Vow Renewal 05/29/12 at WP with lunch at the Sonoma Room


Earning My Ears
Sep 11, 2010
Hi everyone!
First let me say I have enjoyed reading all of your PJs, and have learned so much!
I wasn't sure about starting a PJ, because this VR started off as a low key, small budget affair, but it is quickly headed toward a Wishes event! I honestly thought we were going to have a Memories event when we first started talking about it.
Here's our story:
My name is Frances, I am 48 yo. My DH is Jeff and he is also 48. We have been married 26 years. We were college sweethearts, and got married immediately after we graduated. We are the proud parents of 3 beautiful girls, Madeleine is almost 20, Lydia is almost 17, and Lilah is 10. I am a stay at home mom, and it has truly been my honor to mother these 3 incredible human beings!
For the past 5 years, Jeff has worked in CA, and the girls and I live in OH. We lived in CA for 3 years as a family, and it was the worst 3 years of mine, and my girls' lives. My oldest was a freshman in high school, and I knew it was then or never to make a change. I chose to move back to OH, even though I had no family or a support system here. We had lived in OH for 2 years before moving to CA, and it was the happiest years of my kids' lives. Jeff works for a great company, and has his dream job. It was not an option for him to leave that job, and at first he was not willing to "commute" to be with us in OH. It really looked like we were headed for divorce, even though we loved each other a lot. After a few weeks with lots and lots of tears, Jeff decided he was willing to try to make it work.
Our arrangement is Jeff comes home once a month for 1-2 weeks. His employer pays for him to fly home, and he works from home when he is in OH. He has a tech job, and it makes it very easy to work remotely. When he is here he forwards his office phone to his cell, and many people don't even realize he isn't in his office! He is lucky enough to schedule his visits around important events in our girls lives, and he rarely misses anything. It has been very hard on him, but we both realize it is what is best for all of us. My girls are all so happy, and well adjusted.
The VR idea started because I wanted to buy new wedding bands. It didn't seem right to get new bands without a ceremony. So, we decided we should renew our vows. He is the one to suggest WDW. You see, Jeff likes WDW, but he really has the attitude that we have been there done that. My girls and I DO NOT share that attitude, and I think we could honestly go once a month and it wouldn't be enough. So, when he suggested WDW, I was NOT going to turn that down!
Originally we were looking at the Memories collection. I really don't need a big affair. I want our kids to see Jeff and I are still committed to each other even after all we have been through. We had a fairy tale wedding the first time, so I don't need to fulfill that desire. We decided we would have some angry people if we didn't invite them to the VR. Not thinking anyone would really want to come to WDW, because most of our family and friends don't understand our love for it, I sent out an email to close friends and family. Immediately everyone started responding that they would be there! :scared1:
At the moment we are at 18 firm yeses, with 5 very likely yeses. On top of that there are as many as 10 others that might attend! I keep saying I am happy people want to share this with us, and if I don't get new appliances next year, it is fine with me! :laughing:
We have sent our deposit and LOA in and are waiting for our coordinator to be assigned. We were told to start planning an Escape event and if we have to upgrade we can without problem. I just don't want it to end up that we are 21 people instead of 20. That's one expensive guest! :rotfl2:
To be continued.....
Hey Frances,

What a beautiful story... Your family sound amazing! I can't wait to follow your VR... :)

Congratulations on still living your happily ever after!

Welcome :wave2: ... Everything sounds great :thumbsup2 Whether it b a small affair or an extravaganza we want 2 hear about it popcorn::
So, as I said we originally thought we would do a Memories ceremony on the beach at the Poly. Then we reserved the Canada Pavilion. I had some reservations about doing the ceremony outside at the end of May. DH and I aren't very fond of heat and humidity. My husband booked a surprise officiant (more on that in a minute), and he is a performer. Disney won't allow outside performers at events inside the parks. So, we moved the ceremony to the WP. At first I was a bit bummed, because we are having such a small event I was afraid the WP would swallow us up. I also loved the idea of getting married in Epcot before it's open. But, after consideration, I think it's best to do the ceremony inside. I've spent hours looking at pictures and videos of ceremonies in the WP, and I am starting to get excited. Being able to see the castle through the window is so awesome!
So even after almost 30 years together, there are times when I get nervous about my husband surprising me. It isn't always successful, even though I appreciate the effort. He tells me he has arranged a surprise officiant. I almost lost it. And to make matters worse, he wanted it to be a surprise until I walked down the aisle! I just couldn't agree to that. It's going to be emotional enough as it is, but to not know what is at the end of the aisle just isn't acceptable. So I told him I needed at least a few days notice, but I was still nervous, because DH was going to relay what I wanted the flow of the ceremony to be. He then asked if he could discuss it with our oldest daughter. He asked if she was okay with it, would I would relent. So I agreed. A few days later my daughter texted me and told me I would be very happy with the choose. I was completely stumped, because DH said it was someone not already invited.
DH read the contract from DFTW, and saw the stipulation that outside performers were not allowed to perform in the parks. So that meant we had to change the venue. In order to get me to agree he had to let the cat out of the bag. So he tells me I will be receiving a phone call from an unknown number and that I should answer it. I get a call from the Dallas area, and it is Eddie Coker.
Eddie Coker is a children's performer that we LOVED when our girls were little. I am kind of snob when it comes to kids' shows, music, and movies. Eddie Coker was the only kids music that I allowed in my car.We went to his concerts, sometimes more than once in a day. To this day, when one of his songs comes up on any of our iPods, we all sing along. So, my husband was thinking about our ceremony in the "Happiest Place on Earth", and Eddie's song the Happy One came to mind. He emailed Eddie and asked if he would do it, and amazingly Eddie said, "Yes!" I was so excited, and our kids are so excited. He will officiate, and then perform at the reception lunch. My MIL is going to flip. :rolleyes1
Wedding plans/ ideas so far:
I already bought my shoes. I bought them in 2 colors, red and purple.
I am a shoe freak, so it's no wonder this was where I started. My first wedding, my colors were navy, pink and white. I still love that color combination, but I am leaning toward deep purple and turquoise with red accents. I am going to wear a short dress. My girls haven't decided if they will wear matching dresses. I've already told DH he doesn't have to wear a tux, suit, or even a tie. A white/ivory shirt and khakis is fine with me. My MIL is going to flip. :rolleyes1 DH wanted to wear bathrobes the first time, so he is ecstatic about not being dressed up.
That's about as far as I have gotten so far. There is a lot less stress this time around. The only people that I have to please are me and DH. Everyone else can come along, or not, we don't care. It's such a liberating feeling!
My oldest daughter comes in tonight for 4 weeks, and DH come home tomorrow night for 2 weeks. Looking forward to a lot of laughing and family time!

Happy Friday everyone!
We got our planner assigned today. We have Karen Serrette. I love being able to do a internet search on her and reading what people have to say about her. Looks like we will like her.
Couple of VR things:
I am going to let each of my girls pick out a stackable wedding band for me. That way I will have 3 rings, and each one will be extra special. Also, someday they will each have one for themselves.
When we got married, Jeff had just graduated with a Jazz Arranging degree. He wrote the processional that I walked down the aisle to. I am hoping I can find that music and have it played for my trip down the aisle again. I think that would be awesome for my girls to hear.
Thanks for reading and commenting on my PJ. I have loved reading all of the other ones on here!


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