Will you get the Covid vaccine?

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Don't worry about that. It doesn't matter what your opinion is, someone is going to take offense with it.

You did exactly what that person didn't want to happen by taking what they said and creating issues from it. Why I don't know.

Your last part of your comment was the only thing you should have said because it was a very good response and to the point.
Don't worry about that. It doesn't matter what your opinion is, someone is going to take offense with it.

You pretty much laid out a lot of the reasons why one will flat out refuse to get the vaccine. But you forgot the one that baffles me the most. Those that do not believe COVID is real.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. Well, in my opinion, people that say that are basically saying a big "screw you" to healthcare providers such as olliesmom above who are treating these extremely sick and dying people. Because those people ARE real!
Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. Well, in my opinion, people that say that are basically saying a big "screw you" to healthcare providers such as olliesmom above who are treating these extremely sick and dying people. Because those people ARE real!
I don't know how anyone could ignore what is going on globally but yes it's a reason and one frequently cited. I have seen a lesser one where they think it's overblown. So getting a vaccine to something that isn't really that big of an issue isn't really needed. I'm not sure where these people are living but even if one believes in a health issue the rate of dying and long term effects isn't rising to the attention it's gotten how could they not think the other stuff isn't like poverty, economic ruin, mental illness, etc. You'd think people would want to lessen all the other consequences and a vaccine will help on that.
So we are one day in with people starting to receive the Pfizer vaccine in the U.K. and we are already hearing about allergic reactions. Wonder how many they have inoculated and how many allergic responses. Every article I have seen doesn’t mention this.
So we are one day in with people starting to receive the Pfizer vaccine in the U.K. and we are already hearing about allergic reactions. Wonder how many they have inoculated and how many allergic responses. Every article I have seen doesn’t mention this.

There's a lot more to it than that.

But in short - this happens with every vaccine, it's nothing new, it's mostly for people who have anaphylactic reactions in the past (to anything) to discuss with the providers before getting vaccine. They will most likely send you to a facility that is equipped to handle that type of reaction rather than a CVS.

It was also 2 people out of thousands and they are fine now. They also stated in the study, there weren't any anaphylactic reactions.
So we are one day in with people starting to receive the Pfizer vaccine in the U.K. and we are already hearing about allergic reactions. Wonder how many they have inoculated and how many allergic responses. Every article I have seen doesn’t mention this.
Please don't phrase it that way it's misleading. This is being discussed in two different threads and I'm sure more over time. It's not about allergic reactions in general.

Please don't rush in assumptions because the last thing we need is people assuming tons of people have had the vaccine and had severe anaphylactic reaction. It's two individuals presently who have a history of severe reactions. Both are recovering by the way.


But to a person's point on another thread more information regarding what caused the severe anaphylactic reaction would have been useful in dispelling doubts.
So we are one day in with people starting to receive the Pfizer vaccine in the U.K. and we are already hearing about allergic reactions. Wonder how many they have inoculated and how many allergic responses. Every article I have seen doesn’t mention this.
Its important to note that the 2 people that reported an allergic reaction both had histories of severe allergic reactions and carried emergency autoinjectors (such as an Epipen). It’s something to watch, but not something that is necessarily applicable to the general population. This wouldn’t change my mind on getting vaccinated—now if I had been to ERs for anaphylaxis previously and carried an epipen I would need to discuss with my doctor the risk
So we are one day in with people starting to receive the Pfizer vaccine in the U.K. and we are already hearing about allergic reactions. Wonder how many they have inoculated and how many allergic responses. Every article I have seen doesn’t mention this.
Its important to note that the 2 people that reported an allergic reaction both had histories of severe allergic reactions and carried emergency autoinjectors (such as an Epipen). It’s something to watch, but not something that is necessarily applicable to the general population. This wouldn’t change my mind on getting vaccinated—now if I had been to ERs for anaphylaxis previously and carried an epipen I would need to discuss with my doctor the risk
Please don't phrase it that way it's misleading. This is being discussed in two different threads and I'm sure more over time. It's not about allergic reactions in general.

Please don't rush in assumptions because the last thing we need is people assuming tons of people have had the vaccine and had severe anaphylactic reaction. It's two individuals presently who have a history of severe reactions. Both are recovering by the way.


But to a person's point on another thread more information regarding what caused the severe anaphylactic reaction would have been useful in dispelling doubts.

I didn’t intend to phrase anything a certain way. They literally did start the vaccine yesterday and we ARE already hearing about allergic reactions. That is a true statement. I also mentioned that I didn’t know how many people were affected or how many vaccines were given.

I do think this is a valid concern for those who are concerned about possibly getting this new vaccine. ANY reaction we hear of is a valid concern to me. I know the majority of people who are on this thread are in favor of it, which is perfectly fine. However, I know many many others, myself included, do have concerns which are also valid.

I also saw this article today, so I am apparently not the only one who wants to take a wait and see attitude. (this was just a survey conducted in MA)

I didn’t intend to phrase anything a certain way. They literally did start the vaccine yesterday and we ARE already hearing about allergic reactions. That is a true statement. I also mentioned that I didn’t know how many people were affected or how many vaccines were given.

I do think this is a valid concern for those who are concerned about possibly getting this new vaccine. ANY reaction we hear of is a valid concern to me. I know the majority of people who are on this thread are in favor of it, which is perfectly fine. However, I know many many others, myself included, do have concerns which are also valid.

I also saw this article today, so I am apparently not the only one who wants to take a wait and see attitude. (this was just a survey conducted in MA)

While your concern is valid (and I never said it wasn't) you also have to make sure you post what the story is fully about if you're going to raise the alarm. Multiple posters needed to clarify so as to not cause panic.

I seem to see a common undercurrent. Those who are iffy about the vaccine tend to talk about it in a certain way. While I'm for the vaccine I also get the hesitancy behind it. But as many people know on the DIS I'm all about context. So whether I'm for or against the vaccine I would have had to come on to clarify what was a misleading comment. I don't really mean that rudely but I think Farro said it best.

My apologies but doubling down on doubts of getting a vaccine (with your linked article) isn't really what we were talking about. We know people are hesitant, hence this thread you created asking the question :)
I encourage people to educated themselves on the science and how research is done, not what the media speculates.
There is a lot of misinformation out there and here.

Stay safe all!!
I don't watch the main stream media (had to laugh at the post that said the media will amplify it 100 fold if any adverse reactions come of the vaccine, that was a good one after the past 4 years.) I don't need any information, I am more scared of my government than I am of any virus. Petrified of my government actually.
The minute I am allowed to get it I will be in line. I'm over 70 and hoping that pushes me near the front end of the line. I also have read about the reactions, but there are reactions to every vaccine by some people. Mostly those that habitually have reactions to flu shots. I've never had a bad reaction to any shot so I really want to get it ASAP.
I don't watch the main stream media (had to laugh at the post that said the media will amplify it 100 fold if any adverse reactions come of the vaccine, that was a good one after the past 4 years.) I don't need any information, I am more scared of my government than I am of any virus. Petrified of my government actually.
If you are afraid of the government you are misguiding your fears. The people that you don't need to fear are those that aren't politicians but people that have dedicated their life to keeping us healthy. Identify the factions of the government to be afraid of and trust the rest. Your life will be much happier and you will live a lot longer.
I've never had a bad reaction to any shot
I've never had a bad reaction...... maybe. Tetanus boosters I get a stiff arm and raised red area. But not debilitating. The second (not the first) Shingrix shot I had the same reaction big, hard, hot red area on arm and couldn't raise it higher than about 10 inches, for a couple of days.

But, certainly nothing I couldn't live with.
I've never had a bad reaction...... maybe. Tetanus boosters I get a stiff arm and raised red area. But not debilitating. The second (not the first) Shingrix shot I had the same reaction big, hard, hot red area on arm and couldn't raise it higher than about 10 inches, for a couple of days.

But, certainly nothing I couldn't live with.

:thumbsup2 You know it working.
The people that you don't need to fear are those that aren't politicians but people that have dedicated their life to keeping us healthy.
Somehow I have read that out loud a half dozen times to myself, and it still makes no sense. :confused3 Maybe I'm just not reading it right?
My DD19 carries an Epi-Pen for bad food allergies. When it is time for her to get the vaccine, I will ask her to talk to her primary doctor first and then take the shot at the doctor's office, instead of somewhere else. When she has had other vaccines, she gets more arm soreness than I do, but that is all. Her arm is quite a bit smaller than mine, too, haha. That might be some of the difference.
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