WISH Away the Pounds January Challenge -- Jumpstart the New Year -- Everyone Welcome!

Good afternoon! Happy Monday and the warmest wish for a delightful MLK day to you all!

Sorry I've been MIA since Friday. DD was home and between some weather issues and a slight change of plans regarding her project at school, she was able to be home until yesterday. We left in the morning to bring her back, she met with a co-worker on her project for a few hours, then I took her shopping for some pants and then out to dinner....and I ended up staying over. May be the last time this semester, since her weekends are usually busy. It was a nice visit, both here at home and on campus, especially since it was originally just going to be 24 hours at home.

And BTW, she got the substitute teaching job! Of course, now we find out that she needs an APPOINTMENT to get her fingerprinting done AND they are saying that the background clearing stuff is delayed due to lack of adequate staffing, so she may not even be cleared to sub before March break! :headache:

Eating is okay and even a bit of unintentional exercise (walking across campus, carrying stuff back to her room on the third floor, etc) and lots of cleaning kinds of exercise here at home. In fact, I came into the office at 3:30 to start cleaning it and I haven't even started! :lmao:

Anyhow, I wanted to pop on and at least say hello! I'll try to hop on tonight after I drop off DS's girlfriend (she is visiting today since there is no school).

Off to clean the office up a bit!...............P
and i'm a fan of rum myself... and coconut water is VERY good for me since alcohol severely dehydrates me, so care to share your recipe?

That's just it--the water and rum lol. It's a little sweet so its good. Sometimes if I'm energetic I'll add fresh squeezed lime, but I add lime to everything I can.

Got an extra day off yesterday as my boss called and asked me if I wanted it. Big yes! Spent the whole day shopping- 2 goodwill's costco, Sally's, liquor and grocery store. Haven't seen a drop in weight yet, been trying to eat more often, sometimes I'll go pretty long in between times of eating, very rarely eat lunch, but I've been trying. Been thinking I really need to fruit and veggie out as it helps me so much with the hunger thing. Was excited to see that costco finally got bagels without high fructose corn syrup!
Well think I'm going to read for awhile. Been trying not to read the new Stephen King too fast but he's my favorite. Have a new Dan Brown and Walking dead episodes I haven't read too though after that so I might as well enjoy.
This quote came in a WW email this week:
"He who gains a victory over other men is strong, but he who gains a victory over himself is all-powerful. "


Happy Friday and keep those PMs coming!

That is a WONDERFUL quote! I'm sharing it on FB today and at my WW meeting tonight! You are always SUCH an inspiration!:)

Hi everyone

Well, I'm sick today! should have been at university all week, but after sitting in a classroom with no heating for a whol day whist is was 3 degrees outside, I am now snotty, shivery and generally bleurgh!!!

Been doing a little revision on the computer this morning when I could manage to stay awake, so thought I'd have a quick check in here before my quick nap. Weight is unfortunately a STS this week at 162, but that's still 3 down on the month, so heading in the right direction.

I'm so sorry you ended up sick! Feel better!

Thanks everybody for all the blog :love:!! I took a few days off for the race and a going home gift from Walt...a COLD! Still fighting it off but hopefully I'll be on the winning end of it.

I'm sorry you are sick too! Fight that cold!

The Half was less than stellar by my ridiculous standards, but at least I finished. My left IT band completely blew up around mile 7 and I ended up limping the last 3 to the finish. So now it's time for a 3 month running hiatus (which is already making me crazy), and let this bad boy heal up. Looks like there's going to be a lot of cross training until May and then back on the running train. That Wine and Dine Half will be here before I know it!

Take care of your injury so it doesn't get more aggravated!

As usual with this lovely thread, there is just way too much for me to catch up on! :eek: So let me just send a big :grouphug: to all of you for keeping things rolling along. May all your ailments be quickly cured, may your weight loss be just where you want it to be, and :grouphug: and :love2: to all your friends, families, and critters!

Happy weekend everyone!


Big hug back to you!

Sorry I've been MIA - Work is super crazy buzy and I just can't get on much as i'd like.. Hope everyone how isn't feel great is on the mend soon.. I did read about some great NSV so Woo to you..

I did get my gym membership approval from my Dr yesterday along with my slap on my wrist for not being very watchful the past 3 month on my diabetes.. my A1C went from 6 to 6.9 in the past 3 months so he said if I don't get it back down by my next appt I'll have to go back on that stupid once a week shot - so I'm going to get that number DOWN! and my cholesterol was creeping up higher as well so now I have a low dose of Lipitor to add to my daily meds..

so with the membership approved and Zumba starting on Tuesday I just need to get our food plan in place for at least the next month.. Hopefully Hubs Dr will get back to him as well soon, he got the first fax on 1/6 the second on 1/14 and Hubs called them about it on 1/14 too so if they still don't have anything in an hour Hubs will call again! altho the healthy eating will help my Hubs quite a bit..

have a great weekend and if I get a chance I'll be back at lunchtime.. Michelle

Take care of yourself and get that A1C down where it belongs!!

Good morning, everyone!!!

Happy W/I day! I did a HUGE happy dance on the scale today! :yay: So much so that I might have broken my scale from my jumping.... :rotfl:

I'm going to take a minute and get personal here because I had a big moment this morning, so bear with me. You see, I've been a yo-yo dieter my whole life. I've been dealing with weight loss since I went to my first summer camp and had to put on a swimsuit. Even in high school, when I was much more active, I had to take this test to determine if I had a learning disorder and I'll never forget that the first paragraph - which was a description of me - included the words, "Stacey is a happy, mature, SLIGHTLY-OVERWEIGHT individual." It was all I could think about for years. Is that what people use to define me? Needless to say, it has been a long struggle. Regardless, I never found something that worked. I would try to diet, I would try to work out, I would try running. Everything provided a VERY slow change, if any at all, and most of the time, the things that were speedier involved giving up foods that I loved, so it never stuck. But, this time, it STUCK. Since I started two months ago, I have been consistently losing and it feels AMAZING.

I didn't achieve some major milestone today, or hit a weight loss goal. I did lose, but that wasn't the point. I got off the scale, and I looked in the mirror, and I felt like I could be pretty.

I know that sounds so silly (or maybe it doesn't since I'm among people who also struggle with weight loss), but I was never the pretty one. I don't expect to be drop dead sexy or breathtaking, but I looked at myself for the first time in my life and actually thought that I could be beautiful. And maybe, someone else could find me beautiful, too.

Now, when I look at my future, I don't see struggles, I see possibilities. And I can't thank you guys enough for supporting me through this crazy adventure to getting to the me that I want to be.

Alright, now that I'm done being sappy, today is a GREAT day for DIS in terms of holidays. January 17th is known as the day that your New Year's resolutions stick. They say if you make it past the 17th, then it is no longer a resolution, but something you are actually doing. So, for everyone taking part in this message board who started this month, keep at it! We're in this, now!

How wonderful and inspiring! You are a gifted writer. Thank you for sharing all of that with us. And I am SO HAPPY that you can see a positive WONDERFUL future ahead for yourself!

It is also Kid Inventor's Day - did you know water skis, earmuffs, and the popsicle were all invented by kids? What can your kids invent today?!

Kids are amazing!

It was... unbelievable. I can't even describe it in words. I did a blog each day of my trip here, but it is very long!!! I skim through it every now and then when I'm feeling nostalgic. I miss my trip every single day. For awhile, even when I was back, I would wake up and ask myself, "What city am I in?" simply because I did that every day of my trip!!

DD and I are in the "dreaming" planning stages of a backpacking trip across parts of Europe and I can't imagine how EXCITING it would be to wake up every morning and ask myself what COUNTRY I am in!! I will be reading your blog later when I have some time!

Congrats on finishing the half, despite the injury! That's an incredibly brave thing to do, so good for you! And we're here to support you through your recovery!

Beatles or Rolling Stones? OMG. DH and I divide the world into two groups of people by asking this question. We also have a theory that no matter what else you differ on, if you answer this question the same way, you are soulmates. At least that is true for us! Here are the followups to anyone who ever thinks they will be doing speed dating (we designed them in case one of us dies and the other has to look for a partner - don't ask). Dogs or cats? London or New York? Beaches or mountains? Baseball or football? With the answers to these you can find out everything you need to know about someone in less than 30 secs. But the all important one is BEATLES or STONES - DH are different on every single other question but we are BOTH STONES!

This cracks me up!!

Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon? Sorry to say that I have never experienced either! We are basically first timers in Oct 2014 and no one in our family has gone to any water parks or Hollywood Studios yet!

Great questions!

Envious that you will be "first timers" this year! Nothing is as special as that!

Very quick drive by :car:

I am so :woohoo: As of today I have lost 30 pounds since October! I am so excited! :cool1:

No time to update my tickers right now, have to take kids to an appt and do my preDisney shopping.

BBL to catch up!

WOOHOOO on 30 pounds!! :dance3:

right now i'm loving my 10 minute pilates solution DVD; it has 6 ten minute segments to be mixed and matched for the workout I want to do that day and if nothing else I try to do the flexibility segment as a good stretch at the end of any workout

That sounds like a good one!

I just hit that milestone too!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!! :cheer2:

HUGE congrats and woo hoo to you!!!

well I think I got all the replies out of my head and onto the post here!

Thursday my BFF invited me to go shopping with her, I was just planning on tagging along with her shops of choice since she's leaving for a trip next week and had an agenda. but instead I found myself enjoying picking out things and trying them on b/c i'm starting to see the former me finally emerging and looking back at me in the mirror! it was fun to try on some jeans that fit! and I actually splurged on two pairs of crop jeans for FL...there are no capris to be found in ohio in January LOL but the crops will do, i'll cuff them and they are the size I had just moved into, these fit me comfortably. I know a size 12 today is bigger than the size 12 of 20 years ago..but i'll still take it!

Stop worrying about the number on the tag and CHEER yourself for making your body healthier and being happy with yourself!

we then spent the evening and next day making freezer meals for our families while we go on our respective trips...they weren't all super diet friendly, but hey i'll be in WDW so I'm not eating it! We each got 2 meals of 6 different dishes. i'm paying for the activity and standing today so i'm having to post-pone my workout until tomorrow. but DH and I are heading out later to go see Frozen :cold:

Great job on the freezer meals. Hope you enjoyed Frozen.

Just another quick check in. I am feeling much better, but am super exhausted. I slept 9 hours last night and woke up around 7:00am. By 11:00, I could not keep my eyes open. So, I ended up taking a 3 hour nap! This is so unlike me, but I know my body is just worn out & run down from this stupid flu. So, I am just going to continue to relax this weekend.

I think I'll just try to keep up from this point and not go back and try to catch up. I'm off to watch some tv with my kids. Have a great weekend!


Take care of yourself!

Good morning everyone! It's quiet in here; hope everyone had a nice weekend. :goodvibes

Quick check in:

Was down 1 pound on friday. :cool1:

Went out to a really nice dinner at a Speakeasy themed small restaurant on friday that was SO good and worth however many calories may have been involved. :rotfl:

It's okay to have a splurge that is WORTH IT! And woo hoo on the one pound down!!

Saturday morning I ran, then spent the afternoon with my mom. She bought me a bunch of groceries which was unexpected but definitely appreciated! Saturday night, DBF and I went out with another couple to a couple of bars. As is almost always the case when we go out, I was DD so while I definitely had a bit of empty calories, I didn't have as many as if I didn't have to worry about driving. ::yes::

I was ALWAYS the DD in college....never trusted anyone else. And as it is a great way to watch the calorie intake AND look like the nice guy!!

Yesterday I was supposed to run 6 miles but woke up with an awful hangover and just stayed in bed for a lot of the day. Although I didn't drink too much, I didn't really drink much of ANYTHING on saturday so I must have been dehydrated going into the night so the alcohol dehyradation was amplified. :( Lesson learned!

Take care!:sick:

I am going to try to get that 6 miles in on the treadmill tonight (yuck!) but it's okay because DISNEY IS IN 30 DAYS! :BANANA:


Weekend QOTD: What is your favorite workout DVD?

On Wednesday or Thursday I downloaded Jillian Michaels' Shred It With Weights and Kickbox Fastfix. DBF got me a small kettlebell for christmas so I finally gave it a shot. I couldn't walk right until Sunday because my hamstrings were so sore from Level 1 of SIW and two of the three Kickboxing work outs! I really enjoyed all three of them though and look forward to doing them tonight.

Sounds like a good one!

I have been looking forward to this week because on Tuesday is when Hubs and I can/are starting at the gym and making some minor changes to our diet :yay::yay::yay: I know he isn't as excited as me and that he is doing it because he love me and wants me to reach my goal so when I told him that I needed his help and would he please join with me he said yes.. Now I do have an alterior motive because both of us need to lose quite a bit of weight (my ideal weight should be 118 Hubs should be 156 based on our gender and height) so that means about 60 lbs for me and 112 for Hubs .. and of course I want a long healthy life with him ..

Hopefully everyone has a fantastic day.. see you all tomorrow !

Sounds like you are ready for an exciting week at the gym!!

Got an extra day off yesterday as my boss called and asked me if I wanted it. Big yes! Spent the whole day shopping- 2 goodwill's costco, Sally's, liquor and grocery store. Haven't seen a drop in weight yet, been trying to eat more often, sometimes I'll go pretty long in between times of eating, very rarely eat lunch, but I've been trying. Been thinking I really need to fruit and veggie out as it helps me so much with the hunger thing. Was excited to see that costco finally got bagels without high fructose corn syrup!
Well think I'm going to read for awhile. Been trying not to read the new Stephen King too fast but he's my favorite. Have a new Dan Brown and Walking dead episodes I haven't read too though after that so I might as well enjoy.

Sounds like a great day off!

QOTD Monday, Jan 20 -- Mondays are hard! What is one thing you have to look forward to this week?

Hmmmmm... Friday!!


Morning all! I decided to make this my first stop this morning instead of FB and email so that you got my FULL attention.... but of course, was interrupted by breakfast and coffee and phone calls.

I'm home today, getting ready for my WW meeting tonight. Need to do a better job of prepping EARLY in the day so that I'm not rushing at 2pm.

Good morning all! :goodvibes

Thank you, Molli, for coaching last week! :thanks:

And welcome to our new coach for the next few days, Eliza32! :flower3: Hope you are feeling better.

Good morning everyone! It's quiet in here; hope everyone had a nice weekend. :goodvibes

Quick check in:

Was down 1 pound on friday. :cool1:

:woohoo: Congratulations on your loss! And thanks for the reminder that the Princess is right around the corner. princess:

QOTD Monday, Jan 20 -- Mondays are hard! What is one thing you have to look forward to this week?

I am looking forward to my Gentle Yoga class on Friday. :love: I really love this class. It's not too intense but I can tell that I am getting stronger every time I am there.

I have been looking forward to this week because on Tuesday is when Hubs and I can/are starting at the gym and making some minor changes to our diet :yay::yay::yay: I know he isn't as excited as me and that he is doing it because he love me and wants me to reach my goal so when I told him that I needed his help and would he please join with me he said yes.. Now I do have an alterior motive because both of us need to lose quite a bit of weight (my ideal weight should be 118 Hubs should be 156 based on our gender and height) so that means about 60 lbs for me and 112 for Hubs .. and of course I want a long healthy life with him ..

Hopefully everyone has a fantastic day.. see you all tomorrow !

Good luck with your first workouts today! :cheer2:

Good afternoon! Happy Monday and the warmest wish for a delightful MLK day to you all!

Sorry I've been MIA since Friday. DD was home and between some weather issues and a slight change of plans regarding her project at school, she was able to be home until yesterday. We left in the morning to bring her back, she met with a co-worker on her project for a few hours, then I took her shopping for some pants and then out to dinner....and I ended up staying over. May be the last time this semester, since her weekends are usually busy. It was a nice visit, both here at home and on campus, especially since it was originally just going to be 24 hours at home.

Glad that you had a nice visit with DD! :goodvibes

And congrats to her on the job! :cool2: Is is possible for her to get her fingerprints done where she is and have then sent to the district?

Got an extra day off yesterday as my boss called and asked me if I wanted it. Big yes! Spent the whole day shopping- 2 goodwill's costco, Sally's, liquor and grocery store. Haven't seen a drop in weight yet, been trying to eat more often, sometimes I'll go pretty long in between times of eating, very rarely eat lunch, but I've been trying. Been thinking I really need to fruit and veggie out as it helps me so much with the hunger thing. Was excited to see that costco finally got bagels without high fructose corn syrup!
Well think I'm going to read for awhile. Been trying not to read the new Stephen King too fast but he's my favorite. Have a new Dan Brown and Walking dead episodes I haven't read too though after that so I might as well enjoy.

Sounds like you had a great day off! :cool2:

That is a WONDERFUL quote! I'm sharing it on FB today and at my WW meeting tonight! You are always SUCH an inspiration!:)

Thanks! :flower3: I'm trying to make sure that I actually apply all this stuff that I know this year. ::yes::

Here is another quote that showed up in my FB feed this week-end I thought I would share.

Have a great day all! I swear it feels like Monday to me. :lmao:
Hello everyone!!! Long time no DIS! :)

This weekend was crazy busy - the opera is coming up very quickly and I am constantly in rehearsal with the kids.

I want to start off by saying THANK YOU to everyone for your support from my last post! I really really appreciate it - more than you guys know. It actually helped me say no to a second bowl of chili at my friend's house on Sunday. You guys are the best! :thumbsup2

I missed a WHOLE bunch of holidays, and since I'm not so great at consistently posting, I figured I'd start posting TOMORROW's holiday, rather than TODAY's. But, if you are on here before the end of the day, today is National Hugging Day! So - go hug someone!

Tomorrow is not particularly special lol But, it is the anniversary of the first animal saved with with artificial lenses. An owl was found starving in 2004, as she had cataracts that prevented her from hunting for food. Veterinarians surgically removed her cataracts and implanted new artificial lenses. After recovering, she was back in the wild, hunting like normal! Sweet story, right?

Weekend QOTD: what's your favorite exercise DVD?

My favorite exercise DVD is Power 90 at the moment. I love Jillian Michaels, but these are working really well for me! Day 17/90 and going strong!

Very quick drive by :car:

I am so :woohoo: As of today I have lost 30 pounds since October! I am so excited! :cool1:

CONGRATS!!!! WTG!!! :cool1:

QOTD Monday, Jan 20 -- Mondays are hard! What is one thing you have to look forward to this week?

It is essentially a 3 day work week this week! Monday there were no calls and today, with the snow, most of the people I work with stayed home. So, I'm here at the office, by myself, watching movies and relaxing!!! :happytv:

And BTW, she got the substitute teaching job! Of course, now we find out that she needs an APPOINTMENT to get her fingerprinting done AND they are saying that the background clearing stuff is delayed due to lack of adequate staffing, so she may not even be cleared to sub before March break! :headache:

WOOHOOO!! Congrats! How great that you guys will be able to work in the same place sometimes! :)

Hope everyone is enjoying this super snowy day!!!
Good afternoon! Just jumping in here, so someone tell me if I missed something important. :)

We had a super weekend away! The weather was in the upper 40s/low 60s but we still went out to the beach and spent as much time as possible outside which was just wonderful. When we left on Friday to go to SC it was snowing (our plane had to be deiced) and we came back late last night to a storm warning--with today being our worst snow storm yet this year. I think they are saying 5-6 inches, but the biggest problem is that silly polar vortex is back.:mad: I didn't go to work because the roads are a frozen mess. Our temps are ridiculously below normal this year, and while I am desperately trying to stay positive, it is hard. We just don't usually get those day after day of cold temps like we have this year, so it has been challenging for someone who prefers heat and humidity.:goodvibes

Ate way too much this weekend, but we found all kinds of great local restaurants with lots of gluten free choices. :goodvibes So, still down for the year (barely), but I have 10 days left to finish the month on better footing.

Hope everyone is staying warm!

Weekend QOTD--I like the Walk away the pounds dvds. They are quick, easy and not too painful.

QOTD Monday, Jan 20 -- Mondays are hard! What is one thing you have to look forward to this week? Wow this is hard this week. I am going to say I look most forward to it almost being February!:rotfl: And hopefully warmer.:goodvibes
I want to start off by saying THANK YOU to everyone for your support from my last post! I really really appreciate it - more than you guys know. It actually helped me say no to a second bowl of chili at my friend's house on Sunday. You guys are the best! :thumbsup2

Which is why I have been consistently a part of a WISH group, every day, for several years now! The support, help, and friendship is absolutely overwhelming!!

I missed a WHOLE bunch of holidays, and since I'm not so great at consistently posting, I figured I'd start posting TOMORROW's holiday, rather than TODAY's. But, if you are on here before the end of the day, today is National Hugging Day! So - go hug someone!

I actually saw that on my FB feed and messaged DD immediately that I was sending her a virtual hug! I"ll try to be super friendly tonight and hug a few of my members! (Hope it doesn't freak them out! :lmao: )

Tomorrow is not particularly special lol But, it is the anniversary of the first animal saved with with artificial lenses. An owl was found starving in 2004, as she had cataracts that prevented her from hunting for food. Veterinarians surgically removed her cataracts and implanted new artificial lenses. After recovering, she was back in the wild, hunting like normal! Sweet story, right?

That is a great story!

My favorite exercise DVD is Power 90 at the moment. I love Jillian Michaels, but these are working really well for me! Day 17/90 and going strong!

Remind me someday to share my post from the first time I did JM 30 Day shred. It is hilarious, if I may say so myself.

WOOHOOO!! Congrats! How great that you guys will be able to work in the same place sometimes! :)

That will be nice!

Hope everyone is enjoying this super snowy day!!!

No snow here yet, but it is on its way.... probably just in time for my drive home from WW tonight.:headache:

Good afternoon! Just jumping in here, so someone tell me if I missed something important. :)

We had a super weekend away! The weather was in the upper 40s/low 60s but we still went out to the beach and spent as much time as possible outside which was just wonderful. When we left on Friday to go to SC it was snowing (our plane had to be deiced) and we came back late last night to a storm warning--with today being our worst snow storm yet this year. I think they are saying 5-6 inches, but the biggest problem is that silly polar vortex is back.:mad: I didn't go to work because the roads are a frozen mess. Our temps are ridiculously below normal this year, and while I am desperately trying to stay positive, it is hard. We just don't usually get those day after day of cold temps like we have this year, so it has been challenging for someone who prefers heat and humidity.:goodvibes

Ate way too much this weekend, but we found all kinds of great local restaurants with lots of gluten free choices. :goodvibes So, still down for the year (barely), but I have 10 days left to finish the month on better footing.

Hope everyone is staying warm!

Weekend QOTD--I like the Walk away the pounds dvds. They are quick, easy and not too painful.

QOTD Monday, Jan 20 -- Mondays are hard! What is one thing you have to look forward to this week? Wow this is hard this week. I am going to say I look most forward to it almost being February!:rotfl: And hopefully warmer.:goodvibes

You have been missed! Glad your visit went well and that the traveling was safe.... and DOUBLE WOOHOO for finding lots of GF options while you were eating out!

Showered, make-up done, clothes ironed, lunch eaten, and meeting prep done. I have to leave here in one hour to pick up DS, so I had better get the men's dinner in the oven soon!....................P
Went to costco again yesterday (looking for my birth control pills I thought I lost but were in the reusable bag I put my purse in to not forget the stupid bag) and got a few samples of PGX. Tried one last night and liked it, did a little research and found out Psyllium was just as effective and much cheaper so I just ordered some off vitacost, (which I adore) their brand- the powder and the capsules and it came to $21 and some change, with free shipping with a 20 % off code I got off retail me not. Meanwhile I have 5 capsules left which will help me control eating when i have a few drinks at night. I know I shouldn't drink at all but that's just the way it is right now. I drink so I can pretend I'm with someone else at night and if I don't then I fall back into a hopeless black hole of depression. I don't drink otherwise-- socially or with dinner anything like that, I have a lot of addiction background so I'm very careful.
I'm actually doing really well right now with the depression thing I think these hoodlum cats I just rescued have something to do with it. The Mama still just wants out and last night she got out in the backyard when I was letting someone else in... Was so much fun, I had gone to bed and just got up to take my pill I forgot and ended up running around the cat fenced back yard (that most of them can't get out of but she can) after her. Finally after 20 minutes or so got her back in (and everyone else that got out in the process).
Hoodlums. Really cute though. I had to read for awhile just to settle back down so I could sleep.
QOTD Monday, Jan 20 -- Mondays are hard! What is one thing you have to look forward to this week?

I am looking forward to having more energy and slowly getting back to exercising/the gym. I've missed it and I am finally feeling back to normal!

Thanks Lisa and willonlyflytodisney - what a GREAT story.. You are inspiring!!

I have been looking forward to this week because on Tuesday is when Hubs and I can/are starting at the gym and making some minor changes to our diet :yay::yay::yay: I know he isn't as excited as me and that he is doing it because he love me and wants me to reach my goal so when I told him that I needed his help and would he please join with me he said yes.. Now I do have an alterior motive because both of us need to lose quite a bit of weight (my ideal weight should be 118 Hubs should be 156 based on our gender and height) so that means about 60 lbs for me and 112 for Hubs .. and of course I want a long healthy life with him ..

Hopefully everyone has a fantastic day.. see you all tomorrow !

Yay for starting the gym and eating better! It's always easier when you have support, so it's great that DH is on board. I think you'll both do great!

Good afternoon! Happy Monday and the warmest wish for a delightful MLK day to you all!

Sorry I've been MIA since Friday. DD was home and between some weather issues and a slight change of plans regarding her project at school, she was able to be home until yesterday. We left in the morning to bring her back, she met with a co-worker on her project for a few hours, then I took her shopping for some pants and then out to dinner....and I ended up staying over. May be the last time this semester, since her weekends are usually busy. It was a nice visit, both here at home and on campus, especially since it was originally just going to be 24 hours at home.

And BTW, she got the substitute teaching job! Of course, now we find out that she needs an APPOINTMENT to get her fingerprinting done AND they are saying that the background clearing stuff is delayed due to lack of adequate staffing, so she may not even be cleared to sub before March break! :headache:

Eating is okay and even a bit of unintentional exercise (walking across campus, carrying stuff back to her room on the third floor, etc) and lots of cleaning kinds of exercise here at home. In fact, I came into the office at 3:30 to start cleaning it and I haven't even started! :lmao:

Anyhow, I wanted to pop on and at least say hello! I'll try to hop on tonight after I drop off DS's girlfriend (she is visiting today since there is no school).

Off to clean the office up a bit!...............P

Glad you had a nice weekend with DD. Congrats to her for getting a sub job. Around here, you have to have a degree to sub & most schools want a teaching degree. I think she'll make a great sub!

Got an extra day off yesterday as my boss called and asked me if I wanted it. Big yes! Spent the whole day shopping- 2 goodwill's costco, Sally's, liquor and grocery store. Haven't seen a drop in weight yet, been trying to eat more often, sometimes I'll go pretty long in between times of eating, very rarely eat lunch, but I've been trying. Been thinking I really need to fruit and veggie out as it helps me so much with the hunger thing. Was excited to see that costco finally got bagels without high fructose corn syrup!
Well think I'm going to read for awhile. Been trying not to read the new Stephen King too fast but he's my favorite. Have a new Dan Brown and Walking dead episodes I haven't read too though after that so I might as well enjoy.

Yay for an extra day off work! That's a great surprise :)

Good afternoon! Just jumping in here, so someone tell me if I missed something important. :)

We had a super weekend away! The weather was in the upper 40s/low 60s but we still went out to the beach and spent as much time as possible outside which was just wonderful. When we left on Friday to go to SC it was snowing (our plane had to be deiced) and we came back late last night to a storm warning--with today being our worst snow storm yet this year. I think they are saying 5-6 inches, but the biggest problem is that silly polar vortex is back.:mad: I didn't go to work because the roads are a frozen mess. Our temps are ridiculously below normal this year, and while I am desperately trying to stay positive, it is hard. We just don't usually get those day after day of cold temps like we have this year, so it has been challenging for someone who prefers heat and humidity.:goodvibes

Ate way too much this weekend, but we found all kinds of great local restaurants with lots of gluten free choices. :goodvibes So, still down for the year (barely), but I have 10 days left to finish the month on better footing.

Hope everyone is staying warm!

Weekend QOTD--I like the Walk away the pounds dvds. They are quick, easy and not too painful.

QOTD Monday, Jan 20 -- Mondays are hard! What is one thing you have to look forward to this week? Wow this is hard this week. I am going to say I look most forward to it almost being February!:rotfl: And hopefully warmer.:goodvibes

So glad you had a nice weekend away.

I'm about done with this winter stuff! It's supposed to be pretty cold here tonight, but not much snow. I looked at the 10 day forecast and 2 nights next week it is supposed to be in the negatives again. :headache:

I'm also looking forward to February and some (hopefully) warmer weather as well.


I am finally feeling back to normal after getting sick a week ago. I am going to head back to the gym tomorrow and start slow with walking on the treadmill. Then I'll add in weights and some running.

I'm wondering if we will have another delay tomorrow. The actual temperature is supposed to be -3 with wind chills up to -20. I'm hoping schools don't cancel since we only have 2 days in the schedule that were labeled as "no school but may be used for a make-up day" and we already had two snow days. Next Tuesday night is supposed to be -7! I'm done, done, done with winter!

Well, I'm off to get some stuff done for work since my Internet wasn't working today :mad: Have a warm night :thumbsup2


I am so far behind and not sure I will be able to catch up so for now I am popping in to say Hi and probably Bye! We leave for Disney on Friday so not sure I will be back again this month. I WILL be here next month! Stress and a general "to heck with it" attitude kicked in this weekend and I am off the wagon and choking in the dust it left behind. I was not staying on plan while at Disney anyway. But I will be jumping right back on that wagon when we get back and on my way to Goaland!!

I planned this Disney trip very carefully, starting over a year ago to time it just right. We have mid-term exams this week and then no school Friday or Monday. So we are going right after midterms and the kids will just miss the first 2 class periods of the 2nd semester. AWESOME PLAN, right? :thumbsup2 Well, thanks to Janus that has been shot to hell! No school tomorrow so now at least one day of midterms will have to be done next week while we are gone. And if we end up with no school on Thursday DD18 will have all of her hardest midterms to make up after we get back. :headache: So instead of relaxing and enjoying the trip she will be stressing out about them. I am hoping that we at least have school on Thursday and maybe she can convince her math teacher to let her take that exam after school on Thursday and get it over with.

I was worried that they would make our "no school" on Monday a school day (it is Prof. Development for Teachers) which would really be a pain because then I would have to take another day off of work and the girls would miss another day of classes but the district said tonight that no matter what there will not be school on Monday. It is a 4 day weekend and a lot of parents have vacation plans and the county actually does a huge ski trip with hundreds of the area youth so there is just no way they can try to have a Snow Day make up then, so I am relieved.

Going to use this unexpected day off tomorrow to clean house and get completely packed and ready to go. Heck, if school is cancelled on Thursday I may see if DH wants to just go ahead and go on Thursday. At least drive partway and get a hotel room so we aren't rolling in to Disney at midnight. Right now though the storm doesn't seem to be hitting us nearly as bad as they were predicting so I suspect they may even realize tomorrow that they called school off too early, and really we could have gone in.

Okay, have to run and get some things done before bed. I will try to stop by tomorrow when I take a break.

Everyone have a great end of January and end the month STRONG! :cheer2: Many have already given up their New Year's Resolution diet but you are all still here and NOT giving up! Show them how it is supposed to be done!:cheer2:
LTS --- have a FANTASTICAL time!!!!

I'm not doing well on my food choices since this weekend!!! this has got to end! it's like I'm going on vaca in two weeks so why bother...NOT a good mindset!

but I have been getting in some workouts :teeth:
Good morning ladies! :coffee:

So after what I will say was a big victory for me fighting off the cold that was trying like you know what to settle in, :hyper: I am actually excited to get back on the workout bandwagon today! :cool1: :cool1: I found a great blogger (Olive To Run :love:), who posts some awesome circuit workouts, so I'll be jumping :yay:, pushuping, squatting, and planking my way through the next three months until I slowly start running again. :woohoo: As far as the food choices have been so far this year...well....okay...moving on. :eek:

Has anyone tried doing circuit workouts on a consistent basis? How did you like it?

Happy Hump Day!
Good morning all! :goodvibes

I'm afraid that Eliza32 may still be fighting off that bug she had last week so I will post a bonus QOTD today . . . luckily it's woo hoo Wednesday! :cool2:

Bonus QOTD Wednesday, January 22, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week to help you with your goals.

BBL with some replies!
My weight is back up to 233. It KEEPS going back to that number. No matter what I do my body wants to hang out at this weight. I want to scream. :mad:

Good thoughts for this week: My sister is planning their first ever trip to WDW!! I am so so excited for them! They have two girls and a boy. I think of them more like my children then my nieces and nephew, so the idea of not seeing their reactions to WDW is hard for me. I cant wait to see the photos! gah im so excited for them.
Hope everyone is safe from the big storm -- be careful those of you who have to shovel out today.

Hello everyone!!! Long time no DIS!

This weekend was crazy busy - the opera is coming up very quickly and I am constantly in rehearsal with the kids.

I want to start off by saying THANK YOU to everyone for your support from my last post! I really really appreciate it - more than you guys know. It actually helped me say no to a second bowl of chili at my friend's house on Sunday. You guys are the best! :thumbsup2

:woohoo: All those good choices will add up to some big progress for you!

Good afternoon! Just jumping in here, so someone tell me if I missed something important. :)

We had a super weekend away! The weather was in the upper 40s/low 60s but we still went out to the beach and spent as much time as possible outside which was just wonderful. When we left on Friday to go to SC it was snowing (our plane had to be deiced) and we came back late last night to a storm warning--with today being our worst snow storm yet this year. I think they are saying 5-6 inches, but the biggest problem is that silly polar vortex is back.:mad: I didn't go to work because the roads are a frozen mess. Our temps are ridiculously below normal this year, and while I am desperately trying to stay positive, it is hard. We just don't usually get those day after day of cold temps like we have this year, so it has been challenging for someone who prefers heat and humidity.:goodvibes

Glad that you had a good time in SC this week-end, Rose! :sunny:
By the time the end of the month rolls around the days will be a lot longer, too. It is nice not to drive to and from work in the dark. ::yes::

I'm actually doing really well right now with the depression thing I think these hoodlum cats I just rescued have something to do with it. The Mama still just wants out and last night she got out in the backyard when I was letting someone else in... Was so much fun, I had gone to bed and just got up to take my pill I forgot and ended up running around the cat fenced back yard (that most of them can't get out of but she can) after her. Finally after 20 minutes or so got her back in (and everyone else that got out in the process).
Hoodlums. Really cute though. I had to read for awhile just to settle back down so I could sleep.

Thank goodness the "hoodlums" have someone like you to care for them and give them a good home! :flower3:

I am looking forward to having more energy and slowly getting back to exercising/the gym. I've missed it and I am finally feeling back to normal!

Glad that you are feeling more like yourself again, Jill! :flower3:


I am so far behind and not sure I will be able to catch up so for now I am popping in to say Hi and probably Bye! We leave for Disney on Friday so not sure I will be back again this month. I WILL be here next month! Stress and a general "to heck with it" attitude kicked in this weekend and I am off the wagon and choking in the dust it left behind. I was not staying on plan while at Disney anyway. But I will be jumping right back on that wagon when we get back and on my way to Goaland!!

Have a wonderful time on your trip, LTS! Safe travels! pixiedust:

LTS --- have a FANTASTICAL time!!!!

I'm not doing well on my food choices since this weekend!!! this has got to end! it's like I'm going on vaca in two weeks so why bother...NOT a good mindset!

but I have been getting in some workouts :teeth:

It is hard not to let that vacation mindset start taking over, Molli. :woohoo: on the workouts!

I'm contemplating getting my suitcase out this week-end and I don't leave until 2/19. :rotfl:

Good morning ladies!

So after what I will say was a big victory for me fighting off the cold that was trying like you know what to settle in, I am actually excited to get back on the workout bandwagon today! I found a great blogger (Olive To Run :love:), who posts some awesome circuit workouts, so I'll be jumping, pushuping, squatting, and planking my way through the next three months until I slowly start running again. :woohoo: As far as the food choices have been so far this year...well....okay...moving on.

Has anyone tried doing circuit workouts on a consistent basis? How did you like it?

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day to you too Kimberley! :flower3:

I do a little bit of circuit weight training but not as much as I should I know. I have been doing some extra workouts for my back and hip thanks to the chiropractor. Anything that you can do to strengthen your core will help the running. Let us know how your workout goes! :cool2:

Good morning all! :goodvibes

I'm afraid that Eliza32 may still be fighting off that bug she had last week so I will post a bonus QOTD today . . . luckily it's woo hoo Wednesday! :cool2:

Bonus QOTD Wednesday, January 22, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week to help you with your goals.

BBL with some replies!

My :woohoo: for today was my swim that started at 5 a.m. It was a great way to start my day. :fish:

My weight is back up to 233. It KEEPS going back to that number. No matter what I do my body wants to hang out at this weight. I want to scream. :mad:

Good thoughts for this week: My sister is planning their first ever trip to WDW!! I am so so excited for them! They have two girls and a boy. I think of them more like my children then my nieces and nephew, so the idea of not seeing their reactions to WDW is hard for me. I cant wait to see the photos! gah im so excited for them.

How exciting for your family to get to go to WDW. It is hard to not be able to go along. :hug:

Plateaus are the pits. It is hard but the best way to get through it is to just keep on keeping on and know staying OP works better than being off plan. You can do it! :thumbsup2
Hello all! I'm at work today, but have had a minute or two that I can pop on here. I'm off to read and catch up and HOPEFULLY will have a bit of time to reply.... but I'm working in the office and if it gets nutty, I will have to wait until I get home..............P
Went to costco again yesterday (looking for my birth control pills I thought I lost but were in the reusable bag I put my purse in to not forget the stupid bag) and got a few samples of PGX. Tried one last night and liked it, did a little research and found out Psyllium was just as effective and much cheaper so I just ordered some off vitacost, (which I adore) their brand- the powder and the capsules and it came to $21 and some change, with free shipping with a 20 % off code I got off retail me not.

Gotta love retailmenot!!

Meanwhile I have 5 capsules left which will help me control eating when i have a few drinks at night. I know I shouldn't drink at all but that's just the way it is right now. I drink so I can pretend I'm with someone else at night and if I don't then I fall back into a hopeless black hole of depression. I don't drink otherwise-- socially or with dinner anything like that, I have a lot of addiction background so I'm very careful.
I'm actually doing really well right now with the depression thing I think these hoodlum cats I just rescued have something to do with it. The Mama still just wants out and last night she got out in the backyard when I was letting someone else in... Was so much fun, I had gone to bed and just got up to take my pill I forgot and ended up running around the cat fenced back yard (that most of them can't get out of but she can) after her. Finally after 20 minutes or so got her back in (and everyone else that got out in the process).
Hoodlums. Really cute though. I had to read for awhile just to settle back down so I could sleep.

Crazy cat life, as usual! :rotfl:

Glad you had a nice weekend with DD. Congrats to her for getting a sub job. Around here, you have to have a degree to sub & most schools want a teaching degree. I think she'll make a great sub!

I think she will do if it ever work out!

I am finally feeling back to normal after getting sick a week ago. I am going to head back to the gym tomorrow and start slow with walking on the treadmill. Then I'll add in weights and some running.

Glad you are feeling better.... but take it slow!

I'm wondering if we will have another delay tomorrow. The actual temperature is supposed to be -3 with wind chills up to -20. I'm hoping schools don't cancel since we only have 2 days in the schedule that were labeled as "no school but may be used for a make-up day" and we already had two snow days. Next Tuesday night is supposed to be -7! I'm done, done, done with winter!

Well, I'm off to get some stuff done for work since my Internet wasn't working today :mad: Have a warm night :thumbsup2


Hope you are staying warm! We managed to miss the snowstorm hitting the East Coast, but it is pretty chilly here.


I am so far behind and not sure I will be able to catch up so for now I am popping in to say Hi and probably Bye! We leave for Disney on Friday so not sure I will be back again this month. I WILL be here next month! Stress and a general "to heck with it" attitude kicked in this weekend and I am off the wagon and choking in the dust it left behind. I was not staying on plan while at Disney anyway. But I will be jumping right back on that wagon when we get back and on my way to Goaland!!

Tell Mickey that we ALL say hi!! We can't wait to celebrate goal with you!

I planned this Disney trip very carefully, starting over a year ago to time it just right. We have mid-term exams this week and then no school Friday or Monday. So we are going right after midterms and the kids will just miss the first 2 class periods of the 2nd semester. AWESOME PLAN, right? :thumbsup2 Well, thanks to Janus that has been shot to hell! No school tomorrow so now at least one day of midterms will have to be done next week while we are gone. And if we end up with no school on Thursday DD18 will have all of her hardest midterms to make up after we get back. :headache: So instead of relaxing and enjoying the trip she will be stressing out about them. I am hoping that we at least have school on Thursday and maybe she can convince her math teacher to let her take that exam after school on Thursday and get it over with.

OH NO! I have a DD who would stress herself SICK about having to make up exams, so I know how you are feeling. What a PITA! Prayers that you can all relax and enjoy the trip!

I was worried that they would make our "no school" on Monday a school day (it is Prof. Development for Teachers) which would really be a pain because then I would have to take another day off of work and the girls would miss another day of classes but the district said tonight that no matter what there will not be school on Monday. It is a 4 day weekend and a lot of parents have vacation plans and the county actually does a huge ski trip with hundreds of the area youth so there is just no way they can try to have a Snow Day make up then, so I am relieved.

Going to use this unexpected day off tomorrow to clean house and get completely packed and ready to go. Heck, if school is cancelled on Thursday I may see if DH wants to just go ahead and go on Thursday. At least drive partway and get a hotel room so we aren't rolling in to Disney at midnight. Right now though the storm doesn't seem to be hitting us nearly as bad as they were predicting so I suspect they may even realize tomorrow that they called school off too early, and really we could have gone in.

Maybe it will work out somewhat in your favor.

Okay, have to run and get some things done before bed. I will try to stop by tomorrow when I take a break.

Everyone have a great end of January and end the month STRONG! :cheer2: Many have already given up their New Year's Resolution diet but you are all still here and NOT giving up! Show them how it is supposed to be done!:cheer2:

If we don't hear back from you, have a great time!!

Good morning ladies! :coffee:

So after what I will say was a big victory for me fighting off the cold that was trying like you know what to settle in, :hyper: I am actually excited to get back on the workout bandwagon today! :cool1: :cool1: I found a great blogger (Olive To Run :love:), who posts some awesome circuit workouts, so I'll be jumping :yay:, pushuping, squatting, and planking my way through the next three months until I slowly start running again. :woohoo: As far as the food choices have been so far this year...well....okay...moving on. :eek:

Has anyone tried doing circuit workouts on a consistent basis? How did you like it?

Happy Hump Day!

Good for you! I haven't done circuits in a long time, but they worked well for me and made the time go quickly.

Good morning all! :goodvibes

I'm afraid that Eliza32 may still be fighting off that bug she had last week so I will post a bonus QOTD today . . . luckily it's woo hoo Wednesday! :cool2:

Bonus QOTD Wednesday, January 22, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week to help you with your goals.

BBL with some replies!

WOOHOO???? Hmmm.... I ate a healthy breakfast before I left the house, I packed a healthy lunch and snack and water. (Not something unusual, but I couldn't think of anything special.) This week.... I grilled a bunch of veggies (onions, peppers, mushrooms) and put them in the fridge to use throughout the week. So far we had tofu pasta with veggies and sauce, egg pie with grilled onions, egg white omelet with veggies, and tonight I will be adding some to my salad.

My weight is back up to 233. It KEEPS going back to that number. No matter what I do my body wants to hang out at this weight. I want to scream. :mad:

Maybe you need to do something a bit DRASTIC to shake things up a bit and get past that number. How about a week of lower carb eating? Or maybe change up your workouts? You CAN get past that number, I promise.... but yes, you are right, your body DOES want to get back to that number.... but you are stronger than you think and you can make it happen!

Good thoughts for this week: My sister is planning their first ever trip to WDW!! I am so so excited for them! They have two girls and a boy. I think of them more like my children then my nieces and nephew, so the idea of not seeing their reactions to WDW is hard for me. I cant wait to see the photos! gah im so excited for them.

WOOHOO for Disney planning!

My :woohoo: for today was my swim that started at 5 a.m. It was a great way to start my day. :fish:

Double WOOHOO!!

How exciting for your family to get to go to WDW. It is hard to not be able to go along. :hug:

Plateaus are the pits. It is hard but the best way to get through it is to just keep on keeping on and know staying OP works better than being off plan. You can do it! :thumbsup2

Hope your day is great!

Okay! I'm caught up!! Seems like everyone is doing okay. I've got about 80 minutes left here today to get through and then PHEW! TTYL..........P
Good morning all! :goodvibes

I'm afraid that Eliza32 may still be fighting off that bug she had last week so I will post a bonus QOTD today . . . luckily it's woo hoo Wednesday! :cool2:

Bonus QOTD Wednesday, January 22, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week to help you with your goals.

BBL with some replies!

Well I got that fiber stuff, but haven't tested it out with drinking yet because my husband has an abscessed tooth because he's a total dork and won't go see the dentist until he's dying. He's the same way about the doctor and it makes me really mad. I did make an appointment for him yesterday for today which I shouldn't have to do and he will keep it or fear the wrath of me. He grew up without insurance so he's like that because of it I think. Me I grew up triple covered and my Mom was a nurse so it's all about prevention. Well I gotta go get the kid out of the shower and to the dentist--it's going to be an all day fun dentist extravaganza for us I have an appointment too. I will bring something to eat for snack.
Good evening, everyone! Pretty quiet around these parts! Hopefully everyone is recovering from their sicknesses and staying warm!!!

This week is going really well for me! I feel like I'm on a really good path! Why I never thought before that I needed consistent exercise and consistent diet to lose weight is beyond me lol

Tomorrow is National Handwriting Day - so, get off the computer and go write something down - even if it is a grocery list!

It is also Women's Healthy Weight Day! Not sure how this one originated, but it is part of Israel's Healthy Weight Week. It is all about anti-fad diets and the like, and promoting healthy body images!

We leave for Disney on Friday so not sure I will be back again this month. I WILL be here next month! Stress and a general "to heck with it" attitude kicked in this weekend and I am off the wagon and choking in the dust it left behind. I was not staying on plan while at Disney anyway. But I will be jumping right back on that wagon when we get back and on my way to Goaland!!

:cool1: HAVE A BLAST! SO excited for you! And we'll be happy to have you back next month!

Has anyone tried doing circuit workouts on a consistent basis? How did you like it?

I really enjoy circuit workouts! It really helps me to separate my workouts into chunks so that I have mini-goals during the whole workout. The idea of coming back to an exercise a second time is also really rewarding for me - it makes it a nice challenge. Kind of like - I've already done this, so I know I can definitely do it again!

Bonus QOTD Wednesday, January 22, 2014: It's Woo Hoo Wednesday! Give yourself a big "woo hoo" for helping yourself to be healthy and share something that you did this week to help you with your goals.

Thanks, Lisa for posting a QOTD! Hope Eliza is okay!

I've tried a few new things this week. Some were really successful - like string cheese which I had forgotten how much I loved when I was a kid! Some were... not. Like Flax seed bread. I even put tunafish on it in hopes of making it taste better but oh my god!!! I do not like it, Sam I am!!!


Never again. =P

My :woohoo: for today was my swim that started at 5 a.m. It was a great way to start my day. :fish:

Good for you, swimming on a cold day like this!!!
Good evening, everyone! Pretty quiet around these parts! Hopefully everyone is recovering from their sicknesses and staying warm!!!

I will second that prayer that everyone is WARM tonight!

This week is going really well for me! I feel like I'm on a really good path! Why I never thought before that I needed consistent exercise and consistent diet to lose weight is beyond me lol

Funny how it always comes down to the BASICS, right??;)

Tomorrow is National Handwriting Day - so, get off the computer and go write something down - even if it is a grocery list!

I write a lot, but it is a good reminder!

It is also Women's Healthy Weight Day! Not sure how this one originated, but it is part of Israel's Healthy Weight Week. It is all about anti-fad diets and the like, and promoting healthy body images!

Sounds like a day for us!!

I really enjoy circuit workouts! It really helps me to separate my workouts into chunks so that I have mini-goals during the whole workout. The idea of coming back to an exercise a second time is also really rewarding for me - it makes it a nice challenge. Kind of like - I've already done this, so I know I can definitely do it again!

Thanks, Lisa for posting a QOTD! Hope Eliza is okay!

I've tried a few new things this week. Some were really successful - like string cheese which I had forgotten how much I loved when I was a kid! Some were... not. Like Flax seed bread. I even put tunafish on it in hopes of making it taste better but oh my god!!! I do not like it, Sam I am!!!


Never again. =P

Good for you, swimming on a cold day like this!!!

Well, if the flax bread didn't work this time, try another brand/type/flavor. You might have to give it some time. Was it ALL flax or was it a flax/oat bran mix?


Home from work with a headache to discover that the passport expediting service we had paid for sent us the WRONG passport! We got the passport of a lovely young woman from Georgia (born in Tennessee, which of course we KNOW because we ALSO received her ORIGINAL birth certificate!!). Hopefully, if the company isn't full of bologna and actually telling us the truth, we should have DS's correct passport tomorrow. We made the company do a package intercept, rather than let it be delivered to this stranger in the hopes that they will ship it back. We DID ship the incorrect passport to the proper owner. Anyhow, long story, but I will be demanding a refund of their fee for a multiple of reasons, not the least of which is that this was/is a huge confidentiality breach. Some stranger in another state could have done some damage with my son's personal information, passport, and original birth certificate!:eek:

We really wanted the passport for tomorrow night, since it is the final parents' meeting before the trip and we are supposed to bring a copy of the first page, but it isn't crucial. He doesn't leave until 2/19, so I'm not panicking.... yet!

Dinner tonight was my attempt at macaroni and cheese made with tofu noodles. DS had "real" mac and cheese made with whole wheat rotini and real cheese sauce. DH has a tofu noodle mac and cheese waiting for him.... made with tofu elbows and real cheese sauce. I had a combo dish.... half tofu noodles, half whole wheat pasta and sauce made with Laughing Cow wedges and fat-free shredded cheddar and a bunch of grilled onions and peppers. DS's was really good, mine was pretty good... not sure about DH since he is not home to eat yet. But I'm thinking that it isn't the BEST use of those tofu noodles. I think they are better with marinara. We'll see what DH thinks of his batch.

Part of me wants to clean.... but part of me wants to sit and drink tea and read my new book. I think that the tea-and-book part is winning! :rotfl: G'night for now........TTY tomorrow!.....................P


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