What job do you want when you're older?

Orthopedic Surgeon. Fortunately, I'm allowed to watch surgeries of athletes that I take care of through athletic training.

If that doesn't work out, I can always continue to be an athletic trainer. I LOVE preventing/correcting athletic injuries, if you can't tell!!!

or I could move away and stalk Chace Crawford....:tiptoe:

I don't know what i want to be. Atm i am wanting to be a biochemist but im not doing to well in biology :(.

Or something to do with children. Not childcare though.

I'm leaving school this year so i want to go on to sixth form and then possibly go on to do casting.

Well in a couple of years me and Kevin Jonas are getting married, so you know....:lmao:
Right now I am going to Rosen College of Hospitality Management. Not to sure what I want to do with that degree yet, but I have pretty much settled on something in the hospitality industry. I was leaning towards hotel management, but I was also thinking about Theme Park and Resort management as well. Oh the possibilities. :goodvibes
I want to be a nurse. With specialty is Pediatric Oncology.
Something in the Movie/Music industry.
Acting, Directing, Screen Writing, Singing, Songwriting.
Preferibly all of them.
Well right now I'm in school, with my major being Biology. Its tough, but it'll be worth it! I want to be an MD. Maybe Cardiology? Maybe Orthopedic surgeon? Maybe Pediatic Oncology? Maybe OBGYN???
I want to be a dentist since i am there so much.
I would also like to do something with cooking.
well when i am in college i want to work at disney world durin the summer or somethin.
then i might be
Christian country singer
Marine Biologist
maybe Lawyer....:confused3
A radio DJ, and if that doesn't work out then something with computers. =D
An actress!!!
And interior decorator, artist, architect, doctor maybe, and pshycologist, and I love little kids, so anything with them-except childcare!
so many to choose from!
:tigger: :tigger:
I was dead set on being an author but that's kinda falling out under me.

So right now I'm thinking Journalist, or something to do with Broadway or movie industry.
something like ASPCA.
like an animal cop.(that sounds wierd xD )
or a preschool teacher.
I'm going for elementary education with a concentration in English. But lately I've been thinking about becoming an english teacher...but whatever it is, I definitely want to be a teacher.
Well right now I'm in school, with my major being Biology. Its tough, but it'll be worth it! I want to be an MD. Maybe Cardiology? Maybe Orthopedic surgeon? Maybe Pediatic Oncology? Maybe OBGYN???

Wanna work together? ;)


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