What is your favorite video game?

jump ultimate stars is a import that is never coming to america in english and it is like super smash bros with anime and extra stuff added in
i just used the 49ers on Madden (yes that is random) and beat the raiders 127-10.
Eh, they got their 10 points from my stupid punt returner dropping the ball.
My QB, Alex Smith, had 6 passing TD's and 5 more rushing (which is funny based on how slow he is.)
jump ultimate stars is a import that is never coming to america in english and it is like super smash bros with anime and extra stuff added in

Did someone say ANIME????????!!!!!!! I'll look for it if I can!:woohoo:
anime is like the japanese cartoons. Im not really a big fan of it but my girlfriend is.
PC - Free-ish - Demo of Armadillo Run/Mungyodance 2
Bought - CounterStrike, but Morrowind come in a close second.

Playstation 1 - Either Legend of Dragoon for the sentimental value, or the 3rd Spyro game for the Awesome value.

PS2 - Exclusive - Shadow of the Colossus

Xbawx 360 - Dead Rising. You would expect me to say Halo 3, wouldn't you?

Wii - What little of the new Metroid I've seen/played, it was pretty awesome.

Multiplatform - Guitar Hero III. HEIR KOMMT ALEX.
Super Smas Bro. - Game Cube

Dance Dance Revolution - playstation2
Rayman- Wii
Super mario cart - Nintendo64
Mario cart - ds
Pokemon diamond - DS
Pokemon revolution (i assume that's what its called) - wii

And I have more
not a fan of naruto. just some anime junk to me

HIGH FIVE! Naruto is just a giant fan-service show anyway.

Munygodance 2 - PC

It's like DDR, but with better music and it's free to download. What more can one ask for?
idk yet.

Lego Star Wars The Saga im getting for christmas - for DS

VMK - Computer :rolleyes:

Neopets - Computer

Animal Crossing ah, okay. - DS


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