What were the jokes you used to hear about yourself as a child?

Growing up Mennonite made our community the local tourist attraction. Heard many unkind comments any time we ventured into town. People can be unbelievably inconsiderate when they forget that they're looking at other humans like they are a zoo animal.
You're so skinny...

Have to run around in the shower to get wet

Turn to the side, stick out your tongue ...you'd look like a zipper

Stand in one place to long...the bean vines will run up your legs

Don't wear yellow because you'd be be mistaken for a pencil

I expected to see more replies to this thread. I guess it's more unusual than I thought.
You're so skinny...

Have to run around in the shower to get wet

Turn to the side, stick out your tongue ...you'd look like a zipper

Stand in one place to long...the bean vines will run up your legs

Don't wear yellow because you'd be be mistaken for a pencil

I remember more than one person asking my mom is she fed me I was so skinny. That ceased to be an issue about the time I hit age 12. And at nearly 64 still is not an issue.
Are you talking about jokes or insults. I don't knwo that I remember any jokes. Insults I certainly do, but I won't go into it too deeply. Let's jsut say I am a nerd and always have been, so think that whole family of things.
You're right. I think I was looking at it wrong.
so....going with the ears.....I will lean toward insults....I was often compared to Fred Munster...I was tall, big headed and wore 1960s work boots...I lived on a ranch and climbed Joshua tree park rocks...so parents tried of me wearing out standard shoes.....so clunky, big work boots.

as for jokes...Georgie porgie kissed the girls.....grandpa and dad always teased me about what elementary school girl did I kiss today....strange. and actually had consquences on my emotional behavior...they saw it as a joke.
What were the jokes ... or what still are the jokes? They never went away.

Anything having to do with being short. Too many to even mention.

I have no issue with it from friends, it is the strangers that make me :rolleyes2. Really, Mr 60 Year Old Man, I had no idea I was short, thanks for letting me know. One of these days I'll get enough gumption to say, "wow, you are really bald!" as a response. *** hat.
You're so skinny...

Have to run around in the shower to get wet

Turn to the side, stick out your tongue ...you'd look like a zipper

Stand in one place to long...the bean vines will run up your legs

Don't wear yellow because you'd be be mistaken for a pencil

Same here. Better hold a big rock or you will blow away. Add in my maiden name and it didn't help.

Later got asked if I had anorexia.
Anna - banana...........it got old so fast but as an adult, I would still hear it here and there......too childish then when I heard another adult telling me

Too skinny when I was much younger - that is not an issue anymore............
Turn to the side, stick out your tongue ...you'd look like a zipper
Apologies, but I have to say, that one is pretty funny :D

I have unusually thick and long eyelashes for a male. I got mascara boy quite a bit when I was young.
Idk why or how but my nickname growing up was Megan moo cow. My dad's pet name is moogs for me. And so everytime we would go past a farm people would go "look it's your family". Fyi I was a skinny child so it wasn't fat shaming.
I was called Bony Marony because I was practically a stick figure as a kid. Not a problem now-I'm shaped eerily like all the other women on my Mom's side of the family.
" Oh chubby wubby, arent you a cute thing!" hahaha. The adults thought that was so cute.
I was a bit chubby, looking back at childhood pics, but not really that big of a deal. Or it shouldn't have been. Too bad all those years as a child I felt fat. I was in "regular" size clothes. I had "thin" by body type friends so I always was compared to them.
Those thoughts and concepts of my body type have stayed with me even though intellectually I know better.
People should know that words matter but they never seem to learn.
I got all the skinny jokes, but my mom always said to me "at least you won't be fat when you are 40." I actually wasn't.
I only gained 27lbs when I was pregnant and was back in my jeans in 10 days. Did some amateur modeling in my mid twenties and one time I took my 18 month old with me and a babysitter for her. When I was taking my DD to the bathroom one of the photographers, I had know for a number of years, asked me who she belonged to. I said she was mine. He thought I was only 21. I had to tell him I was 28. He thought I was 18 when I started. This picture was taken the day I had my DD with me.



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