Windwalker Walking Journal


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
Hello everyone. First an introduction and then I'll begin my dailey health and exercise log.

I'm a 55 year old guy who loves competition and the socializing with other athletes. I post regularly on the walking site and sometimes on the RW site. I'm a member of the local run/walk club and do about one race a month.

I started running in 1979 when it was still called jogging and the excepted difference (read his in RW magazine) between a runner and a jogger was 8 min per mile and faster was running. I ran untill I retired from the USAF in 1994. I was the first sgt of the Nellis AFB Medical Group and one of my duties was the fitness and weight control of the 5000 airmen stationed there.

After I retired I quit exercising. I wasn't a warrior anymore, I didn't need to stay ready and fit for war. I put on 50 lbs and gained 8 inches on my waist. I finally decided I needed to turn this around when I turned 50. My fitness was bad, real bad. I walked for a year to get back in shape. Then I started running again and for a year did well then I tore my achillies running down a steep hill. I ran hurt for another 2 years and finally had to give up the running and take up racewalking.

Turned out I was a much better racewalker than I ever was a runner. After just a few months of training I was walking with the local "good" race walkers. I was competitive in every race and was always in the lead pack in the walk races. I got my race walking down to 11 min per mile for the 5K and 11:53 for the 10K. One of the other racers told me about the state level senior games and that there was a racewalking competition, if I could qualify I could go to the National Senior Olympics. Which just happened to be held in Louisville Ky next year. I live in Bowling Green Ky.

With out a prayer of winning a medal and going to the National level which is the best in the country I decided to go just for fun. I gave it my all and won the bronze and a chance to represent Ky in the Nationals. That will be in June and July this year. I will be racing against current and prior world and US champions. I again don't have a prayer of winning a medal.

We just finished our first marathon last sunday at DisneyWorld. The first thing Erica did when we got back was sign us up for the Goofy 08. She is a hooked competitor also. She has done a few 5Ks a 10K and the DisneyWorld half besides this last marathon.

We started back training yesterday with a good 7 miler at a 13:11 pace, this was a PR for Erica at the 10K and 7 mile distance. Today I did a 4.5 hill workout while Erica slept in for work tonight. My time for this route was a walk PR for me also. Most was on the WKU hills.

We got back into eating healthy yesterday after being home from vacation.

Had a wonderful nights sleep last night, it's amazing how much better your own bed feels. When we were on vacation I woke several times during the night and often had minor soreness in my neck from the thin pillows.

Started the morning with a good breakfast of Special K with a banana and skim milk, a big water and a coffee. I take a multi vitiamin also.

I had a good workout yesterday with a 4.5 mile hill route PR and it's pouring rain here so I'll just do a light workout today.

Workout turned out to be just gentle stretching since I had 2 hard days in a row and a marathon last sunday I decided to just make it a rest day.

Walk/run strong y'all.

Well it's only 363 days till the Goofy 08.

Eating stayed under control yesterday, except for a small bool of mushroom pasta and a little cantalope just before bed. I try not to eat late but I had to work till 10 pm.

Todays walking will be at the mall before the stores open. It's warm in southern Ky today about 60 but raining. So it's the mall or nothing.

Mall walk turned out to be 5K, untimed with 2 laps brisk to warm-up, 2 laps at technique fast, then a final lap brisk to cool down. I walk on Sunday mornings till Erica gets off work, then we go to breakfast at Bob Evans. I was good there and had a veggie omlet with no cheese and no holinday sauce. and sour dough toast.

Dinner after work was at Pepper's mexican: Chicken faitas without sour cream or guacamole.

It was 24 degrees this morning so the Wild Gerbil and I went to the gym to enjoy the treadmills. 4 miles at an easy 13:20 pace then the last quarter mile sprinted to 10 mpm pace.

Breakfast: Special K w/banana and skim milk coffee large water vitiamin pill

Lunch: soup and salad at Red Lobster, gumgo and french dressing on salad

Dinner: ham and egg burittoes

Dave, it sounds like you are on the right track for the Goofy! :thumbsup2

Good luck with your National race in June and July. We're rooting for ya! :cheer2:
Dave, it sounds like you are on the right track for the Goofy! :thumbsup2

Good luck with your National race in June and July. We're rooting for ya! :cheer2:

Thank you, I'll need all the luck I can muster up. The competition at the nationals will be awesome. I feel honored just to be able to compete with that level of athletes. But I'm a WISH warrior now so DLF is greater than a DNF which greatly trumps DNS.

Well the weather is still colder than I like so it was another workout on the treadmill for me. I did 4 miles alternating between 4, 4.5 and 5 mph. It was ok not a wonderful or satisfying workout but it's in the bank.

Dave --It was great to "meet" you at WDW. I hope you saw the pix.
Great job on your healthy eating and disciplined training!
Dave --It was great to "meet" you at WDW. I hope you saw the pix.
Great job on your healthy eating and disciplined training!

Thank you lady, it was an honor to meet you and the other wonderful WISH Warriors.

Keeping up the training is rough with all the cold weather right now. I'm a warm weather kinda guy.

Congrats on qualifying for the national race, Dave!

We're here cheering you on! Hang in there and winter will hopefully be over soon.

Take care!
Congrats on qualifying for the national race, Dave!

We're here cheering you on! Hang in there and winter will hopefully be over soon.

Take care!

Julie, thank you so much. I'll keep everyone posted on how things are going. I'm going to try and break 30 min for the 5K sometime this spring.

What does it mean to be red team?

Today will be a lazy, I mean a rest day. It's still cold and I really really don't feel like the treadmill today. I'll be back at it tomorrow.

I'm having a hard time right now with staying motivated, I rested again today and believe I will tomorrow also. I think it's a combination of the cold gray weather here in Ky and some deep tiredness from the marathon 2 weeks ago.

I'm going to relax till monday then it's "Relentless forward motion" again.

Walk strong.

Ok last day of being lazy and blaming marathon blues or tired or the cold or what ever the excuse is today. Tomorrow is back in the saddle again.

Hi Dave,

Welcome to WISH Journals!:goodvibes That is wonderful that you qualified for the National race! What an honor!:thumbsup2

I hear ya about the cold weather.....:cold: We live in Northeast Ohio and it has been positively frigid the past couple of weeks.... Brrr! When the weather is warm outside and sunny, it is so much easier to get out there and walk.:goodvibes

Hope you have a great week! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Thankyou Tracey, I love the WISH concept and everyone on here is wonderful, :love: .

I have to get this training party started today. The Wild Gerbil (Erica) and I are doing a ten miler today, we were supposed to do it last week but rain and cold and a big lazy streak kept us from it,

I have a friend up in Warren Ohio, are you anywhere near there?

Hi Dave,

We live about 40 minutes Northwest of Warren..... My aunt lived there for several years! It's a small world! ;)

Good luck on your 10 miler today!:wizard:

The Disney Marathon was really just the result of all the 2006 training so now after resting from it, the 2007 training begins.

We went out dispite the cold 38 degree, windy and gray day. Our ten miler was very comfortable, we made the walk a hilly course in 2:11. This was a PR for Erica and a darn decent pace. That is about a 2:50 half marathon walk. Erica is really coming along.

We needed this walk to get both of us out of the training funk we have both been in.

Walk strong.

We braved the cold again to get our training walk in. It was 32 degrees with a wind so I never warmed up to the temperture. We did a good seven miles in 1:33. The walk felt great, it was just awefully darn cold.

The good thing about workouts in the cold is that it hardens you to being able to gut out the tough walks better, high heat and humidity do the same. We are athletes we will overcome.

Great job getting out there especially since the weather is less than perfect! :thumbsup2 Brrrr!:cold:

Keep up the good work!:cheer2:



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