Up Where They Walk, Up Where They Run: Going the Distance with Disney & My Dissertation (comments welcome!)

Just caught up on your journal and so glad I took the time to read. I love your spirit!

The Hilton Bonnet Creek does the pre-race party well: there were a bunch of workers cheering really enthusiastically for us with signs and there was an assortment of food and beverages.
I've debated staying here a couple of times but haven't yet committed. Nice to hear they do the race weekends well (aside from whatever loud construction projects they were completing)

I think Pegasus was a more fun idea anyway!
Totally agree! Your costume brought a big smile to my face.

I should have written this days ago because I feel like I have little memory of the race itself. Does anyone else just like black out during races?
Every single time. I do a good job of remembering the first few miles and the very last mile but do not ask me what happened in between. I could have teleported for all I know.

(Image description: Me, running in front of the Castle. This is the best action race picture I have ever had. I bet it is because my feet felt good!)
This is an amazing photo! You look so happy!

I just turn into a sad tired tomato.
This description is too funny. I'm usually quite happy at the finish but often look like a sad tired nearly ripe tomato in race photos. Maybe there's a better fruit to describe this because I'm always some weird pale pink color. Maybe a grapefruit?

I try to PR in how many dogs I can pet during the race. My PR for that is 29 dogs at the NOLA Rock N Roll Half Marathon.
This is the best PR that I have ever heard! I'm so impressed!!

I'm in awe that you run so much with all those feet problems. I have one high arch that will give me occasional trouble and I have to keep my toenails short so they don't cut me but otherwise no major issues. Definitely get that figured out. I was struggling to remember the last time I even had a blister but it was this past summer when I went into the office for the first time in months. What were comfortable dress shoes in the past, chewed my feet up so I promptly threw those in the trash. Have you tried running in multiple pairs of socks? I have no idea how this works for running but I always had to wear two pairs when I played basketball or my feet would become a bloody mess.
Marathon Weekend Trip Report
Day 5: Monday, January 10
Magic Kingdom

Monday! Our first and only park day. One of my best friends who lives in Orlando was supposed to join us but she was exposed to COVID at a wedding that weekend so she opted out. So it just ended up being me and DH. I wish Disney had an easier system for cancelling tickets/reservations— I asked support about it and they said I could once I knew a different day I wanted to use the ticket for. This was the last day of our trip and I don’t know when I’ll be back, so it may just be a sunk cost (I had purchased the ticket as a gift for my friend). Oh well. It isn’t a huge deal.

DH and I woke up around 8 am. We had access to the parks at 8:30 am because we were staying at a friendly neighbor hotel but were not in a rush to rope drop or anything. We timed our leave sort of poorly, though, and ended up waiting like 25 minutes for the Bonnet Creek shuttle. I forgot about the TTC and how it worked, and once we got there it was pretty busy. We made our way up to the Monorail (well, I limped) and were on our way to MK!

I had purchased Genie+ for the day because I had read that MK was the best park for it and I wanted to mitigate standing in lines with my sore feet. If the wait times were accurate, then I am glad I did because everything had a 45-60+ minute wait. Our first ride was one of my absolute favorites— the Haunted Mansion! It was one with a one hour wait but we more or less walked on with LL. I think it is bonkers that Disney has a video of a person hanging themselves at the top of the elevator ride. I know it is a Haunted Mansion but that is so dark to me. My DH couldn’t remember if he had ever been on the ride but then remembered it once it got started. When I was a kid I was SO scared of this ride (mostly I did not like jump scares and thought there would be some) and would close my eyes through the entire thing, telling my parents to let me know when we went through the ballroom so I could watch that scene. I am proud to say that I can now ride the entire ride with my eyes open. Bravery!

I got us a LL for Under the Sea while we were in the HM queue. One thing I did not like about LL was feeling like I needed to book the next thing right away and then staring at my phone as we walked quickly through the queue. We could have went straight to UTS timing wise but passed Philharmagic on the way which is one of my favs at MK. It had no wait so we did Standby for it. I loved it as always, and the new Coco scene was fun even if it’s not my favorite movie.

Then, we walked over to UTS, stopping to get some overpriced water on the way. The UTS ride was cute, but I wish it could be updated a bit. I love Ariel though.

While in that queue I once again booked our next LL for Mad Tea Party. With the rush of it all I didn’t know it changed the time for the ride by like 30 minutes, so when we got over there we were told we couldn’t enter yet. But the scanner let us in about 10 minutes before our posted time so the wait wasn’t so bad. It was annoying that the time had changed though. We used our phones throughout the day but next time I go back to Disney I think I’ll splurge on a Magic Band just for ease. Mad Tea Party was fun but DH said we were going too fast haha. He did take some amazing pics of me on the ride though!
(Image description: Portrait of me making peace signs while on the Mad Tea Party ride.)

Next was the highlight of the day: lunch at Cinderella’s Royal Table! I had never eaten here before and was excited to try it. This is another reservation I snagged with the Mousekepros service. We arrived a little early for our reservation, and I don’t think we were sat right on time but I wasn’t paying too much attention. We had fun sitting in the waiting area. We were the only ones in there for awhile and got some fun pics with the throne. The meal itself was great. I loved the theming and how they announced our royal family when it was time to be seated. We got to sit right by the window which had a lovely view of the park. We were sort of far away from Cinderella because of this— I don’t know how it was pre-COVID but now she just comes and paces/stands/waves in a certain area. Cinderella isn’t my fav so I didn’t mind. I do wish there were other princesses there like I heard there used to be, though! We got to make wishes on our wishing stars… twice! (because Cinderella came out there twice while we were there). Mine are obviously secret but they were running related. Any guesses? ;)
(Image description: My DH and I sitting in the waiting room for Cinderella’s Royal Table.)

(Image description: Holding my blue wishing star against the window, with the carousel in the background.)

I had been warned that the food wouldn’t be good but that wasn’t the case. The plant based cheese plate was particularly a yummy surprise, but they could do better portioning in regard to cheese and crackers (I had way too much cheese leftover that I had to eat plain). A great part was there was no check to be paid at the end since I had paid for it when I made my reservation! It helped me forget just how expensive that meal was. My DH and I agree that it was worth it, though. And on the way out I got a wand and he got a sword.
(Image description: My brave hubby holding his sword in front of an ornate door.)
(Image description: My delicious plant based dessert! I forget what it was called but it was great.)

The afternoon was when Genie+ started to be less effective because the wait times between rides were really long and left us with a lot of empty time. To my understanding, you can only book one at a time but maybe there is a way around that. We paid ILL for Space Mountain and were able to make another simultaneous regular LL reservation for Winnie the Pooh, but that would be after SM. On our way to SM we stopped at my all-time favorite thing in MK… the Monster’s Inc Laugh Factory! The type of humor incorporated in the show (“that guy”!) gets me every time and I love the technology. I have really good intuition and was hoping we would be featured so I got my phone camera ready. And we were picked! They interacted with us in the part where they ask where people are from. I don’t think I can share a video here but I captured it (wish I had turned my camera sideways though as you can only see the screen with us and not the Monsters screen) and it is a perfect fun memory. I was thrilled.
(Image description: A screenshot of the video where my DH and I were participants in the Laugh Factory show. I’m wearing a mask but there’s a huge smile under there.)

Next was SM! My DH was not happy that we wouldn’t get to sit next to each other haha. He is not a roller coaster fan but I think the fact that it’s a dark ride helped since his real fear is heights. The ride was fun as always although my feet were really starting to feel all the walking in the queue before and after.

After SM we still had some time for our next LL so we rode the People Mover in standby. The wait was like 20 minutes and there were lots of people with their Marathon or Dopey medals that I was jealous of! They mostly all looked a heck of a lot fitter than me (and were walking more easefully… which is good because I wouldn’t wish blisters on the soles of the feet for anyone!).

After People Mover we went on a search for the esteemed Purple Wall for a photo shoot. I had originally had a Capture Your Moment reservation as a way to celebrate Goofy and get pictures of my medals, but I cancelled it when I didn’t finish the marathon. My DH was an excellent and patient photographer all day though, and he got some great pictures that I will treasure! He also bought me an Ariel bubble wand. I don’t care that I am 31 years old. I love Ariel, and I love bubbles. It was a fun souvenir.
(Image description: A portrait shot of my half marathon medal in front of the Purple Wall. Sadly I am holding the medal backwards and didn’t realize it… hopefully the “made in China” isn’t too noticeable.)

(Image description: An influencer in the wild! Or, me with my bubble wand in front of the Purple Wall.)

We then headed to our LL for Winnie the Pooh but the ride shut down right before it was supposed to start. My DH needed some tums and I told him to go check out First Aid while I waited. While he was gone, I decided to meet Princesses Tiana and Rapunzel because the line was only 10 minutes, and I was right by it. There was a sweet family with kids who I chatted with while we waited— I am pretty good with kids (since I am a teacher) and they were cute telling me about their first trip and their Mickey ears. I felt a little awkward meeting Tiana and Rapunzel since I was an adult woman by myself but they were cool. They mostly commented on my outfit. I told Tiana her song Almost There got me through the race on Saturday.
(Image description: Selfie with Rapunzel!)

By the time that was done, my DH had returned and I noticed we had a LL anytime pass in the account that could be used for a few different rides since Winnie the Pooh had been cancelled. The ride was back up so we just used it with that. Eeyore is one of my top favorite Disney characters, and the ride was cute and fun! I love when it makes you feel like you are rolling on the waves.

After that ride, we didn’t have anything for a few hours (Pirates at 6:45 or so). We walked around the areas of the park we hadn’t been to yet. We decided to see the Hall of Presidents “show.” My favorite author, John Green, has an essay about this attraction in his book The Anthropocene Reviewed. I agree with his take. Next we went to the Enchanted Tiki Room, which I have fond memories of from my childhood. It was not so impressive today, and I felt quite bored. I wish it had subtitles haha. I have grown dependent on them.

We still had to wait a few minutes for Pirates, but decided to try to get on it 15 minutes early. The CM told us it was early but let us through the LL queue anyway. Pirates is my favorite ride even though some of it has changed. I first visited Disney before I was even a year old, and my parents report that I loved the Pirates ride and they took me on it over and over. Apparently I lost my little baby shoe on the ride and a CM found it for me, haha. So, it was a good last ride for our day.

We then headed to our reservation at Liberty Tree Tavern, which we were early for. I was hoping they’d be able to seat us early so we would be done in time for the fireworks, but they actually told us they were running behind and it would be an extra 30 minute wait after our reservation time. It only ended up being 10 minutes after our reservation time, but the table service was a little slow as well. So, we missed the fireworks. It was somewhat frustrating because we were next to a window and I was technically in view of the fireworks, but the window glass was clouded and we could just see flashes of light. Overall, the food was yummy. I had the plant based dinner and enjoyed everything.

Afterward we had considered going to 7DMT but decided not to. In retrospect, I wish we had in order to avoid the post-fireworks leaving the parks crowd which was a mess. We started to head out of the park and were directed out this side way parallel to Main Street. I didn’t really understand what was happening and was disappointed because I had wanted to stop in the shops one last time. Once we got to the front of the park it was sooo crowded and the line for the Monorail was very long. In retrospect the wait probably wasn’t as long as it looked but my feet hurt and it just felt very chaotic. Lesson learned there. The timing of it meant that we would have to wait almost an hour for our shuttle at the TTC so we just ended up getting a very overpriced taxi back to the hotel.

And that was our day at MK! My overall takeaway was that Genie+ was nice since we didn’t have to wait in any ride queues, but it did mean that we had random bouts of just waiting around the park, particularly later in the day. Maybe I just wasn’t using it effectively. Genie+ also meant a lot more walking because we would have to go from one section of the park to the next and then back, etc. rather than working through each section one by one. Normally I wouldn’t mind that so much, but it was difficult since my feet were a disaster and I also lack familiarity with the park layouts. I wish I knew them better because I think it would make my time running through them more meaningful! I could not tell you where we ran at all with the exception of going through Cinderella’s Castle.

And, for one last picture… here’s me with my absolute favorite thing in MK: the memento mori sign. Memento Mori translates to “remember you will die” (thanks, Lemony Snicket, for teaching me this), and I think it is such an interesting inclusion in the Happiest Place on Earth. My relationship with this phrase changes frequently, more often than not resulting in existential dread and anxiety. But in the spirit of runDisney, I want this picture to symbolize my eagerness to do the things that scare me. In the words of T.S. Eliot, “only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” This next year, I hope to do my best with my limited time on this planet and hopefully make it a little further next time :) (either 14.5 or 23.8 miles further, to be exact).
(Image description: Me posing under the Memento Mori sign.)
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Just caught up on your journal and so glad I took the time to read. I love your spirit!
Thank you for all of your kind comments! I’m glad you liked my journal. Sometimes I get a bit wordy.
Have you tried running in multiple pairs of socks?
I have not tried this yet. My feet are already so wide that I fear multiple socks will make my shoes too tight.
I could have teleported for all I know.
Races would sure be a lot easier and less painful if we were teleporting them! It would certainly confuse that person on Facebook who looks at the race data to find people who cut the course, lol.
Training Recap January 24-30

Well, this week was not great fitness wise but it was for my dissertation! I am trying not to get too down on myself for missing almost all of my workouts because I finally turned in my first findings chapter to my advisor! And she texted me some really great feedback today. Ideally some day I will be some awesome girl who does it all but that was not this week.

Monday, January 24
Planned rest day. I did not teach this day because my school had the day off. So I spent the day at the library working on my dissertation.

Tuesday, January 25
Strength day! This was my first day doing strength in over a month. Here is what I did:
  • Forearm Plank 20 seconds x2
  • Dumbbell Squat 15x3 (15 lb dumbbells)
  • Kettlebell Row 12x3 (15 lb kettlebells)
  • Dumbbell Glute Bridge 12x3 (20 lb dumbbell)
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise 15x3 (10 lb dumbbells)
  • Split Squats 45 seconds x4 (2 p/ side)
  • Seated Dumbell Biceps Curl 15x3 (15 lb dumbbells)
  • 10 min treadmill walk (.6 miles)
Overall, I felt good for the most part during the workout. The squats were hard but I think I am getting deeper than I used to. Split squats (basically lunges) killed me as always. And I definitely went way too heavy on the dumbbells for the bicep curls and my form suffered for it. I don’t love strength workouts mostly because of the rest time between exercises… I feel like I am just standing around doing nothing and bored. But I know strength is good for me so I’m going to keep at it.

I also went on a walk during my lunch break at work on this day. I did .7 miles in 18 minutes. I am hoping to incorporate more of these in my days.

The rest of the week is not great lol.

Wednesday, January 26
I missed my planned workout of running. I didn’t get home from work until like 8:30 pm and was too exhausted to go to the gym. It was supposed to be my first run post Marathon weekend and I felt bad for missing it.

Thursday, January 27
Once again missed my workout (another strength day). Two day onset muscle soreness or whatever it is called hit me HARD this day. My quads were so. sore. They literally felt like they were seizing up at times. I also couldn’t straighten my arms all the way lol. Between that and another longgg work day, I did not make it to the gym.

Friday, January 28
Anddd another missed workout. I was supposed to ride my Peloton today. I worked my second job in the AM and then spent the afternoon working on my dissertation chapter until it was SUBMITTED. After I submitted it I basically just ran out of all energy and decided to celebrate by binge watching the entirety of The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window. Which I loved.

Saturday, January 29
I was supposed to hike today but did not. I’ll blame the cold but it was really just me being exhausted. I tend to get in these patterns where if I have had a bad week or something I will say “oh, I’ll start again next week.” That definitely happened here. I was also making excuses about how I was so tired after working hard all week (which I was) and that I deserved to nap. I did take a several hour long nap in the afternoon so maybe I was tired.

Sunday, January 30
I was supposed to go to yoga this morning but woke up 10 minutes before the class started :( The rest of my day was taken up by seeing my students in their musical, my commute to the school (which is 90 minutes total), and work/chores.

So, not a great week. I have a lot of excuses. Some are valid, some are simply… excuses. I hope writing these reports helps keep me more accountable. Overall, I am glad I got my dissertation chapter in. That was seriously a huge win for me.

Bike: n/a
Hike: n/a
Run: n/a
Walk: 1.3 miles (28 min)
Yoga: n/a
Strength: 1x (43 min)

Exercise Time: 1 hr 11 min
Dissertation: 11 trees, 4 hrs 5 min (plus a lot of non-recorded time)… and most importantly, first findings chapter submitted!!!

This is depressing. Also, that “run” is just a treadmill walk.

On a side note, does anyone know how long it takes iron supplements to start working? I have felt FREEZING all week and very very tired. I don’t eat meat and am worried that I might be a bit anemic. I also started my period which can make it worse. I started taking iron supplements a few days ago and am feeling less cold but it might just be in my head.
I really enjoyed reading your report. I respect you for being willing to share the dreams not yet realized portion of your race. A few days before signing up for my first marathon, I began to seriously question whether or not I wanted to go through with it ultimately in large part because I feared what would happen if I failed. Another runner on here who shared her experience about what she learned in her marathon that ended with her being swept and that truly helped me process my own fears. I wound up registering for and finishing Dopey. I may not have even tried if someone who had lived the experience I dreaded was not willing to share with me her own experience in not finishing.

You asked for advice. I hope what I say comes from a place of experience and encouragement. My marathon experience was improved significantly because other runners happily shared with me what worked for them and chimed in with their thoughts of possible mistakes I was making in training. I want to pass on what they taught me in the hopes that it will help others.

1. Blisters. During marathon number one, I developed a gigantic blister. Not fun. For marathon number two, I used two products called 2Toms Sport Shield and 2Toms Blister Shield. Sport shield is a lubricant and Blister shield is a powder. I used both for the races and always use both for a day in the parks now as well.

2. You already mentioned improving your mental game. I chose a September Half Marathon in 2018 to try out a new training plan as preparation for the marathon. Race day was brutal. I felt like I was doing the death march to the finish line starting very early on. As difficult as that race was, I'm glad that @DopeyBadger encouraged me to write down all my thoughts as a learning experience. It also exposed a lot of flaws that were not impacting my ability to run half marathons, but could have been disastrous in the marathon. This allowed me to start working on my mental preparation during marathon training and identify these things before they could really mess with my mind during the marathon.

One of the things he shared with me was to not count miles because of how that might mess with my head later on during the race. He encouraged me to just let them pass as they came up. @OldSlowGoofyGuy told me to use Jedi mind tricks with the miles and say something like "that came sooner than I expected" or "oh look there's another mile" and move on. He told me that when the time comes where you hang on for dear life, just find anything you can along the course to distract you. I spent who knows how many seconds or minutes being even more excited than usual for Star Wars Galaxy's Edge simply because those then under construction spires were telling me how much I could not wait to be there in a few months (this was January 2019 months before it opened in Disneyland and WDW) and thus filling my brain with happy thoughts.

The night before my first marathon I listened to a podcast interview with 2016 U.S. Olympic Marathoner Jared Ward. He shared something I have never forgotten and tried to pass on repeatedly. Namely, your mind possesses the ability to go much further than your body thinks it can. He shared the experiences of elite level marathon runners running in intensely brutal conditions who went much further than anyone thought given the conditions because they were able to discipline their mind to tell their bodies to keep going. He said that your body will give up before your mind does. So if you can train your mind to keep going then it will help overrule your body. But once your mind has given up, then your body will immediately follow suit.

Now this is not me telling anyone to keep going at the risk of severe injury to themselves. Just a reminder that the mind has great power over the body indeed. It's important to listen to your body if it's warning you about potential injury risk, but you can also get better at learning how to tell your body that it will keep going because it can. You keep going because you prepared for this moment. When I did not feel much like going out for a short run during marathon training, I would tell myself that I was really at mile 22 of the marathon. When the real mile 22 came on race day, I then told myself that I had practiced these last 4 miles many, many times in the last few months. It helped if only psychologically, but again that may be all you need.

In a sense, I think it's similar to the first mile or two of a long run. You might want to go back home and go to bed or sit on the couch or whatever because that sounds much more fun, but as you continue to run, your body goes along with the program and before too long you're usually realizing that now it's mile 8 of that 9 mile run that seemed impossible a couple of hours ago.

I think it's great that you're already looking at what worked and didn't work. That can only help you for your next attempt. I hope that my efforts to encourage have come across in a manner helpful to you.

We were sort of far away from Cinderella because of this— I don’t know how it was pre-COVID but now she just comes and paces/stands/waves in a certain area.
Pre-COVID, you met Cinderella and Prince Charming in the downstairs lobby and then in the dining room each Princess visiting that day would come to each table for pictures. You also received a photo of your party with Cinderella as part of the experience. They also did the swords and wands back then.
So, not a great week. I have a lot of excuses. Some are valid, some are simply… excuses. I hope writing these reports helps keep me more accountable.
I have learned a lot about good reasons to miss a run or two versus excuses for not going on the run that I was supposed to go on. This has helped me get better at recognizing when there's a good reason to not go for a run compared to when I'm being lazy in the worst possible way.

And last of all, good luck with your dissertation.
I really enjoyed reading your report.
Thank you!
I hope what I say comes from a place of experience and encouragement.
It all does— and I appreciate the time you took to type up the response.
For marathon number two, I used two products called 2Toms Sport Shield and 2Toms Blister Shield.
I’ll have to check these out!
I chose a September Half Marathon in 2018 to try out a new training plan as preparation for the marathon.
This is smart. I have done so many half’s by now that I don’t get too nervous for them… but I would like to try actually racing one sometime instead of just aiming to finish. I’m hoping to find a challenge type event in the fall to help me prepare mentally for that aspect of running over multiple days.
Namely, your mind possesses the ability to go much further than your body thinks it can.
Yes! I have learned this many times in my life and have done some athletic “feats” (a half Ironman, a 112 mile bike ride, cycling trips, etc.). I think I get stuck when I know my body CAN go further but I question if it can go fast enough. Really I just need to train better. If I can lose some weight and get my mile times down I’ll be less stressed.

thank you again for all of the other advice! It is greatly appreciated!
It all does— and I appreciate the time you took to type up the response.
I'm glad that it came across the way I intended it to. I worry sometimes that seeing words on a page is coming across the wrong way. Maybe I'm being overly concerned, but it's still nice to know that it's coming across the right way. Whenever I hear people say to me something along the lines of "I want to run a marathon, but never could" I answer that I used to think that way. If not for other runners encouraging me and answering my questions, I would probably still be thinking how cool it would be to have a runDisney medal.
I’ll have to check these out!
I've also used a product called Bodyglide. It worked fine on the shorter distances, but something went very wrong for the marathon. I still use it some, but vastly prefer 2Toms. Since each one of us is different, I wanted to mention another product that has worked for me.
This is smart. I have done so many half’s by now that I don’t get too nervous for them… but I would like to try actually racing one sometime instead of just aiming to finish. I’m hoping to find a challenge type event in the fall to help me prepare mentally for that aspect of running over multiple days.
I used to be worried that running multiple races over multiple days would wipe out my legs for the last race. Usually a goal race. But then runDisney announced the Star Wars Rebel Challenge. I was in trouble. When I looked back on finishing the 2012 Wine & Dine Half on a Saturday night after my normal rope drop to park close touring on the Wednesday through Friday leading up to the race, I hoped that a multi race challenge wasn't all that different except for the running part. I traded the Galloway Half Marathon plan for the Galloway 10K/Half Challenge plan and that did the trick. While I no longer use Galloway plans, I still follow his run/walk/run method in my plans. While I had never trained consecutive days in a row before starting the multi race challenge training, I found that training multiple days in a row helped me to race 2 days in a row even though I had never done it before.

So while I completely understand why you want to have a multi race challenge as preparation for another Goofy attempt (or the marathon by itself or Dopey), those can be accomplished without one.
I have felt like a trash human being these past two weeks and have accomplished hardly anything, especially this past week. If I’m not working I am staring mindlessly at something or asleep.

I will blame this trauma inducing Maui from Disney on Ice.

Who designed this mask? I just want to talk.

Anyway, I am in a depressed state and it sucks. I know exercise will probably help me feel better but I have not been able to motivate myself to do much at all… here’s to a better week, hopefully.
The face is terrible! But also the creepy plastic bare feet with skate blades on the bottom.

Sending good vibes your way to help you get back to where you want to be
I had a better week this week— turns out I had an infection. Medicine helped me feel a lot better by the end of the week and I did a Peloton ride and a few easy walks. The Peloton ride was my favorite yet… Denis’s 30 minute Eminem ride. Amazing playlist & I PR’d!
My goals this upcoming week are to get back into consistency. I think I want to do Peloton’s beginner strength program mixed with cycling classes, walking/hiking, and yoga. And maybe a run a week for right now.
On a different note, I’m teaching a yoga class tomorrow! I’m a little nervous but looking forward to it.
Looking forward to reading all about Princess Weekend! Good luck everyone! 🏅
(Image description: Me with two of my dogs. We celebrated Anabelle’s (the pit) 11th birthday this weekend!)

A fun announcement! This year is the 10th anniversary of my cross-country bike trip for affordable housing, and to celebrate I am going to be participating in a 1 week ride from Pittsburgh to DC (along the GAP Trail and C&O Towpath) in May. We will spend 2 days building with affordable housing organizations and 6 days biking 333 miles! More to come on this later, I’m sure… but to help me prepare for the trip and to just get my life together in general I will be doing what I am calling the “75 Love” challenge. (Yes, this is inspired by 75 Hard but honestly the creator of that challenge seems toxic to me and I don’t ethically agree with a lot of his program.) I am theming the challenge around three areas: move, nourish, and believe. Here are my rules:

🚴🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ MOVE 🏃🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️
  • 10,000 steps p/ day
  • Peloton Beginner Strength program (and then Peloton Total Strength 1)
  • 20-60 min additional movement p/day (steps here count toward the 10,000)
  • Vegan
  • Drink 64 oz water daily (plus nuun water, recovery aminos, & tea)
  • No added sugars in beverages
  • No significant added sugars in food
  • Daily Supplements: sam-e, complement vitamins, iron, sleep vitamins
  • Grow at least one dissertation tree every day (25 min of work)
  • Finish at least one book a week
  • AM & PM Skincare daily
  • Daily mindfulness (at least 5 minutes)
  • Daily gratitude/journal
The most difficult parts of this for me are going to be no added sugars (or very minimal added sugar in food) because I am a sugar addict and when I have done this in the past I have experienced terrible withdrawal symptoms (and then felt great but fell back into old patterns, ugh) and the 10,000 steps a day because I am nowhere near that now, although I hope the other daily movement will help. I have been in a reading slump lately and want to re-prioritize reading in my life again… ideally the book a week will be for pleasure, but sometimes pleasure and work reading are related for me so I’m not going to be too militant about it. I won’t count the book I read every week for the class I teach toward this, though.

Registration for MW will come a little more than halfway through the challenge, so hopefully that will be a reward for me for being on track!

Here is my fitness plan for the week. I think this will mostly stay the same for this month, although I am going to FL for a week where I won’t have access to my yoga studio or Peloton, obviously, so I will have to have a different plan then.

Feedback/encouragement/advice welcome!

February 28-March 6 Plan
(+ 10,000 steps p/day)

Yoga: Power Flow

20 min Ride (Peloton)
Beginner Strength (Peloton)

5k Run

20 min Ride (Peloton)
Beginner Strength (Peloton)

45-60 min Ride (Peloton)

Yoga: Deep Stretch
52 Hike Challenge (at least 1 mile)

Yoga: Power Flow
Recovery Ride (Peloton)

A bonus picture of me from my bike trip in 2012:
Wow!.....on several counts. Obviously impressed with the cross country ride. And also with your challenge--which is.....challenging! It's a lot of everything--beyond what I would commit. Good luck with it (shes says, as she eats her post-dinner squares of TJ dark chocolate. My sugar weakness)
It's a lot of everything--beyond what I would commit. Good luck with it
Thank you! Some of the stuff I already do pretty regularly and won’t be that bad (working on my diss, reading, eating vegan, skincare). The sugar withdrawal is already challenging… cravings suck. I’m trying to remind myself that the cravings probably come from bacteria in my gut that are used to sugar (gross, right?) and I’ll get over it soon. Dark chocolate sounds good (and honestly not that bad compared to what I normally have… which is A LOT of soda).

Day 1 done! 11,757 steps. Went to yoga. 84 oz water plus 16 oz w/ recovery aminos. & I followed everything else on my list!
Off topic rant: Why are the wait times for Disney ticketing so terrible (and, more importantly, why don’t they have the technology for an automatic call back when it is your turn)??

Currently have an estimated 2 hour wait to talk about applying a ticket I had for MW to a new date next week. The ticket was for my friend who ended up not being able to join us due to COVID, and since I had already made a reservation with the ticket the chat people said I’d have to call to get it transferred to a new date once I knew what date I wanted. If I wait 2 hours and they tell me they can’t do it I might lost my mind.
Well, I just waited 4 hours on the phone and finally gave up. Not going to lie, this has left a pretty bad taste in my mouth and made me not super excited to visit EPCOT next week. The fact that they don’t have a call back option is not acceptable given the scope of Disney’s company.
Well, I just waited 4 hours on the phone and finally gave up. Not going to lie, this has left a pretty bad taste in my mouth and made me not super excited to visit EPCOT next week. The fact that they don’t have a call back option is not acceptable given the scope of Disney’s company.

I had to call ticketing before my trip during MW to apply the value of an old one-day ticket to a new multi-day. I ended up calling right at the opening time(7? 8 am?) and didn't have to wait as long--it still was at least 30 minutes. It is--and always has been--ridiculous how long the wait time is for Disney. And callbacks should be standard.

I'd say it would be shorter to just go to a Guest Services line, but based on what I saw exiting parks, I doubt that too.
Well, this week’s mantra is “progress not perfection.” I wasn’t perfect with all of my goals, but I did a pretty good job (and better than I had been doing!).

Side note: it is annoying to me that Garmin puts hikes in an “other” category instead of in their own. It would be easier to track total miles hiked in a year if it was organized like biking, running, walking, etc. are.

I am currently overwhelmed with school and work so I’m not going to do a day by day update (I have that in my physical wellness journal and don’t want to write it all up again here), but some overall takeaways:
  • My biggest win is that I have not had any soda (or any other sugary beverage!) all week. I have mostly been able to accomplish this by drinking a zero sugar Alani Nu energy drink every morning (not sure if this is actually healthy but it gives me energy when I can’t drink coffee and has no sugar so that is better than the usual) and by drinking A LOT of water. My post-workout recovery aminos help, too.
  • Getting 10,000 steps a day is really hard for me. I did it 3/7 days. But my average steps for the week increased by 100% so that is pretty good. I especially found it frustrating trying to reach 10,000 steps when I was also doing exercise that didn’t involve a lot of walking (for example, on Tuesday my normal workout— Peloton bike 20 min and then Peloton beginner strength was 70 minutes but I still had to go on two separate walks (one was 1 mile, one was 1.6 miles) to reach my goal.
  • I really need to see some sort of foot doctor. My tailor’s bunion on my right foot hurts when I walk a lot.
  • My favorite workout this week was a 4.4 mile hike on Saturday with one of my dogs. The weather was beautiful, and I loved being outside and near trees and water.


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