Way to organize recipes on-line?


Mar 11, 2011
Hi! Long-time lurker ~ I've gotten links to so many great cooking blogs and recipes here on the Budget Board, but my bookmark folder is full and I'm having trouble keeping everything organized.

Does anyone know of a good website or software to store/organize all of these links? The last time I looked a few years ago, the only sites I found required you to type in all of your recipes. I'm looking for something that's not site-specific, where you can save recipes from multiple websites and you don't have to enter the whole recipe, just the name and website. Something like the recipe box on allrecipes.com, but not limited to the allrecipes.com website. Does anyone know of a way to do this? Thanks! :goodvibes
Hi! I've been using JustaPinch.com for several months. There are ways to search for the recipes I love, and simply save them to a cookbook that I can name. You can also enter new recipes, of course, if you're inclined to type them (or copy and paste).
I don't know how easy it would be to organize them, but I've been using pinterest. When I see a recipe I want to try I just "pin it" to my recipe board.
I don't know how easy it would be to organize them, but I've been using pinterest. When I see a recipe I want to try I just "pin it" to my recipe board.

I second Pinterest. I have different boards (appetizers / sides / seafood / chicken etc) and pin recipes to the appropriate board whenever I see one I wanna try. They are all in one central place and nicely organized. It's the only place I have found where I could do this and I love it.

You can also have boards for anything and everything else, it doesn't have to be just recipes. Great central location to store all of your links.
Thanks for the ideas!! :) I'm new to pinterest and didn't think about organizing recipes that way. Also can't wait to look at justapinch.
I also use Pinterest to organize my recipes online. I love being able to quickly look them up on my phone at the store when shopping for ingredients.
I've been looking for something like this as well, and had never heard of Just a Pinch. Looks really cool!! Just got all signed up. :) Thanks, OP, for starting this thread! :flower3:
I haven't used it yet, but have seen it linked to a few cooking blogs I read. I guess you are supposed to save and organize your recipes along with making shopping lists. I'm going to also check out justapinch!
Your welcome, Gina :flower3:
I'm liking the grocery list and mobile features of ziplist......and the pictures on the New Recipe Discovery tab are making me hungry. This one may be a keeper.
If anyone is interested in saying hey over at JustaPinch, I'm cafn8me over there. :)
I just have a folder in my gmail for "recipes." I forward emails of the recipes to myself and then bring them up there when I want to use them.

Right now I'm working on compiling all of the recipes I've made and liked in a Shutterfly book. That way I'll have my favorites printed in a book so I can just use that in the kitchen (and I'm going to make copies for friends/family for Christmas!).
I just have a folder in my gmail for "recipes." I forward emails of the recipes to myself and then bring them up there when I want to use them.

Right now I'm working on compiling all of the recipes I've made and liked in a Shutterfly book. That way I'll have my favorites printed in a book so I can just use that in the kitchen (and I'm going to make copies for friends/family for Christmas!).

That's actually one of the things you can do easily on JustaPinch.com. It lets you save recipes to a cookbook, whether the recipes are your own or someone else's, and then you can add pics, print the cookbooks, and there's even a way to have them printed and bound as an actual book. It's pretty cool.


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