Where in the world did this ticker come from? UPDATE NEW TRIP REPORT STARTED!!!!!

We stayed at the Port Orleans Riverside once it was really nice. Can't wait to see the pictures when they get back.:thumbsup2

Me too! Supposedly they are at the least taking pics of the resort! I am looking forward to seeing where they stayed and what the room looked like. They are loving it -I think my mom may be a future Mod Resort girl!

Happy Homecoming Anniversary to Oliver -- he was such a cutie as a puppy!!! :lovestruc

Oh, lucky Andrew to be spending the day at the Magic Kingdom! I hope he has a blast!!!

It was true love at first sight and we new he had to be ours!

Andrew called me when they got there around 10:00 am and held the phone up so I could hear "main street" sounds - what a good son! My mom on the other hand thinks we are all crazy- all of us- including you guys out here on the dis! :lmao:

He said it was pretty crowded! but no worries, I am sure they are having a great time! Oh and the weather seems to be holding up- no rain today so far. They did say it was a little chilly this morning but supposed to warm up :cool1:

What adorable puppy pictures!:goodvibes

Thanks for the MK pictures! Certainly brightened up an otherwise dreary morning!

Thank you - he was and still is the stinkin cutest- we love him to bits!

I will post some others later on from our past trips- glad they brightened your day!

Hehe what a cute update!!!

Oh and 6 more weeks of winter :(

Thanks- who can resist cute puppy pics!

Bleh on 6 more week of winter! Yuck!
Oh, Oliver is your dog:lmao: I was really waiting to see a real baby. I've been reading so many TR I forgot your the people with the King Charles!!
Your baby is adorable! I don't think it's weird to remember trivia like that at all! But maybe that's because 90% of my brain is filled with useless information. If I read it - it sticks. :rolleyes:

My baby will be celebrating his 7th birthday on February 12th! Yep - I am one of those weirdo's who celebrates her pup's birthday. I even make little meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato "frosting" for him. let them chase balloons until they pop, and give the birthday pup a new squeaky toy. He loves it! :rotfl:

I'm glad the weather turned nicer for them. And isn't that sweet for your DS to share the sounds of Main Street with you? :goodvibes

It was true love at first sight and we new he had to be ours!

Andrew called me when they got there around 10:00 am and held the phone up so I could hear "main street" sounds - what a good son! My mom on the other hand thinks we are all crazy- all of us- including you guys out here on the dis! :lmao:

Thank you - he was and still is the stinkin cutest- we love him to bits!

Bleh on 6 more week of winter! Yuck!

Very cute puppy. I know he is easy to love with that sweet face.

You got to hear Main Street - lucky you!

Your mom thinks we're crazy?
What ever would make her think such a thing? :crazy2:

Yes, six more weeks of winter, and no spring break trip. :sad1:
I'm going to need meds come March! :laughing:
oliver is SO cute!!!!


that popcorn looks so good right now. think 8 hours is too far to drive for popcorn?

I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday, and does anyone know if the groundhog saw his shadow?????

in georgia our local groundhog, general beuregard lee, did not see his shadow, which means an early spring for us! i know the philadelphia groundhog, which is like the really well-known one, did see his. i think every state has their own groundhog, so i would just google your state and groundhog and see what comes up.
Your baby is adorable! I don't think it's weird to remember trivia like that at all! But maybe that's because 90% of my brain is filled with useless information. If I read it - it sticks. :rolleyes:

My baby will be celebrating his 7th birthday on February 12th! Yep - I am one of those weirdo's who celebrates her pup's birthday. I even make little meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato "frosting" for him. let them chase balloons until they pop, and give the birthday pup a new squeaky toy. He loves it! :rotfl:

I'm glad the weather turned nicer for them. And isn't that sweet for your DS to share the sounds of Main Street with you? :goodvibes

Awww happy early birthday to your lil puppy ( no matter how old they are they are always a puppy to me!)! Oliver would love a meatloaf cupcake with Mashed potato frosting :rotfl: that is hysterically cute of you!

They had nice walking weather today. I am going to do a little update in a sec. Main Street sounds are some of the best sounds out there :lovestruc

Very cute puppy. I know he is easy to love with that sweet face.

You got to hear Main Street - lucky you!

Your mom thinks we're crazy?
What ever would make her think such a thing? :crazy2:

Yes, six more weeks of winter, and no spring break trip. :sad1:
I'm going to need meds come March! :laughing:

He is such a little lover boy, at doggy daycare ( yes he used to go to doggy daycare occasionally when I was working) they nick named him Romeo! He preferred hanging out with the female counselors over playing with other pups!

I wish I would have recorded the main street sounds somehow- and then bottle them up and send them to all my dis friends for their off-Disney times.

Yes my mom does find things a little nutty around these boards! I mean whats so crazy about posting pictures of food and the insides of public bathrooms :rotfl:

I think I am going with Punkin's Georgian squirrel- I think Beauregard did a much better job than that old Punxhutawney Phil! :lmao:

oliver is SO cute!!!!

that popcorn looks so good right now. think 8 hours is too far to drive for popcorn?

in georgia our local groundhog, general beuregard lee, did not see his shadow, which means an early spring for us! i know the philadelphia groundhog, which is like the really well-known one, did see his. i think every state has their own groundhog, so i would just google your state and groundhog and see what comes up.

Thank you - he has a great personality to go along with his looks too! I never thought I could love a dog so much- he is my first dog so it was all new to me. OMG and Grumpy is over the moon for Oliver! I swear he worries more about him than he does for me and Andrew sometimes!

Soo I just googled our state groundhog- I had no Idea! I seriously thought Phil was the man! NC does have its own- his name is Sir Walter Wally and he saw his shadow too! woohoo :woohoo:...maybe its a southern squirrel thang!

8 Hours is a tad bit too long, but you were lucky enough to have some great Dis friends recently mail you some! Lucky Girl!

I wonder how my mom would react if I asked her to bring me home some of that magical main street popcorn! :rotfl2:
A quick Update as I just hung up with Andrew.....

Here is how their day went- my predictions were a little bit off:

They arrived at Mk at around 10:20 and headed straight for Tomorrowland and visited the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor- no wait- right on.There they successfully canned enough laughter to save Monstropolos!

Next up was Buzz Lightyear- this is a natural progression- I feel that this is the only way to start your day! Andrew beat Gran on this one- once again the final scores were not noted and or recorded to be posted on the dis :confused:

TTA was up next on the agenda- neither of them noticed the changes- they are oblivious- I have not ridden since the changes but read that they are clearly different! They did see Space Mountain which was closed today for some reason- it was all lit up. Well that sealed the deal that Andrew will never ever, no matter how much I pay him, ride Space Mountain! :scared1:

They headed over to Fantasy Land and grabbed a FP for Peter Pan- oh be still my heart! I am so proud of him for keeping with tradition. :lovestruc we love Peter Pan and could ride it a million times in a row if the stand-by wait was not always 1 bagillion minutes!

While they were waiting for FP time they rode the sweetest little boat that ever set sailed ! It's a small world- of course minimal wait- they went right on.

They back tracked and did The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh- there was a small wait for this one but nothing to alarming.

Then it was time for Peter Pan- not a bad return time if you ask me. They loved it as always!

They did not eat lunch in the park but opted for a quick snack- Andrew had a Pretzel from one of the carts and not sure what Gran ended up with.

After that they rode Pirates of the Caribbean and then headed out the gates :scared1: and back to the hotel for a rest. My mom's feet were killing her- bad sandals!

They did stop in the Hotel Gift shop and Gran scored me a new bag- not sure what it looks like but it was $12.95. I love her! I will post souvie pics when they get home.

They rested for a few then took the boat to DTD. THey shopped, called me to ask me about a shirt that I was looking for but they could not find. I told her no worries, I will be there in 2 months and change!:woohoo: and I can buy it myself.

Then the brat in me came out during the following conversation:

Me: soooo did you get my bath bombs
Gran: nope- couldnt find basin ( mind you they were calling form World of Disney)
Me: What! It's right outside the door..seeeee
Gran: Nope
Me: Huh?
Gran: in a grumbled whisper "Andrew bought them for you for Valentines Day- its a surprise" :lovestruc
Me: Awwwwww I love Him! Sorry mom :flower3: youre the best!

So that was the end of shopping for them as they were hungry.
Theychose to eat at WPE as it has the best value for a CS.

Gran had the pasta with meatballs- said it was yummy
Andrew had the Chicken Nuggets and a cookie- he was thrilled!

They are now resting back at the room watching American Idol and still debating on which park to go to tomorrow. They will decide tomorrow- either to go back to DHS or do Epcot. We shall see.

I am off to bed...nite!
that popcorn looks so good right now. think 8 hours is too far to drive for popcorn?

in georgia our local groundhog, general beuregard lee, did not see his shadow, which means an early spring for us! i know the philadelphia groundhog, which is like the really well-known one, did see his. i think every state has their own groundhog, so i would just google your state and groundhog and see what comes up.

And that popcorn keeps pretty well for about a week, so I've heard. :)

Yeah, I am for sure siding with the GA groundhog. Cold, gray, and wet have all run their course - I am ready for blue skies, sunshine, leaves on the trees, and warm temperatures!

Thanks for keeping us posted on the Gran and Andrew trip. I am excited about seeing the treasures they bring you!
Yeah, I am for sure siding with the GA groundhog. Cold, gray, and wet have all run their course - I am ready for blue skies, sunshine, leaves on the trees, and warm temperatures!

When Connor mentioned that our GA groundhog did not see his shadow, I said, "But Puxatawny Phil did." His response was, "Mom, our groundhog is closer to us so he is going to be more accurate." :lmao:
I was a few updates behind, so I just read about the upgrade! :yay::yay: That is FANTASTIC! I love Disney service! When we were there last year the giant Brazilian tour groups were also there. We ran into them a few times, but generally were able to avoid them. They are all teenagers, so staying up late at night isn't a surprise...I'm glad your Mom can sleeeeeeeeeep now! :goodvibes

Loving the updates too! I can't believe they didn't bring a camera. :faint: :laughing:
Wow, I'm in and all caught up, as well! :) Sounds like the makings of a great trip in April/May---AKL is very beautiful! :goodvibes

How much fun for Andrew to get to visit Disney every year with his Gran. Those are great memories for him as he gets older. Though I have to admit, I'd be trying to figure out how to tag along on each trip! ;)

Can't wait to hear more!
Awww, how sweet for your son to be giving you the soaps for valentine's day:lovestruc

:lovestruc I cant wait to see which ones he picked out- I had not requested any specific one, so it will be interesting to see?

Basin soaps for Valentine's Day will be great, and I can't wait to see what bag your mom got you!

It has been so cold and rainy here so it will be great to have a new bath bomb right now for a nice long bath!

I think she said the bag was more of a travel type bag- it was one of the promo's that are going on right now at resorts- you know those deals - "if you spend a certain amount of money at Disney, you get to spend more money at Disney to get yourself a promo bag!" that you really don't need!

My mom and I are both suckers for that stuff- we can't resist a "deal" !:lmao:

And that popcorn keeps pretty well for about a week, so I've heard. :)

Yeah, I am for sure siding with the GA groundhog. Cold, gray, and wet have all run their course - I am ready for blue skies, sunshine, leaves on the trees, and warm temperatures!

Thanks for keeping us posted on the Gran and Andrew trip. I am excited about seeing the treasures they bring you!

Ugh- it is miserable, cold and rainy here and I had a gazillion errands to run- my jeans were soaked by the time I returned home! I could use one of those bath bombs right about now......ahhhhhh.

I will be posting souvenir pics some time next week- they return home tomorrow afternoon- awww so that makes today their last day in Disney :sad1:. I am excited to see them though, it's lonely around here without my little sidekick.

When Connor mentioned that our GA groundhog did not see his shadow, I said, "But Puxatawny Phil did." His response was, "Mom, our groundhog is closer to us so he is going to be more accurate." :lmao:

I love it- :thumbsup2 good thinking Connor!

I was a few updates behind, so I just read about the upgrade! :yay::yay: That is FANTASTIC! I love Disney service! When we were there last year the giant Brazilian tour groups were also there. We ran into them a few times, but generally were able to avoid them. They are all teenagers, so staying up late at night isn't a surprise...I'm glad your Mom can sleeeeeeeeeep now! :goodvibes

Loving the updates too! I can't believe they didn't bring a camera. :faint: :laughing:

They said the parks are a little more crowded this year as compared to last few years they have gone, but have still been able to ride everything they wanted to without too long of a wait.

No camera :sad2: in the parks. My mom did say they took a bunch of resort photos- so I am looking forward to those.

Wow, I'm in and all caught up, as well! :) Sounds like the makings of a great trip in April/May---AKL is very beautiful! :goodvibes

How much fun for Andrew to get to visit Disney every year with his Gran. Those are great memories for him as he gets older. Though I have to admit, I'd be trying to figure out how to tag along on each trip! ;)

Can't wait to hear more!

I totally try and scheme my way into those trips, believe me! But they wont have it- they said i am too crazy to travel to Disney with!

Interestingly enough, my mom did call me yesterday to say that she know understands why I plan everything down to the tiniest details. Apparently Andrew had his own agenda and didn't want to eat in the places that Gran did. She wasn't too happy about that and I heard her saying to him " Now I know why your mother makes all of the dining reservations!" Oh well :rolleyes1, this could have all been avoided if........yadda yadda, you all know the saying!

Thank you for following along, I will do some PTR updates once I am done with this little mini tr. I have done some shopping, I was at the Disney Store just a few minutes ago and made some purchases!
Just a quick update on "Where in the World are Gran and Andrew?"

Yesterday they chose to go back to DHS. My poor mom is falling apart. She said her hip is bothering her ( she was in a car accident 2 years ago and ever since has had problems when she does too much walking, and she has arthritis), her foot- she got a big ole DISNEY BLISTER! Ouch! and because of the blister, it made her limp a bit and now her knee is hurting! I asked her if she wanted me to meet her at the airport gate tomorrow with a wheelchair!

Anyhow they chose DHS because it is not as much walking, originally this was to be their Epcot day. I think the thought of doing the WS made her go :scared1:. Andrew was fine with heading back to DHS.

They did things that they hadn't gotten done on the previous day there. They saw Indiana Jones, The Stunt Show and a few other things- I cant remember because I didn't write them down..sorry. They also did American Idol again and both loved it!

They were back in the room fairly early yesterday and ended having dinner again at the resort CS. My mom did want to go to 50's Prime Time but since they had no Ressie the wait was almost an hour, Andrew was into waiting so they left. She is such a good Gran!

That brings us to today- their very last day at Disney :sad1:. So sad! Even though I am not there it feels just the same!

I spoke to my mom early this morning and she had gone ahead and purchased a pair of Mickey flip flops from the resort gift shop so hopefully her tootsies will hang in ther. Oh and since we both wear the same shoe size, those babies are mine when she gets back! So far I am making out pretty well on this little Disney vacation:

Total for me:

One promo disney bag
?? mystery bath bombs?
one pair of mickey flip flops


I will be catching up with them later on and will post there whereabouts when I find out!
Always sad to leave Disney, but I'm sure you are ready for Andrew to be home! :)

OK---shopping pictures....where are they? ;) I'm trying to wait patiently......popcorn::
On the phone with Andrew right now and he is a little uset because there are tornadoes all over orlando :scared1: one spotted near Animal Kingdom and DHS - they are back in the room right now.

Oh boy! i wish he was staying in the Contemporary Resort Ugh!
Saying a little prayer for all to be safe

Just updating to say that the storms have passed and the warnings are over- but how SCARY!!!!!
We have friends in a camper at FW right now, just imagine how scared they were for their $125,000 rv when they heard the warnings:scared1:

Thank god none created any damage or hurt anyone


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