What is your favorite form of indoor exercise equipment?


DIS Veteran
Oct 4, 2005
Our treadmill (17 years old) just died.

We are trying to decide what to do. Replace with another treadmill or buy something else.

Just thought I would get input. And "you should just walk outdoors" is not going to cut it. I get home at 4pm and the weather is just not often good for walking outdoors. Now, if we move back to SoCal.....maybe.

But I am looking specifically for INDOOR EQUIPMENT.

My favorites probably won't help you. I love weights or my sneakers, lol! A little while ago I got the attachment so I could use a resistance band on a door. Not sure I'd recommend that one. Not enough resistance for me. Should have just spent the extra $$ and gotten the bar attachment for the door frame for pull-ups etc...that's next on my list.

Not big on treadmills or exercise bikes, I lose interest way to quickly but I know lot's of people who that works great for.
Buy a set of free weights (dumbbells) and a rack to put them on. Get a set ranging from 5lb to 40lb (or more if you're up to it). Get a workout bench. You can do endless things with those and get far, far better results than any treadmill. There's nothing wrong with a treadmill, but cardio is NOT the answer to fitness. It should be a small component of it.
While I have lots of equipment, I prefer, like others here, free weights. For cardio, I like to do an Insanity video. I'm a huge fan of many of the Beachbody videos, though I have never used their shakes and never will.
While I prefer to ride outdoors, it isn't possible during the winter months. I have my bike set on a bike trainer so I can get my bike sets in. I also prefer the treadmill to running outside, for the reason you stated.

So, if you want cardio, I would say a treadmill. If you want cardio and leg strength, look at a road bike and a trainer. I also use bands and a balance ball.
I for one am damn impressed that you used and broke your 17 year old Treadmill.. kudos. I walk outside a lot but the winter months can be tough. i Have a treadmill and an eliptical. i like the eliptical better because it has LESS impact.. but note, the elipticals (or treadmills for that matter) are not cheap. I also have some free weights and a smith machine of weights when i want to PUMP IRON.. that's pretty rare these days. ;) Beachbody videos are also GREAT and can be accessed and streamed online now. very cool...

With exercise programs, there are tons of options... as i age, i prefer less impact and simply LOVE walking and jogging.. i call it Indian Walking.. i walk a bit then jog a bit then walk a bit then jog a bit.. I prefer to do that outside but sometimes that just aint an option. You can find fairly new/unused treadmills only (craigslist, ebay) because lets face it.. MOST folks simply LOSE their motivation after a few months on the treadmill and it sits idle until they sell it.. ;)
Our treadmill (17 years old) just died.

We are trying to decide what to do. Replace with another treadmill or buy something else.

Just thought I would get input. And "you should just walk outdoors" is not going to cut it. I get home at 4pm and the weather is just not often good for walking outdoors. Now, if we move back to SoCal.....maybe.

But I am looking specifically for INDOOR EQUIPMENT.

I use a recumbent bike. This may not be an issue yet for you but I think it is the kindest equipment for people with joint problems. My physical therapist got me hooked on one after knee surgery. Several people at my YMCA also use them them because of back pain. A good one takes up more floor space than a regular exercise bike but are so much better
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When my treadmill died, I went with an eliptical. I hated the treadmill and it really was mostly to hang my workout clothes on. I used to jog but blew out both my knees so that is no longer an option, heck I have to wear knee braces even when doing yoga. I have a sort of home gym set up in my basement. I have the eliptical, free weights, resistance bands and tubes, a balance board and stability ball. I also have the two most important pieces of equipment for me, a TV and DVD player. I must own at least 300 workout DVDs anywhere from yoga to walking to strength training to interval to just plain ole stretching. All of my cardio are walking based, right now I'm kind of stuck on Jessica Smith (check her out she has a free utube channel where she posts videos). I'll be 60 in a couple of weeks so my workouts are mostly just to keep the body going and the bones from breaking. I actually have a weekly schedule - Monday Cardio, Tues strength, Wens rest, Thurs interval (cardio and strength mixed) Friday Abs and yoga (usually pilates) Saturday whatever I'm in the mood for, usually 30 min. of cardio or interval with some yoga/stretches after, Sun rest. I don't normally do more than 30 min. a day. I used to get up and workout before work around 5 or 5:30 in the morning but as I've gotten older it takes me longer to actually get out of bed then when I'm out, it takes a good half hour to a hour for my muscles and bones to stretch and lub enough to me to actually move with ease so no getting up in the morning any more. I work until 5, get home around 5:30 and get into my workout room around 5:45 so half hour or 45 min. works well for me to work out and still not eat too late and have some time to spend with my honey and puppy.
You can find fairly new/unused treadmills only (craigslist, ebay) because lets face it.. MOST folks simply LOSE their motivation after a few months on the treadmill and it sits idle until they sell it.
Speaking of, I have an exercise bike for sale on there right now, lol!

Also a big fan of the Beachbody workouts. My favorite is 22 Minute Hard Corps. 22 minutes and I'm done. And it WORKS. Been doing T-25 for a week or so now. It's pretty good. Best part, there's cardio, strength training (good for menopause!) and all you need is sneakers, maybe a mat and a couple weights. Cheap & easy!
Buy a set of free weights (dumbbells) and a rack to put them on. Get a set ranging from 5lb to 40lb (or more if you're up to it). Get a workout bench. You can do endless things with those and get far, far better results than any treadmill. There's nothing wrong with a treadmill, but cardio is NOT the answer to fitness. It should be a small component of it.

My husband and I work out regularly at home and I second this. It is really the weight workouts that do the most for overall fitness, in my opinion. We have free weights and a rack. In general, I try to work out 5-6 mornings a week.

However, we also have a very good quality treadmill, as we do still use it. I love my treadmill. I run intervals and I vary the incline as well. It allows me to really push myself and have some great cardio workouts. Our treadmill is a larger, expensive one like you would find in a hotel fitness center or a gym. When you are running at higher speeds and inclines, the $500 ones just don't cut it.

Personally, I have not found a way to push myself on either a bike or elliptical like I can on the treadmill. Everyone, though, is different and their bodies react differently.
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Our treadmill wasn't getting much use until we installed a TV in front of it :happytv:. Now, not only do I use it more, so do my 11 and 12 year olds!

I definitely prefer walking outside but it gets so icy here that it's not safe...
Our treadmill wasn't getting much use until we installed a TV in front of it :happytv:. Now, not only do I use it more, so do my 11 and 12 year olds!

I definitely prefer walking outside but it gets so icy here that it's not safe...
I agree. Our local YMCA has a tv mounted on almost every piece of equipment. I plug my earbuds in and I don't notice the time.

I used to love my morning walk but I don't do it often after getting this artificial knee. I had to get it while relativity young so I don't want to wear it out. I know it will eventually have to be replaced again. I am in awe of all that I read the posters here are doing to stay healthy. Just protect those knees.
My favorite is a mini trampoline, aka rebounder. Have had one for many years, it doesn't take up much space and is very fun to jog, jump and dance on. You can find many videos that use it for a full body workout routine.
Beachbody DVD's and weights. Some are just body weight exercises but some use weights. I love it. And no I'm not a beachbody coach. I just like their workouts.
We have an over the door pull to bar that hooks onto the door frame. You can also take it down and use it for press ups and dips, but it's a great core exercise tool. We have it hanging just off the living room, so we'll do a few pull ups every time we walk past! It's cheap and required minimal installation or construction.
If you like indoor cycling I have heard great things about the peloton bike. I don't have a need for it, as I live across the street from a spin studio, but friends have it and rave about it.
I have an assortment of weights, exercise bands, a GOOD mat and many DVDs. I also have a dedicated space for my workouts which I think makes all the difference when it comes to getting workouts in. I'm partial to Jillian Michael's Body Revolution as each workout is 27-28 mins but you get results. For walking indoors I like Leslie Sansone and I just discovered Jessica Smith, she's a nice change of pace. I hit my gym for the treadmill, bike, elliptical etc.

I think I'm going to look into that 22 Minute Hard Corps, it sounds right up my alley.
Buy a set of free weights (dumbbells) and a rack to put them on. Get a set ranging from 5lb to 40lb (or more if you're up to it). Get a workout bench. You can do endless things with those and get far, far better results than any treadmill. There's nothing wrong with a treadmill, but cardio is NOT the answer to fitness. It should be a small component of it.

Hi Klayfish, can you recommend a place to buy a set of free weights and bench? I've searched craigslist and to be honest I am not a fan of websites like that, and I didn't see much anyway. I would prefer to find the best deal. Thanks!


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