VMK sold it's mind on Ebay

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justliketink said:
Well I get completely disgusted with some of the sellers. I understand free trade and demand versus supply, but the people who try to sell free items really irk me. I have seen pink doors, everest items, kellogg's codes and believe it or not - a VMK players guide all up for auction. I mostly sell on ebay, children's used clothes, but I have been lurking in the VMK auctions. And since I have been so horrified at the people trying to make money from free items, I have been sending questions to the seller and telling them "Shame on you, that is a free item" Maybe if more of us did that, the scammers would get off ebay...


NOT my players guide I hope!?!?

someone has already made a website using my players guide and basically calling it theirs.

Along with other DIS members signatures he even goes as far as linking back to the Fan Site but no mention of the DIS what so ever!
Call it mean or insensitive, but there are two sayings I never forget.....

"One man's trash is another's treasure" and "There is a sucker born every minute"

With that if someone is willing to throw away their money on an intangible object, then so be it. By them paying for it, no one else is getting hurt in the process, and some lucky soul is actually making money on something that cost them absolutely nothing (aside from a few hours here and there on vmk), so I think it is fine.

In all seriousness this isn't even bad compared to other virtual games and is actually quite tame. Not sure how many fans of EverQuest are out there, but if you search Ebay for EverQuest items, you will see people selling their virtual characters for prices in the thousands which makes the cost of the VMK items look like pennies on the dollar.

So all in all I guess if someone is willing to spend their hard earned money, that they didn't get by stealing, selling drugs, or doing anything that hurt another individual, then it is fine by me.

By the way Candy Cauldron seems like the new hot item, $20 and rising with 4 days left.
I have to say I'm completely appalled at how many people think they have ANY business judging anyone for purchasing cards or virtual items of e bay. Unless there is someone on this board that has NEVER spent money on a movie, pay per view, a CD, a music download, cable television, another video game, PAID FOR INTERNET USE or even a special ringtone for your cell phone then you are ALL also guilty of spending money on virtual entertainment.

Nobody is being scammed (if you think this is the case then you are in serious need of a vocabulary lesson), whether these codes are from free games or not. If someone is paying for a code that comes from a free game, they are paying that person for the time they spent playing the game. Or the time they spent putting these codes together in nice little package. Period. The only people who should be concerned with those sales are the seller and the buyer. And some people are computer illiterate, I wasn't aware that that was such a terrible thing to be these days.

And let's not pretend for a second that Disney has the not for sale or transfer jargon on the back of the card to protect some kind of value system. This is Disney, one of the largest, wealthiest, and most price gouging companies in the world. The cards, the game, all of it exists so that you will spend more money with the company. If people didn't spend money as a result of playing this game, Disney wouldn't bother.

I also find it incredibly elitist to say that the only people who should have access to actual quest cards are those that can physically get to Disneyworld. Maybe someone would rather spend $100 to $200 dollars to make a game that they enjoy on a daily basis a little more interesting, than blow $5000 to vacation for just one week. Not to mention that I've seen people blow far more money on things like trading cards, beenie babies, scrapbooking, not to mention ART. Why is it wrong for someone to spend money on something that makes them happy?

I buy vmk cards sometimes and I have made a lot of people extremely happy trading these items that would not have been available to them or would have cost them much more in trades had I not purchased these cards. Yes people can trade for them, but fortunately we live in a free country where sometimes there are different roads that all lead to the same place. I can't believe that some of you would be so nasty as to call someone silly or ridiculous or a sucker for spending their own money as they see fit.

It's just a game. Go spend your time, energy and concern somewhere that matters. You should be complaining about things that actually affect your enjoyment of the game. I don't understand why people can't just be happy that there is such a wonderful online environment that brings so many different kinds of people together, without finding something to complain about.

I for one would hate to see someone that spent money that they worked hard for be made to feel like less of a player because someone on here was preaching on the evils of ebay.
PickledTink,it's not that it's bad.It's that it's not supposed to be happening,even read the back of the cards.
If that was what was being debated on here that'd be one thing. And frankly if Disney actually had a problem with it I think they have the resources to stop it, don't you? They're Disney, do you really think no one at Disney knows these are being sold? Do we all think we're so much smarter than the Disney executives? Those terms and conditions on the back of the cards are to protect Disney, it's fine print to cover them legally if the need it to. It is their business if they want to enforce it. If you're a stock holder with Disney, than sure, knock yourself out trying to stop it. Legally you aren't allowed to sell clothes, dvds or cds either. They are copyrighted. But nobody here is saying it's silly and or wrong to buy or sell dvds. But those people who are using words like suckers and calling people silly and ridiculous are not arguing the legality of selling these cards, they are belittling people for how they spend their money. That's what i have a problem with.
PickledTink said:
And frankly if Disney actually had a problem with it I think they have the resources to stop it, don't you? They're Disney, do you really think no one at Disney knows these are being sold? Do we all think we're so much smarter than the Disney executives? Those terms and conditions on the back of the cards are to protect Disney, it's fine print to cover them legally if the need it to. It is their business if they want to enforce it. .

As a former cast member I can tell you that this is so very true!!
I think the reason so many here get upset about some of the VMK stuff being sold (skull rock room codes, pink door codes, etc) is that here on DIS VMK board many have been so generous and would gladly give away these codes to those that need them who can't play the free games.

I know the first time I saw some of those my first thought was- "how horrible" to take advantage of people by making it seem like something more than it is- but than I realized there are probably parents out there getting things for Junior that have no idea these games are free or they don't have computers that support playing the games- and are unaware that if they were part of communities like DIS and other forums like it they could get it for free. None of the "free" codes go for much.

I've never had a problem with the buying and selling of the cards. They are trading cards- that is part of if...

I think most comments were the price people were willing to pay- My personal opinion- which you can take or leave- doesn't much matter- is that it is a bit ridiculous to pay that much for something like inferno, but to each his/her own. But I've never been one who placed that much value on magic in the game- I do like my fireworks lol and the bat magic is fun... but the others were just there- no biggie either way. So for me I do feel it ridiculous to pay that much for the pin. I'd also be concerned of how to get said item and worried if I could trust the person to meet up and trade- but I guess the same would go for any ebay transaction doesn't it?

But to the individual that spent $400 for the pin- they must have seen a value- and really wanted it- and apparently (at least hopefully) had the money to spend (would hate to think they were not paying the electric bill so they could get inferno lol) - so yeah they could get it.

I also think it is ridiculous that people will pay $100's and $1000's for designer products- especially things like the Louis Vetan (spelling?) purses that I personally believe to be really ugly- but that is my opinon- my best friend has 3- I shake my head at her and laugh- and she could care less that I think her purse is ugly or that she is ridiculous for paying that- She likes the purses- she has the money (or else the people who buy them for her do) and she is happy- my not liking the purse matters very little to her- I guess that is self confidence for herself.

I have been ridiculous in the past- and actually paid $20 for a beanie baby that first sold for $7- and get this- I did that more than once- had three kids at the time and had three complete sets of beanie babies- now well each kid was told to do with them what they wanted- one saved them and put them away- one gave them away- and the other plays with them (probably the best value for the money was with the last one lol). But I spent money on a "collecter" item that ceased to have any value once it came into my home because if it isn't going to be resold, traded or anything else- it has no value- to anyone lol. At the peak of my frenzy my I would say this one is worth this and that one is worth that and my dh in his infinite wisdom (well infinite when he has things I agree with lol) would say "ok then lets sell it and get the money" and when I would answer back that I didn't want to sell them- he would then say "then it is worth nothing" lol

I think this post started because the original poster couldn't believe that the things were being bought and sold... but there are many times I can get that reaction for things bought and sold on ebay- I could put almost anything for sale on there- and chances are someone would buy it- but you could say the same about garage sells and flea markets etc...

I do think people pointed out the small print on the back of the cards- as a precautionary warning- they may take it more seriously- than others do- and yes- I agree that the words are there as a Disney CYA- if they should decide to go after people for selling stuff they can and will - all Disney items can be pulled from ebay and any other resell sites- but you know what- that isn't going to happen- because as long as there are people who buy the stuff- Disney makes money off of it somewhere down the line and that is part of a free economy- but yeah if they wanted to they could stop it- I do highly doubt that they ever would though.

VMK could also go after people for giving away personal information by participating in those transactions- you know to complete the transaction for inferno- you have to meet in VMK and before you would meet there you would have already been sharing personal information- and... wait this can go around in circles- the whole- I didn't tell them in vmk, but I did know I'd have to share vmk info- sort of the chicken and egg argument can be said for that on both sides. Again- I don't think VMK is going to do anything about it- does it hurt them to have people sell inferno for $400- no not really- actually I think that could be used by staff of vmk to show the Disney people that VMK as a game is a good thing that people are willing to pay big money for something virtual- that people value the game and the things in it that much... Which could also lead to the whole talk of this game could go to pay to play game- some would pay others wouldn't...

I pay for lots of virtual entertainment- but before I pay I look at it and see what would the value be to me- and then I choose if I would pay that... There are somethings I don't see a value in so I don't get them- and yeah there are things out there that I really think are silly to be paid for- but again- my opinion- and I'm sure many would different ones from me- and guess what? That is okay. It is okay for people to think that something is outrageous, ridiculous, silly, insane. Does it make the thing/person outrageous, ridiclous, silly or insane= nope not at all- it is just one person's subjective opinion- no fact to it- at all. It is great that we don't all agree. It is great that some people want something so bad that they will pay what ever for it. Just because I may not do it doesn't really matter.

So why should we discuss this if really we should be "too each his own" and go on? Well- because this is a community board where we discuss things. this is a place where we can say "I can't believe this!" and someone else can say "But no that is is this" and others who had no opinion may continue to have no opinion or may take a second look at something. It is a discussion board- so discussions happen- it would be really boring here if someone posted "Look at this thing on sale at ebay" and no one commented, no one added their funny thoughts or their own personal dreams or wishes, or if no one cared. We wouldn't be here much longer.

So to each his own- but by all means please share your opinions- I love to learn what other people think and believe- I may not agree with everything you say or think or believe, but I do think it is wonderful that we have a place where we can share that information. Maybe I will get to see something from a perspective I had not previously considered. I know in the case of this one thread I did change my initial thoughts and reactions. And I'm sure others did as well.

But lets all be a little less defensive, a little less harsh with our judgements, and continue our discussions...

Has anyone checked out any new auctions?- anything else going for an unbelieveable price? Anything good that I may need to check out to buy? lol

I believe that persons take on the thread was more along the lines of the insults which were implied towards people who sell on ebay. No whether people should care or not, but that they can be so mean spirited and really lead you to believe that anyone who does not agree with them, not only is wrong, but is the devil incarnate. Its the "Holier-than-though" attitude which drove me to comment initially, and I suspect a ferw others as well.
I have nothing against people who sell on e-bay,I have a problem with scammers.People who sell things taken of sites with no credit or sell codes that are free,those people tend to bother me.If you even read the orignal/first post,you will see that I posted funny or akward things I found that wre on sale,did I say anything about the people who sell them? No If you find this insulting I would like some proof that anyone called you or someone else something hurtful.
And thank you Virtuallyme for letting go of some tension in this thread :)
milkabum said:
I have nothing against people who sell on e-bay,I have a problem with scammers.People who sell things taken of sites with no credit or sell codes that are free,those people tend to bother me.If you even read the orignal/first post,you will see that I posted funny or akward things I found that wre on sale,did I say anything about the people who sell them? No If you find this insulting I would like some proof that anyone called you or someone else something hurtful.

I dont think I mentioned you specifically did I? I wasnt offended, but now I am. I am insulted that you feel the need to not read my post but comment on it anyway. And now your take that anyone who sells things which are free are scammers. So, if you won a new car from a radio station, and then sold it, you are a scammer. Thats the logic I read into your post.
Nor did I aim the post you quoted at you so you can't say I directed it to you.There are others who complained about my finds.
Thank you PickledTink! You spoke exactly what I had on my mind about this whole ebay thing. :thumbsup2
I don't think it's wrong,I just think some things are a little funny to me.I never said anything about wrong,right,or scammers in my original post.Sorry if anyone was offended.
Sellers are going to defend themselves regardless if we all agree with their decision to do so or not. Buyers will do the same! So really what is the point of going on and on. EVERYONE is not going to congratulate you on the sale or purchase and both had to know that something would be said about each of you. Everyone has opinions, either for or against. Everyone is not going to think the way you do, for a personal decision you made, no matter how many times or ways you try to explain your reason/s for doing so. Can we lighten up this thread a little and stop trying to attack each other!
this is strictly against the VMK Policy and it is also printed on the VMK Trading Cards that this card may not be sold for personal use anyone caught doing this will be presucuited by state of california law if you catch this again imeadeitly report this to VMK useing contact us link and be sure to include the site and what was being sold:):) Thanks:):)

-Fancyface VMK Staff Helper and Soon to be Community Leader:) :grouphug:
Right on
PickledTink said:
I have to say I'm completely appalled at how many people think they have ANY business judging anyone for purchasing cards or virtual items of e bay. Unless there is someone on this board that has NEVER spent money on a movie, pay per view, a CD, a music download, cable television, another video game, PAID FOR INTERNET USE or even a special ringtone for your cell phone then you are ALL also guilty of spending money on virtual entertainment.

Nobody is being scammed (if you think this is the case then you are in serious need of a vocabulary lesson), whether these codes are from free games or not. If someone is paying for a code that comes from a free game, they are paying that person for the time they spent playing the game. Or the time they spent putting these codes together in nice little package. Period. The only people who should be concerned with those sales are the seller and the buyer. And some people are computer illiterate, I wasn't aware that that was such a terrible thing to be these days.

And let's not pretend for a second that Disney has the not for sale or transfer jargon on the back of the card to protect some kind of value system. This is Disney, one of the largest, wealthiest, and most price gouging companies in the world. The cards, the game, all of it exists so that you will spend more money with the company. If people didn't spend money as a result of playing this game, Disney wouldn't bother.

I also find it incredibly elitist to say that the only people who should have access to actual quest cards are those that can physically get to Disneyworld. Maybe someone would rather spend $100 to $200 dollars to make a game that they enjoy on a daily basis a little more interesting, than blow $5000 to vacation for just one week. Not to mention that I've seen people blow far more money on things like trading cards, beenie babies, scrapbooking, not to mention ART. Why is it wrong for someone to spend money on something that makes them happy?

I buy vmk cards sometimes and I have made a lot of people extremely happy trading these items that would not have been available to them or would have cost them much more in trades had I not purchased these cards. Yes people can trade for them, but fortunately we live in a free country where sometimes there are different roads that all lead to the same place. I can't believe that some of you would be so nasty as to call someone silly or ridiculous or a sucker for spending their own money as they see fit.

It's just a game. Go spend your time, energy and concern somewhere that matters. You should be complaining about things that actually affect your enjoyment of the game. I don't understand why people can't just be happy that there is such a wonderful online environment that brings so many different kinds of people together, without finding something to complain about.

I for one would hate to see someone that spent money that they worked hard for be made to feel like less of a player because someone on here was preaching on the evils of ebay.
Facnyface said:
this is strictly against the VMK Policy and it is also printed on the VMK Trading Cards that this card may not be sold for personal use anyone caught doing this will be presucuited by state of california law if you catch this again imeadeitly report this to VMK useing contact us link and be sure to include the site and what was being sold:):) Thanks:):)

-Fancyface VMK Staff Helper and Soon to be Community Leader:) :grouphug:

I think not.
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