What is your not so normal item to pack, which is helpful while at WDW ?

I've become addicted to the disboards! I'm still learning my way around, but I am Thrilled I found this thread, so much great information. I will definitely be putting several of these tips to use. Have my trusty note pad beside me to write down ALL the things I learn. Lots of creative ideas I never would of thought of. Thank You All for sharing!!:cool1:
I bring a plug in air freshener. Not because of room stinkiness, but because the scent will continue to remind me of Disney once I get home. I usually buy a wallflower plug in from Bath and Body Works in a scent that I like, but don't use at home (so I'm not already used to it). Besides, it's nice to come back to a fresh smelling room at the end of the day.

A couple of people have mentioned glow sticks. I like getting a pack of glow bracelets. I can usually find a pack of 15 for $1 at Michael's. I originally did this on a trip with my extended family so that my cousin's kids could have them, but I brought more with me on my last trip with my ex-boyfriend. I may be 27, but they still entertain me! And you can hand them out to kids sitting next to you while waiting for a parade or fireworks at night...good conversation starter.

Love the idea of a swimmer's towel!
We take a collapsible clothes drying rack that we place in the bathtub for all the swimsuits and towels. Never enough hanging room for the swimsuits to dry and then someone has to put on a slightly wet swimsuit, which is normally me :confused3

Also I take a few carabiners clips from DH rock climbing stuff. I clip them on to my Vera Bradley Hipster, makes it easy to hold sunvisors and hats when you don't need them.
On our last trip I took a large beach towel with us to the parks, this way we have something to sit on if the ground is extra yucky when waiting for a parade, it also keeps the black grit off your legs when sitting on the ground. If we don't use it to sit on it makes a nice blankie for babies as well.
I read that tip a few years ago, and it's great and works well. The other tip that went with it was that the lids for the plastic popcorn containers sold in the park that have a little tab for attaching to the bucket, are perfect for taking with you when you walk your dog. They make a great portable water bowl to pour water from a bottle into the lid. Then it attaches to your leash when you're done!!!
evian water spray travel size. soooo refreshing and way less messy than filling a water fan.

thank you notes- i have ratatouille ones that i brought last year- since i have a food allergy i got lots of custom meals and it was nice to have one handy for the chef in our hotels foodcourt who made me several special meals.

a fleece throw - not to sit on at parades but to keep the peace in our room since im always cold the extra layer allows me to sleep comfortably in the ac.
i'm trying to think of what we bring that wasn't already mentioned:

by the time i'm done packing for my disney trip, my "medicine bag" is filled with more misc. items than actual medicine. i've got to say: my DH would be lost without the goldbond's.. er.. "man powder" for chafing! :laughing:

we sometimes pack an empty suitcase along for the ride, anticipating all the gifts we will come home with!

random must haves in the medicine bag: tylenol pm, earplugs, extra contacts (if needed), ear drops for water-sensitive ears, panty liners (esp after you ride a water ride.. you may look into needing this..) cough drops, abreva, zilactin (for ulcers in the mouth), Q-tips, etc..

& febreze is my best friend ever:rotfl:
I love this thread!!

Another vote for packing cubes. And when we travel, each person gets their own cube (so it helps limit how much everyone can pack). If we're going to be arriving someplace late in the evening I put everyone's pajamas plus an extra diaper & wipes together into one of the small cubes. Then we're not digging around searching for PJs when we just want to get to bed.

I travel with a clip everywhere I go - like a chip clip only mine is smaller & has a magnet. I've used it to create a bib with a napkin, hold up a sarong, and as a "toy" for the kids when they get bored standing in line or on a plane. I know it has loads of other emergency uses, just haven't run into them yet.
My last trip I took along a dark shower curtain liner and some clothes pins. I pinned the liner to the curtain divider they have by the bathroom at POR. It helped keep the main part of the room a bit darker, so it was easier for the kiddos to keep sleeping while I got up and started getting ready.

I also take a multi-outlet along so that we can plug in various hair straighteners and blow dryers at the same time. Also works for charing all those cell-phones.
Lysol wipes, I know they are horrible for the environment but I have to clean the TV remote, phone, etc in the room. Not to mention the pack n play we got on our last trip was covered with dried peanut butter left over from its last user! :scared: I cleaned that thing from top to bottom before putting DS in it!

I have found a "green" version of these wipes that work just as well as the Lysol ones. Green Works by Clorox.:)
I bring a pop up hamper that folds into a tiny thing. I get then @ Bed Bath and Beyond, but they might also have them @ Target. I bring lots of quaters for laundry in case the change machine is broken, which I have seen. Garbage bags are good to bring home any dirty laundry so it dosen't touch the clean clothes. I bring lysol wipes and do the door knobs, tv remote. toilet etc. My son has sensitiver skin so I have Garden Grocer deliver All Free Clear which I know is okay for him. Usually in the machines they have harsher detergents.
Just thought of something that was a life saver on a previous trip. Binder clips!

We had a trip where it rained quite a bit and we were very stupid and did not purchase the stroller cover for our new double stroller. We took a poncho and used the binder clips to secure it to the stroller. Binder clips are very handy we used them to keep different things connected to the stroller that we wanted to keep at hand like schedules and such-they are cheap and don't take up a lot of room.
I also pack the glow bracelets. We used them last year as bravery bracelets. On a ride my daughter thought was too dark or scary she would wear one and would be fine. We also gave a couple out in line a few times to other kids.
We bring a collapsable closet shelf, but ours is meant for shoes. We also bring about 10 of those small plastic white baskets (you can find for about "3 for $1") The baskets fit perfectly in the show openings. Everybody gets two baskets, (Dd, 13 tomorrow, could use more!:rotfl:) and there is one for other assorted items such as first aid, sewing kit, hair, another for receipts, etc. It really helps keep everything organized, and I like being able to grab my basket and head to the bathroom, or over to the desk/mirror area (with two teens, I never know when the bathroom will be available to brush my hair, etc.) This works better for us than keeping an over the door organizer in the bathroom.

I am sure that this would work for smaller outfits for younger kids (without using the baskets.)

We will also be bringing a pressure curtain rod and clip rings/sheet for our room at the Poly, as there is no divider between the sink area and the toilet area. I am actually a little surprised at that. When we stayed at the POR, we brought a shower curtain and those stick on/easy take off hooks to keep the sink area private - that worked great, but I think that there is now a curtain in that opening (they caught on!)

I bring peppermint foot lotion for the end of the day. Yum!

We will bring a small timer for the shower to help limit time spent (2 teens and Dh and I sharing 1 bathroom!)

We are bringing some Via, that Starbucks instant coffee, to add to our Nescafe. We like strong coffee, and really do not like the Nescafe.

Photocopies of fronts and backs of any Disney Gift Cards and Credit Cards that we bring. Anything important ID wise that I carry with me from the house, I will photocopy. (Backs have phone numbers and other important numbers.) Keep these in the safe.

An extra large plastic bag (Dollar Store has these) to carry with me to put my backpack in when we ride a wet ride (Kali River Rapids, etc.)

I am considering bringing binoculars.

Prior to Leaving, Other things that are helpful:

My Mil recently was in a car crash, and thankfully she is ok, but I was impressed that she carried with her in her pocket book a notebook with exactly what medications she takes/recent surgeries, her drugstore information, (prescription numbers) etc. This was invaluable to the doctors. Her medications were not in her handbag, they were in the back of the car, which had been towed - since she had the information, and I remembered to ask about them, the doctors at the hospital were able to give her prescriptions of her medications prior to sending her home with us, and since she is on a number of medications, and she was somewhat stunned, this really, really helped. There are a few medications in my family, and I will be copying down all the information into my little book and carrying it with me in the parks. Just in case.

Also important, we make sure that the person taking care of our dog has our dog's rabies certificate nearby where the sitter can see it, and we point it out to him. This has never been an issue, our dog is a sweetie pie, but you never know. We also fill out a small form approving how much we will pay for an emergency vet appointment without our knowing anything, prior to us having a conversation with our dog sitter/vet. This is so that they don't worry, and we know our dog will be taken care of immediately. I had a bad situation once pet-sitting someone's pet hamster, and I don't want to put anyone in a similar situation. The amount stated is pretty generous, but I would want to be part of a conversation about his health anyway, before major decisions were made.

Doing those last items may never be important, but they will give me peace of mind.
Regarding binoculars - I thought it would be great to see some things up close, like the animals or the Tree of Life in AK - Or parts of the castle at MK.



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