UK store bans sale of fireworks - what ya think?

No reason to get so defensive or take things so personally. It is an issue for you because the noise hurts you. The noise bothers you. Doesn't mean it isn't an honest pain for you. I know that it is. Stop looking for an argument where there isn't one. I didn't make light of anything. Its not downplaying to say that you have an issue with the noise because you do, in fact, have a physical issue with noise.

All I am saying is that fireworks noises are something that cause you pain. Children playing and screaming in the pool next door may cause pain for someone else. The neighbor's teen son's car music with way more bass than it should have, can cause it for someone else.

To you, the worst thing in the world is neighbors setting off fireworks. But someone else would think that the children in the pool is the worst thing ever and for someone else its the bass in the music.

Not sure what we are agreeing to disagree about since I wasn't disagreeing with you. You do realize that not every conversation is a debate, don't you?
Not defensive nor taking it personal. It just appears you don't actually understand what I was saying. You don't compare what someone says annoys them to something that physically hurts their ears. I can control what annoys, irritates,bothers me. I cannot control my sensitivity to my ears. There's a difference when you're discussing this. Your phrasing makes it sound like well others just have something that bothers them, for you it's this. I would agree with you if I could actually control it. I can do things that minimize the reaction I have (hence noise reduction headphones) but I cannot actually control the reaction itself.

Where did you get that I said the worst thing in the world is my neighbors setting off fireworks? I can certainly come up with worse things far worse things nor did I ever say it was the worst thing. I think you've blown (pun not intended lol) that aspect out of proportion for sure. I have Chinook helicopters daily multiple times a day that rattle the house. A firework boom is still different than that (especially at 2am :) ) But again you keep comparing things that are not anagolous to someone with sound sensitivity and that could just be because you don't have that issue.

Here on the DIS (and I'm sure other internet forums) agree to disagree is used for all sorts of different things; a debate is but one of them. But if you think it's been used by me with respects to you always in the case of a debate that would explain things. Most often it's that we're going in circles, it's going on for pages and pages, it's taking over the thread for far too long, etc (which is what is going on right now :) ) so yeah this will be my last comment towards it to you simply because of that and I'm meaning that respectfully.
Not defensive nor taking it personal. It just appears you don't actually understand what I was saying. You don't compare what someone says annoys them to something that physically hurts their ears. I can control what annoys, irritates,bothers me. I cannot control my sensitivity to my ears. There's a difference when you're discussing this. Your phrasing makes it sound like well others just have something that bothers them, for you it's this. I would agree with you if I could actually control it. I can do things that minimize the reaction I have (hence noise reduction headphones) but I cannot actually control the reaction itself.

Where did you get that I said the worst thing in the world is my neighbors setting off fireworks? I can certainly come up with worse things far worse things nor did I ever say it was the worst thing. I think you've blown (pun not intended lol) that aspect out of proportion for sure. I have Chinook helicopters daily multiple times a day that rattle the house. A firework boom is still different than that (especially at 2am :) ) But again you keep comparing things that are not anagolous to someone with sound sensitivity and that could just be because you don't have that issue.

Here on the DIS (and I'm sure other internet forums) agree to disagree is used for all sorts of different things; a debate is but one of them. But if you think it's been used by me with respects to you always in the case of a debate that would explain things. Most often it's that we're going in circles, it's going on for pages and pages, it's taking over the thread for far too long, etc (which is what is going on right now :) ) so yeah this will be my last comment towards it to you simply because of that and I'm meaning that respectfully.

I do not appreciate someone saying that I am making light of a problem they have and then running off to "agree to disagree".

We had children in our center who were sensitive to sounds. I know what it is and how it effects someone. I wasn't making light of it . I called it an "issue" for lack of a better word. Good grief.

Not sure where I compared it to a helicopter. Shells being exploded, I did compare. And yes, they are most definitely comparable. During the summer months at the center, we had to have alternate activities for the kids who couldn't take the noise from them. Or who they made nervous.
.A child screaming with a loud, high pitched scream is PAINFUL to some people.

You are not accepting that there are other things in this world that can have the same affect on other people that fireworks have on you.

And NOW yes, we will agree to disagree.
I have a dog who gets very upset when firecrackers and fireworks go off in our neighborhood on 4th of July and NYE.

I love seeing fireworks, but have never bought them.
I have a dog who gets very upset when firecrackers and fireworks go off in our neighborhood on 4th of July and NYE.

I love seeing fireworks, but have never bought them.

Have you ever thought of thunder vests? They work miracles for our dog. And of course there are pheromones you plug in to an outlet in the wall which can help calm our canine companions down.

Have you ever thought of thunder vests? They work miracles for our dog. And of course there are pheromones you plug in to an outlet in the wall which can help calm our canine companions down.
They also have Feliway and the like for cats though from what my vet said it's like catnip--works on a certain percentages of cats but not all though all the vets rooms have the plug ins to be on the safe side. My cat does react to catnip but honestly I don't know if he does actually calm down with Feliway or not (we have the plug in diffuser)

I have heard thundershirts and the like have worked wonders for some pets though (cats and dogs). I'm kinda considering if for our cat for vet visits but I don't know if he'll like the idea of something confining him lol.
Ever since I accidentally lit my mom's fur coat on fire when I was a kid I have been afraid of fire. I have had to learn to become more comfortable with it though because my husband is Indian and fireworks, incense and oil lamps are a huge part of celebrating his Hindu version of Christmas, Diwali. When I was pregnant with my oldest son, we went to India during Diwali to perform a special maternity ceremony. It was crazy exciting. At night during the lead up to Diwali, all of the shopping district buildings were lit up with huge streamers of white lights that enveloped the building. Gift shopping during the evening made Black Friday shopping look tame. Bakeries were filled with shoppers buying elaborate boxes of sweets to give as gifts.

None of that, however, compared with the obsession with fireworks. During the entire week of Diwali, the sky was a haze of smoke at night with fireworks going off on flat apartment rooftops and the booms were constant. My husband knew that we couldn't recreate that experience here in the US but he's determined to bring a little bit of Diwali into the kids' lives. Every year we have a huge Diwali party for our friends and family. We serve Indian food and sweets and light sparklers and fountains. Our kids love it and our extended family and friends look forward to it every year. While I'm not a fan of fireworks, I've learned to embrace them because they're an important part of my DH's childhood and culture.
Some amazing replies in this thread thank you everyone for offering your opinions on this. As I'd hoped its opened my eyes to different countries (even separate states) laws and rules.

I had forgotten Diwali was coming up until Sunday just gone, I heard a lot of fireworks in my neighborhood. It did remind me to send a text to my Hindu friend happy Diwali. They set the fireworks off just that night, I've not heard any since.

It would be so nice if we could limit fireworks to a couple of specific nights a year so anyone who is effected can make plans for that night, but as many people pointed out there would always be those idiots who either buy fireworks and save them. The anti social who think setting off fireworks next to cars or in the middle of the road is funny.

There has been another article in the UK papers that Asda (another supermarket chain) is selling 'quiet fireworks'. They sound interesting!


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