Water Heater , Car Accident and Medical tests oh my!


I like being ME
Sep 19, 1999
Last week we had to replace our water heater at a cost of $1500, and yesterday my husband gets in a car accident that could have seriously injured him (hes fine) and my DD needs to go back to the lab for a test. I need a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for listening!
Wow! That's a lot to get hit with all at once. {{{Hugs}}} and prayers that it all works out well.
You need another 7-day cruise!!! Things have a way of happening like this. It's good news that DH wasn't hurt seriously. Hope things start going a little better for you.
Wow! That's a lot to deal with all at once. {{{hugs}}} to you and I hope things look up for you very soon!
So glad your dh is alright and not injured in that accident. {{{HUGS}}} sweetie


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