We Ate, We Drank, We Conquered - An Aug/Sep '16 Dining Report - Complete 3/11

Those pulled pork nachos are so good! I haven't had them in what feels like forever but I can still remember the taste! Yum! You also can't go wrong with a pork sandwich.
Thought of you this morning. Dillon asked for my omelette for breakfast, spinach, hash browns and grated cheese. I'll take that as a win....
Count me in! I love reading your TR's. 11 days at the Poly? That sounds so awesome! I love that resort, it's become my hangout for breaks when I'm at MK. Captain Cook's is one of the best QS's on property, IMO. I really like the Thai Coconut Meatballs. :)
Glad Captain Cook's was mostly a win - I wish they had more non-pork options personally (I'd eat those nachos in a heartbeat if it was some other meat) but I'm probably in the minority. Plus, it goes with the whole Polynesian theme. We're staying at the Poly for Princess weekend and I can't wait! It's been my dream resort forever :D Loved your view despite the long walk to the TTC.
Looks like you guys are off to a great start. Love the view but I am sure that the walk to and from your room was not the best at times. Did you make it the whole time stroller free??
CC is a yum! But boo on lukewarm food.
I've had those pulled pork nachos a few times now and they are best served hot. The last time we had them I could see them sitting in the kitchen just waiting until the server decided to bring them to us. Needless to say they were lukewarm by then.
Love, love, LOVE your dining reports! So excited to follow along in this one.

I forgot how much we enjoyed Capt. Cook's on our last trip but your pictures reminded me! We definitely have to make a stop there on our trip next month!
I love Jason's magic band, we really liked Capt Cookes when we stayed at the Poly. The food looks yummy! I think Disney overall needs a better way to keep food hot, this is problem I noticed as well, especially with quick service. Casey takes great pictures, so excited!
Thanks, I'll let Jason know you liked the magic band. He loves making them!!!

We eat at counter service so infrequently I didn't realize that it was an issue everywhere. They certainly need to get that fixed!

Looks good, especially those chips, but as I'm still full from lunch today seeing those pics is making my tummy feel like it wants to explode like I just ate all over again.
Also Love your resort view!
Love that you are so far away you're eating lunch and I hadn't even had breakfast yet :-)

Ok when on Feb. will you be there?? I'll be there the last part of the month.
We're going 3-11 so likely won't be there at the same time. There seem to be so many folks going in late February that we are going to miss! But our AP's run out on the 23rd so we have to get the trip done by then.

Cute magic bands! Very Polynesiany, yes that is a word. Love your view also, I could watch the monorail all day long.
I love the word Polynesiany!!!! Gonna have to steal that one.

So weird, the decor in your room is different colors than ours was in Jan :scratchin Maybe because we were in one of the DVC buildings.......we were in Moorea and were REAL close to the TTC which was awesome. Not my favorite deluxe by any means but it was very cool and easy being so close.

A beer? I didn't know you drink :rotfl2: :rotfl: :P:P
Yeah, someone else posted a pic of their Poly room and it looked completely different too. I think the DVC's must be decorated differently. Our room was great for the monorail, but TTC was a hike and a half. Poly isn't my favorite either, but for the price we paid and proximity to MK you can't beat it. It is Casey's favorite though because she "likes the way it smells." Leave it to her!

Must try those pulled pork nachos next time! They look great! I'm still trying to figure out if I can sneak a 4 day trip before my AP runs out.....otherwise it'll be next August before I am sampling any of those yummies. Great start!
Yes you most definitely should try the nachos!!! They were oh so good. Hope you can get another trip in. We're doing the same in February when our passes run out.

I need these nachos in my life...especially since I'm addicted to Disney resort chips.
They would definitely feed your addiction!!!!!

Oooh, pulled pork nachos! We enjoyed those when we were there, but ours were also kinda room temp! Love Captain Cooks.
Yeah, it is a great quick service option!!!!

Hopefully you will appreciate this. I'm responding to your update while I'm wine drunk. I actually read it earlier while I was completely sober but it is Saturday night and I've now had a few glasses of wine, fyi. ;)
Appreciate it????????? I LOVE IT!!!! Girl after my own heart. Us drinkin' Mama's gotta stick together.

Glad you made it at a fairly decent hour and you had the foresight to book FP! Enjoying the poly view but not the walk time to the ttc. Talking Mickey is always a great choice! Can I borrow Casey for my trip? I need a 7DMT ride companion bc I don't think I can talk DH or DS5 onto it, and my wild child DS2 isn't tall enough!
I really didn't think we'd be able to use the fast passes, so it was a great surprise for Casey when we did.

You're in luck, Casey is available for renting at WDW. She accepts dole whips or cupcakes as forms of payment :-) Maybe you could show you son the pics of the "girl" doing all the rides and it could convince him. And wait till you see what is coming up in a few days!!! My girl braves another first.

Loving the nachos. I'm currently eating some homemade nachos right now (goes so well with wine...lol). Looking forward to more!
Your drunk self is much more enterprising than I :P

Great view from your room!

I don't think there's a single thing on those nachos I'd eat (besides the pulled pork):crazy2: - I'm a fussy one! Glad you enjoyed them though!
Wow, that is fussy o_O Though I'm not sure that pulled pork just sitting on nachos would be good. Maybe the sandwich would be more your style :-)
Happy to be joining in for another report!
Happy to have my neighbor to the North :-)

Very cool tsum tsum back pack! My DD would love something like this.
Yeah that is Casey's backpack for the school year. We just got it at Target. It took some convincing to get her away from the glittery my little pony ones, but thankfully she landed here!

Those pulled pork nachos are so good! I haven't had them in what feels like forever but I can still remember the taste! Yum! You also can't go wrong with a pork sandwich.
Heck, you really just can't go wrong with pork period!

Thought of you this morning. Dillon asked for my omelette for breakfast, spinach, hash browns and grated cheese. I'll take that as a win....
Go Dillon!!!!!!!!! And if it makes you feel better Casey is asking for a Pop Tart :-) She eats great, but still loves the crap. But who doesn't :confused3

Count me in! I love reading your TR's. 11 days at the Poly? That sounds so awesome! I love that resort, it's become my hangout for breaks when I'm at MK. Captain Cook's is one of the best QS's on property, IMO. I really like the Thai Coconut Meatballs. :)
The 11 days was absolutely the perfect time. I know it sounds like a lot, but we could really take our time and not feel rushed! And the Poly is definitely a great break spot. I'll have to remember that even when we aren't staying there.

Glad Captain Cook's was mostly a win - I wish they had more non-pork options personally (I'd eat those nachos in a heartbeat if it was some other meat) but I'm probably in the minority. Plus, it goes with the whole Polynesian theme. We're staying at the Poly for Princess weekend and I can't wait! It's been my dream resort forever :D Loved your view despite the long walk to the TTC.
Yeah it is definitely pretty pork heavy. I don't even remember what else they had, but just recall nachos was about the only thing that caught my eye. Hope you all love the Poly, I know we do. And enjoy the princess. We were hoping to go down for it, but our AP's run out a few days before so we're going earlier in Feb.

Those homemade chips are making me HUNGRY.
You and me both!

I LOVE Disney chips. Sometimes I go to my resort food court and just order a plate of chips.
Maybe addict is an understatement :laughing:

Looks like you guys are off to a great start. Love the view but I am sure that the walk to and from your room was not the best at times. Did you make it the whole time stroller free??
CC is a yum! But boo on lukewarm food.
Yep we made it the whole time without the stroller!!!! I thought we'd need to call an audible at some point, but she was a trooper. We walked over 70 miles on the trip and it was H-O-T HOT, so that is saying a lot!

Love, love, LOVE your dining reports! So excited to follow along in this one.

I forgot how much we enjoyed Capt. Cook's on our last trip but your pictures reminded me! We definitely have to make a stop there on our trip next month!
Thank you so much!!!!! Hope you all have an amazing trip!
Commonwealth of Ooey Gooey Cake

We were up early the next morning and thanks to the monorail were at MK before 9. We stopped at Guest Services on the way in for a new Tables in Wonderland card. I was a bit surprised to see they were now $150 vice $100, but the way we eat and drink we'd have it paid off in no time :drinking1

Casey was pretty singularly focused on "meeting people" today so she could get some autographs, so meeting "people" we did.

I especially love the Minnie one bowing to my princess :lovestruc

After all those people she finally let us adults get a few rides in, including my beloved Pooper. For those just joining us, on our first trip Casey for some reason thought the People Mover was called the Pooper. We never corrected her and to this day, so has no clue it isn't called that. Not sure what were gonna tell her when she can finally read :-)

After the Popper, Casey was so transfixed on "meeting people" she found some random lady and asked her for a picture.

Oh wait, that's @suse66 who was on her last day of a solo birthday trip!!!!! So glad we got to meet and of course talk all about FOOD!!!!

Speaking of food, our bellies were rumbling and we had nothing but Liberty Tree Tavern on our minds. After quickly checking in they called for the Stone Family from the Commonwealth of Virginia and we were very impressed they knew VA was a commonwealth and not a state. Details matter at Disney people :P

I was in a nice Mama mode and let Casey start with the Patriots Punch.

This is a combination of Frozen Cherry and Apple Beverage and way to sickening sweet for my taste, but it seemed to appease the 5 year old palate.

We'd skipped breakfast, so we wanted to start with an app. We went with what was a favorite on our last trip, the Sweet Corn Fritters with House-Made Pepper Jelly.

You can see someone could barely wait to dig in and someone else couldn't wait to join in the fun

Those crazy kids in the background aside, the fritters were perfect. Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, and I could bathe in a vat of the pepper jelly! Highly recommend these bad boys.

For our entrees, after our Commonwealth greeting, Casey and I were feeling very patriotic so we channeled our inner Pilgrams and went with their feast.

This is Traditional Roast Turkey served with Herb Bread Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, and a Green Beans. They split this for Casey and I, so what you are seeing is only HALF of the food you get. Needless to say this ALOT but very good. The turkey was very moist and while I'm not usually a gravy fan this was delicious. The stuffing was also perfectly cooked and moist, and while I didn't care for the celery and sage notes in it at first, it grew on me. The mashed potatoes and green beans were also great. So pretty much this was a delicious Thanksgiving meal in August.

Jason decided to go all Revolutionary War on me and channeled his inner Englishman with the Tavern Battered Fish and Chips.

His fish was well cooked and crispy and the chips needed some salt but were thick and crispy. The tarter sauce was very good and kudos for LTT for making it in house, as Jason found a rather larger pickle in it. He wasn't a fan of the cole slaw, but ate it nonetheless. Overall, Jason thought this wasn't the best he'd ever had but solid.

And of course, what would a trip to LTT be without the crown jewel of Disney deserts, the amazing, the incredible, the so much hype it can actually live up to it..........

OOEY GOOEY TOFFEE CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! Words would pale in comparison to how good this is, so I'll just let your eyes and taste buds insert your own adjectives here.

As always, this was another great trip to Liberty Tree. During lunch a manger came over and asked how our meal was and we responded good. She wanted to know what would make it great and I blurted out beer :drinking1. Apparently I was the first person to ever say this (sacrilege) so she had a good laugh over it. But seriously the food is top quality, fairly inexpensive, and who doesn't love a chance to channel their inner Pilgrams. We just need BEER! Oh and we saved $12.80 with our TiW card. Just $137.20 to go!

Side note when I looked online at the lunch menu just now it looks like they have really cut down the ala carte menu in favor of the all you can east feast they do at dinner time. Anyone heard of this????

After lunch we flew through a few Disney movies with some crazy duck, mined some diamonds with 7 really short men, and visited 999 happy haunts before heading back to the Poly to chill without oppressive heat for a while.

Some people clearly needed to chill more than others. :P

Up next, we return to a new old favorite
The Ooey Gooey toffee cake looks so good, I would definitely eat this for breakfast right now! Thanks to your reports I tried it in August and yes ate the whole thing myself!
Yes the ala carte menu is almost non existent! Luckily Ooey gooey toffee cake is still there!

Tagging @Lisa F. Those corn fritters look amazing!!!
Yes the ala carte menu is almost non existent! Luckily Ooey gooey toffee cake is still there!

Tagging @Lisa F. Those corn fritters look amazing!!!
a lot of people must have dumped their adrs after the change because I was able to score one at 35 days out. there is still enough on the menu to keep me happy. . thinking the corn fritters , chowder and ooey gooey toffee cake. the pasta was also appealing to me. also the crab dip. basically everything left but the burger ! my real hope is they will listen to recent guest feedback and bring back a few more a more a la carte choices in the next month .
As one Princess to another I heartily approve of Casey's choice of head gear. princess:
Wish I would've seen those Ears on my last trip so I could have purchased a pair for myself.
"Meeting people" is indeed very important especially at Disney. I tend not to like people in general but for my Disney characters I make an exception ;)
In fact one of my sisters commented after seeing all my character pics "why can't you hug us like that". And of course my reply was "Because you're not a Disney character, that's why!"

Casey's photos are absolutely adorable especially with Minnie.
As for LTT I did indeed notice the menu change yesterday. Still itching to get me one of those Ooey Gooey cakes. Glad to see it's still on the menu and hope it's still there when I make it back hopefully for the 50th.
thinking the corn fritters , chowder and ooey gooey toffee cake.
That sounds like a good lunch to me!

Those corn fritters look so good!! If I see corn nuggets on a menu, I almost always have to order them. Yum!

I read about the changed lunch menu at LTT a couple days ago. I've never been there myself before but would be more likely to order a sandwich for lunch instead of an AYCTE meal. I find unless it's the last thing I do at night, I can't eat too heavy & then walk around in the sun & heat for the rest of the day & night. Even the QSDDP was way too much for me at one sitting. But that's just me. :)

I've been meaning to stop in Skipper Canteen to try a couple apps for lunch. I really hope their menu doesn't change much before I do.

I smile every time I read about y'all going on the 'Pooper.' Haha!

So far, your trip seems to have been a great one! Looking forward to reading the rest. :)
Awesome update Kari! It was so great to meet you and your lovely family....such a nice memory! And in food news....I am now completely salivating over the corn fritters at LTT, they look amazing!
That sounds like a good lunch to me!

Those corn fritters look so good!! If I see corn nuggets on a menu, I almost always have to order them. Yum!

I read about the changed lunch menu at LTT a couple days ago. I've never been there myself before but would be more likely to order a sandwich for lunch instead of an AYCTE meal. I find unless it's the last thing I do at night, I can't eat too heavy & then walk around in the sun & heat for the rest of the day & night. Even the QSDDP was way too much for me at one sitting. But that's just me. :)

I've been meaning to stop in Skipper Canteen to try a couple apps for lunch. I really hope their menu doesn't change much before I do.

I smile every time I read about y'all going on the 'Pooper.' Haha!

So far, your trip seems to have been a great one! Looking forward to reading the rest. :)
The crab dip looked really good too! But I think that + fritters might be too indulgent! Also wondering if they would let me get a kid meal if I also order an app. But I am going a week after Thanksgiving .
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