Tropical night shorts?

Once upon a time, this thread was about some poor poster who wanted to know about wearing shorts on tropicali night.

Ahhh, what happened???


Originally posted by CRSNDSNY
Once upon a time, this thread was about some poor poster who wanted to know about wearing shorts on tropicali night.

Ahhh, what happened???



I guess that question was answered long ago by the first reply, and now, this thread has gone way beyond control???

See what happens when you get side tracked!!!
I'm the poor original poster, and I have to say I was mad until I saw the post by BD that said "Samsma is probably accurate". That made up for everything, and will probably be the only time I get such recognition from a man!
Originally posted by Samsma
I'm the poor original poster, and I have to say I was mad until I saw the post by BD that said "Samsma is probably accurate". That made up for everything, and will probably be the only time I get such recognition from a man!

LMBFBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If y'all make me wake the baby with these witty posts, I will turn this car around and go back HOME!! Don't make me come back there!!!!!!!!!:p
:p, these guys are so bad, you just have to get one small shot in every once in a while! Feel free to join in. Girls against the boys right Rae?
Originally posted by Samsma
:p, these guys are so bad, you just have to get one small shot in every once in a while! Feel free to join in. Girls against the boys right Rae?

Now don't get Rae going Samsma, she is "Trouble," with a capital "T" from the get go!!! LOL!!!
Never mess with an ex cop Native New Yorker who has been stuck in Indiana for nearly 20 years now....think of the worst PMS you could imagine and go from there!

And that's me on a good day....


(Girls rule!)
Originally posted by rae519
Never mess with an ex cop Native New Yorker who has been stuck in Indiana for nearly 20 years now....think of the worst PMS you could imagine and go from there!

And that's me on a good day....


(Girls rule!)

See Samsma, I told you not to get Rae started, you have now unleashed a MONSTER!!! LOL!!!
I am more like the original Hulk (Lou's role) than the new one. The gentle kind monster!

As we discussed before, according to Animal Planet, shrimp turns you flamingo pink, not green!
Pink is more my color - after years of wearing fatigues, I don't care much for green!

Well so far I think the girls are winning, and I think that since that is so, then BD or Andy needs to pull sticks to see who has to come here to Good ole' Columbus GA and change the baby's diaper pail...............................It's gettin' kinda smelly.........
Now I know it's not "Rae Jr" making those little stinkies!

Originally posted by rae519
Now I know it's not "Rae Jr" making those little stinkies!


Oh no.....never..not he.........:rolleyes: I will prove it to you when we cruise (hehe) and will graciously let you change all those non-smelly diapers.
I knew it! I taught Jr myself - sort of long distance in uterus! Can't wait to see new pictures of him - hey, Nathaniel tell Momma that Auntie Rae needs to see some new pictures of you in "tropical night shorts" (see I can stick to the topic!)

Originally posted by dzneprincess
Well so far I think the girls are winning, and I think that since that is so, then BD or Andy needs to pull sticks to see who has to come here to Good ole' Columbus GA and change the baby's diaper pail...............................It's gettin' kinda smelly.........

I pulled the long stick, BD should be down your way shortly!!!
Originally posted by Verandah Man
I pulled the long stick, BD should be down your way shortly!!!

UHMMMMMM ANDY?? Was the above a double entendre statement??? If I were BD I'd be a tad bit offended.........hehe a I did it :p :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Originally posted by dzneprincess
UHMMMMMM ANDY?? Was the above a double entendre statement??? If I were BD I'd be a tad bit offended.........hehe a I did it :p :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

OMG, you are becomming the female version of BD!!!
Hi dzneprincess.

Are you THAT well endowed???...

Hey Rae.

Never mess with an ex cop Native New Yorker who has been stuck in Indiana for nearly 20 years now

20 YEARS? Rae, according to the International Department Of Statistical Facts Figures And Other Proverbial BS, the statute of limitations for claiming to be a non-resident New Yorker expires after either 12 years OR when you or one of your immediate family members marries a blood relative in any of the "sticks" states (of which Indiana ranks tied for #1 - with all the other states on the list), whichever occurs sooner. In the event of a tie, confirmation of consummation of the marriage is required. Videotape proof preferred...

My my Andy.

I pulled the long stick

Perhaps. However, I also "walk softly"...
BD - Oldest is marrying an Indiana Native next June. Her hometown is Batesville - famous for making caskets. When my Mom first arrived in Indiana, she was surprised at all the festivals that each town seems to have in the summer based on something they were well-known for.

We were driving toward Cincinnati when we passed through Batesville - she asked what they were "famous" for - I said "caskets" and she said, "Ohhhh, do they have a casket festival? I can just see the Queen riding in her casket waving at the crowd!" Well, when Chris came home with Natalie and said she was from Batesville, we can figure it out.

So maybe she isn't a blood relative, but she is Hoosier. And that counts for something, doesn't it?

IF dzeprincess is that well endowed, I can always tell her about my surgery!!! Interested, DP?!

And I know you don't "walk softly"!!!!!!!!



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