WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

QOTD: I hope to gain better health and be able to enjoy things I love to do for a long time by losing about 35 more pounds.

Wow! When I started this journey, I had 75 pounds to lose. I've lost more than half of that now and it feels so good to see that I really CAN do this!

As a side note, this morning I did not gain. Didn't lose, either. So I think tomorrow's weight will be exactly the same as last Fridays weight. Really strange. I consider this my one free pass. After this, my body better get back to work!!!
Rose, sending you and your sweet puppie peaceful, healing thoughts! :flower3:

Bryana, that is one heck of a busy work schedule you have. :hug: Kudos to you for staying in the healthy lifestyle wagon!

Exciting news over here for me! I stepped on the scale this morning to see I had lost 0.6 pounds. While this may not be a lot it puts me 0.2 pounds from weighing the lowest I have since high school!I am really excited and motivated to continue on this journey! Thanks to all of you for the support! :grouphug::banana::disrocks:

:woohoo: for a new all time low in your future! :yay:

Kim, I love those Calypso pictures -- she is such a sweetheart! :love: Your black dog pictures really capture her sweet happy spirit! I loved your blog post, too, that was a fun WISH meet. :cool2:

Happy Wednesday my friends~!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 9, 2013:

Pumpkin or apple? Pumpkin

Summer or winter? Summer

Morning or night? Morning

Teal or lavender? Teal

Traveler or homebody? Both!

Lake or Ocean? Ocean

Cats or dogs? Both!

Reality shows or dramas? Neither

Camping or "glamping"? Glamping -- had to look it up! Did enough camping as a child. ;)

Pinterest or Facebook? Facebook

Chips or chocolate? Chips

Zumba or yoga? Yoga

Skirt or pants? (I think I'm safe on this, as I don't think we currently have any male participants!) Pants -- we do have male participants FYI. :flower3:

I'll BBL to chat.... gotta get the laundry moving first!............P

Cam, way to resist the siren's call of the cookies -- hope you can enjoy a couple. :goodvibes:

Magdalene, glad that you had a great time in Switzerland! :cool2:

oh my i'm too far behind to catch up! been down sick for a few days...will rejoin though i'll be gone again all weekend.

pixiedust: to you, Molli, for speedy healing. :hug:

:wave2:Hi All!!!

Hoping I can join. I started Weight Watchers on Monday. I need all the support I can get. So far, I'm finding it hard to eat all my points, lol.

I was an avid runner 3 years ago and then I just stopped (not sure why). I have since put back on all my weight and then some due to a leg fracture in April. I visit the DISboards daily, multiple times a day and so I'm hoping that being a part of this thread will help me to stick to my goals!

I'm not sure how all this works on this thread so I'm going to do some reading and if I have any questions, I'll be sure to ask.

:welcome: Stacy! Thanks for joining our challenge! :goodvibes This is a great group of folks. ::yes::

I'm just now seeing a noticeable difference in the ways my clothes fit. My jeans are fitting better and my favorite pajama bottoms are loose!

It took me 17 pounds lost to notice! Is this typical? Will it continue to be so long for these noticeable milestones?

I'm going to squeeze one more question in today. What is a good timeframe for weights? 10-15 minutes 3 times a week? More? Less?

It does take awhile for people to notice -- or maybe they just don't want to comment but then it will go in spurts so don't despair.

Do you have access to a personal trainer? They can evaluate you and come up with a doable, healthy plan for you. Or even a trainer on a website could give you some guidance.

My blog post is up!! My blog post is up!! www.teamrundisney.com "Ever have one of those moments..."

I loved your blog post, too, that was a fun WISH meet. :cool2:

So I've finally hit my brick wall. I'm bummed. Over the last six weeks, I've lost 17 pounds. I was just starting to feel good about actually seeing a difference. And over the last 4 days, I have either stayed put or even have gained back a pound this morning! And I haven't changed my eating habits! In fact, I had soup for both lunch and dinner yesterday. How the heck can I GAIN weight with liquid meals?!??! This Friday's loss is going to be sad for me I think. Wonder what it is that has me at a stand-still.

I think it is just an aberration and that you will have a whoosh very soon. Hang in there! :hug:

I'm pushing it with the smilie police and will BRB with the rest of my replies.
I need advice everyone!! If you read my post yesterday, you would know I lost 0.7 (or 0.6, I honestly can't remember) since my last weigh in. Putting me weighting only 0.2 pounds away from weighing what I did in high school. It was a small goal but I was so excited! This morning rolls around, I was so excited to step on and see numbers go down, I had ate so well the day before, I had to have lost weight! To my surprise I stepped on the scale, and I had gained a pound! I'm at a lost here for what I did wrong, and I'm really hoping someone can give me an answer here. I was so excited for tomorrow's weigh in, and now not so much :(
All I ate yesterday was-
A smoothie and a packet of oatmeal for breakfast-200 calories
Lunch was a soup- 200 calories
I had a 100 calories snack around 4, and after 20 minutes was still a bit hungry so I had another- 200 calories again
For supper my (future) MIL asked me over and feeling bad I decided to eat hat she had cooked- roast beef. I ate a very small amount I am going to range for the piece of bread and small amount of roast-300 and I think I'm probably going to big.
So in total- 900 calories for the day. I only drink water no soft drinks, so it can't be extra calories there.
What did I do wrong??
I know I have read that not eating enough calories can lead to weight struggles if you are trying to lose. But that was all I was hungry for? I couldn't have fit in another meal if I had tried! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :confused3

Moving on to QOTD
What do you hope to GAIN by LOSING???
I hope to gain a healthier life style and also I hope to be able to inspire my family members to try and lose as well!
I also hope to gain the confidence of fitting into clothes better and just being able to rock a good pair of jeans without worrying about my thighs :lmao:
I need advice everyone!! If you read my post yesterday, you would know I lost 0.7 (or 0.6, I honestly can't remember) since my last weigh in. Putting me weighting only 0.2 pounds away from weighing what I did in high school. It was a small goal but I was so excited! This morning rolls around, I was so excited to step on and see numbers go down, I had ate so well the day before, I had to have lost weight! To my surprise I stepped on the scale, and I had gained a pound! I'm at a lost here for what I did wrong, and I'm really hoping someone can give me an answer here. I was so excited for tomorrow's weigh in, and now not so much :(
All I ate yesterday was-
A smoothie and a packet of oatmeal for breakfast-200 calories
Lunch was a soup- 200 calories
I had a 100 calories snack around 4, and after 20 minutes was still a bit hungry so I had another- 200 calories again
For supper my (future) MIL asked me over and feeling bad I decided to eat hat she had cooked- roast beef. I ate a very small amount I am going to range for the piece of bread and small amount of roast-300 and I think I'm probably going to big.
So in total- 900 calories for the day. I only drink water no soft drinks, so it can't be extra calories there.
What did I do wrong??
I know I have read that not eating enough calories can lead to weight struggles if you are trying to lose. But that was all I was hungry for? I couldn't have fit in another meal if I had tried! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :confused3

Moving on to QOTD
What do you hope to GAIN by LOSING???
I hope to gain a healthier life style and also I hope to be able to inspire my family members to try and lose as well!
I also hope to gain the confidence of fitting into clothes better and just being able to rock a good pair of jeans without worrying about my thighs :lmao:

I know it's hard to believe, but eating enough calories for your body to function will help it have the energy needed to burn that fat!

up those calories by 400 and voila! weight loss
A friendly reminder that tomorrow is weigh in day. It helps me if your subject in your PM looks like this "Weigh in 10/11 and then your weight -- it makes it easier for updates and replies. I have company this week-end so I will be working in the updates. Thanks for understanding. :flower3:

Hi, I am Dona and I will do a longer intro when I become your coach on Friday. I have been involved with these challenges for the last couple of years but I have not been on too much in the last two months.

Thanks for being our upcoming coach, Dona. :thanks:

Jill, thanks for checking in after your busy days! :flower3:

Liz, you are another one who has had a busy, busy week. :hug: But soon it will be done and you can relax by running 13.1 miles. ;) Good luck at Hartford. Have a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it! :yay:

on your question about 17 lbs loss to notice - I read somewhere that it takes about 20 lbs off for other folks to notice - so this seems reasonable to me - oh having those fav jammies fitting better has to be sweet :goodvibes luv my jams!

Very good point! ::yes::

And I am curious if any of your answers surprised your dear ones! :scratchin

Kris, hope that Ladybug is feeling more like herself today. :flower3:

Happy Thursday everyone! I'm off to work but here is today's QOTD!!

QOTD for Thursday, October 10, 2013:

What do you hope to GAIN by LOSING???

Thank you so much for coaching this week, Pamela! :thanks:

Wow, the list is long and this is a good reminder to remeber the list when temptation lurks -- feel better, look better, healthier, better coping skills, cute clothes. :hippie:

Helen, so sorry for the computer woes. :badpc:

I am really hoping to gain a lot more healthy years with my family by losing.

And that is a wonderful thing! :love:
I need advice everyone!! If you read my post yesterday, you would know I lost 0.7 (or 0.6, I honestly can't remember) since my last weigh in. Putting me weighting only 0.2 pounds away from weighing what I did in high school. It was a small goal but I was so excited! This morning rolls around, I was so excited to step on and see numbers go down, I had ate so well the day before, I had to have lost weight! To my surprise I stepped on the scale, and I had gained a pound! I'm at a lost here for what I did wrong, and I'm really hoping someone can give me an answer here. I was so excited for tomorrow's weigh in, and now not so much :(
All I ate yesterday was-
A smoothie and a packet of oatmeal for breakfast-200 calories
Lunch was a soup- 200 calories
I had a 100 calories snack around 4, and after 20 minutes was still a bit hungry so I had another- 200 calories again
For supper my (future) MIL asked me over and feeling bad I decided to eat hat she had cooked- roast beef. I ate a very small amount I am going to range for the piece of bread and small amount of roast-300 and I think I'm probably going to big.
So in total- 900 calories for the day. I only drink water no soft drinks, so it can't be extra calories there.
What did I do wrong??
I know I have read that not eating enough calories can lead to weight struggles if you are trying to lose. But that was all I was hungry for? I couldn't have fit in another meal if I had tried! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :confused3

Moving on to QOTD
What do you hope to GAIN by LOSING???
I hope to gain a healthier life style and also I hope to be able to inspire my family members to try and lose as well!
I also hope to gain the confidence of fitting into clothes better and just being able to rock a good pair of jeans without worrying about my thighs :lmao:

Who doesn't want to rock a pair of jeans? :rockband: And you probably do already if you are so close to a new low. :cool2:

My advice is to look at the big picture. Those day to day scale fluctuations can drive you crazy because what you did yesterday might not show up on the scale for a few days. Or you might be eating too little this week and your body is holding on to the weight. It is so dang hard to keep on doing what you should when the scale doesn't reflect your great efforts but it will! :hippie:

Lots of scale frustration this week -- did you guys forget the article about the scale already?!? :rotfl:

I know it's hard to believe, but eating enough calories for your body to function will help it have the energy needed to burn that fat!

up those calories by 400 and voila! weight loss

Yep, sometimes eating a bit more is enough for your body to realize it doesn't have to save for a famine. :thumbsup2

Good luck to everyone for tomorrow's weigh in! :goodvibes
Wow, no matter how much I tell myself that the number on the scale shouldn't matter, it turns out that a "bad" weigh-in can drop me in the dumps. :(

I was so disciplined this week! I journalled literally every bite. And instead of just counting points, I tried to actually be "on plan" (dairy, vitamin, healthy oils, etc.). I had some low days and some high days, but nothing crazy. I am permitted 27 DPs (daily points) and 49 WPs (weekly points). You also get Activity Points (APs) for being active. This is what my daily point intake looked like:

Thu - 23/27
Fri - 25/27
Sat - 16/27
Sun - 32/27
Mon - 30/27
Tue - 31/27
Wed - 26/27

So, by the end of the week, I'd used 13 of my Weekly Points, leaving me with another 36that I didn't use. I earned 34 Activity Points but didn't eat any of them.

I expected a significant loss this week. Was hoping for 1.6-2.0. I have NO IDEA why the scale read that I was UP .2!!! And yes, I know all the rationales, voice of reasoning, and platitudes, but STILL!! SOOOO frustrating!

Now I am really resenting all of the things I didn't eat, including popcorn at the movies, home-baked apple pie, wings yesterday, restaurant-bought jambalaya over the weekend, a caramel nut apple, and cookies last night. Seriously peeved. LOL!
Aww Cam sorry to hear you didn't see what you were expecting.. I don't really know what happened but maybe because you got so many activity points and didn't use them your body is holding on?? Don't lose hope you can do this stay on track and keep your head up!
Hi everyone! I see lots of people unhappy with the scale! I know that feeling too well - the one thing I try to keep telling me when I am in that situation: The only way to get the scale going down is to keep doing what you are doing: eating less, exercising more. Don't give up, even if it seems hard. The last thing you want to happen is to be back in the same place where you started out on your weight loss journey!

I stepped on the scale for the first time today after Switzerland and was not happy either: I am up 2 pounds since the start of the months and 4 pounds since a week ago. :sad:

And I have to admit that I have trouble to get back into the program. I still haven't restarted tracking and I really need to do that. I seem to be finding excuses everyday. I also have huge problems with hunger attacks. And I know the way through this is sticking to a plan for a few days, it will go away. I also know that I need to eat more protein. I tend to eat far too many carbs (even when I am on program) as they are so much easier to get. I also am relying on eating out for lunch on work days and there I often don't want to eat the meat as it is often fatty and of dubious origin (I try to buy lots of organic meat, I find the whole meat industry very off-putting).

I KNOW the best for me would be to pack my own lunches. But since I live on my own, lunches do have a very important social component for me, and I am lucky that I do have some close friends who I regularly meet for lunch. There are a few healthy options, but after some time I just get so bored by them...

On to the new week! I ended tonight with a healthy mushroom omlette and some grapes and as of tomorrow morning, I will be tracking again. Friday is my start of the week for WW online, so this will work very well as a start over day!
Afternoon all! Back from a frustrating aggravating day at work and about to collapse on my bed to be a vegetable for the night until I spotted my sneakers and remembered my October commitment to you all..... so I'm in my exercise gear, ready to walk. Just waiting for DS to join me for a bit of it.

Not sure if I want to thank you all for keeping me on task or curse you all!:lmao: Anyhow, I'll BB to chat a bit later!...................P
QOTD for Thursday, October 10, 2013: What do you hope to GAIN by LOSING???

Good question! I look forward to gaining a little space in my medicine bag, by not needing one of the meds I'm on for insulin resistance. And I look forward to gaining comfort as this tire around my middle shrinks!

FYI – moms answers didn't surprise me a bit :teeth:

Did not manage any exercise this week, tomorrow I start an all weekend scrapbooking crop. I will have to rejoin the exercise wagon next week. I have been doing good on my food journal, but sadly I'm not expecting great results tomorrow. Seems like the trend, boooooo!!! Pixie dust for us all tomorrow morning!
Good evening everyone. I am very proud of myself for being here and more active this month compared to last month. But, I am so tired right now that I am going to get organized for tomorrow and head to bed. I have Friday and Monday off of work (and my kids are off of school, too), so I should have more time to reply and chit-chat then. Have a great night.


Glad you didn't stress about chatting with us when you were busy and tired.... but we definitely hope to hear from you over your long weekend!:thumbsup2


My crazy week is all flowing along according to plan - so far! The deposition was shorter than expected, hopefully because the opposing counsel figured out I can't actually be that helpful to their case. *whew* Got a 4-mile run in yesterday afternoon while it was cool-ish and sunny out, and then my uncle arrived! He's here for two nights, and it's really fun to see him, especially with DDs. He's my dad's younger brother, and they definitely noted the family resemblance. He's also a total goofball, and we're having fun.

This morning, I powered through work I got behind on because of the deposition and the Monday board meeting/deposition prep. Chiropractor and a cashier's check over lunchtime, and then DH came home & we closed on our refi! So happy to have a shorter term and a lower rate. I just got back from DD's gymnastics.

One more day of crazy, and then I head to CT for the Hartford Half! :yay: I'm so happy to get to see my cousin, my mom, and two of my aunts! And I'm hoping for a good race - the weather is looking just about perfect, and I am committing Jeff Galloway's emailed race plan to memory... Any CT peeps going to be at the race?

The only hitch this week has been food. I feel like I've been using it as a coping mechanism, and today I tore into a whole lot of bottle caps (Wonka Bottle Caps - one of my absolute favorite candies). I could do worse for a candy splurge, but it's still not good. I think I just hit a point where I fell back into my old habit of self-medicating my stress with food. Gotta try and keep it in line tomorrow. I'm also working on staying hydrated.

Today's mail also brought an invite to test Magic+ on DH's and my trip down for Wine & Dine - woo!! We're DVC, and of course, we have a 1-night booking followed by a 3-night booking because of how the availability played out. So we ended up signing on and customizing two sets of bands. I'm sure we'll get all that sorted out, but I'm definitely psyched to be able to use the Magic bands on this trip! Between my Garmin, my FitBit Flex, and my Magic Band, I'm going to be completely connected to everything!

It's raining here, and it's cooled down a bunch. I have some work I should really get done tonight, but I kind of just want to curl up with either my Kindle or my DVR instead...no more food tonight!!


WOw!! So much going on in your life right now! Good for you for keeping up with the running! And I'm excited to hear about how you like the Magic Bands!!

Enjoy your visit with your uncle and best of luck on the Hartford Half!! We'll be "virtually" cheering for you!

Well I am back from my trip!! Drove from Ohio out to Lincoln, Nebraska for a dog show was a long time in the car (not to mention bad for my diet) but we had a great time. Trying to get back in the swing of things now.
Was able to catch up some on here but will go back and read when I'm at home and not on my phone at work

Glad you are back safe and sound!!

QOTD for Thursday, October 10, 2013:

What do you hope to GAIN by LOSING???

BBL today to chat!................P

First of all.... I mentioned this question to someone and they asked "isn't that a Special K commercial?" :lmao: Probably! I wondered why I was being so brilliant this morning! Too much....:happytv:

I gained CONFIDENCE and SELF-ASSURANCE! I gained back much more of the "real" me that I lost when I was insecure and feeling badly about my appearance when I was overweight. But I'm also sure that I gained a few HEALTHY YEARS!!

Hi Everyone

This 'no laptop' thing is killing me....can't cope with posting on here on my phone!!! Just stealing a couple of minutes at work to let you all know I'm still alive and haven't abandoned you!

QOTD Thursday....I am hoping to gain some extra years on my life by losing weight and keeping fit!!!

Second night of training tonight for my 10K...I've settled into doing the 5K for speed on a Saturday morning, 5K relaxed speed on a Monday Evening and more distance on a Thursday evening with no speed pressure....I'm aiming for 8K on the treadmill tonight.

Bought some cold weather running gear, so will be trying that out for the first time on Saturday. Temp here is down to 8 C now, so I'm feeling a bit chilly even when running. Going looking for a new pair of running shoes this weekend, I have been recommended Brooks Ravenna 4 and Ghost 6 as being suitable, but need to travel to bigger cities to specialist shops to try them on before buying online!!

Stayed off the scales this week so far, but hoping for a pleasant surprise on Friday morning!!!

Congrats on working so hard on your 10K training! Hope you enjoy your new running togs!

Pam-could the steroids be contributing to all the accidents? I know it's a common side effect since the 'roids make them so thirsty. :confused3

Actually, it's not me with the doggie... it's Rose. Hopefully she will see this.

Less pain in the knees and faster race times. Plus a little more space in my clothes! :goodvibes


I know what you mean about the scale doing crazy things. ::yes:: I found if I place the scale just a few inches off from where I put it down the previous day, the numbers will change. Wednesday, I was 2 pounds less than on Tuesday and the same exact weight today. Who knows WHAT is possessing that thing?!:confused3 As long as the numbers keep decreasing though, I'll take it! :cool1: :thumbsup2

I try to be VERY careful to place my digital scale in EXACTLY the same spot every Friday morning. Not sure that DH is as careful (in fact, I'm sure he is not). I mostly figure it is an OCD thing with me, but I also figure that it doesn't hurt!

I'm happy to say the temps have still been yummy warm but the humidity has felt like a solid wall. :crazy2: When I let the Wonder Mutt out this morning though, I actually felt a bit of coolness in the air (at least MY version of cool :rotfl:). :cool1: My phone says it's 65 right now, but I'm positive it's warmer than that, and 96% humidity, which doesn't feel that way at all! Can't wait for this weekend though, as we're taking the top off the Jeep, driving A1A along the beach, and heading up to Jupiter to the Square Grouper. Yes (and my mother would be so proud), I'm actually eating fish! :cheer2: Being a vegetarian, or as someone pointed out to me, a pescetarian (as I still eat fish/dairy), isn't quite as difficult as I thought it would be. :goodvibes

What does everybody have on tap for the weekend? :beach:

ENJOY your weekend! It sounds delightful!

Thanks Pam and you are absolutly correct about can't do it till you are ready.. I tell hubs all the time I love you and I want you around for a long long time but I also understand that you are not ready till you are ready.. I am trying to help him not eat so many carbs with dinner - I can control this for him :) If I don't make them he doesn't eat them Haaa

I'm there too with stuff I DON'T want the family to eat... if I don't cook it, they can't eat it!

I am really hoping to gain a lot more healthy years with my family by losing..

Hope everyone has a fantastic day..

Thank you for the kind words bryana, Welcome Stacy and Feel better Ohmom

MOre healthy years are SUCH a bonus!! I'm sure you'll get them!

QOTD: I hope to gain better health and be able to enjoy things I love to do for a long time by losing about 35 more pounds.

Wow! When I started this journey, I had 75 pounds to lose. I've lost more than half of that now and it feels so good to see that I really CAN do this!

As a side note, this morning I did not gain. Didn't lose, either. So I think tomorrow's weight will be exactly the same as last Fridays weight. Really strange. I consider this my one free pass. After this, my body better get back to work!!!

Don't stress about a maintain week! And YES.... you CAN do this!!:thumbsup2

I need advice everyone!! If you read my post yesterday, you would know I lost 0.7 (or 0.6, I honestly can't remember) since my last weigh in. Putting me weighting only 0.2 pounds away from weighing what I did in high school. It was a small goal but I was so excited! This morning rolls around, I was so excited to step on and see numbers go down, I had ate so well the day before, I had to have lost weight! To my surprise I stepped on the scale, and I had gained a pound! I'm at a lost here for what I did wrong, and I'm really hoping someone can give me an answer here. I was so excited for tomorrow's weigh in, and now not so much :(
All I ate yesterday was-
A smoothie and a packet of oatmeal for breakfast-200 calories
Lunch was a soup- 200 calories
I had a 100 calories snack around 4, and after 20 minutes was still a bit hungry so I had another- 200 calories again
For supper my (future) MIL asked me over and feeling bad I decided to eat hat she had cooked- roast beef. I ate a very small amount I am going to range for the piece of bread and small amount of roast-300 and I think I'm probably going to big.
So in total- 900 calories for the day. I only drink water no soft drinks, so it can't be extra calories there.
What did I do wrong??
I know I have read that not eating enough calories can lead to weight struggles if you are trying to lose. But that was all I was hungry for? I couldn't have fit in another meal if I had tried! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :confused3

Too few calories! Especially if you are exercising. Body is holding onto the fat because there isn't enough there to burn! Try eating right within your appropriate calorie range for a few days and see what happens.

Moving on to QOTD
What do you hope to GAIN by LOSING???
I hope to gain a healthier life style and also I hope to be able to inspire my family members to try and lose as well!
I also hope to gain the confidence of fitting into clothes better and just being able to rock a good pair of jeans without worrying about my thighs :lmao:

I love that you want to inspire others to try and lose! I still have a few loved ones I hope to inspire.

Thank you so much for coaching this week, Pamela! :thanks:

You are SO WELCOME!!

Wow, the list is long and this is a good reminder to remeber the list when temptation lurks -- feel better, look better, healthier, better coping skills, cute clothes. :hippie:

WOOHOO for all of those!!


Trying to catch up!..............P
Wow, no matter how much I tell myself that the number on the scale shouldn't matter, it turns out that a "bad" weigh-in can drop me in the dumps. :(

I was so disciplined this week! I journalled literally every bite. And instead of just counting points, I tried to actually be "on plan" (dairy, vitamin, healthy oils, etc.). I had some low days and some high days, but nothing crazy. I am permitted 27 DPs (daily points) and 49 WPs (weekly points). You also get Activity Points (APs) for being active. This is what my daily point intake looked like:

Thu - 23/27
Fri - 25/27
Sat - 16/27
Sun - 32/27
Mon - 30/27
Tue - 31/27
Wed - 26/27

So, by the end of the week, I'd used 13 of my Weekly Points, leaving me with another 36that I didn't use. I earned 34 Activity Points but didn't eat any of them.

I expected a significant loss this week. Was hoping for 1.6-2.0. I have NO IDEA why the scale read that I was UP .2!!! And yes, I know all the rationales, voice of reasoning, and platitudes, but STILL!! SOOOO frustrating!

Now I am really resenting all of the things I didn't eat, including popcorn at the movies, home-baked apple pie, wings yesterday, restaurant-bought jambalaya over the weekend, a caramel nut apple, and cookies last night. Seriously peeved. LOL!

My biggest suggestion right now would be to NOT STRESS!! It might be water or salt or something like that.... and perhaps you will have a big WHOOSH next week.

Next suggestion.... eat AT LEAST your minimum EVERY DAY! There were 4 days where you didn't even reach your minimum. Plus you had weekly PPV left AND Activity Points on the table! I understand not using all your weeklies and maybe not all your activity Points.... but you should be hitting your minimum daily target. Watch the carbs and salt, stay hydrated, hit your daily Target and I'm betting next weigh in will be better!

Hi everyone! I see lots of people unhappy with the scale! I know that feeling too well - the one thing I try to keep telling me when I am in that situation: The only way to get the scale going down is to keep doing what you are doing: eating less, exercising more. Don't give up, even if it seems hard. The last thing you want to happen is to be back in the same place where you started out on your weight loss journey!

I stepped on the scale for the first time today after Switzerland and was not happy either: I am up 2 pounds since the start of the months and 4 pounds since a week ago. :sad:

And I have to admit that I have trouble to get back into the program. I still haven't restarted tracking and I really need to do that. I seem to be finding excuses everyday. I also have huge problems with hunger attacks. And I know the way through this is sticking to a plan for a few days, it will go away. I also know that I need to eat more protein. I tend to eat far too many carbs (even when I am on program) as they are so much easier to get. I also am relying on eating out for lunch on work days and there I often don't want to eat the meat as it is often fatty and of dubious origin (I try to buy lots of organic meat, I find the whole meat industry very off-putting).

I KNOW the best for me would be to pack my own lunches. But since I live on my own, lunches do have a very important social component for me, and I am lucky that I do have some close friends who I regularly meet for lunch. There are a few healthy options, but after some time I just get so bored by them...

On to the new week! I ended tonight with a healthy mushroom omlette and some grapes and as of tomorrow morning, I will be tracking again. Friday is my start of the week for WW online, so this will work very well as a start over day!

I have found that the vacation pounds that come on quickly tend to disappear quickly, as soon as I am back OP and such. So back to OP eating and tracking and those 4 pounds will be HISTORY!!

Good question! I look forward to gaining a little space in my medicine bag, by not needing one of the meds I'm on for insulin resistance. And I look forward to gaining comfort as this tire around my middle shrinks!


FYI – moms answers didn't surprise me a bit :teeth:

Did not manage any exercise this week, tomorrow I start an all weekend scrapbooking crop. I will have to rejoin the exercise wagon next week. I have been doing good on my food journal, but sadly I'm not expecting great results tomorrow. Seems like the trend, boooooo!!! Pixie dust for us all tomorrow morning!

I'm so jealous of the all weekend crop!


Okay friends! I'm caught up! I had a miserable day at work (long story and I"m so grateful it's a long weekend) and had to just decompress a bit when I got home. The walk definitely helped, so thanks for making sure I stick to my commitment!

I"m off to eat a late dinner and watch Big Bang with the men! Looking forward to Dona's coaching this week!.............P
Sneaked on at work again.........think my own laptop is beyond repair, so looking for a new one this weekend!

Very happy to see a 2lb loss on the scales this morning, so that's 3 so far this month, looking like my target might actually be achievable.

My 8K run at the gym went well last night.....I can still walk this morning!!! Managed it in 1:06:38, so a 10K outside (I run faster outside) is certainly looking achievable in 1:30:00, which is what I've set for myself. (Rubbish times to all of you 'proper' runners no doubt, but I'm happy with them).

Looking forward to my weekend of shopping, buying new running shoes, new laptop, new winter coat (last years is now 5 sizes too big)......good job I've got some money stashed away!! Will just have to behave on the food front as we are going to a couple of large malls, and the food courts always have lots of appealing stuff.......burritos will be my biggest problem!
Okay friends! I'm caught up! I had a miserable day at work (long story and I"m so grateful it's a long weekend) and had to just decompress a bit when I got home. The walk definitely helped, so thanks for making sure I stick to my commitment!

Pam, thanks for your encouragement and I am sorry that you had such a lousy day!! Hope the weekend will be able to restore your spirits!

I just tracked my breakfast on the WW website. Back to being OP today!! I hated tracking my weight there as it was a gain. One thing I realised though was that even though I gained 4 pounds, I am still not "overweight", my BMI is still below 25.

Yesterday's QOTD:

When I saw the question of what I hope to gain by losing, I really had to think about it. I have reached a point where I am at a healthy weight, I feel great, I think I look pretty good already at my current weight. So I feel like the only reason for me to lose more is pure vanity, not health, better self-confidence or being a good example for my kids. I guess that might be my current problem with motivation as well. I don't have a "good cause" to lose for. But then I remembered that the one thing I do need to work on is to have a "security buffer". I want to stay like I am, but I need to make sure that a few stressful months don't get me back to where I started. So what I hope to gain at the moment is a future without being overweight!
Good Friday morning everyone. I am Dona and I will be your coach for the next few days. I am a wife , of 35 years, mother of 2 great boys, 28 and 23 and a math teacher for 36 who is now teaching the top students in the school. I also spend time working on quilting, knitting and making costumes for plays for the local high school (not the one I teach at but the one my sons went to) and also for a local theater company.

Question of the Day

Many of us have been on this journey before. We have all lost and gained. After you have lost some weight were your expectations met or were disappointed?

About 7 years ago I lost 30 pounds. I had been fighting high blood pressure and cholesterol. Everything I had read said that if I lost weight I would probably not need medication for my high BP. It didn't happen. To top it off I ended up find a medical problem that left me on the BP for the rest of my life.

I was also asked by a friend who had noticed my weight loss if I had been sick.

I have been having a difficult time getting back in the game this year. I am hoping that I can get some of this weight off and get healthy.

Off to get ready for school.

Have a happy and healthy day.
A better sense of respect from others as I am seeing for the very first time that people are viewing me differently -

now that I am thinner.:goodvibes

made goal this week.:woohoo:
Strange observation this week as my weight scale was just going ALL OVER the place.....going up & down , etc.....drove me nuts.

THEN I had an "aha moment.";)

Meaning - I just remembered last night that I had been gargling my throat 2 days this week with HOT SALT WATER (Tuesday & Wednesday).

Scale now reads normal.:goodvibes

Ladybug is doing better -

The other item I hope to continue to gain by losing is a better sense of nature and its wonder. I mean, Ladybug & I go out jogging around 9pm & 3am four times a week) and I mean WOW!! To see all those stars up in the crystal clear sky.......

To sometime see shooting stars.... I mean WOW!! Mother nature is truely a sight to behold & I am truely appreciative of seeing her now from a thinner point of view.:yay:

Have a great weekend y'all.:)

Well, I didn't lose any this week, but I didn't gain either, so :woohoo::confused3:woohoo:. Better luck this week, hopefully!
Good morning everyone. it's finally friday! :cool1: (although that doesn't mean much when you have to work half days on saturdays:lmao:)

I am a loser again this week with .6 pounds, putting me at 1.4 pounds lost so far this month and 5 pounds since i started the September challenge last month! :cool2:. My goal of 4.6 seems a little far away but I wasn't very rigid with my eating the last two weeks or so. I ate out a lot this past weekend so I am happy to lose at all. :yes:.

That being said, however, for those of you who are eating within your boundaries and still not losing, my trick is usually just to have a high calorie day (or two!). I'm not saying to run out to McDonald's and getting everything on the menu of course, but a majority of quality, good-for-you calories (for example, brown rice and quinoa can both be high in calories but 300 calories of those is much different then 300 calories of cookies!) with maybe a slight overindulgence. Have your favorite ice cream, have some cupcakes! I don't know if it just works for me as a jump-start/shock to my system, but when I hit a plateau, that's usually what I do and then all of a sudden a pound or two just disappears!


I don't think I've ever really set expectations for losing weight. I was just doing it because after a trip to Disney for a wedding, I barely even recognized myself! It's been a slow journey for me. 21 pounds since I would say early 2011. If anything, I think my biggest disappointment is that I could have reached where I am much sooner (well, I did, then I gained some back:rolleyes2), and probably even be much lower than I am if I would just consistently kept up with it. I will be very good about it for months and months at a time and then I just stop paying attention for months and months at a time after that. I have found that when my thyroid medicine is right on though (which it is for the first time in..YEARS), I am very, very good at maintaining without even giving it much thought. When I realized that, it was a little bit comforting. ::yes::


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