Who is Going in OCT>

Sorry we will miss u and your family on this trip, Maybe we will see each other on a latter date .We are playing with the idea we can go back in Jan for a real quick trip.Congrats to your DD,And let me know how you liked the AKL !Disney sent me a post card witha special offer on the savannah view,but as you can see i didnt take them up on ther offer. Take care Don Hayes and family
vegadog2 have you noticed most people wont even look in face any more much less look at your chest to see if you are wearing a green ribbon,What ever happened to a smile a handshake,and some one looked aperson in the eye?Thanks Dad 4 teaching me something about Southern Hospitality !
So sorry we will miss you on this trip,Have admired your post 4 a while now,Have fun and let us all know how your trip goes,Thers nothing like a trip to disney to get you Bouncey Bouncey again just like TIGGER!!!!!:bounce:
Hey there Daddydon. You sure are a sweetie pie!!! I am going in Oct also!!! Actually I will be there the 5th -9th ALSO!!!! Wow....maybe we can get together:D :D :D

Oh wait a minute......I thought your name sounded familiar......YOU ARE MY DH.!!!!!HA HA

I am looking forward to having a great time!!!!!!!!
Mum 4 jenn you bad thing you,What a way to talk to me while im on the nite shift! See you when my tour of is up!Tell scooby i love her and yes u 2, Cant wait to take my tired bones to the Fort!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Daddydon: As of today, our trip is 99% off. The school system has a new policy which states a 1% per day penalty on SEMESTER grades. So, if we go, my DD will have a 5% penalty of semester grade. I'm trying to get a written policy because my understanding was 1% off the makeup work. She's only in elementary (A student), but I hate to hurt her grades. REally a bummer :(

May wait and go in April, but the crowds, crowds, crowds. Plus I got a postcard rate of $84/night at the moderates!
As i allways tell my wife everything will work out!!!Im sorry you might not be able to make your Oct. trip Hope all your dreams do come true.:earsboy: :earsboy:
Hi, will be in a cabin Sept 30 - Oct 7 with DH, DD, DM, DF. Cant wait for the fun to start. Only 45 more days!!!!
DD: You're right. It stinks! This was going to be our last trip in Oct since she'll be in 5th grade next year (spring break that year). I just can't believe how harsh they will be on the kids. 5% of a semester grade is a lot especially with the high grading scale (95 - 100 = A, etc) I'm going to ask for the policy in writing. So far, I have yet to see the policy. I work at the school as a sub as well, so I can't make a huge deal of it. I also say "if it's meant to be, it'll happen". We'll see.
I'm going to be there Oct. 19-23 with my mom, step dad, and fiance! This will be our first trip together the the four of us and we are all really excited. My mom and I are old pros but the guys doesn't visit WDW like we do. My mom and I can't get enough.
I really don't think i would let the school system mess-up my trip.Just another CONTROL thing.you have to decide weather that letter on the report card reflects what your chold did in school.sometimes the A really isn't worth the worry.
How well do i understand work and office politics,On one hand we really want to do something and the mommy hand wants to snatch aknot on the school boards head 4 such a HECK of a spanking4 missing a day or two of school,But we dont want to bite the hand that feeds the mouth,Okay my suggestion will proably get some bad reviews,But here goes,and yes you can spank me 4 being a bad boy,HA !HA! And i will write i will not give advice again 100 times on the chalk board.Have you thought of the doctors note angle?I m sure you can find 1 some where in your neighborhood who will rite one,Okay thats kinda kiddish, But hey im talking DISNEY WORLD here, Not the nobel prize.Just a thought from little ole me ,go ahead and say it hasnt passed in your thought pattern.:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Sorry we will miss you ,We hope you have a great DISNEY DAY !While you are AT The FORT!!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Okay speaking from Former PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER LAND also known as south Ga25 miles south of good ole plains Ga,OH poohie we will miss some one else who post here on our next trip to the Fort ,WE hope you have a great time, And please tell us all how your family trip went, PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!:smooth: :smooth: :smooth: :smooth:
Thanks for the encouragement. I don't know if the principal misrepresented the policy or if I misunderstood it, BUT I read the policy from another elementary school in the district and it states "1% off for each day on the 9 week grading period". This is much different then the semester grades! I'm waiting until Monday for the parent/teacher night to get the policy. My DH said the same thing "it's elementary and all the counts is that WE know how well she's doing" She gets almost all A's. We haven't changed our plans yet. The only other option is spring break during Easter!! I don't want to do that.
You go GIRL !AS my daddy would say and i do believe he stole this line from walking tall.Walk softly and carry a big stick!!!!!Hope to see you there and please let us know what you find out next week,Humm it sounds like time for a new song?The nite my momma socked it to the harper valley pta. Okay just a blast from the past ,icouldnt help myself !!!Ha ha!
Why yes dear hubby of mine....You ARE showing your age by showing references to the movie Walking Tall and the movie/song/tv show HarperValley P.T.A.!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:p :p Dear mum4 jenn,A.k.A. my wife,also grandmother of1, a special song goes out yo to u also,Does on the top of ole Smokey ring a bell? LOVE YOU:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :jester: :jester: :jester:
Well tell the rest of the story PLEASE!!!!!!! waiting in Georgia.
Well, we've pretty much decided to just have DH go. It wasn't what the principal said during the parent/teacher night, but what the teacher said in the classroom. She said she teaches Indiana history by lecture and the stories aren't found in books. She tells the kids stories and it would be very hard to make up the work. We haven't changed ressies yet, since I'm still trying to think of a way to go, but I'm pretty sure she and I won't be going. I guess we'll have to wait for spring break during Easter :( I hate the idea of going during one of the busiest weeks, but we may have no choice. I don't want to put that kind of pressure on my DD (4th grade).

Thanks for the advice and encouragement though.


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