys in Italy? Shuggie did and she wanted to meet them!



Flat Shuggie really enjoyed those cute Italian men and Phors was so sweet to sacrifice and take the queen to meet them and get a photo. What a selfless Princess.: . . . . Uh, Phorsie, where is the Queen in that 2nd photo???

Okay, really this time. Illuminations.



Really, they did love the show. Can't you tell?

Okay they were really thinking "Show's over, I need a drink!"
I will add that the Gingerita in China was very good. As was some drink in Italy.
It was EMH so the Food and Wine booths were staying open an hour after Illuminations. In search of frozen drinks we headed towards France. There was a nice booth there with a wide variety of libations. Kim had already had a few other libations and was feeling very friendly! So she approached the booth with a true American welcome:

:wave:HEEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOO French People!!:wave:

Yeah, blank stares. We are pretty sure they wanted to respond with "Hellllooooo stupid American"

But a new round of drinks was bought It had stopped raining and until the French People threw us out we found a table overlooking the water right next to the booth.

They had some pretty drinks here. One was an Orange thing. The other was a Vodka I think? But the best part was the glass that glowed red.





Kim's accidentally spilled her drink but there was no way we were going to waste good alcohol! Fishy Chicken, yes, but alcohol no!


Well Queen Shuggie had spent most of the day drunk from that beer in Canada and now had had a Margarita and those orange drinks and the Vodka so she was blitzed. We really can't take her anywhere. She passed out on the ground.


We were able to get her back up into the chair, but it just wasn't pretty.


We did manage to pick her up for a few group photos.



The French People were closing up for the night. Despite numerous offers to stay and help them clean out the frozen drink machines so they wouldn't have stale product they just wouldn't take us up on the offer. Of course they were females. I have no doubt that if they had been men Phorsie would have convinced them! And really at $12 per drink it was probably time to move on and find somewhere else to purchase the intoxicating potions.

I had to head back to the front of the park to get my scooter. NurseTink had to catch a bus so she went with me. The rest headed out to the International Gateway to take the boat back to the Dolphin.

FutureWorld was still open for EMH so Tink and I decided that we wanted to try to get on Soarin. The line was only about 30 mins long an I figured the others were feeling so "happy" they wouldn't notice if I was gone for longer than expected!;)

In fact Phors and Shuggie were so happy they needed a little help getting out of the park.


But they still remembered good hygiene.


Actually Phors was actually a bit shocked this trip because she never noticed me wash my hands after using the bathroom. She didn't say anything, but I found out later she was feeling a bit :scared: . It wasn't until later in the week that she realized that there were sinks in most all of the handicapped bathroom stalls so I was using those sinks and not the ones in the main area!:rotfl:

These appear to have been taken before and during their boat ride back.




As we were getting off of Soarin my cell phone rang. OOPS, it was Phors. I was trying to get to my scooter and out of the way to leave the ride so I just let it go to voicemail. And then in the process of getting out and finding my scooter I forgot about it! :blush: Tink and I made the way to the ECV rental area and parted ways. They had found a charger for my scooter and said it had been charging for about an hour. That was good news since I had to get all the way back across Epcot to the International Gateway and there was no way it would have made it without some more juice. I probably would have just had to take a cab. So off I go again praying I make it.

On the way out I passed another group that had apparently been visiting the French People! The women were carrying their shoes and hobbling on bare feet. A man in one of those Norway hats with the horns and the blonde braids offered to trade his hat for my Princess Ears. I declined since his didn't have a tiara. I also reminded the girls that if they could feel their sore feet then they hadn't had enough to drink! They wanted a ride from me, but not enough battery life and every (wo)man for themselves so I sped off.

Meanwhile, back at the hotel the others had forgotten all about me! Okay, they claim that they were worried sick and were forced to drown their stress and sorrows.



And just to be sure that they were covered in case I didn't make it back, they made some new friends!



This was Jason and Amy. Apparently they were also in a drinking mood and much fun was had by all! But the plan of finding cheaper drinks didn't work out so well. The bar drinks were $13 and up!!

I guess it takes even more money to support Dolphins than it does French People!
I will add that the Gingerita in China was very good. As was some drink in Italy.

And the Margaritas in Mexio, the Orange thing in France, the Vodka drink in France, the drinks back at the resort. . .

I see :magnify: people are reading:surfweb: , but no one is commenting:hyper2: ? We have left you speechless :scared: haven't we!
And the Margaritas in Mexio, the Orange thing in France, the Vodka drink in France, the drinks back at the resort. . .


DS5 was drinking out of my vodka drink light up flute today. Ah, the memories. The week went by way, way too fast.
:lmao: DD15 caught me looking at pictures and saw Phors in the stroller. She asked me if she really needed pushed out.......I said yes. She's a drunk. :rotfl2:
Just organizing my photos for the rest of the TR and I found these that I forgot earlier. These are from the end of the evening festivities.


Ok, I see SOME of you have learned well at the feet of the master about how to have a wonderfully memorable if only you hadn't gotten so drunk time. And it means the world to me that you got Flat Queen Shuggie wasted too :lmao:
Very funny. Signing on for more. So a scooter is $45 a day? Almost seems worth it because a day walking around Epcot can ruin the feet for the rest of the vacation.
Well Hello Princesses ...I am subscribing and having a great Time reading about all you trip shenanigians!



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