What on earth happened to McDonalds?

Google did turn up the article, which links to this as the source of its figures: https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/jobs/living-wage-every-state/

Worth noting, they defined "live comfortably" as living by the 50/30/20 rule so this isn't just the ability to make ends meet. It is the ability to live on half of one's total income while dividing the rest between savings and fun. In other words, a "living wage" (per the usual definition of providing for the basics of life) would be around half of the numbers they come up with, maybe a bit more if you include having the ability to save at least a little something.
Thanks for the link. Living wage being defined as putting 20% in savings sounds lofty to me personally with the state of things like housing. A good idea to do but in practical terms isn't usually feasible with wages and all other costs for a lot of people.
Socialism in the US is just a buzzword for any argument that is too pro-worker. We're lagging behind almost every other developed nation in the world on a wide scope of quality-of-life measures because those scare tactics have us convinced that we're just one strike or labor law away from becoming North Korea that we are shamed for advocating for any sort of improvements for the "have nots" of the country.

And regardless of how good any individual is or isn't at developing their own personal skills, the fact remains that a very large segment - on its way to a majority, per most economists' forecasts - of the total jobs available in this country are low wage. An individual person improving themselves out of that situation doesn't change the bigger picture of what comes when 40+ percent of workers can't afford to make ends meet.

Nah, so explain why so many people over 2million this year alone are flocking to the US? If it's so bad here, you do have the freedom to leave.

As to your second point maybe we need to go back to making things in this country instead of getting practically everything we buy from other countries. A good portion of the high paying jobs have been outsourced to other countries. We should be taxing/taffing the heck out of products coming into this country so the products made in this country can compete. Americans don't want to pay for what it would cost for those same products if they were made in this country. Instead, we opt to buy thing made in China and elsewhere for much less money and that is due to the fact that the workers in China and elsewhere are paid so little.

You can't have it both ways.
Nah, so explain why so many people over 2million this year alone are flocking to the US? If it's so bad here, you do have the freedom to leave.

As to your second point maybe we need to go back to making things in this country instead of getting practically everything we buy from other countries. A good portion of the high paying jobs have been outsourced to other countries. We should be taxing/taffing the heck out of products coming into this country so the products made in this country can compete. Americans don't want to pay for what it would cost for those same products if they were made in this country. Instead, we opt to buy thing made in China and elsewhere for much less money and that is due to the fact that the workers in China and elsewhere are paid so little.

You can't have it both ways.
Most immigrants coming to the US are not coming from developed countries. And sure we have the freedom to leave, but it's not easy to immigrate to other developed countries.
Most immigrants coming to the US are not coming from developed countries. And sure we have the freedom to leave, but it's not easy to immigrate to other developed countries.

I don't think that it's accurate to say most immigrants coming to the US are coming from developed countries. I don't think that most who are flowing over our southern border are coming from developed countries and there are over 2 million this year alone. You are correct, it's not that easy to immigrate to other countries but you can still go if you think it's so bad here. Unfortunately, it seems pretty easy to come to the US and I think most come here expecting a better life then what they have left behind.

EDIT: I see I originally made a mistake and misread your reply, you said NOT from developed countries. You are correct about that and just as you said it's not that easy to immigrate to other developed countries including the US if you come in the way you're supposed to.
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I don't think that it's accurate to say most immigrants coming to the US are coming from developed countries. I don't think that most who are flowing over our southern border are coming from developed countries and there are over 2 million this year alone. You are correct, it's not that easy to immigrate to other countries but you can still go if you think it's so bad here. Unfortunately, it seems pretty easy to come to the US and I think most come here expecting a better life then what they have left behind.
She said they are NOT coming from developed countries.
I remember McDonalds birthday parties fondly and stacking the old styrofoam burger boxes. I wanted one so bad as a kid.
Yes I've been known to enjoy an occasional McDonald's (don't judge). But wow, how's it's changed the last few years. It's sad what they've done to their restaurants. Let me think of all the ways they've ruined their restaurant experience...

Most noticeably, they completely stripped all the fun and color from their dining rooms and replaced them with minimalist, lifeless decors. The location near me doesn’t even have the menu displayed on the wall behind the counter anymore.

But it gets worse. They no longer have anyone at the front counter to take your order. Everyone is in the back doing the food or scrambling to fill to-go orders. They now expect all customers to order using those awful kiosks. If you have a special order and need to order from the counter, you have to stand there and wait and wait for an employee to notice you.

Want a drink refill? Tough luck. They did away with the self-serve drink machines, so you have to go to the counter and battle your way through all the pickup patrons and hope that an employee back there sees that you need a refill. And if your drink is ice water, they now put those in the tiniest possible 8 oz cup, so that's an awful lot of trips to the counter and waiting frustrated (as your food gets cold).

Don’t want to keep getting up to refill your baby sized 8 oz water cup? Well, the regular size cups will cost you. That’s right, they now charge for regular sized water cups.

It's funny how their slogan used to be "smiles are free". Now you can barely get them to look at you. The only way to make eye contact with an employee is to lean over the counter and hope someone sees you. Or speak out "Excuse me, can I please get...."

Let's get to the menu... Remember when they offered healthier items? Well, no more salads. No more grilled chicken. Nothing but fried stuff. They even charge extra for lettuce on a hamburger. Appalling.

And remember the dollar menu? They took that away too. Let's be honest, they did. $3 doesn't count. There is literally not one thing that is a dollar, I looked it up. And a tiny little hot fudge sundae (which is no longer hot, because they took that away too), is now $3.19. What?!?

And don’t even think of asking them for a mixed soda, or a half-and-half. You used to be able to get that, but now that’s a definite no.

Even the serving trays are gone. Now they just hand you a bag with your food in it. Yes, even if you selected "for here", and even after you typed in your locator number on your plastic tent thingy. Everything now comes in a brown bag.

Even parking is a pain in the butt now because nearly every spot is reserved for pickup and drive-thru. Is it clear yet that they no longer want people in their restaurants?

Oh and forget McDonald’s PlayPlaces. Those were way too happy, so they got rid of those too. I was actually surprised to see they still technically offer birthday parties in their restaurants. This is funny to me. What on earth do the kids do there? There’s no PlayPlace, and the dining rooms are now so small with nothing to look at. Ronald McDonald is nothing but a distant memory.

Okay, McRant over. But I do miss the McDonald’s we had as kids. Or even from three years ago lol.
That doesn't sound anything like my local McDonalds.
Yes, we have the kiosk, but there's always a cashier. Only a few parking spaces on the drive thru side are designgated for pickup/drivethru. The parking on the whole other side of the building and in the back is for customers to park. We still have a Play Place, and a self serve drink station.
That said, I do miss their salads, and hubby wishes they still had breakfast all day.
That doesn't sound anything like my local McDonalds.
Yes, we have the kiosk, but there's always a cashier. Only a few parking spaces on the drive thru side are designgated for pickup/drivethru. The parking on the whole other side of the building and in the back is for customers to park. We still have a Play Place, and a self serve drink station.
That said, I do miss their salads, and hubby wishes they still had breakfast all day.

One of my first experiences with one was at a location where they specifically stated that customers had to order through one unless there was a disability that prevented its use. But if paying cash, they had one cashier.

But more recently I've seen that there often isn't a cashier and the POS terminal is locked out. Workers may be working in the back and then come out if there are customers. I personally like using the kiosks - especially with all sorts of special requests that can be a bit embarrassing asking for in person - like extra sauces. My kid sometimes wants strawberry preserves to mix in with a beverage. And sometimes I like to see if they'll just give me honey even though I ordered was a burger. And not being rushed because I'm not necessarily creating a backup. Or getting an app-only deal and then going through all of the options. But then I'd like to pay cash and I have to wait in line or for a cashier to even show up. A few times I had the little slip of paper to bring to the cashier just print out nothing because of a printer issue (probably needed to adjust the print head). The first time I was told they couldn't do anything about it and I could order again, only I'd used an app deal and I couldn't bring it up since I'd already "used it up". But more recently I've had that happen and the cashier said that they could look up all "pay at counter" kiosk orders and take my payment without seeing the number of the slip.
If my FIL were still alive, he'd have a heart attack from the prices at McDonald's now. He died in 2018, and I took him through the McDonald's drive thru at least 4 to 5 times a week. Gross, I know, but he was very unhealthy anyway so it was best he enjoyed himself with the time he had left.
If my FIL were still alive, he'd have a heart attack from the prices at McDonald's now. He died in 2018, and I took him through the McDonald's drive thru at least 4 to 5 times a week. Gross, I know, but he was very unhealthy anyway so it was best he enjoyed himself with the time he had left.

I remember the dollar menu. I also remember in certain areas (or with certain franchise owners) the prices would be higher. There was actually some criticism at one location where the owner raised the prices and there were homeless advocates who said that it was bad for the homeless who couldn't afford anything else.

But right now the prices have gotten higher. But there are bargains for those with access to the McDonald's app. Part of it may be to give lower prices to people with access to technology, although I've seen homeless people with cell phones. Some get them from nonprofits that provide basic internet service too, although if one is going to McDonald's, they pretty much all provide Wi-Fi.
There was one at a prominent location that closed last month - at San Francisco Fishermans Wharf. I found myself there looking for it and then was surprised when the sign was gone and I saw it was closed. This article makes it seem as if it was corporate owned and not a franchise. I would go there just for coffee sometimes and it was alway busy. It didn't have any of the serious issues we'd see at other locations like a lot of homeless or even drug dealing in the parking lot (no parking). The biggest issue with this location was always the long line for the bathroom.

They still have the Dollar Menu. I think it's called the 3 Dollar Menu. 😆

There are some weird pricing details. Yesterday I was just looking for something fairly cheap where I needed to spend at least $2 (pretax) to get fries at no additional cost. The cheapest menu item was maybe a beverage at $1.29. I was looking around for something, and it looks like there’s no more 50 cent Gogurt (my kid liked that without a Happy Meal). So a basic hamburger was $2.59, but a double hamburger was $1.70. Weird, but I was able to order it just fine.


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