UPDATE on page 8 Taking dh to urgent care tomorrow

I agree with the others. Urgent Care is great, but they can only do so much. With his symptoms, he will most likely have to undergo a series of tests to see what is causing it. Urgent Care is going to send you to ER.

Don't wait.
Did he go to his primary care doctor last week? Who gave him the antibiotic? Have you called that doctor & reported that his symptoms are no better or are getting worse? That would be the best place to start. Call the primary care & see what they advise.
This was my immediate thought. Many medications explain if you're experiencing symptoms of this and this and this or unusual systems or are getting worse to contact your doctor immediately. My opinion would have been slightly different if the OP hadn't said their husband was given medication for a UTI by a doctor last week.
As far as Urgent Care before deciding to go to that over the ER you'll want to check out what your local Urgent Care can even do. Not all Urgent Cares or even locations are equipped to handle the same things. This would be the same advice even if the OP's husband had insurance.
The er will ask the same questions as urgent care regarding insurance
Why are you waiting for tomorrow?
Why are you waiting until tomorrow? He should go now.
I was told it will be less crowded at nine he csn be comfortable at home as apose to sitting in plastic chairs
I did a tele health visit the doc was super good I was surprised they did not tell me to go to the ER. I paid $12... I found used them on Google
What was the app we might do that

Tommrow because it will be less crowded
Of course, I can only guess, like the other posters, but it seems similar to a kidney infection. I had a fever, was vomiting, was achy, just felt horrible. Like others have said, some UTIs require certain antibiotics. A UTI can lead to a kidney infection. We've been in your situation with insurance. I know it's hard but the hospital will work with you.
Of course, I can only guess, like the other posters, but it seems similar to a kidney infection. I had a fever, was vomiting, was achy, just felt horrible. Like others have said, some UTIs require certain antibiotics. A UTI can lead to a kidney infection. We've been in your situation with insurance. I know it's hard but the hospital will work with you.

That is all I wanted is sound guess so I can sleep tonight
Sounds like what a friend of mine had. Even the doctors and nurses were sure she had a form of COVID, but she tested negative 3 times. Each test getting more Covid specific. She had some type of virus, and a severe UTI, and was in the hospital for a week. She had been feeling bad for a week prior, a friend of hers went by to check on her, and she was mentally out of it and talking nonsense, so the friend took her to the Hospital. I agree with others, though, many Urgent Care centers in our area are not equipped to handle that. They are great for things like major cuts and insect stings, I always need steroids and antihistamines for wasp and bee stings.
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What was the app we might do that

Tommrow because it will be less crowded
KHealth is the one we used but there are lots..
It was a kidney infection they gave me antibiotics sent to CVS. We are hooked on telehealth now I have used it for a rash with my sons leg, took a pic and they prescribed a cream for less than an office visit:)
Tommrow because it will be less crowded

I get not wanting to go when it is crowded, but how do you know for sure? Did you call? If not, I'd call the ER (or the Urgent Care if you are dead set on going there.) They will let you know how busy they are.

If it is slow right now, go ... but that is just me.
Sending good vibes. You said he was getting worse. What symptom was getting worse?
Op please do ER please.
My dear husband went to urgent care found out he was having a heart attack wouldn’t let them call an ambulance because he feared we couldn’t afford the ambulance price.
I would rather pay a dollar a week then bury him go to the ER
What antibiotic was he on? UTIs are super tricky. His symptoms do match, but I agree Covid testing wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I had a UTI and was given one antibiotic (Macrobid) and I deteriorated rapidly. Like 104 fever, nausea, horrible body pain. Ended up in the ER with tons of tests. Turns out, the macrobid was trying to kill me lol. Screwed up my liver, my clotting, my breathing, my heart rate etc. All resolved after a while when it was out of my system.

It was very serious. If he’s getting worse, I’d call an after hours doc line or go to ER. I agree with others he’s probably beyond the scope of Urgent Care and then you get lots of bills. Been there, done that.
Did he have a uti? You said he had meds for uti, but then said he tested negative for a uti? Just trying to figure out if he definitely had one or not. Keep us updated if you can. Hang in there, it's so tough when loved ones are ill.
you ladies must be married to a different breed, this guy is like me, you dont take to doctor unless Im on the ground, and then we wait it out and see if it goes away, and if can, save some money . Hope its simple and cheap
Sounds like a kidney infection. I have had UTI tests that came back negative, but had to demand antibiotics to clear it up. I have had enough UTIs to know when I have one. Not sure why Inget the false negative sometimes. Sometimes I have had to switch to a different medication or a 2nd round to make it go away. Hope he feels better soon!
you ladies must be married to a different breed, this guy is like me, you dont take to doctor unless Im on the ground, and then we wait it out and see if it goes away, and if can, save some money . Hope its simple and cheap
Peeing blood wouldn't be enough to get you to the doctor? It get me running to the doctor and I hate going to the doctor because every time I do either "there's nothing wrong with me" or I get diagnosed with something that is not at all why I went. Or as my daughter jokingly says "I wasn't sick until I went to the doctor."
A UTI with fever and vomiting has advanced to the kindeys for a renal infection. He may well need IV antibiotics, especially the longer you wait. Please don’t wait. Call his PCP and take him to the ER tonight. DD had those same symptoms, and ended up in-patient for 3 days.


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