What's the big deal with the 50th?

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Ok, I am probably a bigger Disney freak than most of you, but I just don't understand why you guys are so excited about being there for the 50th? Are they doing anything special for it? I am going to be on vacation in California during this time, so I will be there July 12-14, but I would never go just for the 50th. It's going to be soooo much more crowded than usual.
We were at Disney World on May 5 by accident too, and that was a huge pain, so I am very upset that I just happen to be at DL during the actual Birthday.
Please help me understand what all of the fuss is about.
For me, I want to go because 1) I have never been to DL, and 2) I (and my son) can say that we were there for the 50th
I think it would just be cool, all of it. The castle is all decked out in gold, the parades are different, the hidden mickeys are gold.
,I think that WDW has more benefits, as they have the Lights, Motors, Action show from Toyko, Cinderellabration from Paris, Soarin from DLand, and Lucky the Dinosaur, that are only there for the 50th, then they go back to where they came from.
It is also just a good excuse to go!!
Evidently you're not a bigger Disney freak than most of us (at least those of us who feel the need to be there) if you just don't get it. I'm not going that day to get on rides (though I do hope for at least one ride on Space Mountain). Since I'm local and an AP holder, it's not a big deal if I don't get on rides, it's just that I feel the need to be there to celebrate the birthday of my favorite place in the world.
kellymouse said:
I am going to be on vacation in California during this time, so I will be there July 12-14, but I would never go just for the 50th. It's going to be soooo much more crowded than usual.

Well the 50th Celebration is for 18 months and it shouldn't be overly crowded during the whole celebration. Since your going in the summer it would have been crowded if it was the 50th or not.

The actual 50th anniversary is on Sunday, July 17th, so you won't be there on the 50th anyway.

The kids and I are going, but like iceskatejen, we're not expecting to do to many attractions.

I did book the Fantasmic Premium viewing (I believe it will be worth it for this day) & Blue Bayou to make our day extra special. And we also will have the enhanced Fastpass feature on our tickets from AAA, so we will be able to do some attractions.

We just want to be there!!!

:flower: ,
iceskatejen said:
Evidently you're not a bigger Disney freak than most of us (at least those of us who feel the need to be there) if you just don't get it. I'm not going that day to get on rides (though I do hope for at least one ride on Space Mountain). Since I'm local and an AP holder, it's not a big deal if I don't get on rides, it's just that I feel the need to be there to celebrate the birthday of my favorite place in the world.

Evidently you are rude.
I DON'T get going across the country for a family vacation to get to DL to have it be mobbed where you can barely move, not even possibly GET IN to the park, and that is what I DON'T GET! (We know from going every Summer that it is extremely crowded during the Summer months, so we are prepared for that.) If you are a local, an AP holder, or visit a lot, that is a different story. But for my family to plan on going across the country on a Summer vacation at Disneyland and having my kids excited about going, going on rides, and for us to spend all of the $$ on DL and perhaps not even being able to get in the park, or possibly go on rides, that is what I don't get. We would not have choosen to be there on July 17, and would have planned a different time of the Summer.
Hey Kellymouse,

Just enjoy it! Your vacation is what you make of it. There will be special things happening during that time, it's not just about being there on THE day (well, for some of us it is...but since you won't be there on THE day, it's a moot point, isn't it?). The expectation is that there will be an announcement with bigwigs present. Here's a few things that you should try to do, to get in the "spirit" of the whole birthday party thing:

Attend the Star ceremony on Hollywood Blvd. on the 14th

Check out the golden ride vehicles, get a photo in a golden peter pan ride vehicle or a golden autopia car

Take one of the special tours designed just for the 50th

Consider attending a couple of special events that will be taking place with the NFFC convention, check out the website for information at www.nffc.org

See the special exhibit and movie on Main Street, where Lincoln belongs. That's a HUGE theater!

Buy golden ears, wear them, have fun!
kellymouse said:
Evidently you are rude.
I DON'T get going across the country for a family vacation to get to DL to have it be mobbed where you can barely move, not even possibly GET IN to the park, and that is what I DON'T GET! (We know from going every Summer that it is extremely crowded during the Summer months, so we are prepared for that.) If you are a local, an AP holder, or visit a lot, that is a different story. But for my family to plan on going across the country on a Summer vacation at Disneyland and having my kids excited about going, going on rides, and for us to spend all of the $$ on DL and perhaps not even being able to get in the park, or possibly go on rides, that is what I don't get. We would not have choosen to be there on July 17, and would have planned a different time of the Summer.

Hey, I didn't mean to insult you, but I found the first sentence of your original post pretty insulting myself--none of us can say we are bigger Disney freaks than others here--I think we all are, at least the regulars are.

That's fine that you don't feel the need, but don't look down your nose on those of us who do--there's nothing wrong with us. You act like there's something wrong with people who have planned specifically to be there on the 17th. Why don't you just skip it this summer if the 50th celebration is such a problem and a pain for you--as it apparently is since you seem to be bellyaching about it.

Here's the list of reasons I want to be there that day:
1. My friends are all going too and I want to share that special day with them.
2. Free cake and probably something else (I've heard Mickey ears)
3. The probabilty of a rededication ceremony.
As you can see from my original question, I was simply asking what the need was to be there on July 17. If I lived down the street and went all the time, hey, I might go too. But to make a special trip from another state to be there for the day for our once a year family vacation when you know it's going to be jammed, and may not even get in, that just doesn't sound entertaining to me.
I was never looking down upon any of you, just simply asking why you wanted to be there that day and if anything special was going on.
I will still be going on the 12th, sorry to disappoint you! We will not be attending on the 17th, and this trip will still be fun as usual for us, and not a "problem", "pain" or "bellyache" in the least. Just simply asking what the big deal was and trying to see if I was missing something.
Not quite sure how "I am probably a bigger Disney freak than most of you, but I just don't understand why you guys are so excited about being there for the 50th?" was so insulting to you, but whatever.
kellymouse said:
Not quite sure how "I am probably a bigger Disney freak than most of you, but I just don't understand why you guys are so excited about being there for the 50th?" was so insulting to you, but whatever.
Not to butt in, but I have to admit when I originally read your post I found this statement to be condescending, and didn't answer the thread because of it. And the original post did not clarify that you wanted to know why people would travel across the country to go, it just stated you didn't understand what the big deal was, period. It did not seem like it was just a friendly curiosity, or a 'hey, am I missing out on something?' type of question.

Off of my soapbox and on to your question -- there are going to be some special events, nothing life changing, but for some people it's apparently enough to make the trip worth while. I'm hoping to be there, but I'm a local. DL means a lot to me so I want to be there to be a part of the celebration. In a way, it's historic. Now if this were a celebration for WDW, I don't think it would really phase me as much. I enjoy WDW, but it's not as close to my heart as DLR is. JMO. :earsgirl:
Isn't it as simple as each family or person finds different things important? Whether you travel from down the street or across the country, they want to be there for that day. They have decided the crowds will be worth the "bellyache" to be there for a day that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the place where "the Magic began." I don't question other peoples vacation plans, it is not my time or my money, but I can see how some would find it 100% worth it to go or why some would avoid it like the plague, huge "Disney Freak" or not.
I am still new at posting, but I just wanted to comment on this thread. I feel we are all disney fans and we all make our seperate decisions when it would be a great time to visit one of the parks or even take a cruise. My family and I personally like to go our yearly vacations when it is value season. The reason for this is because my DH gets extremely grumpy when there are a lot of people around and we have to wait in line for rides. We just went on the panama canal cruise from May 14-28th. I have four children that are all in school; so during the two weeks I home schooled them. I LOVE Disney and wish I had the money to go more often then once a year. I can fully understand wanting to be there on the actual first day it opened;fifty years ago; crowd or no crowd. On the other hand I can understand not wanting to go because you can't even move. That is what makes us all wonderful individuals and keeps Disney going; due to the fact that we LOVE the mouse!!!!
Well I'm one who'll prob be there a 3 am on the 17th

I want to be there because I want to be- and quite frankly there was no way I was/am going to miss it- I have been at DL for the last 3 birthdays and I doubt I'mm miss many more- I can't explain why I will be there but I feel its important to be-

Plus I wasnt around for the 1st or the 25th and I doubt I'll be around for the 75th or 100th so I gotta take what I can ;)

If ya don't plan to be there that day- Good for you- One less person ahead of me in the pin line ;)

PryncessChrysty said:
Not to butt in, but I have to admit when I originally read your post I found this statement to be condescending, and didn't answer the thread because of it. And the original post did not clarify that you wanted to know why people would travel across the country to go, it just stated you didn't understand what the big deal was, period. It did not seem like it was just a friendly curiosity, or a 'hey, am I missing out on something?' type of question.

Sorry that you found it condescending. I was just trying to say that I am a Disney freak as well, but I don't get it, and help me understand. Didn't know I was gonna cause such a ruckus!
I do think it makes a difference if this is your one time to be at DL with your family or you can be there as often as you would like. That's why they make chocolate and vanilla!
I have to agree with some of the others Kellymouse, when I read your first post here and the other about no rooms available at the DLH I felt you had a huge chip on your shoulder. You seem very bitter, but maybe that's just your everyday personality :confused3 I've avoided your posts until now as well. It seems you have now set out to not enjoy yourself at the parks, so maybe for your kids' sake you should just avoid it all together and do something else, like SeaWorld, or Universal? Even if it weren't the 50th Celebration, you shouldn't have waited so long to make reservations for a room, and the way I see it, it's your own fault that there isn't now. Shouldn't be upset that it's the 50th and extra crowds, but at yourself for putting it off. School is out, of course it's going to be busier, it's summer! :sunny:

When I planned our trip I had no idea it was the 50th but was pleasantly suprised when I learned it was! This is a once in a life time thing, it won't happen again. Enjoy it, celebrate the 'Happiest Place on Earth' :earsboy:
We'll be there for the big party, and we are not as close as you are.We are from México city and this is our first trip to DL.
Just enjoy it!, and if you are not as big fan as us, just choose another time of the year to go.

I'M a Disney fan! :love:

:earboy2: Verºoºnica :wizard:
Mom2my2daughters said:
I have to agree with some of the others Kellymouse, when I read your first post here and the other about no rooms available at the DLH I felt you had a huge chip on your shoulder. You seem very bitter, but maybe that's just your everyday personality :confused3 I've avoided your posts until now as well. It seems you have now set out to not enjoy yourself at the parks, so maybe for your kids' sake you should just avoid it all together and do something else, like SeaWorld, or Universal? Even if it weren't the 50th Celebration, you shouldn't have waited so long to make reservations for a room, and the way I see it, it's your own fault that there isn't now. Shouldn't be upset that it's the 50th and extra crowds, but at yourself for putting it off. School is out, of course it's going to be busier, it's summer! :sunny:
Wow! I am so shocked about peoples responses.
We go to CA every Summer for the past 25 years, and we ALWAYS wait till a few days before to make our DL room ressies because we have always gotten great deals. This year I was upset because I didn't realize till a few days ago when I was checking out the hotel situation that we were going to be there on the week of the actual Birthday, so I was disappointed to hear there will be enormous crowds. We are used to the huge Summer crowds anyway, but this seems like it will be crazy.
That's pretty harsh criticism. I am a very nice person and I enjoy myself immensely at the parks. I am possibly "bitter" about the hotels being full because I was not aware until a few days ago of the Birthday.
We are going from July 8 - 18th so that we can enjoy the NFFC convention and the birthday in the park. We are coming from Maryland and we planned over 3 years ago to make sure we were in DL on this special day. We know what crowds are like. We have been to all of the "5" birthdays in WDW (ie ten cennial, 15th, 20, 25, 30-although that one was "postponed" due to 9/11) We also made reservations at WDW 7 years in advance to be there for New Years 1999/2000. While the crowds make the vacation different, EVERY Disney vacation we have had has been MAGICAL.

It is IMPORTANT to us to be in DL on their 50th Anniversary ON THE DAY to celebrate where the magic began.

kellymouse said:
Ok, I am probably a bigger Disney freak than most of you,...

Doubt that you're a bigger Disney fan than me, but I share the enthusiasm. :)

... but I just don't understand why you guys are so excited about being there for the 50th?

I'm excited about going because I am a really big Disney fan! My 16 yr old daughter is, too. We were both there on the 5th, braving the crowds w/Disneyland_Emily and met up w/Bernee who also loves Disneyland. We're going again - we don't expect to go on any rides - just soak in the atmosphere of being there on the 50th. We were there on the 30th, 40th, and now the 50th. My ds will probably not go - he definitely is not as big a fan as we are.

Are they doing anything special for it?

We don't know - they will probaby have cake for everyone & may have a birthday hat for each person till they run out. Anything else, and we'll be surprised -- surprised and happy.

I am going to be on vacation in California during this time, so I will be there July 12-14, but I would never go just for the 50th. It's going to be soooo much more crowded than usual.

Besides the people who love Disney, there are a lot of people coming out for a normal vacation = extra crowded. You'll miss the actual birthday and the craziness with it, but it will still be more crowded than usual.

We were at Disney World on May 5 by accident too, and that was a huge pain, so I am very upset that I just happen to be at DL during the actual Birthday.

You will not be there during the actual birthday, however, with the issues with counter service and crowds, you will be in for long waits for everything. Hopefully, you'll be able to enjoy yourself despite all this, but if not, you may want to rethink your dates - just because it's not fun to spend a lot of money for a miserable time. If you do come out, I really hope you're able to just accept all the crowds & added wait times and truly enjoy yourselves.

Please help me understand what all of the fuss is about.

Personally, I think this is a case of either you get it or don't. Not everyone has to get it. But the ones who do - we're excited about being there 50 years after the Magic began.
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