Worried about Boma


Earning My Ears
Mar 30, 2011
So I booked Boma back in the planning stages.....well, now Im second guessing (dont we all? lol)

Are my kids really even going to enjoy this? African style food? I thought they would like to check out AKL and the reviews on Boma seemed really good, but now Im reading some not so good reviews and wondering if Im making the right decision for the kids. They dont really do well with "weird" food. Maybe we should be going to WCC or Ohana or something more kid friendly. For dinners we have CRT, Le Cellier, Mama Melrose (fantasmic) and Boma. Breakfast we have Crystal Palace, 1900 Fare, Akershus & Tusker House. Would you cancel Boma and try to go somewhere else? And where?

Keep in mind this is dinner for our very first night at Disney - EVER. And its for this Sunday, yikes! HELP! :confused3
Not to worry, Boma has an ample supply of typical American 'kid foods' on the buffet.
Everyone should try something once. Who knows it might be your favorite. And like PP said, there is some American food there :)
Hi there :wave2:
I have to say we had the same concerns. We just checked out this past Tuesday from AKL and decided to do all the restaurants at the hotel. I was not worried with Boma for Breakfast, but I was for Dinner. I had heard so many people raving about it, but I was also concerned because people were discussing how spicy and sweet the food was. I admit I can be a bit picky with food and like to stick with traditional things to be safe. If something on the menu sounds extravagant I will stay away. We were celebrating our wedding that week so we had family members try the restaurant out with us and they can be even worse than myself with the "picky". We all fell in love with it!!!!! The food was amazing!!!!!! Their were only 2 things that had a sauce directly on the food, for everything else you had the choice to add various sauces if you wanted to. everything was delicious, chicken, prime rib, salads, bread, dessert. You name it, we loved it. The only thing I was not crazy about were the ribs because they were spicy other than that fantastic! I saw many children from different age groups and all seemed to be enjoying it. If people would have clarified that the "sweet" and "spicy" sauces were on the side and you added them if you wished then I would have never been so nervous. I think you should give it a try, you might be just as surprised as I was and if you discover that it is not to your likeing then at least you know for yourself. When it comes to food opinions yoor never truly sure until you try it for yourself! I hope you have fun!! We will be going back to Boma for my dads B-day next Sunday! :woohoo:
As said, Boma does have a kids station with american mac/cheese, chicken nuggets, that sort of thing.

And while the African dishes at Boma are good, they were not for us.

African foods are prepared with sweet spices such as, cinnamon, vanilla and fruit flavors. EVERYTHING, not just desserts.
So prepare your taste buds for this. The meats have cinnamon flavors to them, the soups, veggies...everything.
We just didn't like it. And by the time we sampled everything trying to find something we liked...dessert was a waste. We had enough of sweet stuff to really enjoy the "really" sweet foods.

So if you can find a current menu I would suggest going over it well and the dishes you don't know, google them to find out what is in them so you can see if this will start your vacatoin off on the right or wrong foot.

Good luck and have a great trip!!!
Not to worry, Boma has an ample supply of typical American 'kid foods' on the buffet.

In adition the food is really toned down. I've eaten at a lot of African restaurants and Boma is the most toned down or "Americanized" I've ever eaten at. You don't have to be an adventurous eater to enjoy the food because it really isn't that exotic.
I don't think you will have anything to worry about with the kids. They have quit a few dishes that will appeal to children. Also, I have to agree with a pp that the food here is toned down. There are a few dishes you may pass on, but overall you will find plenty to enjoy. Boma is one of the few buffets that I like in WDW. :thumbsup2
Don't be worried! I have two of the pickiest eaters on the planet--one of my sons has sensory issues and has gone to a therapist for food therapy. But they both LOVE Boma. It is one of the only buffets I don't worry about at Disney, because they always ask to go back. Enjoy!
We plan on going for the fist time in June. I'm taking my kids, I know they will find something to eat. I just really want to try something different, if we don't like it at least we can say we tried it.
while our kids have been enjoying ALl the foods for yrs (now 5 & 7) there relly is more than enough american kids backup food to please them.
I also have a different take than a PP. I dont find it is all sweet and flavored with cinnamon and fruit. Cinnamon agrees with my stomach less and less every year so I tend to shy away from it. That said, maybe I used to eat it in such large amounts, that in comparison it is mild or not even noticable to me.
What I am trying to say is we all take something different away from the same experience. Give it a try and see what you think. Again, there is pelnty of backup food so you won't go hungry :)
There is so much hype about Boma dinner and I dont see why...we found the food to be overly sweet with vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon etc. We just dont like super sweet foods unless they are dessert ;)
You should have few if any problems. Boma's food is African-esque or African-lite if you prefer The spice combinations are a bit novel for American palates, but nothing outre. That said, there is a good selection of American kids' food - chicken nuggets, mac and cheese - to fill out a plate. If the carvery has roast beef the night you eat there do try it. The last time we ate at Boma my daughter, then 5, loved it. Of course, she is originally from a province in China were the food is rather spicy and she loves hot foods. :rotfl: Seriously, don't worry - everyone will come away well fed and perhaps with a new favorite flavor combination.
As said, Boma does have a kids station with american mac/cheese, chicken nuggets, that sort of thing.

And while the African dishes at Boma are good, they were not for us.

African foods are prepared with sweet spices such as, cinnamon, vanilla and fruit flavors. EVERYTHING, not just desserts.
So prepare your taste buds for this. The meats have cinnamon flavors to them, the soups, veggies...everything.
We just didn't like it. And by the time we sampled everything trying to find something we liked...dessert was a waste. We had enough of sweet stuff to really enjoy the "really" sweet foods.

So if you can find a current menu I would suggest going over it well and the dishes you don't know, google them to find out what is in them so you can see if this will start your vacatoin off on the right or wrong foot.

Good luck and have a great trip!!!

Honestly, I did not taste cinnamon on anything. I am a picky eater, I hate to admit it. Taking risks at restaurants is not my thing and like I said I was extremely worried to dine here, but it worked out fine. I don't know if they have done a recent menu change, but we ate there just 5 days ago and none of the foods I had had cinnamon, vanilla or sweet flavors to them. I had chicken, prime rib, salad, bread, mash potatoes, white rice, meat balls. None had sweet flavoring to them and no one in our party thought anything was sweet other than the dessert. :confused:
Boma is awesome! There will be plenty for your kids, whether they want to play it safe or not.;)
We will be trying Boma for the first time in a few weeks and I have/had the same concerns but our friends love it so we will give it a try :goodvibes
Boma is a really fun restaurant with an excellent selection of African and American food. I think your kids will find plenty to eat and you may, as I did, try some of the African offerings and then say, "Hey, my kid will eat this." My DS really liked a lot of the meats. I promise you will enjoy yourselves.
I think there are 80 different items on the menu, and plenty are quite tame. I would be astounded if you didn't like SOMETHING there. Sure, there might be 50 things that you think are gross, but that still leaves 30 other things to eat. That should tide you over until morning.
Interesting discussion. We enjoy Boma and the opportunity to try some different preparations. A gentle suggestion...calling the food there "weird' (even with the apostrophes) is somewhat offensive. Using the term "typical" or Amerianized" isn't quite as judgmental. Good luck with your decision, either way I'm sure you'll have a great vacation.
Boma is one of my favorite Disney restaurants, close tie with Tusker House.

I really enjoy the full flavors of the food. Nice variety. I am sure everyone will find something they will like.
Honestly, I did not taste cinnamon on anything. I am a picky eater, I hate to admit it. Taking risks at restaurants is not my thing and like I said I was extremely worried to dine here, but it worked out fine. I don't know if they have done a recent menu change, but we ate there just 5 days ago and none of the foods I had had cinnamon, vanilla or sweet flavors to them. I had chicken, prime rib, salad, bread, mash potatoes, white rice, meat balls. None had sweet flavoring to them and no one in our party thought anything was sweet other than the dessert. :confused:

you said you are a picky eater, and from this list I believe it, lol. I think you managed to pick out the only plain non-African-seasoned foods they had there...

the soups, the ribs, some of the chicken & fish dishes, and all of the casserole-type dishes as well as foods in sauces; even some of the veggies had the heavy cinnamon, cardamon, vanilla bean, etc. Or they were unusual combinations or preparations (like pickled watermelon rind)

When we were there, the place was mobbed and it was 10-15 minute long lines to get to the plain meats like the prime rib or the kids' choice areas for the plainer foods. The only dishes you could approach without a wait were the African (cinnamon) foods.


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