Worst thing you have heard said at a funeral?

My father in law was an SOB.....no one said a word at his funeral...finally daughter could not take the silence and said "When my father went into his verbal destructive rages...I would jump tot he piano and play tunes from his young life and that would soothe him>"
Here in Ireland, we are in lockdown and bars have been closed for over 1 year. As a result, people have been setting up illegal bars in sheds and other places. These illegal bars are called shebeens. My mom was watching a funeral online a few weeks ago. The deceased mans son gave the eulogy at the service. He talked about how they made their dads last days as best as they could despite the lockdown and Covid restrictions, and how they even managed to bring him to a shebeen for one final drink!! He named the location and host of the shebeen, live during the online stream of the service!
My sister in law. At two separate weddings. Her husband is the minister, so he is usually asked to give the service at family funerals. Sitting next to me, politely chatting- “you know, this is a big family. My husband is going to have to to a lot of these, you know, for you and your husband , probably”.
Next funeral, again she winds up next to me. I’m in what I think is appropriate funeral clothes, black slacks, black cute blazer type jacket, navy blouse. Her comment- “ you look like you work here”.
The worst thing was also the best thing. At a funeral for the abusive ex husband of a good friend the minister talked about loving someone who is hard to love. I thought it was very healing for his family and everyone there.

I like it when reality is acknowledged. I have an acquaintance whose father abandoned him and was well known for being difficult. According to Facebook when he died and annually each year on his death anniversary he was a saint.
The year after I graduated from high school 2 friends were in a serious car accident. They were hit head on by a drunk driver and unfortunately one of them was killed. He was really popular in school so a lot of our graduating class showed up for the funeral. While we were mingling outside one of my former classmates said "That someone should die like this every year. It's like a mini class reunion!"

I was too shocked to react but it's a good thing that boy could run, several classmates were ready to make him the next funeral. I don't think anything I could ever hear at a funeral would be worse than that.
Er- it was me. It wasn't a bad thing, it was a loud thing. A little backstory. My aunt, after my Mom's viewing, wanted my Mom's shoes to keep (she's a weirdo like that.) So, years later at my Great-Uncle Charlie's viewing, we were sitting after going up to the casket to pay our respects and music was playing and people were talking. I decided to be funny to my aunt so I leaned across my sister to where she was sitting and said, loud enough to be heard over the noise but not too loud, "Hey, Uncle Charlie's wearing wingtips- you want 'em?"

Of course, as I spoke the noise died down for the service to begin, and in the sudden silence my words rang clear as a bell. I just couldn't reign in my voice in time. I died a thousand deaths and my sister almost passed out from trying not to be heard laughing.

Reece- I like your questions. They're interesting and fun to answer.
Not something said but at my Granddaddy's funeral my older brother, one of my cousins and I were sitting on the 2nd row. First the minister starts talking about his 3 grandchildren? Say what, there are 6 kids in my family, my aunt (one of the cousins sitting with us) had two kids and my uncle had one kid. Someone's math needed help. Well, this got my cousin snickering because obviously my entire family was left out. I might add my Mama was my granddaddy's favorite and everyone knew it. My brother and I had driven up from about 3 hours away and didn't get breakfast since the funeral was fairly early. My stomach decided to growl, very loudly. This got my cousin snickering again, which got my brother snickering, which got me going. We were all three trying really hard to hold it in but we could be heard by those in the front row and my aunt was so offended she turned around and gave us the loud shush which got heads to turning. So we tried to hold it in. Fast forward to the graveside, it was a cold and rainy day and Grandaddy's plot was up a hill with his family. Another 2nd cousin, my uncle and the good first cousin (not the one sitting with us) and another cousin I don't even know him were carrying the casket. You know they slipped and dropped it. Well, that was all she wrote. My cousin, brother and I just couldn't hold it in any longer. We laughed loud and hard. Granddaddy would have appreciated it because that man loved to laugh and joke. Granny and my aunt were not amused. My cousin (a grown man) got in trouble, our Mama wasn't there because she was living out of the country but I know she would have laughed too.
I wasn't there so didn't hear it first hand but many many years ago (way before everything was computerized), my Dad took my Grandmother to her cousin's funeral. Apparently when they got to the graveside portion of the service they realized that the cousin was being buried in a plot owned by my Grandmother, who obviously had not give permission for her to be buried in it. Needless to say she spent the rest of the service telling everyone that she was going to have her dug up and buried in the dumpster.
I've got a couple of doozies.

At my FIL's memorial service (which was small), the pastor/minister wanted everyone to go around and share a heart-warming story or memory about FIL. Some of the people in attendance only knew of him casually and had no idea of the horrible abuse he inflicted on my DH and SIL when they were kids. The pastor didn't know either. So he kept prompting people to speak up. I was 7 months pregnant at the time. I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up and walked out and then bawled my eyes out outside when DH came to rescue me. Then a moment later, SIL & MIL came outside, too, because they, too, couldn't take anymore of the "Let's all share fun memories of this bastard."

If it had been up to DH & SIL, there wouldn't have been any memorial service at all. FIL's brother (UIL) was the one who wanted a memorial service.

At my grandfather's funeral (I was in 8th grade), there was plenty of gossip at the funeral and reception afterwards about all of the "business trips" that my grandfather used to go on over the years with a close male friend. "Business trips" in which they shared a bed...and more. Then it all suddenly made sense that my grandparents slept in different bedrooms. In the aftermath after everyone left the reception, my dad admitted to my mom and my maternal grandmother that my grandfather had made a pass at him at one point. Wow. He was a pretty awesome grandpa.
It was actually 2 days after my ex-husband died suddenly. My current husband & I went to get all of his things from his roommate before his evil estranged wife showed up and tried to claim any of it. My14 yr old son wanted to help get his Dad's stuff and, while we were packing, I found my favorite CD that he had taken when we split up. My son, without skipping a beat, said "I bet he said "She can have it back when she pries it out of my cold, dead hands." It was hilarious and definitely a bit of comic relief that we needed at the moment. We couldn't stop laughing.
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