Worst ride to get stuck on?


15+ Year Castmember
Nov 26, 2013
We've all been there: your ride is going smooth, you're having fun, and suddenly it all grinds to a halt and that message comes over the PA to stay seated because "your ride will resume shortly."

I'd gotten fairly used to it, because if you ride enough rides on a long trip, it's bound to happen once. But today I had an entirely new experience with it:

I was riding Test Track and we'd just passed under the MPH sign on the outside track and entered the steep banking curve when the car completely stopped -- with all of us practically sideways. I honestly thought I was going to fall out at first.

Eventually I settled into a relatively safe and comfy (as could be) position and just waited things out. I bonded with the strangers sharing the ride (I was riding as a single rider) and of course we all took out our phones to share the experience on Instagram and Snapchat.

After about 10 minutes, a maintenance worker came out to do some work on our car, and then gave us a push to get us going, and we finally made it back inside. I've still never had to be evacuated off a ride, but that was definitely as close as I've come.

For those of you who've had similar experiences, what's the worst situation you've been "stuck" in on a ride?
We got stuck briefly on It's a Small World. While I don't mind the ride, the thought of being stuck in there for any length of time almost sent me into hysterics.

We also stopped for a bit on an incline (I think it was on 7DMT). It was not a great place to get stuck as it was very uncomfortable. But thankfully it didn't last too long.
I seem to ocassionally have some kind of issue with riding rides where my legs are restrained and I'm not able to move them,if I can kick them around a bit I'm fine but if I can't and I happen to be thinking about it then please get me in and out quickly,so it is a mental thing as sometimes I have no real problem and other times I have to think of pretty thoughts to keep me from freaking out.I can't really think of having this issue on any Disney ride but there are three rides at Universal and Sea World where this is a problem.The Mummy and the Gringotts ride at Universal which both use the same type of cars and the Manta coaster at Sea World where you ride in a flying motion and the harness literally restrains your legs,okay so now you know my crazy mental issue!!
We got stuck on Spalsh, Toy Story, and Little Mermaid (twice). Toy Story was around 15 minutes and the others were 5 minutes or less.

My husband got evacuated from Big Thunder. He likes to think of it as a special behind the scenes tour :)
HM with a nervous 3yo. She did ok but the eye wallpaper started to creep her out.
We also got stuck over neverland our first time on PP and we must have been by a speaker because the announcements were so loud. My husband is also scared of heights and was freaking out a little.
We got stuck on Splash Mountain towards the top turn and yeap, had to be evacuated. It was extremely cool seeing the inside of everything and walking out "backstage".
Many years ago I got stuck on Test Track in the section where the tested the 'heat resistance' or something of the car and I almost had a panic attack it was getting so hot!

I've also been stuck on Buzz Lightyear on/off... the entire ride took us 40 min! I was kind of freaked out but kept my cool! haha!

Also been stuck on HM and Spaceship Earth for just a few minutes each, I think its more related to loading those that needs wheelchairs/transfer out?
I got stuck at Harry Potter and the forbidden journey on one of the moments whe the ride leans you so I was hanging for like 10 minutes, I did panicked a little but started calm down when I realized some group was at the scene with the tree probably head down, on the bright side they turned the lights on and it was very interesting to see part of the ride background
I guess my vote depends on whether we are talking about the worst ride to get stuck on or the worst ride to be evacuated from.

Being stuck on one of the outside rides when it is raining or 95 degrees and not a cloud in the sky would be absolutely awful. However, having to get evacuated from a water ride I think would be the worst. Although, I guess I'm not sure if they make you wade through the water or bring rafts or something over to shuttle everybody off.
I love Small World, so I'd have no problem getting stuck in it...was stopped once for about 5 or 6 minutes, didn't bother me.

Was stuck on Ariel for about 15 minutes once, DW and I took a quick cat nap.

Last vacation we had to be evacuated from Pirates. We were in one of the last rooms, where everything is on fire. We were sitting there for a solid 45 minutes before they turned the lights on and evacuated us. Kids thought it was the most fun thing ever...got to see Pirates all lit up, got to walk "behind" the buildings where people don't normally go, got free ice cream and got free FP+ out of it all.
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We were stuck on Spaceship Earth for a while before being evacuated. It wouldn't have been bad if we were in an interesting area of the ride, but we were just starting the desent--so our car had just turned partially backwards and the ride was constantly telling us, loudly in our ears, that we would be turning backwards!! That in addition to the overhead announcements about remaining seated--after about 2 minutes I was praying for evacuation just to preserve my sanity!! Now being stuck and evacuated from Space Mtn was cool--like PP's husband says--a backstage tour.
We got stuck on the outside part of Test Track once. Sat there quite a while and then they kept us in the car and sent us around again for our wait.

And in January we got evacuated from Splash Mountain. Our boat was awkwardly positioned in the "river" and we had to climb over the seats to the back of the boat and then hop over to the pathway. You should have seen this old fat lady (me)! Best day ever!

I can't think of a worst ride to get stuck on. We always just treat it like an adventure.
I have been stuck for a few minutes on several rides but the worst so far was at Universal. I was at Universal Studios opening week and was stuck on ET in the section where ET arrives back at his planet for like 20 minutes. Everyone cheered when they finally turned off the soundtrack. Most uncomfortable also was at Universal. About 10 minutes on my back in the Harry Potter Forbidden Journey during the spider scene.


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