Underground economy

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:lmao:Good memories! I was just trying to describe a Flowbee to somebody the other day...

Regarding non-essential services, well, we're trying to follow the local restrictions to the letter - whether we truly believe such strict measures are completely necessary or not, we're rule-followers at heart. We have no plans to get haircuts until it's permitted although it is getting a little dire for both of us.

Perhaps we all have a line in the sand though? If I could find a rogue optician willing to make me a new pair of glasses, I'd do it in a second and pay a pretty penny for them. I'm blind as a bat and wear very strong progressive lenses. I'm really practically debilitated without them. I had a mishap and scratched the bejebbers out of my right lens; the entire length and about 1/4" through the width of it. I basically have to close that eye to read or do close up work and I have a perpetual headache from squinting. Some non-essentials are more essential than others. :(

That really stinks. I am kind of surprised that they aren't deemed essential, people need glasses and contacts to function. They are essential.

I had just had my eye appointment right before the shutdown orders and my glasses were due to be picked up the day it went in to effect. They were nice enough to ship them to me but they are crooked but since they are only for reading it isn't a big deal. My friend is an optician and offered to help me adjust them via zoom but I'll just wait since I did order some from Zenni that are good for now.

Fingers crossed that they open soon and you can get a new lens.
My DH uses a Flow-bee. Not kidding.

My stylist has already assured me she has a spot waiting for me the second we get the greenlight. Until then...I have baseball caps...or better yet, I have enough self esteem to survive many a bad hair day.

I have a Flowbee too. I used to cut my mom’s hair with it, and actually did a decent job. I wear my hair long and in a bun most of the time, so the Flowbee is kind of a waste for me. It is one of those things that sounds silly, but actually turned out to be very helpful.

I had just purchased a couple rounds of hair color before this started, and I am not coloring while WFH. I figure when I hear we are going back to the office, I will use one. So I am pretty low maintenance right now. There’s no one else in the house for me to offend or scare with off color roots.
LOL my mom is a beautician of 30+ years, working on a military base as her first job, so believe me I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN 🤣

But we’re not discussing if the haircuts will look good or not - tbh, no one should really be seeing anyone right now anyways 🤣

I am sure there are some people who are concerned about their appearance if they have to do video meetings for work. But that doesn’t mean people should put themselves or others at risk. If you have other family members at home, see if they can help. Or, for us ladies, think about all the things we do when we are growing out a cut to hide the fact we are growing out a cut. You can pick up headbands, barrettes, and hair pins at the grocery and they hide a multitude of sins. No one, unless someone in their immediate family is a stylist, is going to look like a fashion plate right now. So long as you look like you made some sort of effort, no one will think twice.
I need eye doctors to open!!! I ran out of contacts and it's been over a year so I need to visit the eye doctor before I can order more.


I'm going to be right there with you in a couple of weeks. And my glasses are scratched to hell so I'm not going to be well pleased about it. I was due for an eye exam in January and never got to it, between 10 days out west and then getting sick right after we got home, so my prescription is expired. I'm not great about changing my disposables as often as I should, so I've got enough contacts to get through to early May at best. But my prescription is so strong that my glasses just don't give me the same clarity as contacts and tend to give me a headache if I wear them too long, so I am *really* hoping that at some point, opticians will be allowed to reopen.
I need eye doctors to open!!! I ran out of contacts and it's been over a year so I need to visit the eye doctor before I can order more.

I'm going to be right there with you in a couple of weeks. And my glasses are scratched to hell so I'm not going to be well pleased about it. I was due for an eye exam in January and never got to it, between 10 days out west and then getting sick right after we got home, so my prescription is expired. I'm not great about changing my disposables as often as I should, so I've got enough contacts to get through to early May at best. But my prescription is so strong that my glasses just don't give me the same clarity as contacts and tend to give me a headache if I wear them too long, so I am *really* hoping that at some point, opticians will be allowed to reopen.
I just saw an ad on TV that 1800contacts was offering online eye exams for people to get a prescription renewed. I may try it out because mine is also expired. I have some contacts left but will be worth it to get some until the offices open again.
I need eye doctors to open!!! I ran out of contacts and it's been over a year so I need to visit the eye doctor before I can order more.

I got an email from our eye doctor. They said if you have run out, they would (on a case by case basis) issue a short term prescription so you can get refills. Might be worth leaving a message for them.
Can’t get a haircut by sending a gift card.
Different strokes for different folks. I’ll keep getting that haircut. Along with the folks enforcing the law. Cause they get em also.
Life is great when we all are different. Doing what works best for us and our family.

I wasn't going to go here with your attitude towards all this, but I can't keep quiet any longer.

I think you're a fire fighter. I think you've mentioned it a time or two (or 400 but whatever). DH's best man at our wedding is a firefighter/paramedic as well. He contracted COVID 19 as many first responders have. He shared it with his wife who is 51 and has no underlying health conditions. She has been on a ventilator for 10 days now.

So you may not be worried about catching the virus yourself, but think of what you're taking home to your family. But as you say, you're doing what works best for us and your family.
I wasn't going to go here with your attitude towards all this, but I can't keep quiet any longer.

I think you're a fire fighter. I think you've mentioned it a time or two (or 400 but whatever). DH's best man at our wedding is a firefighter/paramedic as well. He contracted COVID 19 as many first responders have. He shared it with his wife who is 51 and has no underlying health conditions. She has been on a ventilator for 10 days now.

So you may not be worried about catching the virus yourself, but think of what you're taking home to your family. But as you say, you're doing what works best for us and your family.

I am so sad to read this. How terrible and scary. Prayers that your friend recovers.

Its sad that some people need to read this for a wake call. Thanks for sharing this.
I might not agree with it but I don’t fault anyone who breaks the rules to do it.

people still have bills. Kids to feed. Mortgage to pay. A lot of barbers in my area work under the table so unemployment is out. and the ones who can collect.....well it’s taking forever.

I’ve seen people on my timeline still getting haircuts.

Barbers still have bills to pay.
Seriously. The holier than thou gets old. Folks all over are doing what they can during this. Haircuts? Yes... some folks are still doing that. Shopping. Yes. Me or anyone else getting a haircut isn’t any more risky than going to any store to get what anyone needs We all walk right by each other. You can’t stay 6 feet apart. It’s none of my business what u do and that’s reciprocated. You do what u gotta do. I will for me and the kids. Life is simple. Stay in ones lane. So next Wed. When I get my haircut. I’ll think of you.
Don't know where you live, 'pro', but do hope not near me.
Barbers still have bills to pay.

We ALL have bills to pay! I have bills to pay!

But, I'll say what I have already said on this thread, we are in the middle of a pandemic and my family and I are going to abide by the SAH orders. We will do what has been asked of us.

We won't be trying to make money under the table by doing things that go against the SAH order and will we not support people that are doing that.

We will however, continue to do our part to help people who are struggling.
We won't be trying to make money under the table by doing things that go against the SAH order and will we not support people that are doing that.

and b/c this individual represents himself as a first responder and is justifying himself/saying that he has first hand knowledge of other first responders in his own and other local and state job classifications who are doing the same it plants the seeds of hesitation/doubt/resentment towards the many law abiding and selfless individual first responders who are truly abiding by the oaths of employment they took to "...faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of office and obey the laws of state and city...".
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