Wish Trippers...Unite!! Volume One

Hi all! So glad I found this thread also. Have posted a MAW question on another thread, but thinking I should have come here first.

Our MAW trip is at the end of Nov. We're staying at the Boardwalk for our week and getting a 5-day park hopper. We are WDW veterans - been every year since 1998. Our friends thought we were crazy to "waste" our wish going to Disney but I know she truly LOVES:love: going there! If the wish is supposed to be about doing what she wants - I couldn't see going anywhere else!:yay:

I, too, am a control freak and am finding it very hard to let someone else handle the details. I have made all our ADRS though - so I know what park we'll be at each day. Haven't gotten my tix for the MVMCP - think I should let MAW do that? Also- I know it's been asked by another poster, but could someone PM me with some idea about the spending money you're given. Everyone says that MAW pays for everything but I know it's not an open-ended budget. Since we're not staying at GKTW, all our meals will be at Disney. I've already paid for the lunch at CRT; and we have our favorite TS restaurants that we're going to for dinner each night. I have NO IDEA how to budget this!:confused3 Can anyone please give me some idea?
I'm so excited. MAW volunteer called this morning and wanted to know if we'd like to take Alize to see the Wiggles in concert next Thursday. :cool1: That is the sort of thing that he loves. I love MAW. :love: Karen
WOW Karen, the WIGGLES! Lysi loves the Wiggles. Their show helped her through a lot of hard times when she was younger. I am so happy for you.

Camster, I have heard that Disney dwellers sometimes have "Disney Dining Plans" that allow for a certain number of dining points for a package price. Some meals take more points than other, such as character meals. Perhaps they will do something along that line.

What did they do about your meals LeeLee?
The Wiggles!! How Neat!! I'm so happy for ya'll!!

And WELCOME Holly!! God knew jsut what kind of Mom your son needed didn't he!!!????:goodvibes

Camster!! Hey! We just went and stayed at the Beach club. We have some neat pics of the Boardwalk at night! We would sit on the Beach and watch the lights of the Boardwalk. We were on the DDP I would check with your wish foundation and see how they are paying for the meals. I wouldn't ask these types of questions to our WISH org. at first because I didn't want to sound ungratefull.
But most do pay for all your meals and ours did it by buying the dining plan. If yours is just going to give you a certain amount of money you might see if they could add the DDP if available. It's worth it and would save lots of money!!! We had the reg plan which cnsisted of 1 Table Service 1 counter service and 1 snack per person each day. I brought along asuitcase of snacks and breakfast items that we hardly used. The plan sounded like I would need to buy 1meal per day, but there is so much food on this that we actually had 2 CS and 4 snack credits left we we left. I meant to run down and buy some snacks for on the way home, but ran out of time!!! If we ever go again, there are several meals that we know we could share. There was just so much food. Also The snack credit is for items $4.00 and less. If you will look at your resort or other resort shops. You can buy the big bag of chips instead of the little bag, and other things that can last longer than the smaller items. We had 2 days left when I was buying snacks for us and a CM told me You know you can buy the big bag instead of the little one if you want!!
Check and see if this is an option because TRUST me it saved money!!!
Have fun and let us know what works out!!!
We went through the Texas Wishing Well and they truly gave us enough money for everything we wanted and needed!! Down to the tip money!!! We even had some left over!!
I appreciate getting your input. I too feel guilty about asking questions about some things because I don't want to appear ungrateful. But I'm starting to worry - being Disney veterans, there are dining experiences we don't want to miss out on -- so we're doing them. But I have NO IDEA what's going to be paid for. It does sound like the DDP would be more cost efficient. No one has mentioned it yet - so I guess it's up to me to bring it up!

Leelee - Since you stayed on Disney property,do you mind me asking what type of park hopper did they give you? We're staying for 7 days,but they will only give us a 5-day park hopper; won't give us park passes for our travel days. But since Delta has such limited direct flight service from Boston to Orlando, we are arriving on our first day by 11am; and leaving on our last day at 7pm. I can't imagine being at the BW resort on those days and NOT going into Epcot. I really want that 7-day park hopper - it's all we wanted for my daughter's wish was to be able to go to a Disney park every day! Do you think I'm being unreasonable? I just want to make the most of our time there.
We got the 6day parkhopper w/waterpark and more on it. We didn't go to the waterparks at all. Our Org usually does the 7day parkhopper, but was planning on putting us into a value at first. They ended up putting us up at the Beach and just got the 6day. That was fine as there was so much to do at our resort that we never even got to do!!! We left on DME@12:15 Sun so we really didn't have time to go to a park that day. We did the Cape May breakfast which was GREAT!! The day we arrived we went to MGM for EMHs that night. It was a good start!! I'm so glad we stayed on sight and had those extra hours as we used some of the night ones!!
I would see if you could pay Out of pocket for the 2 extra days added on to your ticket. We were told we could've added it onto ours once we got there. We were told this on our last day by one of the CMs at the desk at the BC. It was too late for us. But I think the 1 extra day for us would've only been@$2 per person.
Praying it all works out for you!!!:goodvibes
This is so exciting to have everything in one spot! We switched our internet provider last week and had some glitches so we went the whole week with only 2 hours of internet- it was killing me because I had TR's to read! My DH could not believe how my normally laid back personality got a bit nasty when I didn't have access this week. Well it was all worth it to come back on and find this new thread. Too cool.

We are getting really into all of this. I recieved my 2006 unofficial guide, I know, I know, the info does change every year but I am a little budget minded (cheap) and I could get 2 books (still waiting for the 06 passporter)mailed to me for less than $10! If anyone strongly advices that I need the new 08 coming out in early Nov. I would part with the money and get it. I found it to be interesting but so much of it will not apply since this is a MAW trip.

We did meet my son's wish granters a few weeks ago and it feels so real now but I do wish we wouldn't have to wait until just before the trip to get our travel arrangements. OK... we have 3 months so it's not like it's last minute yet but I do hope we find out before Christmas. I do know the dates but just not sure about the when and how (as in will the flight be early in the am and we will stay in Ancorage near the airport or later in the day with lots of time to leave.)

The only extra we requested was a 4 day hopper pass instead of the 3 day, the granter thought we would get it but she's new so not sure that we will ... and if not, we are still going to have so darn much fun I won't even remember we wanted an extra day in MK.

Thanks again for the great reports and getting this tread started!!
Leelee - My MAW daughter is my oldest - Amanda - just turned 13 this year.
She's an angel:angel: ! Actually, both my girls are!:angel: :angel:

As far as the park hopper, I was thinking the same thing - I would just add the extra days myself - the cost isn't alot. But I thought I read on another thread that you couldn't add days onto complimentary tix. Has anyone out there done this or know about it? I can't imagine they wouldn't let us do this if I'm willing to pay for it.
Hi and Welcome to all the new people.

I can't stay on long. Not feeling well today and somehow have to figure out how to get everything done. Danae seems to be sick too. Not looking forward to Michael being sick next week. Ugh!

Anyways, wanted to Camster. The tix at GKTW are donated by Disney and therefore are "complimentary". Those cannot be added on as they are "free" tix. However, it seems like the Wish Organizations that do not use GKTW (not those that use GKTW but may not have had room for you so therefore you stay at a resort but those that don't utilize GKTW at all) tend to buy their tickets therefore you would be able to add on to those as they are paying it like any other part of the trip. That is my understanding. HTH!
Leelee - My MAW daughter is my oldest - Amanda - just turned 13 this year.
She's an angel:angel: ! Actually, both my girls are!:angel: :angel:

As far as the park hopper, I was thinking the same thing - I would just add the extra days myself - the cost isn't alot. But I thought I read on another thread that you couldn't add days onto complimentary tix. Has anyone out there done this or know about it? I can't imagine they wouldn't let us do this if I'm willing to pay for it.
I was told that Disney donates the 3day park hoppper and anything after that is paid for by your WISH org. So if they are paying for your stay and the 2 extra days seems like you could just add on. Oh Well It doesn't hurt to ask!! In our case Our Org paid for everything. All our tickets and all. They didnt get anything donated. They were only going by Braetons CP diagnosis and didn't realize that he actually qualified for MAW also. Thats kind of the qualifications Disney does for the doanated tickets, is the same way MAW does when deciding on Wish granting. Our first app had everything listed, but when our WISH org caught me the last time and had me refill everything out I only jotted down a few things, thinking it would all be on the Drs notes. They didn't even look at all that untill right before we left for the World!!!
Our org grants Wishes for both Terminal, Criticall and Chronical diseases/ But anyway it all worked out and we had a GREAT time!!!!!
Eeyores MOm I understand!!! We found out our flight arrangements and all less than 2 weeks before we left!!!!! We knew the dates, but that was all!!:eek:
Here's hoping you find out a lot sooner!!!!
Wendy just realized you posted!!! Hope you and Danae get to feeling better:hug: Here's hoping Michael doesn't get sick. *fingers crossed heads up and eyes shut!!! smiley*
Welcome Holly. Your trip is coming right up. Have you started your pre-trip report (that is where we all obsess about buying ponchos and setting up dinner reservations and even about flesh eating bacteria-- if we can't think of anything else to obsess about.

It sounds like Eeyore's Mom's trip is coming soon as well.

Camster, do NOT hesitate to ask your Wish Provider for special things. This is the trip of a lifetime and you want it to be perfect*. At times, our volunteer seemed to be a little frustrated at my many requests and questions, but we talked about it all later and I think it was mostly my imagination because I did not want to sound ungrateful either. The thing is that each child is unique and each wish is unique, so there will always be special requests.

We asked our volunteer to arrange for us to get in to see the castle. We were told we would have to ask GKTW about that when we got there. We asked GKTW and they told us to ask Guest Services. I was not going to do that until Jeff, at Guest services asked me what my daughter would like to do. He is the one who got us in to the castle for brunch at the last minute. So ASK AWAY, my friend. Consider your number one job to be ASKING. Since others are doing the arranging. You are kind of like the mother of the bride at a wedding.

*Disclaimer for above--Perfect...hmmmm. Here are 2 universal laws of Wish Trips. Law 1) Things that you plan will not work out, fall apart or otherwise get all tangled up. Law 2) Things will be absolutely wonderful anyway if you keep the right attitude (it helps to have someone like my DW along who can make you laugh at your own frustration when you need to be taken down off your high horse. Law 3) Every setback will be outweighed by a wonderful miracle that comes out of the blue. Law 4) Live in the moment and enjoy it to the full.
Ooo... Oooo.. Ooo... I have stumbled on a great idea (I think). Perhaps someone has already been doing this, but..... I was trying to read KindaKrazy2s TR and it is LONGGGGGGGGGG. Anyhow, I suggested that she put some kind of an index in so folks can find the posts that are actually about the trip. She started an index on page one of her trip that takes you to Day1, Day2, etc. I think that is a great idea, because, over time, our TRs will get so long that people won't be able to find the real TR within the TR if you catch my meaning.

I am going to try this.

By the way.... why do I feel bad having a violation posted on my User CP, even though they did not give me any infraction points. It is kind of like having a big red 'L' sewn on my jacket. Worse yet, it will stay there almost until the end of the month. I will have to try better to be REALLY REALLY good if I want to become a real boy. If only I had Jiminy Cricket to tell me what to do.
My Index works to take you to the right page. Now, if only someone can tell me how to fix the html code to go right to a specific spot on a page instead of to the top of the page, I could make it tidier and easier to use.

I don't know if you'll believe
I met a Princess today
And was greeted in her castle
In a most royal way

Yes I met a real Princess
Who stooped to welcome me
And inside her royal castle
I met another three

There were towers that had banners
Stained glass windows in the wall
And the sparkling lights of magic
In the royal banquet hall

A fairy flew from somewhere
And she waved her magic wand
Then she blessed me with a smile
That became our special bond

My greatest wish was granted
And a star thats only mine
In that land of deep enchantment
Where the brightest wonders shine

I became a royal princess
At that magic coronation
And was gifted with enchantment
In a regal celebration

For a princess is a princess
When she is one in her heart
When becoming a true princess
Inner beauty's where you start

I can take you to my castle
In a land of mystery
If you have the childlike virtue
Of believing what you see

If you know that there is wonder
And perceive the majesty
Of a child's imagination
It will set your spirit free

Whisk away then to that place
Where, as a child, I flew
There all your dreams are living
And wishes all come true
Can't help you out Bill...wish I could..that is a good idea!!!!

I had another question for you past wish trippers....is there a cd player in the room? Both my girls listen to lullaby cds at night...I thought if there was one, I would bring one along with me...something familiar for them.

I had another idea...and it is up to Wendygrace if she wants to do it or not. I thought it would be neat to have a sort of a calendar of when future wish trippers are going. I thought it could go in Wendy's first post so that newcomers can see it and say...oh, so and so is going the same time we are. What do you think???
I think that is a great idea, to have an ongoing, weekly updated, calendar of when folks are taking wish trips. I am not sure how it would work technically, because to have a fixed place to find it, it seems like it would have to be page 1 of a thread. Then each week, someone (whoever started it) would have to edit that post to reflect the new information. Otherwise, you could have a thread that is a dates only thread, where people would post there dates and we could refer to it. Every so often, someone would need to review the dates and make a post that summarizes the upcoming trips. I have seen something like that on the "Who's going in (fill in the blank for the month)" threads. Someone takes the initiative to update everyone's dates now and then. I guess the most current post could be updated as a link in the signatures of whoever wants to do this. I am sure game.

Can someone else think of a better way to do it?
First of all - love your poems! Keep them coming!

Secondly, you speak of a violation in your profile - is that what that "yield" symbol means? Why do we get it and what does it mean? Have been wondering.

Thirdly, I appreciate your advice about just asking for what we need for our MAW trip. I do have a reputation for speaking my mind!:goodvibes

I must admit though, I did not get off to a good start with my MAW rep. back in Jan. when we started this planning. I really had to push to get our stay at a Disney resort, but they eventually came through. I told them my daughter would just want to go to Disney - didn't need passes to other parks. My MAW rep. told me she would get us a 5-day park hopper to WDW. When I noticed our flight gets in at 11am and our flight home doesn't leave until 7:30pm, I asked about a 7-day park hopper and she told me -"We're only giving you a 5-day. I think that's generous enough." She made me feel so GUILTY for asking!:eek: It only costs about $5-$7/ticket to increase to a 7 day. I accepted her answer, but now as we're into the nitty-gritty of planning, I've been called about getting a wheelchair van for the week. Told them I didn't need because I'm staying on Dis.property all week - felt like saying "take the money you're saving from not getting me a van and put it towards increasing my park hopper!" Anyway, I'm dealing with a new rep. now who is very sweet, but a rookie. I'm going to talk to her about this next week. Also have to check in with my MAW volunteers - they told me they could help take care of these details. But, again, my analness(is that a word?) hates not having this resolved now! I seriously need help!:rolleyes1
I don't know if you have this link or not, but it is about to time off the DISabilities forum. It list folks' observations about ride accessibility. I stumbled on it, and although we did not have accessibility issues with Lysi, I think it is a great resource.

Ride Accessibility Thread


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