To Go or Not To Go

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I haven't seen anything from Disney, just the blogs, but they are talking about outdoors, to greatly reduce risk if desired can wear N95-KN95 or double mask in those areas. But it does indicate that unless CDC changes their recommendations the WDW parks will not be reinstating a mask requirement for outdoor areas.
Considering they just removed a good chunk of places masks are required, I definitely don't see them moving back again.
It's a consideration here at home too.. so no, I'm not cancelling because of that. I might if I was traveling with someone vulnerable (unvaccinated, very young, elderly, preexisting conditions)
Thanks for the response. We are in an area where hospital bed availability isn’t a problem yet.
A vaccinated guy at my husband's work tested positive over the weekend up here in MA. It's everywhere, I just try to go with the thought that I won't be hospitalized since I am vaccinated. :D. 12 days and counting!
Have a great time!!!

I’m not worried about needing a hospital bed because of Covid. I’m thinking of accidents, chest pains, allergic reaction, etc. I doubt we will need a hospital bed but I do worry about emergencies.
It played a part in our decision. You have to think about it considering you could have an accident or get sick with something other than COVID. Many of the hospitals like Advent Health in Orlando are showing the number or percentage of beds available. At least people can check. I think it depends on where you live. Beds are readily available in our area.
Have a great time!!!

I’m not worried about needing a hospital bed because of Covid. I’m thinking of accidents, chest pains, allergic reaction, etc. I doubt we will need a hospital bed but I do worry about emergencies.

well you do think of everything! That wasn't even on my radar but maybe it should be. ;);)
It's part of everyone's threshold of risk, but in my own case the odds of needing a hospital ICU bed outside of Covid issues are pretty low, so going with it. For others, the same odds could be insurmountable.
It's part of everyone's threshold of risk, but in my own case the odds of needing a hospital ICU bed outside of Covid issues are pretty low, so going with it. For others, the same odds could be insurmountable.

Thanks for the reply. Have a great time. 😃. You’re right, for us it may be insurmountable but everyone has to make their own decision.
My sister is a school social worker in Hillsborough county and my brother in law a surgeon in the same county. Things are very bad where they are. I’ll quote what she said when I spoke to her on the weekend “Why would anyone in their right mind want to come here right now?”
I’m sure some won’t like that, but hey , she’s living and working and raising a child in this mess, not just considering a vacation.
As for me, I’m fully vaccinated and not so worried about getting seriously ill from Covid as I am passing it on to someone else who would. I fully intend to travel when the situation settles down but not right now while the variant is raging. Their resources are needed for their own residents in my opinion.
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My sister is a school social worker in Hillsborough county and my brother in law a surgeon in the same county. Things are very bad where they are. I’ll quote what she said when I spoke to her on the weekend “Why would anyone in their right mind want to come here right now ?”
I’m sure some won’t like that, but hey , she’s living and working and raising a child in this mess , not just considering a vacation.
As for me, I’m fully vaccinated and not so worried about getting seriously ill from Covid as I am passing on to someone who else who would. I fully intend to travel when the situation settles down but not right now while the variant is raging. Their resources are needed for their residents in my opinion.
Thank you for the reply. The adult in me agrees with your sister but the child in me really wants to go. FWIW we will probably cancel. The main reason is that if my husband or daughter needed a hospital bed in Fl and they had a bad outcome because they couldn’t get into a hospital then I’d blame myself for taking the risk.
Been reading about studies being done, University of Gainsville is actually predicting the peak to be around now. Others I have seen predict beginning of September. I am not a doctor/virologist/researcher, but it is something I have been trying to read up on. Regardless, please be safe everyone!
So cases should start going down soon?
Nope. I have relatives in FL and the on-the-ground reports I get from them (they have been in the hospital a few times over the last 1.5 years for unrelated issues) there have been no issues getting care. At the time that the nationwide media was going on about NO rooms, the hospital they went to was mystified by the reports. There was no problem getting a room.

The TX report recently was followed up the SAME day with people at the hospitals saying there were ICU beds. And when you look into it, there were only 73 ICU beds total (that total includes both general and pediatric) in the area being reported on, and 73 ICU beds in a 19 county area doesn't actually mean millions or thousands or even hundreds of people are sick enough to need an ICU bed. And when you find the page that lists the ICU beds for all of Texas, not even half of the ones in use are taken by those sick and with a corona diagnosis.

So, no. It's not a concern.
It’s definitely something to consider. We went twice last year and then again 3 weeks ago. Our area was just below Orange County in both instances. This time it sky rocketed while we were there. We are out of ICU beds in our city. If we were leaving now, I don’t know if I would go. At home, we are staying in mostly, except school, even though we are vaxed and not high risk. The ICU bed issue concerns me some. What if you hit into a car accident or had an accident at home? Good luck. Don’t regret your decision. You are really thinking this through.

EDIT: I am in Texas too, and people in our area are being turned away or transported elsewhere if possible. Granted, this changes daily, and possibly hourly. There have been several first hand reports. The issue here isn’t really beds; it’s ICU staff.
My partner and I have reservations for September 22-26. We've got the "whole enchilada" (as some of us in Texas say) for this trip -- plane reservations, resort reservations (the Riviera), Park Hopper tickets, Boo Bash tickets, and yes, a private VIP tour. We are both fully vaccinated (in our 50s) with no unvaccinated children or family members in our home. We can and will happily wear high quality masks (KN95), eat outside or in our villa, and thanks to the combination of Boo Bash, VIP tour and the high likelihood of low crowds at the time of our visit, we should be able to avoid packed crowds and long waits for rides.

So we've looked at our personal "risk basket" and decided we're fine with going. Is there some risk? Yes. But I think from this point on, I'm going to have to choose to live with some risk from this virus -- my partner has to go to work outside of our home every day, my job requires me to be in the office or traveling for work regularly-- and I doubt COVID is going to simply disappear. I'm not willing to cut out all of the good and fun things in my life (like travel and Disney) to further lower my risk, and I'm not willing to rely on the idea that there will be some perfect day in the future when I can take this trip with little to no risk. (I thought we were at that place and then Delta came along.) Instead, I'll try to calibrate and balance and manage the risk to live the fullest life I can that's right for me.

But each of our "risk baskets" is very personal and very individual. Any one thing (like having an unvaccinated child at home, among many others) can tip the risk basket one way or the other. This is surely the perfect case of "your mileage may vary." I wish everyone only the best as you make these hard decisions.

I love this response and wish more people could think of it this way, rather than putting down people who don’t share their viewpoint. I hope you have a great trip!
It is American Airlines andthe flights already rescheduled from our cancelled cruises last May and Oct so Im not sure what they will allow at this point.
Last I checked AA was allowing free changes/cancel through 12-31-21 back as early as 2020 - I haven't checked to see if they pushed it out past that, but we booked and rescheduled many trips* during the pandemic and they were fine.

*Not all Disney trips: 3 trips were to see my parents, my mom passed about 6 weeks ago.

It's at the end of August and beginning of September (29-4)

edit to add: I normally search for 29-3 because I'm leaving super early to drive home on the 4th. I don't know what labor day weekend looks like because I didn't want to be there for that lol

I hear you! Labor Day weekend still looks pretty booked in DVC, but not 100%. Some of it may be DVC Remy preview also (Sept 5). We may hunker at our resort then.
My sister is a school social worker in Hillsborough county and my brother in law a surgeon in the same county. Things are very bad where they are. I’ll quote what she said when I spoke to her on the weekend “Why would anyone in their right mind want to come here right now ?”
I’m sure some won’t like that, but hey , she’s living and working and raising a child in this mess , not just considering a vacation.
As for me, I’m fully vaccinated and not so worried about getting seriously ill from Covid as I am passing on to someone who else who would. I fully intend to travel when the situation settles down but not right now while the variant is raging. Their resources are needed for their residents in my opinion.

My wife is working in a covid unit right now and her hospital is having to set up beds in the cafeteria due to overflow. we are in Broward county.

Nope. I have relatives in FL and the on-the-ground reports I get from them (they have been in the hospital a few times over the last 1.5 years for unrelated issues) there have been no issues getting care. At the time that the nationwide media was going on about NO rooms, the hospital they went to was mystified by the reports. There was no problem getting a room.

Maybe in nowhere'sville but in the cities this isn't the case. My wife is an RN in a covid unit and they are VERY VERY short on beds right now.
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