Who's already planning for 2017 or 2018

Well, I've checked in but not posted to this thread since Oct. 2014 - so here I am again - at least almost a year has gone and our September 2017 Disney World Vacation is that much closer! :tigger:I've been bidding my time on disboards, reading - visiting the Disney website, booking "fake" vacations and adding the restaurants I would like to my Wish List - and recently I have been living vicariously through others that have been lucky enough to go Disney World - some friends of ours just took their grand-kids and my niece and family are there right now - I saw a picture of her son getting his first haircut there (he was 1 in May) had his little first haircut Mickey ears on. :earsboy: Makes me happy to share in their journey by seeing pictures - will be so exciting to listen to their stories when they get home - my niece also has a daughter that is turning 6 soon and is down there with two girl cousins that are her best friends - so she is going to have so many interesting stories to share. :chat: :earsgirl: I can't wait until I am the one coming home from Home (my home away from home) and sharing all my stories. pooh:
Hi! I know I haven't been around a whole lot but I have some exciting trip news!

In the event that I don't have a teaching job or am subbing by April/may ish of 2017 (maybe even before that picking a cut off date is hard) we will be going in the fall, end of October/Early November definitely hitting both a MNSSHP and a MVMCP and food and wine! I'm so excited that this is a possibility!

Also one little off topic thing can we wave hi at my mom, she's new here! @Musicalgirl2010mom :welcome:

Sounds like a fun trip is in your future! October would be a really fun time to go! And you will be finished with college. Cool!

Welcome! Musicalgirl2010mom! :dance:

It is great that you have joined us on the DIS! Happy planning!
Just checking in. So, I'm making slow progress, but I like having the time to let ideas settle.

1. Early April 2016. I can reserve my room at Day 499. I've learned that this is an iffy strategy for room discounts but may work in my favor because ...
2. So far, I'm evenly split between a family suite in AoA and something at CSR. My DD really wants a Cars suite next time, even tho she will be almost 13 by then! So I'll book that and keep an eye out for room discounts at the moderate for the next several hundred days. JK, but only a little--I can read past and upcoming discounts to get comfortable with how they operate.
3. Then later on, may or may not upgrade to package with Dining, depending on whether a package precludes discounts, etc. We've always done QS DP, but now I'm interested in TS, as DD's food horizons expand. I will definitely enjoy stepping up my planning game, if I have to choose new restaurants and get ADRs.
4. Paying more attention when people write about an add-on experience in an excited way, like HDDR, KTTK (but sadly not for the next trip, due to age restrictions), and tours at The Seas.

But in between now and April, I'm watching videos of resorts and (yum) reading food blogs. Oh, and all this focusing on 2017 helps me fight off those pesky thoughts, You can, you can, you CAN go for just a long weekend...You've got those holidays in September!!!!!
Just checking in. So, I'm making slow progress, but I like having the time to let ideas settle.

1. Early April 2016. I can reserve my room at Day 499. I've learned that this is an iffy strategy for room discounts but may work in my favor because ...
2. So far, I'm evenly split between a family suite in AoA and something at CSR. My DD really wants a Cars suite next time, even tho she will be almost 13 by then! So I'll book that and keep an eye out for room discounts at the moderate for the next several hundred days. JK, but only a little--I can read past and upcoming discounts to get comfortable with how they operate.
3. Then later on, may or may not upgrade to package with Dining, depending on whether a package precludes discounts, etc. We've always done QS DP, but now I'm interested in TS, as DD's food horizons expand. I will definitely enjoy stepping up my planning game, if I have to choose new restaurants and get ADRs.
4. Paying more attention when people write about an add-on experience in an excited way, like HDDR, KTTK (but sadly not for the next trip, due to age restrictions), and tours at The Seas.

But in between now and April, I'm watching videos of resorts and (yum) reading food blogs. Oh, and all this focusing on 2017 helps me fight off those pesky thoughts, You can, you can, you CAN go for just a long weekend...You've got those holidays in September!!!!!

Early April would be an ideal time to go! I expect the Spring Break crowds would be gone and you would be ahead of Flower and Garden crowds. The tempature should be perfect for touring the parks and warm enough to swim. AND then there is the fact that it is my birthday month and so the perfect month! I would love to plan a birthday celebration trip in April.

I think your plan of reserving a suite at AoA while you watch for discounts is a good idea. I have always had the standard TS dining plan and it works for us. I liked having the option of using one table service a night or using a couple together to do one of the dinner shows or eat at a signature restaurant. I have yet to use my credits for a meal at a signature restaurant due to my family's fussy food preferences but a girl can dream can't she!!!

So, what restaurant would you want to try if you do get the plan with TS instead of QS only?
As soon as my daughter's school posts their 2016-2017 calendar (they post pretty early) I am going to start thinking about our mother-daughter trip dates for 2017! Either early June as her graduation present or for her 18th birthday, which falls right around spring break. I know March and April can get crazy, but it's just us, so I think we can do a laid-back trip pretty easily!
As soon as my daughter's school posts their 2016-2017 calendar (they post pretty early) I am going to start thinking about our mother-daughter trip dates for 2017! Either early June as her graduation present or for her 18th birthday, which falls right around spring break. I know March and April can get crazy, but it's just us, so I think we can do a laid-back trip pretty easily!

A mother-daughter only trip to celebrate her 18th birthday or graduation sounds like a wonderful way to commemorate the occasion! It will be a great way to relax and have fun enjoying each others' company.

This summer, my kids and I took a trip to SC. My husband was unable to go due with us and I almost decided to cancel it. But I am so glad we did go. My son is heading into college this fall and my DD is about to begin 7th grade. The years fly by and before long they will be on their own. I cherish the time I have with them each day, but it is fun to make memories and just have fun together without life getting in the way.
Hello!this is my first post. I am planning on going from Scotland in Oct 2018 for my daughters 6th birthday with my husband and my parents. I like to make fake bookings, check prices, add restaurants and attractions to my wishlist etc planning on staying at Port or leans riverside or if I can save enough contemporary :)
Hello!this is my first post. I am planning on going from Scotland in Oct 2018 for my daughters 6th birthday with my husband and my parents. I like to make fake bookings, check prices, add restaurants and attractions to my wishlist etc planning on staying at Port or leans riverside or if I can save enough contemporary :)

:welcome:WELCOME TO THE DIS! :welcome:

I love that your first post is to our thread! :rainbow:
You have found the right place to share your dreams and tentative plans. We will help the time until your trip pass quickly. So, your daughter is three now? I remember those years. Fun times, all the sweetness and cuteness but also very energetic! :cat: You must be exhausted! :)

Six years old will be an ideal trip. Will this be her first trip? What about you and the rest of your family? Have you been to WDW before?

How long do you think you will stay? You mentioned that you are thinking about staying at Port Orleans Riverside. Do you plan to all share a room or will you be getting two rooms? On my last visit in 2014, I stayed at Port Orleans French Quarter. We loved it! :love:We actually walked over to Riverside and swam in their pool twice since the French Quarter pool was closed for remodeling. The pool area at Riverside is really nice. I loved the atmosphere at both French Quarter and Riverside.

Looking forward to hearing your responses and sharing ideas as you plan your trip! :yay:
Thank you! I can't believe I found a place with people as Disney mad as me! I have been before with my parents, but that was about 20 yeas ago, and we stayed in the french quarter I think. We would def have to have 2 rooms and I think I would go for a royal room, cause who doesn't love a light up head board???My daughter is currently 2, 3 in October so its a loooong way off but we have some saving up to do and also I think 5/6 is a good age to experience it at. I also plan on getting her the in room celebration of the princess proclamation, its expensive but I just think it's an extra that would be so worth it and just make her birthday. It'll be her first disney trip and my husbands so thats exciting too... he likes disney enough but thinks I'm mad! haha I've already made him watch Princess and the frog and have been singing "going down the bayou" a lot, to get us into the POR mood :) I was wondering what other people thought of Chef Mickeys and Cindys as those are 2 on my wish list :) I aslo really want to visit Nine Dragons chinese restaurant too tbh I hated food as a kid, it was just a matter of getting enough into me to live but now I'm a bit of a foodie so the food is a big aspect of this trip for me :)
Anyway thank you so much for the lovely welcome, cant wait to hear everyone else's plans!
Thank you! I can't believe I found a place with people as Disney mad as me! I have been before with my parents, but that was about 20 yeas ago, and we stayed in the french quarter I think. We would def have to have 2 rooms and I think I would go for a royal room, cause who doesn't love a light up head board???My daughter is currently 2, 3 in October so its a loooong way off but we have some saving up to do and also I think 5/6 is a good age to experience it at. I also plan on getting her the in room celebration of the princess proclamation, its expensive but I just think it's an extra that would be so worth it and just make her birthday. It'll be her first disney trip and my husbands so thats exciting too... he likes disney enough but thinks I'm mad! haha I've already made him watch Princess and the frog and have been singing "going down the bayou" a lot, to get us into the POR mood :) I was wondering what other people thought of Chef Mickeys and Cindys as those are 2 on my wish list :) I aslo really want to visit Nine Dragons chinese restaurant too tbh I hated food as a kid, it was just a matter of getting enough into me to live but now I'm a bit of a foodie so the food is a big aspect of this trip for me :)
Anyway thank you so much for the lovely welcome, cant wait to hear everyone else's plans!

So much fun and lots to look forward too! The light up headboard will be a cool touch.

It will be fun to share your love with your hubby and daughter! Your daughter will be the same age as my DD was when we were there in 2009. Such a fun, great trip!! We had so much fun, especially at Magic Kingdom and with the characters. I would recommend you plan at least two full days at the Magic Kingdom since they have so much to do for kids that age.

Will you be on the dining plan? If you are than I would try to schedule both Cindy's and Chef Mickey's/ The dining plan makes sense if you plan to do at least one or two character meals because they are pretty pricey if you pay for them out of pocket but a good deal if on the plan. We used our table service credits for the character meals. Chef Mickeys is typically just a fun atmosphere for kids and even adults who like the Fab Five. I would try to get it earlier in your trip if possible just as a fun introduction.

For a meal with Cindy you have two options. I have experienced both. One when Haley was around five and the other on our last trip when she was ten. Cinderalla's Royal Table is great to do at least once but again, VERY expensive unless you are on the dining plan. It does count for two table service credits each but that was fine, one night we just had counter service instead at the resort to make up for it. That one is in the castle itself and so very cool! Here is a picture of my daughter when we went. My mom had made her a Cinderella dress that we brought with us. She wore it all day and loved walking around the park in it and being noticed by people.
I just did her hair myself with a little comb thing to put it up in a bun. I couldn't afford to get her hair done at the beauty salon there, plus it would have taken up a lot of our time we wanted to be in the park. I bought a cheap princess crown at the Dollar Tree before I went too and just took it with us. It and the dress saved me lots of money.

The other option is the one at the Grand Floridian. It is only one table service credit and has Cinderella, Prince Charming and the ugly stepsisters. It was good too. We went for the first time in 2014.

My same sweet baby just older!

Depending on when you go, Free dining might be a part of the deals going on and would be great for you. There are threads that share information on when the discounts usually happen and what time of year it has been offered in the past.
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Hello everyone! This is my very first post, and it's nice to see this thread with others that have a long wait like me! My husband and I are planning to go to WDW in mid-to-late January 2017 on our first trip as adults AND as a couple! I'm super excited already. As some of you have mentioned, I've been making practice vacations on the Disney website to pass the time and keep me focused on the plan to save money for my trip. hehe.

Does anyone know when they will probably list January 2017 as bookable on the website? I know I won't be savings any money by booking so early, but I'd really like to be able to, so I can put my money into it and get rid of the temptation to spend it all on useless stuff that I don't need. haha
thanks mdsouth for taking the time to write such an awesome reply! look at your wee one all grown up - too cute! and i LOVE her hair, Im pretty useless at that kinda stuff so am planning to hit the BBB. We are planning to do DDP too and I've already planned out everywhere i want to eat and when, Chef Mickeys and Cindy's are two of my planned ADRs as is BOG. Also thanks for the advice, i had planned 2 days in MK so it is nice to hear I am on the right path. I'm also planning inroom celebrations, one for my daughter, the one where they become a princess and one for my parents and for me and my husnad, just a bottle of wine, some snacks etc. I figure we have so long to save that I can save for these awesome extras that will really make the trip, ya know?For us it really is once in a lifetime!(although not if i have my way it wont be!) Can I ask a really stupid question? When your daughter wore her beautiful princess dress what shoes did she wear? I know its forever away but already thinking about what to wear when etc, I love to plan so this is like a dream for me!!Thanks again, and thanks for showing us the lovely pictures :)

dxgirly- im the same, i want to book as early as I possibly can, i know I'll probably miss out on some deals and discounts but it will be booked!so excited already haha!
Hello everyone! This is my very first post, and it's nice to see this thread with others that have a long wait like me! My husband and I are planning to go to WDW in mid-to-late January 2017 on our first trip as adults AND as a couple! I'm super excited already. As some of you have mentioned, I've been making practice vacations on the Disney website to pass the time and keep me focused on the plan to save money for my trip. hehe.

Does anyone know when they will probably list January 2017 as bookable on the website? I know I won't be savings any money by booking so early, but I'd really like to be able to, so I can put my money into it and get rid of the temptation to spend it all on useless stuff that I don't need. haha

Welcome ex girly! So glad you found us! To answer your question I will just have to send you to the resorts board. I don't know. I think it is about a year out and usually prices are set soetime in July and Aug for the following year. They are lots of knowledgable people on resorts board who can give you a better answer.

So, where do you think you might be staying?

I understand about wanting to go ahead a book as soon as you can and just make deposits, it just makes it a reality and like you said keeps the saved money from going to other things.
thanks mdsouth for taking the time to write such an awesome reply! look at your wee one all grown up - too cute! and i LOVE her hair, Im pretty useless at that kinda stuff so am planning to hit the BBB. We are planning to do DDP too and I've already planned out everywhere i want to eat and when, Chef Mickeys and Cindy's are two of my planned ADRs as is BOG. Also thanks for the advice, i had planned 2 days in MK so it is nice to hear I am on the right path. I'm also planning inroom celebrations, one for my daughter, the one where they become a princess and one for my parents and for me and my husnad, just a bottle of wine, some snacks etc. I figure we have so long to save that I can save for these awesome extras that will really make the trip, ya know?For us it really is once in a lifetime!(although not if i have my way it wont be!) Can I ask a really stupid question? When your daughter wore her beautiful princess dress what shoes did she wear? I know its forever away but already thinking about what to wear when etc, I love to plan so this is like a dream for me!!Thanks again, and thanks for showing us the lovely pictures :)

dxgirly- im the same, i want to book as early as I possibly can, i know I'll probably miss out on some deals and discounts but it will be booked!so excited already haha!

I had to laugh about your comment about being useless with the hair! That is definitely me!, I am the worst. But this clip thing was so easy, even I couldn't mess it up. I got it at Walgreens for around five dollars. You just put hair in ponytail and then clip it up with the clip. Super easy and turned out pretty good. I just used lots of hairspray on it. She is very tender headed and I read lots of reviews about BBB being painful to many girls since they pull thee hair into such tight buns. It is also lots of money.

As for the shoes, she wore some white strap sandals that were flat that she was comfortable wearing. They looked cute and she was happy wearing them around the parks. If you end up with sandals for pictures also pack tennis shoes or other comfortable ones she can change into for the park. Too many times I have seen girls wearing the play Princess shoes with heels and then trying to wear them around the park and falling or crying because they hurt.
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Remember if you book early and deals and discounts come out later you can call and get the discount for your reservation. Sometimes you have to switch things a bit but that is what I did to get the discounts
yeah that was my worry about the shoes but thought trainers/sneakers might not look great with the dress haha :)
Does anyone not a DVC and book thru some place?

I was crunching numbers yesterday (aka avoiding cleaning) for the Poly to see how much I have to save, OK in reality I know how much I have to save and I am 1/10th of the way there!

But I put in the same 2 dates for next August (we aren't going til August 2018) on the Disney site and then on a DVC place and granted the Disney site said room not avail for a studio so I put in for a regular garden view room minus discounts and the DVC site was around $800 cheaper.

I am a crazy person trying to save to go. We have a change crayon (the big crayon bank) and I have saved that way before for a video camera, Hawaii (I was single for those so I threw in $20s all the time) and 3 or 4 trips to Disney. I am doing way to many rewards sites so I am hoping to cash in that way to pay for this trip. I am headed to Target this weekend to cash in $100 Disney gift cards and that will put me up to around a whopping $500-$600. Pretty sad but I look at that as 5-6 days of food so far.

I *almost* had my dh tricked the other day. My youngest was looking at Disney pictures and my dh said we went in 2012 and I said yes we did which means we go back in 2017 since we are on the 5 yr plan these days but in reality we went in 2013. He finally realized his mistake.

I go see my sister in Ft. Myers in April and the past few Aprils I have looked at the Beach Club to see if there is any sort of discount, just to go for 1-2 nights to swim in the pool and take a break from the beach but I am not in the mood to spend $500+ just for that. So hopefully this April, it will be a bit cheaper and we can do that, or go to the Keys for a few days.
I haven't read the entire thread yet but we are looking at going to wdw in 2018 when I turn 50. We are going this december so I don't think we will go back until 2018.
yeah that was my worry about the shoes but thought trainers/sneakers might not look great with the dress haha :)

I understand. I wanted her to look cute for some photos. He sandals were ones she wore already and were the flats but with a bit of cushioned sole so it was good. I did have her tennis shoes too just in case. She also had on shorts underneath it so I could just quickly get her changed out of it and into t-shirt and shorts if the dress was a hassle.
Does anyone not a DVC and book thru some place?

I was crunching numbers yesterday (aka avoiding cleaning) for the Poly to see how much I have to save, OK in reality I know how much I have to save and I am 1/10th of the way there!

But I put in the same 2 dates for next August (we aren't going til August 2018) on the Disney site and then on a DVC place and granted the Disney site said room not avail for a studio so I put in for a regular garden view room minus discounts and the DVC site was around $800 cheaper.

I am a crazy person trying to save to go. We have a change crayon (the big crayon bank) and I have saved that way before for a video camera, Hawaii (I was single for those so I threw in $20s all the time) and 3 or 4 trips to Disney. I am doing way to many rewards sites so I am hoping to cash in that way to pay for this trip. I am headed to Target this weekend to cash in $100 Disney gift cards and that will put me up to around a whopping $500-$600. Pretty sad but I look at that as 5-6 days of food so far.

I *almost* had my dh tricked the other day. My youngest was looking at Disney pictures and my dh said we went in 2012 and I said yes we did which means we go back in 2017 since we are on the 5 yr plan these days but in reality we went in 2013. He finally realized his mistake.

I go see my sister in Ft. Myers in April and the past few Aprils I have looked at the Beach Club to see if there is any sort of discount, just to go for 1-2 nights to swim in the pool and take a break from the beach but I am not in the mood to spend $500+ just for that. So hopefully this April, it will be a bit cheaper and we can do that, or go to the Keys for a few days.

I love your thinking! Every time we think about heading to South Carolina to see my brother and his family, I start to seriously try to figure out a way we can head on down to WDW for a few days or even one day. It would still be a six hour car trip to get there but so much closer than Illinois. I jump on the Disney website and look at rates. Maybe you could chose a moderate instead of Beach Club. I have stayed at three of the four and they are all nice. They have pretty decent pools and even water slides, so that might get you there in April. There would be a big price difference between the two.

Wow! I am surprised that the DVC option is showing up as being cheaper. That would be great! I, too, often wonder if it would make sense for us to try renting points for DVC or just go through Disney. Let me know if you do end up getting a good deal and doing that.

The 500-600 you already have saved is a great start! Keep it up!

I haven't read the entire thread yet but we are looking at going to wdw in 2018 when I turn 50. We are going this december so I don't think we will go back until 2018.

Welcome Lumiere Lover!

December is not that far away now. So, that will be great. I think you plan to return in 2018 for your 50th is a wonderful way to celebrate. Where do you think you will stay? Will it be the same place you will be in December or do you want to try something different?


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