training help please - injury


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 2007
Hi there!

I injured my foot/ankle over the summer and it never really healed. It is either or both of the talar ligament-itis or the posterior tibial tendonitis. I haven't run since October 27 when I dropped out of a marathon due to extreme foot pain at 26k. I was told to stay off it until it doesn't hurt anymore. i ran a half marathon Oct 20 and so my training was up to date until that point pretty much as far as the long runs.

I would say that it is 90-95% healed and feeling pretty good. i promised myself a week of no pain at all before I'd run again. I anticipate another 10 days off it and then easing back in.

Please suggest how I should jump back into Dopey training.

I have run 8 half marathons in the calendar year (plus Dumbo and a bunch of races from 5k-16k0, and did Goofy last January, so I have a base.

On the 3 week cycle of long runs I'm not too far off, but want to ease back into distances. I want to salvage what I can for Dopey - and then Princess.

Please help - getting down to the wire I feel for getting training in. I already know I will be doing the marathon undertrained and will have to gut it out.

I am feeling nervous about running again - don't want to undo the healing, and worried that I have lost a lot of fitness. Can't get a lot of cardio in as it all seems to flex my foot repeatedly and cause the pain. I have been weight lifting 2-3x a week and staying active. I haven't gained any weight due to being diligent and have actually lost a few pounds.

I miss running and also dread starting up again and it being hard.

Thank you!
Without having more specifics like your training plan and what you have been doing to keep cardio up... I'll whack at a best guess start.

First, if you are training Galloway's plans, rotate the plan 6 weeks so the plan's 26 mile run is three weeks prior to marathon weekend. Hop on the plan where it is on the week you plan on starting. Be prepared to allow yourself a 'fail' on the first and second long runs. Try for 100% of the distance but be happy with 50% on the first long run and 75% on the second.

If you are training a different plan, Try to hop on the plan and again, allow a fail in the first couple runs similar to above.

In all cases, pull up if the pain returns. I would consider calling the doc's office to see if they suggest a neoprene sleeve to support the area and provide additional warmth through the run.

With regard to fitness, take the first couple long runs a little slower than you have. You real have not lost that much fitness in this 4 week period. What loss you have experienced will return within a month.

I am not sure I answered you in the detail you want. You are capable of running the Dopey at this point since you were marathon ready 4 weeks ago. You just need to 1) get you legs loosened 2) shake off the cardio cobwebs and 3) convince yourself that you are ready again.

Good Luck and listen to your body.
I just wanted to chime in and add to what cewait had said.

I have some issues with Peroneal Tendonitis, and KT Tape has really helped me. IT provides just enough support to keep the issue at bay. Their forums and youtube channel has tons of information. What I like most is I don't even notice that I have it on when I run.
I don't have any foot pain...occasional knee...however the last few weeks I was down with perhaps some kind of a cold. I hadn't done anything in a few weeks and like you, I feel like I am now behind the 8 ball getting ready for Dopey.
I had been doing what I call a broken up 18 miles...10 miles then another 8 the same day...a few weeks ago I went on a long bike ride...but after that I was too tired. I couldn't walk a mile without wanting to go to bed!

So now today I get out for the first time in weeks and I walk...walk a hilly 13 miles and feel like I walked 100 miles. My legs are sore...but I am going to get back into it. This weekend I will do more...and build myself back up.

I too did the Goofy this year...I know I can do didn't go according to plan..I am behind what I wanted to be doing now... I will probably do 13miles each on Saturday and then Sunday. I plan to do a full...or a broken full sometime in December.

Stay safe...don't agrivate your foot. For me...I have feel like I am starting over again..with what? 5 weeks left at this point?


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