"We Live Here!", After Hours Events, BDay Celebrations, & Sampling All the Snacks (Girl's Trip, June 2019) Completed 8/10

Bummer. Although I still want to try it.

You still should. For that I think it depends on what you like. A lot of other people thought it tasted like a Dole Whip, but I'm not a big fan of wine so I might just have noticed it a little more.

Yeah, probably not want you want to hear... but I like your style! It's vacation, enjoy!!!

Exactly! Vacation style! popcorn::

I mean a little debbie snack cake isn't bad.

Nope, not at all!

Sounds like you guys had a great time together!

We did!
Of the amount of time I spend in the Japan pavilion, I've yet to try Kakagori and yet everyone has it all the time. Memo to me to get it because it looks GOOOD.

It makes me so sad when I hear that Awesome Mix Live has never been well received because it's honestly one of my favorite stage shows Disney has ever done. Like right up there with Festival of the Lion King, Hocus Pocus, Magical Map, etc. It's just stupid fun. It's not a show trying to be more than it is, it just exists for a good time and everyone is so friggin talented and the best thing THE CAST IS HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES. Especially recently, they've been OFF THE WALL. Only about 9 days left so probably why. I'm gonna be so sad to see it go.
Of the amount of time I spend in the Japan pavilion, I've yet to try Kakagori and yet everyone has it all the time. Memo to me to get it because it looks GOOOD.

It took me a long time to try it too. But it's sooo good!

It makes me so sad when I hear that Awesome Mix Live has never been well received because it's honestly one of my favorite stage shows Disney has ever done. Like right up there with Festival of the Lion King, Hocus Pocus, Magical Map, etc. It's just stupid fun. It's not a show trying to be more than it is, it just exists for a good time and everyone is so friggin talented and the best thing THE CAST IS HAVING THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES. Especially recently, they've been OFF THE WALL. Only about 9 days left so probably why. I'm gonna be so sad to see it go.

Yeah, I'd seen some pretty bad reviews of it, especially when it was new last year. But I actually liked it a lot. I don't watch a lot of stage shows, and I'd rather watch this than many of them. I love anything Guardians themed, but also don't really see what makes it so much different than other stage shows that people could feel so negatively about it. The people were great singers in it too. I was glad they brought it back for this year so I could see it once.
Wrap Up


I'm wrapping this up now because we're headed to HHN and Disney in less than 5 weeks & I have to start getting ready for that trip!


You can follow along on my
PTR. I'm thinking I'll do one TR on the Universal boards for the whole thing since it'll mainly be at HHN, and a DTR, but it's possible I'll split the Disney portion off onto this board :scratchin.

As for this trip it may have been short but we packed A LOT of fun into it. It's the trip I've planned with the shortest amount of notice, and it was my shortest WDW trip (although Josh and I once took a slightly shorter HHN one), and I would absolutely do it again.

I was skeptical before my first weekend trip in 2017 that it would be long enough, but since then I've successfully done a couple shorter trips, and it's nice to have that option. As long as everything works out with the flights (which thankfully it did), it goes pretty smoothly since I'm not too far of a plane ride from Orlando.

It was great to see Samantha again, I know I would've seen her soon due to our September trip that was in the works, but it was great to have some extra time with her too. I'm so thankful she invited me out, and was just as enthused about doing certain activities as I was.
I can't wait to show her Universal and HHN next month!


This was my first trip during the summer so it was fun to see Disney at a different time of year. The crowds were mostly low, and thankfully it was only really hot one of the days, and we didn't get caught in any storms. The unique summer offerings that we caught (the Guardians ones) were really cute and fun, and I'm glad I got to see check them out.

After taking a bit of a break from WDW (even though I did Disneyland a couple months ago), it was good to be back. Seeing all the new things definitely reinvigorated my excitement. Toy Story Land was so much fun, and I'm glad we got to go to an event with low crowds to see it all in case that isn't possible in the future.

I finally got to try a few of the after hours events too, and they were so much fun. The HS one was definitely the better of the two, but having Samantha along made both of them a fantastic time.
We also got to finally try Wine Bar George and Cape May Cafe which we'd been talking about for awhile, as well as some old favorites like the Cobb Salad at the Brown Derby and the poutine at The Daily Poutine. Snacking with Samantha was so much fun, because we could split everything, so we made it the trip of trying alll the snacks (which I'm sure will continue in Sep).


Finally we got to stay at a hotel I've always wanted to stay at, and I absolutely adored our room/hotel which brings me to the realization that I never explained the title of this report even though I meant to in the last post.


On the last day when we Lyfted back to the hotel from Epcot, the man in the booth letting our driver in asked why we were headed there, and Samantha said out "We live here!" instead of saying that we were staying there. :rotfl: It was a final hilarious moment before I had to pack up and go, and we both totally wished that were true.

And with that my TR is over, but I'll see ya real soon!

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Such a great report! I'm glad you told the TR title story cuz it was pretty hilarious! I definitely wish I lived there, too! I'm surprised you preferred the DHS after hours to MK, just based on some of the MK info I've read about in other reports. But it really did seem like a good time in your report. I'm looking forward to hearing about your September trip, too!
Such a great report! I'm glad you told the TR title story cuz it was pretty hilarious! I definitely wish I lived there, too! I'm surprised you preferred the DHS after hours to MK, just based on some of the MK info I've read about in other reports. But it really did seem like a good time in your report. I'm looking forward to hearing about your September trip, too!

Thank you! I think we all wish we could live at the Yacht Club :rotfl:

I wonder if we would've preferred the MK one had it been the regular one running. The villains one was kind of like going to a more expensive version of MNSSHP with less offerings, and we ended up not having enough time to get on most the rides. The HS one on the other hand had extremely low crowds, and I got to see TSL for the first time which was so much fun. And I was able to cross everything off my to do list in HS so we didn't need to go back in Sep if we didn't want to.
Great TR! I would love to try a weekend/short trip but unfortunately (or fortunately for my bank account!) I don’t like flying. So a weekend trip would turn into 4-5 days after driving there and back.

Can’t wait to read about your September trip! I could never do HHN, I hate being scared! But I like reading about it and watching vlogs!
I'm wrapping this up now because we're headed to HHN and Disney in less than 5 weeks & I have to start getting ready for that trip!
Eeee! So close! And if they're anything like the final 5 weeks before my trip... they will FLY by. I cannot believe I leave Saturday. It's like I blinked and the last month vanished. Happy for the trip being closer, but sad that it also means the summer has gone by so fast!

Samantha said out "We live here!" instead of saying that we were staying there. :rotfl:
I wondered where that came from - that is HILARIOUS! :rotfl2:
I enjoyed reading your TR, you all did experience many different things during your weekend visit!

Thank you! We did get to a lot during our trip, I think we managed just about everything we had planned.

Great TR! I would love to try a weekend/short trip but unfortunately (or fortunately for my bank account!) I don’t like flying. So a weekend trip would turn into 4-5 days after driving there and back.

Thank you! Aw yeah it would be hard to do weekend trips if we weren’t a 3 hour flight away.

Can’t wait to read about your September trip! I could never do HHN, I hate being scared! But I like reading about it and watching vlogs!

I’m so excited! :hyper:

Eeee! So close! And if they're anything like the final 5 weeks before my trip... they will FLY by. I cannot believe I leave Saturday. It's like I blinked and the last month vanished. Happy for the trip being closer, but sad that it also means the summer has gone by so fast!

Yes! It seems to be flying by now, but it’s going to be nerve wracking watching the weather like a week or two our especially if there’s major storms coming so I’m not looking forward to that part. :confused3

But I know what you mean I’m always so excited the trip is here, but that means summer is over. :sad2:

Have fun on your trip!

I wondered where that came from - that is HILARIOUS! :rotfl2:

I can’t believe I’m almost forgot to include it :rotfl:
Great report! I definitely agree that short weekend trips can sometimes be the most fun! Especially if you can have like one or two epic things to look forward to!
Great report! I definitely agree that short weekend trips can sometimes be the most fun! Especially if you can have like one or two epic things to look forward to!

Thank you!

Yeah, it’s nice to be able to go for the weekend sometimes, and just focus on a few events instead of everything.
I was feeling guilty I hadn't had a chance to read this yet... and then I was kinda happy because I read most of it last night while waiting at my bank FOR TWO HOURS argggghhhhhh.

Looks like a really fun trip! I think short trips are fun too, and I feel less pressure to get things done because there is probably another trip coming... I liked DHS AHs more than I expected, I had no desire but Zack talked me into it after the cruise (I haven't much gotten into it on here yet, but the end of the trip did not go as planned...

Alrighty, here is our excitement for the trip:

I dont think I mentioned here that BIL, the one in Cali, went to the ER twice the weekend before the trip. So 6/14 to 6/16. Fri night he said numbness tingling and burning in his hands and feet, MIL told him he needed to go in right away so he did after a bit. He had gone in to urgent care a day or two before and been diagnosed with pneumonia. BIL had shingles last winter and has had a cough since then, but does not take care of himself so didnt go in. Then his wife had gallbladder issues (a whole other story) so he didnt go until that was taken care of.

So this ER trip they sent him home the next morning, not sure what was wrong but said he didnt have pneumonia. Then he went back on Sunday afternoon because he was having trouble breathing. They said his throat was swollen and thought it was a reaction to the medicine.

Meanwhile I am ready to fly ILs out to Ontario which is the closest airport for 12k United points, told them not to worry but they waited. After Sunday they switched meds or took him off or something and he was supposed to go back on 6/28 for a follow up and do allergen tests. BIL is all I'm fine now, still going to try and meet you guys for Kennedy.

Now, I could write a book on his wife. I tell DH I dont have to claim her as SIL because his brother married her :P But sticking to my personal observations and impressions. She is a high maintenance, attention seeking type. There is always some drama going on. Anytime BIL leaves or is about to there is a crisis. I also feel like she is the type who feels she needs to compete with and replace BILs family in his life, if that makes sense. I believe you can't necessarily let family get in between your relationship with your spouse and make all your decisions and cause issues, you need to put your spouse and kids first, but they dont need to be cut out unless there are certain situations. My dad is an Alien Swirling Saucers-hole but DH did not try to get rid of him, he left that to me and I had to figure out everything for myself which was good. My ILs are not crazy overbearing people. She had to have her gallbladder removed recently. Outpatient procedure. She kept putting it off with the excuse of needing to check out the surgeons, but also going to the ER every 3 days for the pain. Bad enough the ER dr was finally like, we are doing this tonight and being done with it. Then he got called away and said we will do it in the morning and you are staying overnight because we dont trust you not to go home and eat and sabotage this. So theres a teeny look at SIL.

So we bought insurance for this trip, right? Mainly thinking of grandparents but BIL is all no, I'm doing better, it's fine. Ok, so we give everyone including SIL the ship phone number and two email addresses. DCL gives you 50mb of free data, so the plan was to try and check email a couple times a day. Everyone was supposed to email BOTH emails because we didn't know which would get checked first. One was mine and one was FILs, chosen because we get the least emails to save data. But then MIL got worried about accidentally turning the phone on when we were leaving on tbr cruise Sunday so we didnt set hers up to check FILs email. It's fine, we'll just check mine!

Soooo can anyone see where this is going?

BIL goes back into the hospital on Monday morning. He sends an email like hey I'm going back to the hospital. To ONLY FILs email. Dropped ball number one. So we dont know. Other BIL back in CO doesnt know either, just his brother is no longer answering so he texts SIL who says hes back in the hospital but fine. Dropped ball numbers two to... five? BIL doesn't tell BIL, SIL doesnt tell him or us, BIL in CO sends an email about it... to ONLY FILs email. Arghhhh.

So then we figure out we can call and text over wifi! This never crossed my mind or came up online anywhere. Seriously next time I will just budget a data package and then tell people we can respond to texts but only occasionally. So DH sends BIL a text like how are you feeling and he responds, when can I call. Ok, this is not a good sign. So we try wifi calling and get ahold of him on speaker with everyone there.

One more small interjection, BIL mentioned on the call that he was going to call the ship that night if he hadn't heard from us... which is about $8 a minute plus fees. He sent ONE email that he was going, sent nothing else, SIL sent nothing else, before he was going to place a $300 phone call. Seriously next time data package, no one is getting the ship number.

On to seriousness. BIL seems to have contracted one of those one in a million chance auto immune diseases where after clearing a normal infection his antibodies for whatever reason started to attack his nerves. They are doing treatments but wont know what kind of recovery he could be looking at until they can do rehab or more tests. His regular dr is back today so they are supposed to find out more today. When we spoke to him on the ship he said he was too weak to get up himself. He couldn't eat solids because that was what was wrong with his throat, more paralysis/no control not swelling. It was hard for him to talk.


So BIL probably couldn't reach out more, but how could she not? What in the actual bad word????

And they knew that weekend he was going back in. We could have cancelled everything at that point and sent ILs out there. Had we found out Monday we could have jumped ship in Nassau on Tuesday and gotten half the money back and everything else. I dont want to sound like all that matters is the money it's more that everyone would have been happier being there sooner. And frustrated that BIL was not honest with us about what was going on because he didnt want to ruin the trip.... Instead everyone stressed and fretted and didnt really enjoy the last 1.5 days of the cruise. Other BIL booked flights out there and hotel for ILs and and flight home for aunt on Fri. So now on my to do list for the day is to reach out to insurance because I think the policy should cover those flights.

So that's how we ended up back at Disney over the weekend. We dropped everyone off at the airport and booked a room at the Dolphin. I had a thought of cashing out some Discover cb for Hotels.com GCs and booking through there, but their GC tool is still down online and would have had to call in the car and no notepad handy.... just said screw it and booked the AAA rate and used my $40 Amex offer. Just glad we have a cash cushion so it didnt really matter. I was able to refund the KSC tickets through Expedia. I cancelled the rooms in Canaveral for Fri night which were booked with certs and cancellation said we'd get them back. I havent seen them in the accounts yet but kinda figured I would have to contact Marriott because that's what happened last time too. Kept the original car rental and just paid for a second night of parking at Swolphin since we took back half of ILs things that they wouldnt need and left some bags in the car. Lost the AA points for the second Dolphin room but all I cared about was not getting charged the resort fee on it...

ILs hotel room is through Thursday currently. Early stages but will probably look at getting them SW CP to help with travel expenses and help them make the spend. Maybe something for hotels too. have a feeling there will be lots of back and forth. One set of grandparents knows what is going on becuase of aunt, but DH and I are off to try and tell other grandma tonight (along with his dad on the phone) which worries me, I think it will be hard on her :(

So yeah. Improv at the end of the trip... and we ended up at DHS AH and it was very low crowds too! But I enjoyed MK better last September. I thought everything going on with the Villains one was weird/overpriced when reading about it. It was totally like MNSSHP-lite like you said! I think the Pirates idea is good in theory and they could do a lot with it... the HP just had one on that bridge, just a miscellaneous pirate, heckling the boats a bit.

Also that lunch box tart is :crazy2: Not at all like I'd imagined.

I was pleasantly surprised by the Guardians show, I'd read such terrible things too. We were able to see it due to the improv portion of the trip...

I can't believe we are less than a month out from HHN time!
while waiting at my bank FOR TWO HOURS argggghhhhhh.

What?! That is way too long!

So yeah. Improv at the end of the trip... and we ended up at DHS AH and it was very low crowds too! But I enjoyed MK better last September.

Ugh that is a doozy :faint: I'm sorry that trip didn't go according to plan.

Also that lunch box tart is :crazy2: Not at all like I'd imagined.

Right? It was gross!

I was pleasantly surprised by the Guardians show, I'd read such terrible things too. We were able to see it due to the improv portion of the trip...

Yeah, it was pretty cool.

I can't believe we are less than a month out from HHN time!

So excited!!! :hyper:


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