Visions of Sugar Plums (Dancing Sugar Plum Fairies That Is!) - A Pre-Trip Report

This is it! One more sleep until Disneyland!!! 2 of 3 kids have already crashed for the night, but I know that it will be almost impossible for me to sleep because of course... I'm too excited to sleep!!

It's hard to believe that by this time tomorrow we will be entering the park once again. I can hardly stand the anticipation! Bags are packed and we are ready to go!!

:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:(<--- family jumping for joy!)
OK, by my math you should be walking/driving toward the parks, maybe even RIGHT NOW!! Puts a smile on my face to know that a great family is visiting the Happiest Place on Earth!

Have a great time and bring back lots of cute pictures!

We are back from a wonderful vacation!! I haven't had a chance to pull any pictures off my camera and load them, but as soon as I do the TR will begin. Sorry for the delay, the holiday season has taken over my life!

I can't wait to share our experience with you all.
I've subscribed and plan to follow along! I love your holiday shirt idea! I'm looking forward to the park pics with them!
I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season! I know we did, but it always seems to come and go so fast. Almost like a Disney vacation. :)

I apologize for the delay in starting the report portion of this thread, but the time has come! So please fasten your seat belts and keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times because here we gooo! :drive:

DAY 1:

Our travel day was off to a great start. House was clean and our last bag was packed and ready to go by 10am.


(K all ready to go)

Our ride to the airport picked us up as scheduled at 12:30pm. It was hard to believe that we were actually on our way to Disneyland!! We arrived at the airport at the airport by 1pm, checked our bag and car seat and flew through security.


Once past security I decided to grab the boys McDs. I was a bit bummed to find that the only coffee available was Moxie Java. I was looking forward to kicking off the vacation with a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. So excited that I even held out on having one up until the trip! I decided to settle for Moxie Java and their version of a Peppermint Mocha. We found seats at our terminal and the kids ate their lunch.



We were then loaded and off the ground by 2:15pm! On the plane the boys stayed entertained with an iPod, iPad and iPhones. Kiptyn and I colored for a bit and started to watch Finding Nemo.


Our first stop, Las Vegas at 2:55. The boys were pretty thrilled to see the strip from the air. We had a brief stop but did not change planes. We were able to move up front so that we could be first off the plane. New passangers boarded and we were up in the air again in no time. By now, K was getting a bit restless and tired. It was way past his naptime. I turned on Nemo and he was asleep within a few minutes.


He woke up as we started our descent into LAX. The pressure on his ears really got to him.

The boys and I collected our baggage and headed out to find DH. We step out of the terminal and into.... RAIN! It was raining!! Gah. We just left rainy Idaho and were looking forward to sunny Cal-I-forn-I-A!! I couldnt believe it!

Oh well a little rain never slowed this family down. DH picked us up and we headed to the RV Park in 5 oclock traffic. Rain and 5 oclock traffic on day one of our vacation?! Hopefully this was not a preview of how our entire trip would be. The mixture of rain and traffic made for a very slow ride from LAX to Anaheim. At this point there was no way for us to get settled into the RV, pick up our APs and make it to the Carnation Café in time for our dinner reservations.

Once we arrived at the RV park we met our awesome RV park neighbors and also caught the showing of fireworks from our porch with corona in hand. After the fireworks we decided to hit up ESPN Zone for their delicious but oh so unhealthy loaded fries!!


...My mouth is watering looking at this picture!

At this point it was 63 degrees out and raining but we were so excited to be near DL that we didn't mind. The boys played a few games upstairs before we strolled around Dowtown Disney.









We checked out the ice rink and browsed a few stores before heading back to the RV for the night. We had a big day ahead tomorrow and needed some sleep!


Someone was too excited to sleep because tomorrow was our first day at the parks!!
I am back! I was afraid to continue without the photopass disk in hand because I knew there would be pictures on there to include in the upcoming posts. Well it arrived and we are back with DAY 2 of our November 2013 Trip Report!.

Day 2: All woke up fully recharged and ready for a full and fun packed day at Disneyland!! One problem though… it was STILL drizzling outside!

I got up, made coffee and began to get things ready for our day in the park. I made several PB&J sandwiches and loaded them into the backpack along with some snack pack chips, beef jerky and some trail mix.

Meanwhile, DH began to make breakfast... Mimosas (for the adults only, of course) and breakfast burritos. One of the perks of staying in an RV vs a hotel is the ability to eat a meal for a reasonable price! Everyone proceeded to get ready and head out the door. The park opened at 10am but we weren’t in a hurry to be the first there because we still had to pick up our annual passes.

K all ready to go.


A checking into our location on Facebook.

We headed to the ART pass machine by the RV park office and purchased our ART passes. We had about a 10 minute wait for the shuttle to pick us up. The rain seemed to have let up for the time being. Hopefully this would be a sign of how the day would go… only time would tell. As we waited for the ART bus the boys all discussed their “must do’s” for the day. Of course riding POTC was first on the agenda as this has become a tradition for all of our DLR vacations. The ART picked us up and we loaded with the jogging stroller, camera bag and snack packed backpack. We arrived at the ticket booth around 10:15 and of course I picked the slooooowest moving CM ever. She was elderly so I won’t be too hard on her, but it seriously took so long to get our passed that K fell asleep! Finally we had our passes in hand and were INSIDE the park gates! It is always so surreal to me once I pass through the Disneyland entrance gate on the first day of any vacation. I had to stop and take it all in. Photopass photographers were in full force so we decided to get our annual pass pictures over with.


We also got a family picture taken with poor K still asleep.

Next stop, Main Street Photo Supply Co. to pick up our photopass+. This was a fairly painless and fast process. When then headed towards Indiana Jones to grab our first fastpasses of the trip. This was always a family favorite and it is nice that they allow child swap since K is still too little to ride it. From there we headed to POTC. The queue was only 5 minutes long and I allowed K to sleep in my arms until we were about to board our vessel. It was a wonderful kickoff to our trip as always. K was a little unsure of the drops at the beginning of the ride, but he did begin to clap as our boat was tugged up the ramp and back into the ride lobby. He even waved at those in line as we waited to disembark from our boat. This would be one ride that we would ride several more times during this vacation. We exited the ride and walked around the backside of New Orleans Square and looked in a few of the shops before taking a quick bathroom break. After using the restroom we walked right onto Haunted Mansion. I couldn’t believe that the lines were nonexistent so far. It was extremely nice! The boys loved the update to the stretching room. Again, K was a bit apprehensive when the lights went out and people screamed, but other than that part he loved this ride. There was a lot of singing and dancing coming from our doom buggy.


Love this shot of the chandelier in the Haunted Mansion stretching room.

K wanted to ride Mansion again, but it was time to use the FP’s for Indy and the big boys were dying to ride it. I got in line with them while DH and K headed towards Tarzan’s Treehouse, which apparently was closed. After I rode Indy with the boys, DH hopped in line with the parent swap pass to ride with the boys. They must have been pumping the popcorn smell through the park because the smell was SO strong. I couldn’t resist a bucket so K and I headed to the hub to buy a Mickey Santa bucket.



Pictures on the way to get a popcorn bucket.

He was so thrilled with the bucket and then realized that it had popcorn inside! Jackpot!! I am sure at this point he was in love with DLR. DH text to let me know they were done riding Indy and I told him that K and I were on a park bench in the hub. They headed towards us so that we could head to It’s a Small World. Again, no line!! I was starting to wonder if there was a torrential downpour coming that no one had warned us about, but the skies were blue with only a few clouds. IASW was a huge hit for K as I knew it would be. He loved it when we went in March and he loved it even more now. He was singing, clapping and dancing through the entire ride. He wanted to ride it again, but of course the big boys did not. They enjoy IASW, especially the holiday overlay, but not enough to ride on repeat. Can’t say I blame them.
The boys decided that they wanted to check out Mickey’s Toontown since we were already on this side of the park. First ride in Toontown, Gadget’s Go Coaster. K was tall enough to ride and kept his hands up for almost the entire (short) whip around the coaster tracker.
DH filmed the experience. I am pretty sure K was holding his breath for most of the ride, but he did take a quick break to clap. After getting off he asked to ride again!

We walked through Mickey’s house and took a picture with Mickey.


When K saw this pic of him and Mickey he said, “AH! Mickey’s eating me!” Hilarious that he would view it that way, but I love his perspective.



Total wait was approximately 10 minutes. The big boys wanted to check out the rest of the character houses minus Minnie’s because there was a line for it (of all the attractions). I stood below with the stroller while the guys took K exploring. K spotted Goofy and wanted to say hi. The wait was approx. 5 mins.



Last stop in TT was Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin, but not before K met Pluto. This was probably one of the most memorable moments of our trip for me. We patiently waited behind one other child in line. When K’s turn came to meet Pluto he broke out in a mad dash to where Pluto stood with his arms opened wide. K’s run then turned into a giant two foot jump and right into Pluto’s arms. He was SO excited to see Pluto.



Photo with Pluto!

We walked away and K had the biggest grin on his face. Its moments like these that make me truly grateful to be able to take my family to Disneyland and allow them (and me) the magic of moments like this. We wrapped up the first part of Day 2 with a ride on Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin then headed back to the RV to give K a nap and allow the big boys to swim.

After swimming and a short nap we got ready to head back to the park for our 6:50 dinner reservations at Carnation Café. I was really excited to have a great big bowl of Potato soup. We were out the door and to the ART stop by 6pm. We wandered around Main Street for a bit and then checked into our 6:50 reservation. By this time it was starting to drizzle again and the park crowd was slowly starting to thin out.

We enjoyed dinner at the Carnation Café and decided to check out some more shops on Main Street and then headed to grab two travel mugs filled with hot chocolate and one filled with half coffee half hot chocolate. The rain had stopped again! We stood on Main Street with our hot drinks in hand and watched the Castle lighting ceremony. The park was closing at 8 so we only had enough time to hop onto the Jingle Cruise which had a 20 minute queue.

After Jingle Cruise came a quick trip to the Carribean again K was a bit scared of the drops, but fine once the music began. We then headed to Splash Mountain. K and I rode Pooh 3 times without getting out of our beehive while the big boys rode Splash twice. He really enjoyed this ride as Pooh is one of his favorites. We slowly made our way back to the front of the park. It was so nice to enjoy a nearly empty park. The sights, sounds and smells were a perfect ending to a perfect first day in the park.


Awesome! Those pictures with Pluto are priceless. And that's why we all go! :lovestruc

SO MANY really, really fun shots! Love the Christmas details! You have a beautiful family!
I LOVE your report for many reasons! First off, adorable family! :dance3:
Secondly, you went almost the same time that we are going this year, so it is really good to see and read about your experiences...Also, I love that you rented an RV (I'm a little confused about this part though..are they stationary at the RV park and ready to be rented or did you rent it near LAX and drive it to the RV park?) Also, how far of a ride/walk is it to the RV park? Eventually my husband and I will be getting annual passes and staying in the park with our future RV, which we plan to buy after retirement!

Great report so far, I hope to see a few more pics of the RV itself too!

Love the videos as well....!!

:banana: :thumbsup2 :santa:
I LOVE your report for many reasons! First off, adorable family! :dance3:
Secondly, you went almost the same time that we are going this year, so it is really good to see and read about your experiences...Also, I love that you rented an RV (I'm a little confused about this part though..are they stationary at the RV park and ready to be rented or did you rent it near LAX and drive it to the RV park?) Also, how far of a ride/walk is it to the RV park? Eventually my husband and I will be getting annual passes and staying in the park with our future RV, which we plan to buy after retirement!

Great report so far, I hope to see a few more pics of the RV itself too!

Love the videos as well....!!

:banana: :thumbsup2 :santa:

Welcome :wave2: and thank you!

I have to say that we have been many times through the year (Feb, Mar, Sept, Oct, Nov), but November has to be our favorite time to go. The crowds are not too bad and the overlay is so beautiful. It is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season no matter what you celebrate. The weather is nice for the most part.. out of 3 (or is it 4 trips in Nov?) we've only ran into rain once, so I can't complain about the weather either. Nice and warm in the day and cool in the night. Make sure to pack a light jacket!

We actually own the RV. My husband uses it when he is working away from home. He happened to be in Fresno right before this trip so he drove down with the RV prior to picking the boys and me up at the airport. This was the first time we stayed at this particular RV park. It is possible to walk to the park from there, but I would not recommend it as it could take a while to actually make the trek. We rode the ART bus, which if timed right isn't too long of a process. We were able to call the lobby and get an estimate of when the next bus would arrive so that we didn't have to sit at the bus stop too long waiting for it to arrive.

Next post is coming up shortly.. just have to upload the pics! :banana:
Day 3's breakfast consisted of the boy’s favorite breakfast item, BACON! Any meal with any amount of bacon makes these kiddos happy.


Everyone finished their bacon and eggs we proceeded to get ready to head to the park. The boys made their beds.


I threw a small load of laundry in the wash mainly socks, undies, a towel or two and the boys swimsuits. This way I could come back midday, put the clean items away and be done with it. Again, another perk of the RV vs a hotel!


K dressed and ready to go!

We were out the door, on the ART shuttle and inside DCA by 10:15. The first stop was to be RSR for FP’s but they were already out for the day! We rode it several times over the past two trips so if we weren’t able to get on this trip we would be okay with that.

We headed back toward Mermaid and hopped right on. One of K’s favorite characters is Ariel. In fact, if you ask him who he is going to marry he will tell you mermaid in a very matter of fact two year old voice. I still don’t know what it is, the tail or the seashells? Maybe it’s the long red hair... who knows. But I do know that both K and DH are head over heels for Ariel. You know it’s bad when someone asks DH if he is holding a spot in line while his daughter uses the restroom. Yeah, no, he is in line to meet her himself. 6’3” and in line to meet Ariel. :rotfl:

After taking a trip under the sea not once, but twice we headed to Soarin’ to grab FP’s. Did I mention that it has been raining all morning? No, I forgot that part. It was just a slight drizzle so nothing too bad… yet. (This might explain the lack of pictures). We obtained FP’s for Soarin’ and I could hardly wait to ride it. I love everything about that ride; the sights, the smells, the music, and the goose bumps that I get at the end when we arrive at the castle. I’ll admit I often get teary-eyed at the end of this ride.

It was a bit cold and still drizzling so we ducked into Elias & Co. to check out the prices of the sweatshirts. I couldn’t believe it! $60+ for a sweatshirt. I was cold and they were cute, but I was not that cold and they were not that cute! While looking about I spotted Santa sitting alone without a line so I took K over to see him. Santa called him over and asked if he would like a candy cane. K climbed up on his lap and then refused to smile at the camera! I am pretty sure he just wanted the candy cane. Such a little stinker!


This was a bit unusual for him as he LOVES Santa.

The drizzle was now becoming a full on shower. The big boys headed to ToT and I took K to Disney Jr Live.


Guys ToT shot.. loved the Photopass+!

Another item checked off our bucket list. K absolutely LOVED Disney Jr. I also enjoyed it. I loved to watch the smile spread across his face as some of his favorite characters came to life on stage. I also loved to watch him sing and clap along. This will definitely be a must do for every trip for as long as it brings him this much enjoyment.

K and I walked out from the Disney Jr. building and out into a complete downpour!! The stroller and everything in it was completely soaked even though I left the sunshade cover over everything to protect it from the rain. The guys caught up to us and we decided at this point to head back to the RV.

It seemed to take forever for the ART shuttle to come. Everyone was drenched and starting to get chilled. Back at the RV I made French dip sandwiches, French fries and some onion soup. It was the perfect meal to warm our bellies. The boys laid down to watch Peter Pan while I put away the clean load of laundry. The boys were asleep within a few minutes so I decided to also take a quick nap.

After nap, DH popped some popcorn to refill K’s Mickey bucket. K was completely thrilled with the idea of putting new popcorn in his empty bucket. He spent at least 15 minutes at the counter playing with the bucket and eating a popcorn snack while we prepared to head back to the park for the night.




The big boys also grabbed a quick snack. Napping must make them hungry.



K all ready to head back to the park! Such a goofy little guy.

After drying out, warming up and resting we headed back to DCA. First stop, Screamin’.. Did I ride it?! You bet I did! I rode it and I actually LOVED it. I wanted to ride again, but decided to let DH have a turn with the big boys. None of the Screamin’ photos loaded to our Photopass+ disc and now that I think about it, the screens were off to view the pictures after the ride so it makes me wonder if the camera was not working :confused3. K and I headed to the boardwalk and won a large plush Woody to go along with the large plush Bullseye that we won back in March. He was thrilled. We met back up with the big boys and walked along the boardwalk and fed some ducks a few goldfish crackers (I know a big no-no) while A and B rode the swings. We then headed to Taste Pilot’s Grill for dinner. This was another must do on our bucket list and it made our tummies very happy. After eating we bought K a light-up balloon, which lasted the entire duration of the trip and also the car ride home. Money well spent for an item that brought hours of smiles.


We headed back towards the Mad Tea Party and let K dance for a bit. Someone gave him a light up ice cube and he was thrilled. He had to place it on the ground and then dance around it. Some girls asked if they could record his dance moves and I said sure. They got a kick out him going around and around.

We then decided to head towards Bug’s Land in hopes that it had died down a bit. It had! We were able to hop right on to Heimlich’s Chew Chew and then watched It’s Tough to be a Bug, which K loved.




After riding a few more rides in Bug’s Land we made our way towards Carsland. I just love the holiday overlay in this area. It is so bright with lights. We rode Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree.

After checking out Cars Land we made a group decision to hop on Soarin’ before heading back to the RV to relax and get to bed fairly early. We had reservations the following morning for Mickey and Friends at 7am and wanted to be well rested!


K fast asleep with the stuffed Woody doll that we won earlier that day.
DAY 4 - Part 1:
We were up and at em by 5:45am and out the door heading to PCH by 6:45am for our 7am reservation at Mickey’s Surf’s Up Character Breakfast. As we walked in we were greeted by Mickey. We got a family picture and then where seated at our table next to the buffet.


(Sorry cellphone picture of the actual picture we got with the PP+)
There was only one other family in the restaurant and the characters made several rounds to our table.

Daisy stopped by to see the boys.




K loved Stitch.









Minnie dropped by for a bit.



At one point Minnie claimed K as hers and Daisy pouted.

The tiff between the two lasted several minutes.



At one point they both stood and motioned K to them to see who he would pick. Of course he wasn’t going to pick a side! Daisy and Minnie both kissed him before taking off to visit with another family that had just been seated.

Daisy made another loop as DH sat down with his first plate. She tied a napkin around his neck and proceeded to watch him it.


It was a bit awkward for DH, but the rest of us got a kick out of it.


During our breakfast we saw Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Daisy and Stitch. K got up at one point and danced with Mickey and Pluto. It was quite entertaining.

Part 2 coming up next!
Part 2 of Day 4:
After breakfast we strolled through the PPH and the GCH to check out their Christmas décor. The PPH tree was exactly how I imagined it would be. It was covered in bright fish, seashells and seahorses. It was so beachy that I could almost smell the ocean. The tree in the lobby GCH was absolutely beautiful. Perfect photo op spot! My pictures don’t do the tree justice.





We made it to DL in time with a few minutes to kill before the rope drop. We took a couple pictures before making our way to the rope at Fantasyland.


We hopped right onto Snow White and then Pinocchio. We were also able to ride Dumbo and Casey Jr without much of a wait. A few pictures from Casey Jr. overlooking Storybook Land Canal...


We stopped to say hello to Peter Pan near Pixie Hollow. K was thrilled to see one of his hero’s but wanted to know where Hook was.

We then made our way to Adventureland to snag some FP’s for Indy. We walked around the park enjoying the holiday overlay.

Eventually we found ourselves back watching what would be our last Billy Hill show. They were preforming holiday music, but it was just as entertaining as any other show they put on. We were very sad to see this group go. It was always a must do on every trip of ours.

The boys and DH used their FP’s at Indy. While I strolled around with K. I then hopped on with the boys using a parent swap pass.

At this point we were all exhausted. We had started the day early and decided that it was a perfect time to take a break. We made our way back to rv to swim. I prepared a French dip lunch in the fifth wheel while DH and the boys ran to refill the propane tank. We then took a quick nap and rested our feet. After our nap, the boys went swimming and played at the playground at the RV park. I hung out in the A/C'd trailer and enjoyed some quite time and a glass of wine. It was ah-mazing to have some down time on vacation. I even had a chance to meet the neighbors and snapped a quick pic of the red solo cups B and I made. We receive so many compliments on our lights that I've considered making an extra set or two in the trailer for those who want a set of their own.

We headed back to DL a little after 8pm. The park was open until midnight with Main Street staying open until 1am. First stop was at the ESPN Zone to visit with some family who were also in town for the week. We hung out them for a bit and then caught the Monorail into the park.
All the cousins hanging out in the ESPN game zone...

Everyone rode Autopia. I watched Scott Bruce perform while I waited for them. We decided to stop by the Hub cart to buy several different items for dinner to share between the 4 of us. We purchased one corn on the cob, 3 chimi’s (which K devoured almost one on his own) and one turkey leg. Such a simple dinner but so delicious! Next we headed back to ride It’s a Small World.

We walked around the Matterhorn and past Nemo over to see what the wait was for Space Mtn. It was still a 45min wait so we decided to pass on it. We walked through Star Trader, watched the swing dancers over by the Hub and then enjoyed a nice stroll down Main Street before heading to visit with good ol’ Abe. We made one more loop around Main Street while checking out a few stores and then headed back to the RV around 12:30. Overall, a long, but wonderful day at the happiest place on Earth!


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