What items have you noticed have gone missing in stores recently?

We have had difficulty finding Distilled Water and No Sugar (used to be diet) 7 up in the two liter bottles. Have looked at several stores, and all seem to b pe out.

some of this really seems to be regional. I live I. The Pacific Northwest, and have not had any problems with cream cheese or dairy products, however have noticed empty shelves of the pilsbury cookie/doughs
This is based on me not seeing them for over a month and after visiting multiple stores….

Kraft string cheese
Kraft grated Parmesan cheese (store brand isn’t always there either)
Chicken breasts - stores are getting either none or very small amounts
Frozen mixed vegetables
Canned cinnamon rolls

all of the canned type dough products have been out of stock/in short supply around us since before thanksgiving. when i found the crescent rolls a few weeks ago i stocked up (taco rings will be on the menu at our house).

frozen dinners

it's very hit and miss around here. entire brands will be out of stock, the diet variety will be slim choices, haven't been able to find red barron french bread pizza in ages so we are giving the costco brand a try (have a frozen food delivery due from them today).

went shopping yesterday-found all my food items except chicken cup o noodles. they had a bunch of new flavors but not the basic flavors. also the aisles with light bulbs were very empty-ended up ordering from amazon.
Nathan's french fries
Friskies canned cat food
Cherry coke , sometimes even regular coke is not there
dry pasta--there might have been 10 boxes of Barilla and 10 boxes of Great Value brand on the shelf this week,,and there was no spaghetti, thin or otherwise

Plenty of canned bisuits, cinnamon rolls, pizza crust, etc..and no shortage of cream cheese here
Progresso Italian Wedding soup-which my daughter would take every day in a thermos in her lunch. It has been tough.
The items i notice the most that are hit or miss are pasta sauces, frozen waffles and fruit juices. Certain yogurt brands tend to be sparse as well.
Dannon Fruit on the bottom yogurt
Frozen hash brown patties
Ore Ida tater tots
Ditalini pasta for pasta fagioli soup
I miss the yogurt most. The rest I don’t eat much of.
In my local stores, they have been limiting purchases of paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc and have had difficulty finding the typical brands we like. Not to mention the prices of nearly everything have gone waaayy up!
Milk and the Pillsbury stuff in the refridgerated section (biscuits, crescent rolls, etc.), no fat 1/2 & 1/2 (hasn't been in stock for months).
Beef gravy. They always have both chicken and pork in abundance, but beef has been in short supply. I can't even get "brown" gravy. Just the stuff in packets.
CRACKLIN OAT BRAN (KELLOGGS) - no where to be found...

(only cereal that doesn't get soggy in milk)
In fruitlessly hunting for Martinelli's I came across a six-pack of Ocean Spray Cran-Energy, which is basically a cranberry juice cocktail with caffeine from green tea. Seems light on the sugar for a juice product (40 calories for a 10oz bottle), but I'm giving it a try for work today and tomorrow.
Wow, I didn't realize it was so bad across the country. It does seem to be regional on what is missing. We are able to get diet caffeine free Coke at our store, but the price increase is just crazy. I wait til they have a sale and then it is higher than before the inflation!
I go to our family owned stores to support them. They have been out of Great Northern beans for weeks. They have all other types of soup beans. I had my daughter check out Walmart and they had 2# packages, so she bought me 2. I don't understand how one store can have something and the other not? Our town doesn't have that many stores. I hope this is over for everyone soon.

Target stores seem to have A Lot of empty shelves and a poor supply of mainly canned goods. They are really hurting here in N. Mn.
Huh. I guess that we're pretty lucky here in St. Looey.

Other than the Great TP/Disinfectant Famine in early '20, I haven't noticed any unusual shortages.

Maybe that's due to our eating very few processed foods and no soda. We just don't buy things like refrigerated dough or frozen dinners. I cook most everything from scratch. Once we had marinara made with San Marzano tomatoes, the jarred pasta sauces were in no danger from us.
Wheat saltines and 3 ounce dixie cups. After months, I finally found these on walmart.com. and ordered them fast bc I've seen them disappear.
Also fancy feast canned cat food is hard to find in my area (NW PA). Many of the other brands are scarce too.
Zero Sugar Dr. Pepper

If you live near a Kroger, their store brand called "Dr. K Oh" is really good. I used to be totally addicted to Dr. Pepper 10 and then they stopped distributing it in my market, and this tastes pretty much just like it.
Staffing is way up here. All those personal shoppers they hired during the pandemic to complete orders for curbside pickup. Their carts are clogging the aisles.
No one is parking in the curbside pickup here, which leads me to believe that it’s not being used. It’s laughable with the 10 spots designated everywhere and they are always empty. Meanwhile there are lines in the middle of the week/midday and the grocery workers are talking about the lack of staffing every time I shop. Trader Joe’s seems to have plenty of people working, it’s the major chains that seem to be struggling. Ralph’s Albertson’s and Walmart.
No one is parking in the curbside pickup here, which leads me to believe that it’s not being used. It’s laughable with the 10 spots designated everywhere and they are always empty. Meanwhile there are lines in the middle of the week/midday and the grocery workers are talking about the lack of staffing every time I shop. Trader Joe’s seems to have plenty of people working, it’s the major chains that seem to be struggling. Ralph’s Albertson’s and Walmart.
We shop early on Sunday morning (7 am) when they are stocking shelves at Walmart. There are employees on almost every aisle doing that. Far more than the local chain grocery store. Can't say I have been many people actually picking up curbside, but the personal shoppers are busy pulling items and Walmart, our local Grocery store and Target all have large areas with freezers and refrigerators to hold the orders that have been pulled. They wouldn't still be doing it if there wasn't the demand. I know my DS and DDIL never go to a store, they not only preorder, they have it delivered. Same with the mid-30s couple next door. They both work from home and did for years before the pandemic. They never go to the store, grocery delivery only.


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