What’s the most petty thing a neighbor has done to you?

tossed their beer bottles over the fence. They moved several months later. We did not miss them.
I used to live on the beach. One day, I had been sitting out there, went inside and forgot my beach chair overnight. The next day, she slid a hate filled tirade under my door about how rude I was to inconvenience the beach cleaner guy. She witnessed him having to get out of his rake truck to move it blah blah.
Neighbor did not pay their water bill. Thought I had gone to work on third shift and ran a hose over to my outdoor spigot and tried to help themselves to "free" water. I was off sick and caught red-handed. There has been a lock on the water line ever since.
My teenage daughter had a summer party at my house (outdoor pool party). One of her friends had a custom made motorcycle that he parked on the side walk. Neighbor called the police, We could not believe it. If they were that upset they could of just said something, but no--thought they were going to make a statement by having the police come over. Turned out the cop was a bike enthusiast and spent 15 min talking to the bike's owner on his work. Neighbor was livid that we did not get a ticket, but instead a polite request to park in the street.
Mine posted in our neighborhood facebook page about having mice in their basement and blamed it on our weeds in our flower bed. They had a small garden along their side of the house. One day I came home to a note taped to my door asking me to clear my flower beds. I will admit our beds needed some love but they were not out of control. I was more annoyed with the note as it was clearly from them since she had posted about it. I had talked to her as I was leaving and was gone for 15 mins and returned to the note on my door.
When we first moved in many years ago the two teens next door would smoke outside and throw their cigarettes over into our yard. My dh told them to stop and they did. A few months later the family moved and our great neighbors moved in. I was so happy. We’ve always had great neighbors otherwise.
My teenage daughter had a summer party at my house (outdoor pool party). One of her friends had a custom made motorcycle that he parked on the side walk. Neighbor called the police, We could not believe it. If they were that upset they could of just said something, but no--thought they were going to make a statement by having the police come over. Turned out the cop was a bike enthusiast and spent 15 min talking to the bike's owner on his work. Neighbor was livid that we did not get a ticket, but instead a polite request to park in the street.
That would have annoyed me, too. Maybe not to the point of calling the police, but if your motorcycle is so special you can't park it in your friend's driveway/garage, etc... then maybe you shouldn't have such a special bike!
Last summer one of our pain in the neck next door neighbors, moved his fence line 3 feet over onto our side. (Claiming it's been his all along, but he let me mow and weedwack and trim the bushes and trees for 16 years???) We are now going to have to have the whole property surveyed in order to make him move it 3 feet back onto his own side. And now that he put up a metal junky fence along side his stockade one that was already there..he refuses to weed, keep it clean between both of them. Of course he can't see it through his stockade,,but it looks awful from our side.
Didn’t like my roommate at the time (I didn’t like the guy, either) so he called the cops and said he was selling drugs to kids! They came and searched the whole apartment. All they found was a small amount of weed that he had a medical card for.

They also once called in a noise complaint when we were quietly watching tv and playing with the cats. Cops were baffled. Neighbors didn’t tell us the noise was bothering them, just called the cops.
We live next to a group home so there has been a wide range of personalities coming and going. Most of the tenets keep to themselves, will say hi and ask about our dog.

The more memorable ones include the conspiracy theorist who rolled around on the grass screeching about how the feds were going to steal her eyes.

There was a guy who flicked his lit cigarettes onto our car and new porch...that one resulted in a call to the housing authority and it stopped.

The most recent though is someone is peeing in one of our driveways. Gross.
After about 14 months of working on securing a grant to have native habitat replaced and wildflowers planted in unused areas (and saving the neighborhood a fair bit of mowing costs) one of the neighbors didn't like it. Said it would draw mosquitos and bugs.
I pointed out that her house was next to a retaining pond and woods, and that was her cause of mosquitos. She didn't care for that!
stole my beach chair from our shared storage area. I think she meant to quietly borrow and return it, because it was already October and my chairs were covered and put away. But there was one unseasonably warm weekend and I decided to grab the chairs and go to the beach one more time to discover one chair missing. That evening, I went to the garage look in her car window and there is my chair!
Called the police to say someone was blocking her driveway. It was our driveway. She was using it illegally. She told them she didn't know anyone lived there. We'd been there 7 months.

Where that house was, we lived on a corner lot, and most houses share a driveway. So there was an official driveway between the houses, just a single car width (I will never live that close to another house again). The people we bought the house from had poured gravel in the back yard to make it a drive way for our house. The neighbors had just been coming in one side (between the houses) and leaving out thru our yard. We ended up after several years of fighting with them over them treating our driveway/yard as a parking lot (among other things), putting a 6 ft privacy fence right down the middle of the shared driveway on the property line, so then she didn't have a usable driveway at all. So maybe I'm the petty one? Idk.
I was 23 and just bought my first home. I neighbor knocked on my door right after I moved in and threatened to sue me. He told me the fence was on his property. I did not put up the fence. Prior to me owning the house it was foreclosed, so at any point he could have gone after the bank to make them move it. Or he could have gone after the previous owners who put up the fence to make them do it. But no, he came after me instead.
We've been in our house for almost 27 years. At the end of last year, one of the neighbors started yelling at my DH about parking his car across the street from his house. Their house was known as the crazy house. Evidently, the wife told the husband that she wanted a lot of blow up decorations for Halloween. He bought them and put them up. She stabbed them in the late evening until the cops came.

Needless to say, when he yelled at my DH, he no longer parked there, even though he was within his rights to do so.

They moved in February and two sane women moved into the house. DH still doesn't park there, but that's because he has permission to park off street in a friend's lot.
Elderly lady across the street used to call the cops on my husband for parking on the street. I lost count of how many times she called his truck in as a “suspicious vehicle” We don’t have a driveway only a parking spot behind our garage and two other cars so my husband doesn’t have any other options. We also live on a one way and cannot park directly in front of our house because of that. We never did know what her issue was with him parking in front of her house (across the street from ours) she had a driveway that could fit 4-5 cars, we have walk up mail so no mail boxes were blocked and really a ton of people park on our street even those with driveways. She has since passed away though and the new people are fabulous.
Weird neighbor who has since moved threw sticks from his yard into ours. They were from trees in our yard but close to property line. He actually cut one down prior. I went and ask him please stop, he kept doing and I called non emergency police number. They talked to him.

Couple weeks later letter from attorney arrives saying our trees are endangering his family and killing his trees because they are dead. Drought that summer- we hired arborist and had report saying trees all healthy, were well established before he planted his and his were dying. Icarefully wrote letter back to attorney with report. Never heard anything about again.

He could have pruned what was on his side ...
He was a nutcase and had issues with so many!


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