What is your last work day of the year?

We're a small team, but we're usually able to take a week around the holidays if we all stagger it correctly. Most years, I take the week leading into Christmas, but this year I have family coming in. So, I'm taking the following week. My last work day of this year is 12/22.
I'll be working through tomorrow, 12/14, then just Tuesday next week. So a 4 day weekend, one final day for any last minute meetings and things to finish up, then off until Jan 2.
Dec 31st. I work in healthcare and do not have enough seniority to take holidays during this time of year. Luckily Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day all fall on my days off and I finish at 3pm on New Years Eve.

Today is my DHs first day of vacation and is off until the New Year.
Last day will be 12/21. I am taking 12/22 thought 1/2 off. Some is holiday and some is PTO. I have had a rough year with work and health issues so I feel like I need a reset.
12/22 and return on 1/2. My employer does a holiday disconnect the week between Christmas and New Year's Day.
I give finals on Friday and then have to grade them. Then I am off until January 29. I do need to prep for the next semester, but it is more tweaking the syllabus and a few assignments, and setting up Blackboard. I will probably do it next week so I can truly be "off" for the holidays. Unofficially, I want to submit a paper to a journal so should get started while I am off, but we shall see.
Before retiring I would usually take off 7 days before Christmas until Jan 2, 3, or 4 depending on what day of the week the 1st is. If the 1st was on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday I’d just go back the following Monday.
Dec 29th, first day back is Jan 1st, just an ordinary week and weekend for me.

I do get Christmas Day off this year, which is nice, but of course have to use PTO since it's a usual working day.
It will be 12/29. We get Christmas Eve off which since it is on a weekend will be 12/22 and Christmas Day and then New Year’s Day. I do not need to take any vacation days around this time.
31st. Love working the time between Xmas and New Years because most people are off:

Meaning I get to finally work on projects and emails on the shelf. And take things slow while being paid the same as normal.

I was officially off this week Mo-Wed, but due to workload I still logged in 2-4 hours per day. Going to use those hours to log off at 3pm during the holiday week.
Last day in the office is December 21. Last day working was probably yesterday. I'm not feeling particularly productive...
Last day for me is December 20 and I go back January 8. I work at a college and get two weeks off (which I am very grateful for!), and I took an additional couple of days vacation this year. I'm surprised at how many people have replied who get time off at the holidays. I know some work in academia but am curious what other companies give people time off at the holidays? Or is it just a good time to take vacation days?


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