Who are you using for pre arrival testing?

We used Vault and had Walgreens booked as a backup. We flew out on a Friday and Vault results were returned on Thursday with no issues. We made sure to write "Hawaii travel STAT" on the boxes that were sent in. If sponsored by an airline the boxes come with a pink priority sticker, but ours didn't. So instead in black sharpie marker, they had us write that on them.
We are planning to use Walgreens for our mid-June trip. Their 24 hour turn-around test is on the Hawaii approved list.
The TL;DR: Walgreens ID NOW. Look no further.


Results in few hours max (they say 24 to be safe). Easy pdf upload and instant recognition to the Hawaii travel site.

If busy time of year, key is to get your appt time at the 4 day mark when new appointments open at 6pm (Friday appts open at Monday 6pm). Each testee must have their own Walgreens account. Appts presently wide open now. The app lists 3 test types: choose ID NOW.

At ours it was via
Pharmacy drive through window (window one only).Self administered over the speaker. 5 min. Done.

Cost in my case: $0. It may have been a function of insurance and the questions I answered.

Believe me, I know what it’s like to feel anxious about this. This ended up being so easy. I wanted to share it.


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