When you were a kid, did you ever move

Military family so we moved plenty while I was in school and then I moved plenty after I finished college.

Hubby just retired so we are looking at another possible move soon.

I've only live in 22 of the 50 states plus Washington DC I guess I have plenty of moves left yet. :rotfl2:
K-4th one elementary school
2 months in 5th grade- started at elementary
Oct of 5th grade moved to another elementary.
stayed there through 9th grade hs #1

10th grade different high school #2
11th grade high school #2 Until jan of that year.
11th grade high school #3 for one month- ( mom got remarried/decided bad thing)
rest of 11th and 12th at hs #2
I went to 5 elementary schools, 2 junior highs and 2 high schools. We never lived anywhere longer than 2 1/2 years while I was growing up.

DH grew up in a small town, they only had 1 of each school... so even though they moved once he stayed at the same school.

Our oldest DD only had to technically switch schools once, even though we moved several times. We moved just down the street while she was in 1st grade, so she was in the same school. In 4th grade we moved to another town, so she did switch then. At the end of 5th grade we moved back to our original town, we made sure to buy a house in the same district so she could go to the same middle school she would have if we hadn't moved to that other town. When school started in 6th grade, she was right back with all her friends again.

We have lived in this house 17 years, so younger DD was able to stay in the same elementary, middle and high school.
I never moved. My mom bought the house I grew up in when she was pregnant with me and lived there until it burned to the ground when I was 30. I tortured myself over the decision to move my own kids a few years ago. Even though the move was in the best interests of the whole family in a huge way and it was only a few miles/one town over, I felt like we failed somehow because the kids won't have that experience of graduating high school with the same kids that were in their kindergarten class. They were both still in elem at the time and took the move entirely in stride. The idea of it was harder on me than the reality of it was on them.
Moved in first grade and sixth grade. DH moved a lot but never changed schools. Our daughter goes to private school so even if we move she will stay at her school.
Yes, when I finished 1st grade we moved. From 2nd grade to 7th grade I lived in the same place. We then moved far away from there (in those days it was far since I could not drive and no internet) Lived in the same place from 8the grade to 12

I always say it was a horrible thing to do to a child. My childhood friends, I missed. I always wonder how my life would have been without that move.
Yes-at the end of 7th grade and end of 10th grade-both times to new states. As an adult have moved 6 times (to other states) but hopefully done now-it is our third time to move back to the area we are currently in. My oldest was in 1st and 5th grade at 2 of our moves (she is now a junior). My middle child was in 2nd grade at last move. Son has been in same school since Kindergarten (now 3rd grade). Hubs never moved during school years (except college), has same friends since 2nd grade. We promised our oldest daughter this past move was our last move so she could go through middle and high school with same friends. I think it is a good experience to live other places but it is harder the farther you are in high school years.
OTOH-we have friends all over the country we keep in touch with and visit!

Oh my-just realized typing this out we are approaching the longest stretch EVER in same house in >20 years!!
Yup. During K-12, I moved at the beginning of 9th grade (same district, so I went to the same HS; DSis 1 and 2 had to go to different elementary and middle schools though), and again at the beginning of 12th grade (completely different state).

Deep down, I consider it a blessing in disguise. Though I had to face some obstacles with my health shortly after the move, I am happy where I am at currently. The university I am attending now is a much better fit than any of the universities I was considering before the move.
We moved from one city to another nearby city the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade. Then the "BIG" move was from S. FL, where I grew up, to North Carolina the summer before starting high school. It was horrible. And I hope to never put my children through that, we do plan on moving, as we are not in our forever home, but I'm hoping we will be able to do it before my son gets past 2nd or 3rd grade. After that we are staying put until both children are off to college!
We moved around a lot when I was real little - multiple moves before school. Then it went like this - Kindergarten and half of first grade -Michigan city #1. Second half of 1st grade -Ohio City. first half of secon grade -Michigan city #1 again. Second half of 2nd grade - Pennsylvania city. Third grade -Michigan city #2, where I stayed until I left for college.

When DD was three we moved to a different city. Before middle school, we moved again - to the city where her cousins live. She was very angry that I moved her, but now she's grateful. She made tons of friends in her new school and she knows that I'm not moving her again until she goes to college. The town we live in now is a much better fit for our personality and our lifestyle.
I went to Catholic school 1-5 grade and my parents had me skip kindergarden. Once we moved a couple of miles, my folks figured that public school would be good, even though we were actually closer to my old school. So basically I switched when we moved even though there was no need to.
Yes, when I was 3 we moved to the LA California area from Mississippi, moved back to Mississippi when I was 6, moved to southern Missouri when I was 10 and Washington state when I was 17....been in the same area of Washington for the past 30 or so years.
Yes sort of. My birthday is in December. I completed my kindergarten year in a city that had a 12/31 cutoff. We moved in the summer. The new state (NH) did not have public kindergarten at that time. The cutoff was 9/1.

Since I had not started public school per new state (kindergarten didn't count) and my birthdate was past the cut off I could not start first grade. My parents found a private kindergarten in walking distance. I went there about 2 months. The teacher developed heart problems and retired. At that point my parents just had me stay home the rest of the year.

I did go on to complete 1-12 in the same city. Thus far my kids have always gone to the same school system.
My family moved a LOT when I was a kid. I went to one school in Calgary until I was eight, then we moved to the country and i went to a little three-room school until I was 10. Then we moved to England for about a year. Then we came back to Canada (Toronto) and I did grade six in one school, went to junior high for part of grade seven. Moved to Peterborough, Ontario, and I was back in elementary school, finished grade seven and did grade eight. Went to high school for grade nine and ten, we moved again, and I did grades 11, 12 and 13 (we still had grade 13 then) at another school. So eight different schools in total. I felt like I was ALWAYS the new kid.

Same grade school k-6, fondest school memories!! A boundary change sent me to a different Jr high for 8&9. Then we moved the summer before my sophomore year so the HS I thought I'd be going to became my rival.

Going to the HS I did changed the course of my life and I wouldn't say for the better. It just changed....

My husband moved a lot- my FIL was a pastor.
When I was in the seventh grade (1973-74) school year. My dad's job got transferred from Cleveland to Toledo in December 1973, and my family moved to Toledo at the end of January 1974.
Military brat here, a couple countries and a lot of states. 3 schools between 9/10th grade. But, honestly it wasn't a big deal. I adapted easily and still have several friends from different places.

My children were also military brats, but their dad and I divorced when they were small. The youngest 3 have lived and gone to school in the same place. I stayed in our last duty location instead of going 'home' because my oldest was a freshman in high school. The oldest 3 only moved 4 times before the divorce but they also did not seem to have many troubles as they were amongst other military children, so it was easier to make new friends with everyone in the same boat.

We moved the summer after 4th grade, 5th grade, 8th grade and the year after I graduated from high school.

When I got married we moved into an apartment when we first got married but when I got pregnant I was freakishly obsessed with finding and moving into a house before the baby was born.

My daughter has lived in the same house her entire life and has the same friends now that she had in preschool.

That is something I missed out on and I am glad that I could give it to her.
I started a new school in K
I got moved into 1st grade in the middle of K
A new school in 3rd
A new school in the middle of 3rd in a new state
A new school in the middle of 5th in a new state
A new one at the beginning of 8th in a new state
And a new one at the beginning of 10th in a new state

My kids will attend the same school district from pre-K through 12. There were lots of great things about moving so much, but I feel the stability is better for my kids.
Nope, my family has never moved. However, I was moved from one preschool to another because I was very unhappy at the old preschool due to the fact that the teacher used to hit the whole class with a ruler if one kid misbehaved. That was a GOOD move!

Other than that I had to move schools at age 11 because my primary school didn't have a secondary department. i.e. all kids graduated from that primary school at age 11 and moved on.


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