What are the little things you appreciate about your SO?

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
......that you might not always tell them.

I appreciate:
How DH feeds our birds every day.
How DH always buys my pop when he goes to a store
How DH caught the raccoon that was in our attic over the weekend and other animals that have ventured through our home over the years!!

There's many more but I would like to read yours. :love:
So many things. I'll list just a few.
  • She is probably the strongest person I know.
  • She "gets" me, and I "get" her. Hard to really describe, but we both embrace each others' little idiosyncrasies. It makes life so much easier.
  • She is the most giving person I've ever met. In so many ways- from helping a random stranger, to allowing herself to be vulnerable in order to empathize with someone. I work and try to live my life like that (sometimes not so successfully), but to her, it is just natural.
  • She works so hard with our kids to pass on that giving heart. And while she isn't always the most patient person in the world (especially with me ;) ), with our children she is an absolute saint.
  • She can provide me comfort... just by being. Again, not sure I can even fully describe it.
  • She laughs at all my stupid jokes. Or at least most of them.
  • Her smile is absolutely infectious.
  • She is a dog person. :D
  • She's also a smokin' hot babe.. though I do tell her that one daily.
He takes care of the bugs in the house
He cleans the pool.....I used to and hated it
He likes me to plan the vacations
He likes my cooking and baking
He kills all spiders.

He could not do another thing as long as we live and that would be enough for me to be happy with him. I am TERRIFIED of all spiders. Do not tell me it won't bite. Do not explain to me that it is the size of a pin head. It has a body and eight legs? We canNOT be in the same room together period.

The other thing is that he either fixes things or at least tries. If me or any of the kids have car problems, he will at least make an attempt to fix it and almost always succeeds. Same with all electrical or plumbing problems. Only thing he doesn't try with is the a/c. I think because he knows if he messes that up and I don't have a/c because he messed up, the wrath will be upon him!

  • He's 100% faithful and trustworthy. He doesn't get everything right all the time, but I've never once in all our years spent a minute worrying about his motives.
  • Our values are the same, even when our opinions are not.
  • He's a very snappy dresser.
He solves problems. If there's an issue, something's broken etc.; he figures out a way to fix it and fixes it.

Marie is a very caring person, cares about everybody
She loves animals, especially dogs
She can be satisfied with little, does not always have to have the 'latest'
She puts up with my 'Disneyitis'. Also my penchant for 'qizmos'
She is a great cook
She has put up with me for over 52 years...2 dating, 1 engaged, 49 married
My sweet husband:
*Starts my car on cold mornings
*Brings me a drink or snack when I am snuggled on the couch
*Feeds my Disney Dooney and Bourke obsession
*Feeds the cats and cleans the litter boxes everyday
I appreciate that he is just here. My husband had 2 strokes almost 3 years ago so I am thankful just to have him still with me.

I appreciate that he tries to do the dishes, although I sometimes have to redo them. He lost most of his vision but he tries.

I appreciate that he knows how much I do for him and everyone else: kids, grandkids, church, etc. so he sends me to Disney by myself to get away and recharge my batteries so to speak.

I really appreciate that he understands my need to watch Outlander repeatedly and doesn't care. That is true love because he will give up hockey for me to watch the same episode for the 10th time that week. To be fair I watch TV on the computer a lot so he can watch his sports.
So many little things and not-so-little things too. Every morning, he gets up first and takes a shower - he always puts a fresh towel and washcloth on the towel rack for me. He loves our dog with his whole heart. He reaches over and holds my hand when an airplane is about to take off, because he knows I'm a nervous flier. And in the realm of big things - on Wednesday, he'll hold my hand as we fly to Miami then Buenos Aires then Ushuaia and board an expedition ship to Antarctica. He doesn't even like cold weather, but this is my trip of a lifetime.
He is every superhero of every major motion picture.
Wry humor
Snappy dresser
Family man
Good friend
Great politics
He doesn’t put his politics in your face
And he loves me with patience.
We’ve only been married for 4 years, but he still makes me laugh a lot. We have the same sense of humor & we both can laugh for hours about the little funny thing the day brings.
Our friends & family say our laugh is infectious.
He worries about me too, he’s very caring.
He appreciates that I cook for him & take care of things around the house, laundry, cleaning...
He takes care of the cars & outdoor tasks so we make a good team.
  • He is honest and open. Talks about anything that's going on with him and hides nothing. Never pries though.
  • He's really fragile when it comes to losing loved ones or pets. He puts his whole heart out there.
  • Understands my social awkwardness so he schedules my dentist and things. I call to order his food. Team effort.
  • He has great taste in video games and even though there's the occasional band I don't like we agree on a lot of music.
  • He laughs at my stupid jokes, doesn't care what I do with my hair or body. Doesn't care how I present. Will care if I do something stupid at work and injure myself.
  • If something breaks in the house he's the kind to watch a one hour youtube tutorial and then just fix the thing, which to me is sorcery.
  • We aren't the same religion but he'd never think to convert me or get preachy. Generally we agree politically.
  • Extremely patient, helps with all the animal care.
  • He's comfortable in the quiet. We don't have to always talk and he's pretty adept at my nonverbal cues.
  • When I'm sick, injured, or annoyed by other people he gets really protective of me.
My husband supports my Disney addiction and happily joins me in the parks even though he is an introvert who doesn't like crowds. He has limited time off and let me use all of it to plan my dream trip to Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong to finish the Disney world tour.
He puts aside everything to help anyone, especially family.

He's spent the past couple of weeks making me hand carved measuring spoons.

He's such a wonderful father, we just had a major tickle battle in our bedroom with all of the kids.

He takes all of the kids to dance sometimes so I can work my political activism.

On Valentine's, he put a chocolate rose and a note that said "I love you more than anything" by the coffee pot.
He loves me for me. Even during my moodiness.
He does almost all the cooking and enjoys it.
He is a great dad.
He fixes everything around the house.
He makes me laugh all the time.
He loves Disney as much as I do and enables my habit.
He's my best friend.
He's hot. 😉


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