What is people's problem with kids?

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589 Miles From My Favorite Place On Earth!
Feb 16, 2007
I have seen more and more threads on here lately (and other boards) about how horrible kids are and there should be "adult only" areas in places obviously geered to kids or families. What is the deal? Why do some people hate kids so much?
I don't hate kids, and don't support the idea of "adult only" areas. That being said, I see a LOT of bad parenting in the parks. Parents who try to circumvent the height restrictions, rules about heelies, and other safety rules. I also have a HUGE problem with parents that give guests travelling without children a hard time about doing so. (But that's separate)
I personally don't think that it's that people hate kids, as much as they dislike kids who misbehave. It's very fun being at WDW and having your chair kicked while in an attraction by an unruly kid sitting behind you. Sadly, it's the parents to blame for that, not the kids usually.

I love seeing the faces of kids when they meet Mickey Mouse, but at the same time, if a kid kicks or hits Mickey Mouse (which I have seen since I used to work down there), I dislike the kid's actions and even more so the parent.

WDW is for everybody, young and old. Walt wanted it that way.

That's just my personal opinion though. :)
Yes, I agree. I read a post about two years ago- this guy was upset there were so many children on the Disney Cruise and it ruined his honeymoon.:lmao:

However, my brother owns a tutoring center and I helped him out quite a bit. You would not believe how prevalent it is that kids run the show. "Oh, I know Johnny is failing math, but I don't know if I can get him to come in." I never heard of that. You put him in the car and go. And if he doesn't, there's no allowance, no driving him to the movies, whatever.
I love kids but some of the parents are quite another matter.

To expect a place like Disney World to have a lot of adult only places is a bit extreme but I do see the point in some folks wanting expensive dining experiences and such to be child free or well trained children only.

Now, if we could get the adults to behave also it would be a perfect world. :rotfl2:

Slightly Goofy (who does not even have a perfect environment when alone)
I guess when I started having kids is when I really started noticing the conversations of people who seem anti kids.

I can appreciate some people not liking the behavior of some kids to me that is ok but some are just hateful about kids. I was shocked.

I mean kids are a part of life wheter they are mine or someone elses. Yes I have certain expectations when I walk into a fancy restuarant , in fact I dont bring my kids there, but I dont have those same expectations when I walk into TGIFridays.

And yes there are some misbehaved children out there but for the most part I think parents are trying and sorry people but we cant keep our kids in a bubble!
I guess when I started having kids is when I really started noticing the conversations of people who seem anti kids.

I can appreciate some people not liking the behavior of some kids to me that is ok but some are just hateful about kids. I was shocked.

I mean kids are a part of life wheter they are mine or someone elses. Yes I have certain expectations when I walk into a fancy restuarant , in fact I dont bring my kids there, but I dont have those same expectations when I walk into TGIFridays.

And yes there are some misbehaved children out there but for the most part I think parents are trying and sorry people but we cant keep our kids in a bubble!


There have always been people who hated kids (think W.C. Fields) but adult and child spheres are generally separated. It is only at a place like Disney that child haters HAVE to interact with so many children. What we child lovers consider normal children behaving in age appropriate ways get blown all out of proportion in the posts by the child haters here.
I have no expectations of not having kids around ANYWHERE at WDW. I just ask that parents attempt to have their kids behave. And I don't mean sit quietly. I mean that parents should ask their child to apologize when the child kicks me in the back of the leg rather than just shrugging when I turn around and stare at them. I don't blame the kids (until they're teens), I blame the parents.
It's the parents who have done a poor job of raising those kids in question, that are the problem. Disney just isn't for kids or teens, it's for everyone and has something we can all love about being there

My children are both special needs kids and are a handful at times, but I try to make sure how they act, doesn't affect everyone around them. You won't see my kids running around a restaurant and almost crashing into a server with a tray of food. Same with them wearing heelies and darting in and out of people at the parks. I do try and limit their meltdowns in public and would rather go back to the resort and take a break, then push on commando style. Crying children may be something that is part of the growing up process, but it can bring stress onto everyone around them, especially if it's a full blown meltdown.

I'm a firm believer that everyone at WDW deserves to have a great vacation and me or my children's actions shouldn't affect others that are there to enjoy themselves. I'm far from perfect and so are my children, we just want have fun as a family, but prefer not to do something so out of line, that takes away the fun from others. We can't live in a bubble with our kids and kids will be kids, but we also shouldn't ignore the rights of others around us.
I love kids. I love to watch them having fun. But I can not stand parents who allow their kids to run wild and make no attempt to control them. Things like running around, bumping into people in confined spaces (like lines for rides or waiting areas) Or throwing tantrums in restuarants. Parents take them out, PLEASE. And I don't mean toddlers, I mean kids who are 6 or older and should know how to behave. And, yes I am a parent. I raised two kids who knew it was unacceptable to misbehave in public.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

The best thing to do about threads like that are to just not read them . The majority of them are meant to get a rise out of people and start a flame war.The majority of the time the original poster is a person with maybe one post who just sits back after the orginal post to watch the fireworks and most of the time never makes another post on the thread they started,unless it's to start more inflamatory debate. Or someone who thinks that every episode of misbehavior they witness at Disney or anywhere is the result of bad parenting.

The majority of us have kids and none of us is Parent of the Year and we all know that no matter how well behaved our kids are they all have their moments, and no matter how good a parent we are and how well we disicpline our children and restrict their time at the parks or activities, eventually they all have their moments as do we as parents have ours and one time or another someone is bound to witness one at Disney.. so what. You apologize to those who were exposed to the bad moment and move on. And to those exposed to that bad moment who can't move on... well my Mom used to have a saying " The more you cry , the less you pee" So the next time you see a thread like that just pass it by. JMHO please no flames.

Blessed Be,
It's the parents who have done a poor job of raising those kids in question, that are the problem. Disney just isn't for kids or teens, it's for everyone and has something we can all love about being there

My children are both special needs kids and are a handful at times, but I try to make sure how they act, doesn't affect everyone around them. You won't see my kids running around a restaurant and almost crashing into a server with a tray of food. Same with them wearing heelies and darting in and out of people at the parks. I do try and limit their meltdowns in public and would rather go back to the resort and take a break, then push on commando style. Crying children may be something that is part of the growing up process, but it can bring stress onto everyone around them, especially if it's a full blown meltdown.

I'm a firm believer that everyone at WDW deserves to have a great vacation and me or my children's actions shouldn't affect others that are there to enjoy themselves. I'm far from perfect and so are my children, we just want have fun as a family, but prefer not to do something so out of line, that takes away the fun from others. We can't live in a bubble with our kids and kids will be kids, but we also shouldn't ignore the rights of others around us.

If everyone thought this way there wouldn't be threads like the OP is talking about. Sadly, all the poorly behaved kids usually have a poorly behaved parent.
I usually say to some of the real antikid rhetoric I have heard, not here bu where I worked: "You were a kid to you know"!!!!!
I think that people who do not have children, expect children to be "well behaved" and perfect all of the time...

I'm not going to even be humble about it...my children are STELLAR, one of the best complements I was ever paid was that my husband and I are the kind of parents that should have lots of children because of the way we are raising them....but even MY children have their moments, they have been few and far between...but it has happened....:rolleyes1

If someone feels they can judge my parenting skills or my children for that matter on one of those moments, I could really care less..because they obvoiusly don't know me or my children. So I wouldn't judge another that way either...but I'm blessed enough to be a parent!:hug:

I also expose my children to everything from fine dining to first class, how will they learn how to behave in different environments if they aren't exposed? :confused3

The other thing I have learned as an adult is you have absolutely no idea what another person is going thru that moment or that day that may have preceeded a melt down or whatever you want to call it....so be the bigger person and keep it moving...all of that turning around and glaring does what exactly? If I'm in the middle of trying to rein in a child, the absolute last thing I need from an absolute stranger is a glare:rotfl2:
I think that people who do not have children, expect children to be "well behaved" and perfect all of the time...

I'm not going to even be humble about it...my children are STELLAR, one of the best complements I was ever paid was that my husband and I are the kind of parents that should have lots of children because of the way we are raising them....but even MY children have their moments, they have been few and far between...but it has happened....:rolleyes1

If someone feels they can judge my parenting skills or my children for that matter on one of those moments, I could really care less..because they obvoiusly don't know me or my children. So I wouldn't judge another that way either...but I'm blessed enough to be a parent!:hug:

I also expose my children to everything from fine dining to first class, how will they learn how to behave in different environments if they aren't exposed? :confused3

The other thing I have learned as an adult is you have absolutely no idea what another person is going thru that moment or that day that may have preceeded a melt down or whatever you want to call it....so be the bigger person and keep it moving...all of that turning around and glaring does what exactly? If I'm in the middle of trying to rein in a child, the absolute last thing I need from an absolute stranger is a glare:rotfl2:

Mrs D,

Very well said and very cute kids in your avitar :thumbsup2

Blessed Be,
I think that people who do not have children, expect children to be "well behaved" and perfect all of the time...

I don't have children and I do not expect children to be "well behaved" and perfect all of the time. I do expect to not get kicked or hit repeatedly or have a child scream bloody murder in my ear for 20 minutes while the parent does nothing. That I do expect. Do all of you parents out there tolerate this happening to you? I doubt that. Childfree people get a bad rap because people "assume" they hate kids. Just because I don't have kids does not mean I don't have a clue. I am 47 and I have 15 nieces and nephews and 10 great nieces and nephews. I just wish more parents actually paid attention to what their kids were doing then we wouldn't have the children behaving badly threads. For all the parents actually parenting their children.....Bravo. For everyone else.:headache:
I don't have children and I do not expect children to be "well behaved" and perfect all of the time. I do expect to not get kicked or hit repeatedly or have a child scream bloody murder in my ear for 20 minutes while the parent does nothing. That I do expect. Do all of you parents out there tolerate this happening to you? I doubt that. Childfree people get a bad rap because people "assume" they hate kids. Just because I don't have kids does not mean I don't have a clue. I am 47 and I have 15 nieces and nephews and 10 great nieces and nephews. I just wish more parents actually paid attention to what their kids were doing then we wouldn't have the children behaving badly threads. For all the parents actually parenting their children.....Bravo. For everyone else.:headache:

IMO it's a given that no person...man, woman, boy or girl should hit or kick you. There are lots of kids that could behave better...I totally agree, there are also lots of adults that could use a class on behavior as well. If a child was sceaming in my ear, I doubt I'd subject myself to it for 20 minutes...I'd probably remove myself from the situation, if it were obvious the parent would not or could not control the child. That's just me though:confused3
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