DIS Veteran
Jun 26, 2003
I finally finished editing together a music video of our trip last month. You can take a look at it at:


But it led me to a few questions.

Cast members usually wouldn't dance with us (although I only asked two or three). Are there guidelines that restrict them from this?

My daughters wanted to do silly faces with the princesses, but I told them not to. Do the princesses ever ham it up for the camera, or do they stay in regal character?

Disney allows camcording on almost all their attractions, while Universal tries to forbid it on almost all theirs. Anyone know why this is?

Is there a logical reason that you can't camcord in dark shows like Monster's Inc. Laugh Factory? Our daughter was featured on her birthday, but we didn't get video of it. (Flashbulbs I understand, but low lux camcorders don't make sense.)

Have any of the attractions ever tried selling videos of you on the ride? It was a little nerve-wracking carrying the camcorder on the roller coasters.

Haha cute video.

I think the reason why you can't film some of the shows is something do deal with a copyright.

Sooy I don't know any answers to your other questions but I would say my best bet to get cast members to dance with you would be during a parade so they look like they are doing their job. I have also herd that the character attendants will sometimes dance but I can't be sure because I have nevr asked them to.

Hope this helped.
I finally finished editing together a music video of our trip last month. You can take a look at it at:


But it led me to a few questions.

Cast members usually wouldn't dance with us (although I only asked two or three). Are there guidelines that restrict them from this?

My daughters wanted to do silly faces with the princesses, but I told them not to. Do the princesses ever ham it up for the camera, or do they stay in regal character?

Disney allows camcording on almost all their attractions, while Universal tries to forbid it on almost all theirs. Anyone know why this is?

Is there a logical reason that you can't camcord in dark shows like Monster's Inc. Laugh Factory? Our daughter was featured on her birthday, but we didn't get video of it. (Flashbulbs I understand, but low lux camcorders don't make sense.)

Have any of the attractions ever tried selling videos of you on the ride? It was a little nerve-wracking carrying the camcorder on the roller coasters.


ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE YOUTUBE VIDEO AWESOME thanks for sharing!!!!:banana:
well I can't answer your questions, I just wanted to say you guys are hilarious! What a great video!
OMG...that was the cutest thing, evah! I wanna hang out with you guys next time you go to Disney!
Cast members usually wouldn't dance with us (although I only asked two or three). Are there guidelines that restrict them from this?

not that i'm aware of, although this would constitute show which means you shouldn't be likely to get anyone out of character to do something like this, most notably a TOT or HM CM for example. but on the flip side, i don't think they're obligated to dance for/with guests either.

My daughters wanted to do silly faces with the princesses, but I told them not to. Do the princesses ever ham it up for the camera, or do they stay in regal character?

they have to remain in character, although the walls are flexible to some extent. also, although not princesses, casting has gotten a lot more liberal and irreverent in newer characters such as the ugly stepsisters and the fairies who have a lot more freedom while remaining in character. you might be able to get ariel to make a fish face for example, but it should be hard to get mary poppins to do anything without being chastised for it.

Disney allows camcording on almost all their attractions, while Universal tries to forbid it on almost all theirs. Anyone know why this is?

Disney is actually the lone wolf in this one. Many amusement parks restrict the use of cameras on rides and that's primarily for liability reasons. They don't want (a) you dropping your camera and trying to hold them responsible and/or (b) your camera flying off and hitting someone else.

Is there a logical reason that you can't camcord in dark shows like Monster's Inc. Laugh Factory? Our daughter was featured on her birthday, but we didn't get video of it. (Flashbulbs I understand, but low lux camcorders don't make sense.)

the common factor is often attractions that feature video. sometimes it's a licensing issue (for example, the American Idol Experience), but ultimately it could simply be a matter of control (such as proprietary technology). Unless they've changed it, MI doesn't allow still photography either inside the theater.

Have any of the attractions ever tried selling videos of you on the ride? It was a little nerve-wracking carrying the camcorder on the roller coasters.

Ripe, Ride, Rockit at Universal will video tape riders. I don't believe any attractions do at Disney
I was smiling from ear to ear watching your video!!! :) Fabulous!!! :woohoo:

I want to add something: your video opened my eyes, in a way, about the fact that our WDW holidays are NOT supposed to be about that ADR at LeCellier or scoring a free room upgrade, etc. It's about FUN!!! Why are there not more families like yours....dancing and singing around, obviously having a blast? Why is it that I can easily recall SO MANY people in a bad mood, yelling at overtired children, cursing about wheelchairs, hogging space, cutting in lines and complaining about the weather and on and on and on......???? I don't think I've ever seen a family having as much fun together as you guys!

Thank you sooo much! I now have every intention of dancing down Main Street, U.S.A. in September!!!! :dance3:
I cannot answer your questions, but ... WOW! You've really inspired me! I did our scrapbook for our last trip last year, and, while I do like it, I think that a video would be a much better way to document our upcoming trip. It's something we could truly share with the rest of our family.

Can you tell me what kind of editing software you used? I've worked with Pinnacle, but that's about it. We've "upgraded" to a Mac, but I have no experience with editing on this machine (I still have my Windows computer, though) ...
THAT's how I want MY trip to be!!!!!!!

How did you keep the video camera dry? Wonder if it's worth picking up a Flip for the trip (ours is circa 2000) or would I be disappointed in the quality???

Did your kids get tired of you making them sing the song all over the parks???
Fabulous video! Fair warning, though, if I see anyone dancing anywhere at WDW I usually join in!
Great job, lot's of fun!
Hey, did you know that Off Kilter at the Canada pavilion is doing, Life Is A Highway, now? I kept expecting to see them in your video! :)
Loved,loved,LOVED your video! What a beautiful family
I especially loved the Ripsaw Falls footage at the end!! :goodvibes
Thanks for sharing!

That was awesome!!!! You guys look like you had a blast, and I totally loved your DS's "I don't do matching shirts." T. :rotfl: Really great job- thanks so much for sharing it.
I don't know the answers to your questions, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your video. :) Thanks for sharing!


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