Words and phrases your children made up...but you still use

One we have come up with is actually one we use while texting. We use "RR" it means where are you? And is much faster that typing that all out. My kids use it, my nieces and nephews use it, my sisters and brothers use it and my parents use it. Even some of the kids friends use it!

Another one is Santa Closet instead of Santa Clause, my oldest daughter just couldn't say it right. She's almost 21 now and we still say Santa Closet! Also around Christmas the kids would play croquignole with my dad and they would race to pick colours and my oldest son always called black, brack! We still say brack when playing croquignole.

Oh how I miss them being little. :(
Apparently as a child I told my parents I had fizzy pop in my feet (pins and needles)
My son used a skeralator as a child (escalator!)
Other favourites include crumps (currants) and ododone bops (telephone box)
It's fun to remember these things especially when they're driving you mad! :love2:
First thing that I thought of was when my daughter called m&ms Eb I ems. We still use that one a lot.
When my youngest DS was about two, he would say he was 'drinky' when he was thirsty. We still use that term and he's now 31.
My little DGS loves his chocolate so M& M's are called M's now as that was how he asked for them.
When I was 2, I stumped my parents by telling them I wanted "shiny vabarows" for dinner. Apparently, I meant Chinese vegetables.

And my younger sister said wizmical instead of whimsical.
I miss "yipstick on yips" and "yeggings on yegs" for lips and legs.

Our family name for Nerds on a rope is "Boogers on a stick". I made that up myself 12 years ago at a NH campground but DD says friends call it that also.
Over 3 decades ago my mom overcooked Yorkshire puddings,
My brother asked what they were and my dad banged one on the table and said hockey pucks.
They have been called this ever since my kids have never heard them be called anything and last Mother's Day we had a family recipie book printed for mom with Hockey Pucks included.

We also grew up call a knife a "key niff fee"

In our house we call cheese chee chee because that's what our littlest calls it.
When my son was small, he apparently didn't hear the difference between the words "grandma" and "grandpa." To differentiate between the two, he called my mom "lady grandma." We still call her that sometimes.

DD4 had really trouble differentiating between similar sounding things, we found out at her before school check she had only 20% hearing due to blockages in her ear and has just had surgery to remove them, what a difference it has made in her speech!
Oh, DH reminded me of this one. When DS was about 2, we went to Disneyland. DH went on ToT. When he disappeared into the ride, DS said "where dad go?" and we pointed up to the ride, which was just opening to show the people inside. He went "OH NO DADDY". Everytime DH went on that ride, and we showed DS where he was, he went "OH NO DADDY".

ToT is now "OH NO DADDY", still, 10 years later.
My sister called ice cream Ifrum, and my dad and step mom still say it all the time in this weird baby voice.

My turns-13-on-Monday DS used to say Chick-a-Muck instead of chipmunk, which I still say. Probably also in what would be considered a weird baby voice, LOL!
I always wondered where baba came from. I always thought it was a mis pronunciation of nana. This makes prefect sense though because the only people I ever here use baba are skis.

Skis are what we called polish people when I was in the Marine Corps. It came from us not being able to pronounce the first part of their last name and almost all of their last names ended in ski or sky... So they just got called Ski, even if their last name didn't end in ski...

This makes me smile because I am Polish and my last name ends in "ski":thumbsup2
We also grew up call a knife a "key niff fee"

I worked with a lady from somewhere in Africa. One of the guys in my platoons last name was Knight. She could not pronounce it to save her life, she would always say "Ka-Nig-It". So he was forever known as Sargeant Ka-Nig-It.

Thanks to her, I like to have fun with silent k words and pronounce the k.

And one from when I was 4 or 5.
I'm a huge Charles Schultz fan and I was reading "The Great Pumpkin" portion of a Peanuts book. The word "scissors" came up and I was trying my hardest to sound it out. Scissors is now "Skizzors", I even have my wife and daughter calling them that :)
We use to call Peas baby grapes to get the kids to eat them. We still do occasionally and did one time when someone was over. They told me they were not really baby grapes and I tried to act surprised.
In our house,
We all suffer from head-icks. (Headaches)
Say, "That's berry not nice!" (Must stomp foot to be effective.)
We watch, 101 Dogs Dogs
Roast sharshshellows.
Sing "Dood Dolly Miss Molly." (Good Golly Miss Molly)
And we shop at Legmans. (When one of the kids was about 3, on our way to the store she asked if we were going to Legmans. I said, "It's Wegmans, with a W." She said, "No Mom. it's Legmans, LLLLeg, hear the L?" When we pulled into the parking lot, I told her to look at the sign, it's Wegmans with a W.)
Splash Mountain is Wack a Mole because there is a part to the right when you go up the hill that must have reminded by son of the game.

Khali River Rapids is Kelly Rippa ride.

Sarcasm is "starcasm"

If you want someone to sit near you, you say "by next to me"
When my daughter was younger we went to a mexican restaurant and ordered soft tacos. She picked up a taco and playing with it she called it a flapper.


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