Weight Watchers Chat -- Part III

bumbershoot said:
I'm using the Cool Running program. I don't have a phone that accepts apps, so the fancier ones aren't of use to me, and I'd rather use my music anyway. So I write out what I'm doing that week, put it on the treadmill (with the exact times written out b/c I don't want to do math, not even "time" math, while I'm running!) and just do it.

Although I tend to be an "all or nothing" person (and the "nothing" is what got me to 80+ pounds overweight) but I'm trying to change that. Last week was the official week 3, but my lungs were still just dying at the end...so this week I repeated Week 3 and I feel GREAT for having done that.

Now, I'll admit that I used to be a runner, but that was a long, long time ago, and back then I mainly ran to keep our dog healthy or b/c my rowing coach made me run. This is the first self-directed running time.

Today's WI I gained .2. I was due the gain, since it's only my 2nd gain since February! And I think it's TOM, so even more expected.

Don't sweat that .2 your doing great.

keahgirl8 said:
Weigh-in day! I am down 1.4 pounds this week, 55.6 total!


Scrappy_Tink said:
Okay, I finally braved the scales today...haven't weighed for two weeks, because I was off work last week and use the scales at work. Anyway, because of stress and other roadblocks, I was really scared to face the scales today. :scared:

Down 1 pound, yay!!


Jessica527 said:
Hello :wave2:, My name is Jess and I just joined weight watchers on June 6th, 2012!!

My starting weight was 185.4, as of today - I weighed in at 172.3 = 13.1lbs lost!!!

Reason I started was I got married in May and saw those wedding pictures :scared: clearly the wedding stress got the best of my body.

I don't have a goal weight yet, but I hope to be right around 135/140 by the end of this. I can't wait to see what I can accomplish!

Can't wait to chat with everyone one here :thumbsup2

Hello Jess! Congrats on your weight loss so far.

StayCool said:
Hi everyone! I have just finished reading the 2nd WW thread that was huge but very motivating! I have rejoined online WW and am really looking forward to making some real changes in my life. This time I am dragging my husband along in the journey. He isn't happy about it but he just had a dr appt a few weeks ago that showed his blood pressure and cholesterol are up and he is now prediabetic. :scared:

Soo.... I told him he is at a fork in the road. Change his health for the better and live a happier, healthier life, or travel down the road he is on and most likely die young. :faint: Harsh, but necessary. Otherwise he would have just ignored me as he has for the last few years.

We signed up together a couple weeks ago and have been tracking our weight but waited until after our summer bbq to start tracking points. So today was my second WI and I am down 1.6 lbs for a total of 5.2. Not bad considering the minimal changes I have made. The difficult part is going to be once I go back to school in the fall and the kids activities pick up. Right now I am just taking it one day, one meal at a time.

I am proud of my husband too. He is whining :rotfl: but today he tracked all of his breakfast points without me! Sounds silly, but that is a huge victory for us. :goodvibes:

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and joining you on this journey!


Wow Mindy that was a lot of reading! Welcome to you and your husband. Good luck, as a busy mom myself you just have to take the time and plan meals, have easy to grab snacks. If you take time to do this there will be less drive thru runs.
I bought a julienne peeler the other day. I made zucchini noodles with it. They came so good, thought I'd share.
sjms71 said:
I bought a julienne peeler the other day. I made zucchini noodles with it. They came so good, thought I'd share.

Thanks for sharing! I have been wanting to try that!

I had a BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad with cheese and it was only 6 points!
Hi everyone! I have just finished reading the 2nd WW thread that was huge but very motivating! I have rejoined online WW and am really looking forward to making some real changes in my life. This time I am dragging my husband along in the journey. He isn't happy about it but he just had a dr appt a few weeks ago that showed his blood pressure and cholesterol are up and he is now prediabetic. :scared:

Soo.... I told him he is at a fork in the road. Change his health for the better and live a happier, healthier life, or travel down the road he is on and most likely die young. :faint: Harsh, but necessary. Otherwise he would have just ignored me as he has for the last few years.

We signed up together a couple weeks ago and have been tracking our weight but waited until after our summer bbq to start tracking points. So today was my second WI and I am down 1.6 lbs for a total of 5.2. Not bad considering the minimal changes I have made. The difficult part is going to be once I go back to school in the fall and the kids activities pick up. Right now I am just taking it one day, one meal at a time.

I am proud of my husband too. He is whining :rotfl: but today he tracked all of his breakfast points without me! Sounds silly, but that is a huge victory for us. :goodvibes:

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and joining you on this journey!


About 1/3 of the meeting I attend is made up of couples. I was surprised to see that many men in attendance, but they all jump right in and participate as much as the women. If your dh needs the extra male support in the future, you might want to look at attending the meetings.
Down 1 lb at WI last night. Dd was down 3.2! AND she passed on to me all her too-big summer clothes, two sizes smaller than what I wore last summer) and they fit me! :cool1: (If only I liked her style -- I love color and she likes drab. Plus all the capris are cargo-style, which I told her will be great for Disney, but not really something I like for daily wear at 56 years old, lol.)

Lost another DP, down to 27 now. Last week was my first week using the WPs almost daily instead of saving them for one big meal (and I only had those big meals three or four times since joining in March). I KNOW they want me to fill up my plate with lots of fruits and veggies, but physically I NEED proteins. I can do without the carbs, but my body has been geared to protein-rich foods for years now. And "protein" bars just don't do it for me. If I don't start my day with protein (eggs, cheese, breakfast meat) I will be edgy and wanting to nibble anything I can get my hands on for the rest of the day.

My oldest dd has also joined WW but she is doing it online. She did Medifast for the first four months of the year, switched to counting calories, then took a week vacation which extended to several weeks of not worrying about what she ate, so now she has signed up for WW. She honestly doesn't have the time to attend meetings (I think she is too busy already and should cut other things from her schedule). She says she hates tracking and counting points AND that she has a hard time eating all her points, so I suggested she try Simply Filling. I'm sure she has a physical problem that causes her to be overweight but no doctors have ever figured it out. They say that if all they saw was her numbers (heart rate, pulse, blood work results) they would think they were looking at a well-trained athlete. And then they see her weight (which was 250+ before starting Medifast) and tell her she needs to diet. Well, yeah! But the girl can run for miles, bike for miles, and does workout videos every other day. She is physically fit, but she carries excess weight. Even an endocrinologist dismissed her and said she would just have to learn to live on 800 calories a day. :confused3
Wow! We're on Part III already! Thanks to Debbie for keeping things going while I was on WW hiatus. I have struggled these past couple months and thought I was back on track when my hormones blessed me with a 4 lb gain in one week. Grrr. I have been trying to lose that and get back on track, but it's really difficult to lose through perimenopause. I stopped walking when my DD got out of school and just started up again. I walked an hour (!) yesterday and 35 minutes today :cool1:.

I hope everyone else is doing well. I'll take some time and read the thread later today.
I think your daughter needs a new doctor, Debbie!

Congrats to everyone on their weight loss this week! I tried on a bunch of "not yet" clothes over the weekend. 90% of them fit or were too big, and I am within 10-20 pounds of fitting into the rest!
pwdebbie said:
Down 1 lb at WI last night. Dd was down 3.2! AND she passed on to me all her too-big summer clothes, two sizes smaller than what I wore last summer) and they fit me! :cool1: (If only I liked her style -- I love color and she likes drab. Plus all the capris are cargo-style, which I told her will be great for Disney, but not really something I like for daily wear at 56 years old, lol.)

Lost another DP, down to 27 now. Last week was my first week using the WPs almost daily instead of saving them for one big meal (and I only had those big meals three or four times since joining in March). I KNOW they want me to fill up my plate with lots of fruits and veggies, but physically I NEED proteins. I can do without the carbs, but my body has been geared to protein-rich foods for years now. And "protein" bars just don't do it for me. If I don't start my day with protein (eggs, cheese, breakfast meat) I will be edgy and wanting to nibble anything I can get my hands on for the rest of the day.

My oldest dd has also joined WW but she is doing it online. She did Medifast for the first four months of the year, switched to counting calories, then took a week vacation which extended to several weeks of not worrying about what she ate, so now she has signed up for WW. She honestly doesn't have the time to attend meetings (I think she is too busy already and should cut other things from her schedule). She says she hates tracking and counting points AND that she has a hard time eating all her points, so I suggested she try Simply Filling. I'm sure she has a physical problem that causes her to be overweight but no doctors have ever figured it out. They say that if all they saw was her numbers (heart rate, pulse, blood work results) they would think they were looking at a well-trained athlete. And then they see her weight (which was 250+ before starting Medifast) and tell her she needs to diet. Well, yeah! But the girl can run for miles, bike for miles, and does workout videos every other day. She is physically fit, but she carries excess weight. Even an endocrinologist dismissed her and said she would just have to learn to live on 800 calories a day. :confused3

Woot woot congrats to you and DD. I also agree I would see another doctor. When I was 19-20 I started having "girl" issues and the start of my weight gain. I knew something wasn't right . For 3 years I went to one doctor after another, tons of test. Everyone told me there was nothing wrong with me. So, I kept going to other dr's. Finally I went to a new internal medicine dr. Explained the last 3 years handed her all my blood work and all the ultrasounds I had had. Finally after going over everything she ordered an MRI cause she was pretty sure she knew what it was. MRI showed I had (have) a pituitary tumor. So, point is you know your own body when something isn't right.

robinb said:
Wow! We're on Part III already! Thanks to Debbie for keeping things going while I was on WW hiatus. I have struggled these past couple months and thought I was back on track when my hormones blessed me with a 4 lb gain in one week. Grrr. I have been trying to lose that and get back on track, but it's really difficult to lose through perimenopause. I stopped walking when my DD got out of school and just started up again. I walked an hour (!) yesterday and 35 minutes today :cool1:.

I hope everyone else is doing well. I'll take some time and read the thread later today.

Hey Robin, glad to hear your sill hanging in there.

keahgirl8 said:
I think your daughter needs a new doctor, Debbie!

Congrats to everyone on their weight loss this week! I tried on a bunch of "not yet" clothes over the weekend. 90% of them fit or were too big, and I am within 10-20 pounds of fitting into the rest!

Congrats on the being able to have a new wardrobe. I finally got rid of all my old me clothes cause I'm never going back there.
sjms71 said:
Congrats on the being able to have a new wardrobe. I finally got rid of all my old me clothes cause I'm never going back there.

Thanks! I am gradually getting rid of old clothes too. I have also promised myself that I will not leave the house in elastic pants unless I am camping or going to the gym. That darn elastic makes it harder to tell if you've gained!
For 3 years I went to one doctor after another, tons of test. Everyone told me there was nothing wrong with me. So, I kept going to other dr's. Finally I went to a new internal medicine dr. Explained the last 3 years handed her all my blood work and all the ultrasounds I had had. Finally after going over everything she ordered an MRI cause she was pretty sure she knew what it was. MRI showed I had (have) a pituitary tumor. So, point is you know your own body when something isn't right.

Same situation with DH. Except that no one would DO the extra bloodwork, because they just said "you're fat, eat less", but he WAS eating less. For 3 years he asked doctors to check his hormones, and you would think that he was telling them to check it AND to pay for it, because they said no. Finally he got a really lovely diagnosis of diabetes (extremely sudden onset, so sudden the diagnosing doc thought his pancreas had just died), which led to a GOOD endocrinologist who simply said "sure" when we asked if he'd check his testosterone. That was totally paid for by insurance (we really should go back to the other MDs and NDs to share that with them) and turned up a problem, which turned out to be a prolactinoma. That's a prolactin-creating cyst on his pituitary, and men shouldn't have that hormone.

It was the cause of the weight gain during that time. Now, DH does have secret-eating issues (at work and at night), but during that specific time I *know* he was doing well with eating. It was the rejection, the "you're fat, no I won't check hormones", and the extremely slow loss and also the random gains that caused him to slip back into the bad habits (which caused the sudden blood sugar problems, which are now 100% fine with just diet and exercise).

Anyway, I hope that the PP's daughter can find *someone else*. If she's ever out in Seattle, we have a really good endocrinologist to refer her to; he sounds harsh when talking to you, but he's actually VERY kind, and will actually help, not just dismiss you.
bumbershoot said:
Same situation with DH. Except that no one would DO the extra bloodwork, because they just said "you're fat, eat less", but he WAS eating less. For 3 years he asked doctors to check his hormones, and you would think that he was telling them to check it AND to pay for it, because they said no. Finally he got a really lovely diagnosis of diabetes (extremely sudden onset, so sudden the diagnosing doc thought his pancreas had just died), which led to a GOOD endocrinologist who simply said "sure" when we asked if he'd check his testosterone. That was totally paid for by insurance (we really should go back to the other MDs and NDs to share that with them) and turned up a problem, which turned out to be a prolactinoma. That's a prolactin-creating cyst on his pituitary, and men shouldn't have that hormone.

It was the cause of the weight gain during that time. Now, DH does have secret-eating issues (at work and at night), but during that specific time I *know* he was doing well with eating. It was the rejection, the "you're fat, no I won't check hormones", and the extremely slow loss and also the random gains that caused him to slip back into the bad habits (which caused the sudden blood sugar problems, which are now 100% fine with just diet and exercise).

Anyway, I hope that the PP's daughter can find *someone else*. If she's ever out in Seattle, we have a really good endocrinologist to refer her to; he sounds harsh when talking to you, but he's actually VERY kind, and will actually help, not just dismiss you.

I think we talked about this before. That is what I have prolactinoma. I've been on medication since 23 and I am 41. At the time I was young and I didn't really know what to do or what test to ask for so I just kept going to dr's. I was afraid if I didn't stay on top of it they would tell me they missed something when I went to have kids eventually. Thank goodness I was persistent cause having children would have been very difficult if I went undiagnosed. There still isn't much information on prolactinoma's still but I belong to a few online groups with people of the same and everyone has the same issues can't be coincidence.
Well, I had my week one weigh in. 0 lbs lost.

Talk about disappointing. I guess I will have to figure things out, as I did not eat all of extra weekly points nor did I eat back my acivity points. :confused3

At least I didn't gain. Well, there will be next week.
I'm so glad I found another WW center to weigh in last Thursday since my center was closed last Wednesday (July 4th). It kept me on track for this week because I was the same as the week before. This week I had a 2 lbs lost! I'm now at a 44 lbs gone for good!! I was so surprised to see the numbers. I'm now 17 lbs from my goal weight. I have come a long way from a bra size of 42DD to a 36DD and clothes size 16W (XL) to a 12 (medium).

But then I'm really scared of next week because we go on a family road trip Saturday and will return on the following Sunday (22nd). It will be really hard to stay on program. I'm going to try to make good choices and the hotel that we are in for the first three nights has a gym so I can get my running in. I'm just scared of the drive-thru windows and road snacks while on the road. Please keep us in your prayers for a save trip.

I hope everyone has a great week and continue thinking positive...it will pay off!

Zachsmom4 said:
Well, I had my week one weigh in. 0 lbs lost.

Talk about disappointing. I guess I will have to figure things out, as I did not eat all of extra weekly points nor did I eat back my acivity points. :confused3

At least I didn't gain. Well, there will be next week.

I am so sorry. Hang in there. Do you have a lot lose or a little? Also, how about water are you drinking water? If you hadn't been working out before and with a new eating plan your body maybe saying hold on here.......if you want to post what you ate for the week maybe we can help there.

NC State said:
I'm so glad I found another WW center to weigh in last Thursday since my center was closed last Wednesday (July 4th). It kept me on track for this week because I was the same as the week before. This week I had a 2 lbs lost! I'm now at a 44 lbs gone for good!! I was so surprised to see the numbers. I'm now 17 lbs from my goal weight. I have come a long way from a bra size of 42DD to a 36DD and clothes size 16W (XL) to a 12 (medium).

But then I'm really scared of next week because we go on a family road trip Saturday and will return on the following Sunday (22nd). It will be really hard to stay on program. I'm going to try to make good choices and the hotel that we are in for the first three nights has a gym so I can get my running in. I'm just scared of the drive-thru windows and road snacks while on the road. Please keep us in your prayers for a save trip.

I hope everyone has a great week and continue thinking positive...it will pay off!


Great job Stephanie, safe travels too, have fun, you can do it!
NC State said:
I'm so glad I found another WW center to weigh in last Thursday since my center was closed last Wednesday (July 4th). It kept me on track for this week because I was the same as the week before. This week I had a 2 lbs lost! I'm now at a 44 lbs gone for good!! I was so surprised to see the numbers. I'm now 17 lbs from my goal weight. I have come a long way from a bra size of 42DD to a 36DD and clothes size 16W (XL) to a 12 (medium).

But then I'm really scared of next week because we go on a family road trip Saturday and will return on the following Sunday (22nd). It will be really hard to stay on program. I'm going to try to make good choices and the hotel that we are in for the first three nights has a gym so I can get my running in. I'm just scared of the drive-thru windows and road snacks while on the road. Please keep us in your prayers for a save trip.

I hope everyone has a great week and continue thinking positive...it will pay off!


Congratulations on your weight loss! As for eating on the road, try to bring as many pre-portioned snacks as possible. If that isn't possible, here is something I found on Pinterest for low calorie gas station food: http://pinterest.com/pin/70439181642682427/ .
Wow! We're on Part III already! Thanks to Debbie for keeping things going while I was on WW hiatus. I have struggled these past couple months and thought I was back on track when my hormones blessed me with a 4 lb gain in one week. Grrr. I have been trying to lose that and get back on track, but it's really difficult to lose through perimenopause. I stopped walking when my DD got out of school and just started up again. I walked an hour (!) yesterday and 35 minutes today :cool1:.

I hope everyone else is doing well. I'll take some time and read the thread later today.

Glad it didn't bother you that I started Part III. I checked for recent posts from you and hadn't seen anything fairly recent on the Part II thread, so I thought perhaps you were traveling for a while. I didn't want the thread to be closed without a new thread to go to, so I went ahead and did it and thought to myself, "I sure hope Robin doesn't mind since she sort of 'owns' the previous threads."

Good for you getting back into things.
I think your daughter needs a new doctor, Debbie!

Congrats to everyone on their weight loss this week! I tried on a bunch of "not yet" clothes over the weekend. 90% of them fit or were too big, and I am within 10-20 pounds of fitting into the rest!

She's tried. Last endocrinlogist was an hour away. She has symptoms of PCOS but every doctor she has seen says she doesn't have it, including one that is known for labeling every irregular woman PCOS. :confused3

It is very frustrating to her.

Now are you kicking yourself for not trying those "not yet" clothes on sooner? I bet it felt good to find some that were actually too big!
Wow Mindy that was a lot of reading! Welcome to you and your husband. Good luck, as a busy mom myself you just have to take the time and plan meals, have easy to grab snacks. If you take time to do this there will be less drive thru runs.

Sorry, I didn't mean to write a book. ;)

So far I've been staying OP. I tried a new recipe last night that was chicken and broccoli with lemon. Tasted amazing! I'm hoping to get some new family favorites. :)

Hope everyone is doing well this morning!


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