Would doing away with EE be legal?


Hi HO, hi ho, it's off to work we go
Jul 4, 2000
I know Disney changes their hours of operation all the time, but since they advertise EE as something you will receive if you stay on property on video and in ads, don't they have a legal obligation to honor this promise for a reasonable length of time? Just a thought.
not really --everything is subject to change. Believe it or not, there was a time, long ago, in a galaxy far, far way that Disney did not have early entry.
yeah, just about everything at Disney has the disclaimer in teeny tiny writing: Subject to change without notice. In other words, it leaves them open to be "flexible" with their scheduling based on crowd size. While that does mean if crowds are heavy they can and will increase hours, add parades and show, and open more attractions, it can also mean the exact opposite. If crowd size warrents, they will cancel events as well.
I've spoken with 4 CM's in the last 18 hours and all say they have heard the rumor, but there is no truth to it. EE remains on schedule at this time. I guess we'll see...

They can change anything. Also, I think they say something like "and on some very special mornings....." They don't have to offer it every morning as they do now. Still sounds like it's a rumor for the time being.
Just a thought-

Maybe the hours are being cut because the crowds are all down already. If this is the case you won't need to spend the hours waiting in line for attractions so you'll be able to get it done in the time given. If attendance is really off right now they're probably in a panic and trying to keep the thing afloat until things get sorted out and everybody but the die hard Disney folks get going to WDW again.

It does stink though!
would the actual theme parks know about early entry?
if it ends on the 19th wouldnt the workers know that
on saturday they will not open magic kingdom early??

could we call the mk direct and ask?
just a thought
Being a second shift kind of couple the fact that EE mornings might not be offered only causes us problems in that we always have gone to the parks w/o EE to avoid crowds and this might make it more difficult as we would not know which park is the less crowded. I cannot stand in lines for long periods of time. With the attractions I can just pass by and catch them at a less busy time but I fear the long lines for admission to the parks with the bag checking and such going on might be more than I can handle. Does anyone know about how long the lines are and if having a GAC (?) would help any?

Slightly Goofy
I'm willing to bet that the small print says 'subject to change without notice', which covers their behinds legally. Even if there is no small print, who's going to sue WDW?? I'm hoping it's not true. We'll be there in April and I'm planning on using the EE days. I"ll have to rethink my itineary.

You know, Disney fool, we're not THAT old-it was really only back in 1993 (or at least sometime after November, 1992, I think). Oh, Oh-now I'm not so sure about my memory-maybe I'm not as young as I thought. Please tell me it was in 1993!
GAC is a Guest Assistance Card for people with disabilities. With a GAC, you would be able to wait in a more appropriate spot for whatever the problem is that you have (like out of the sun or sitting down). Fastpass can help a lot with waiting in long lines and even if you get a GAC, you will still be aksed to use FastPass as much as possible.
Click on the link in my signature to get to the disABILTIES Board if you want more info.
Yes, Sue is so right. I tried to post earlier but it was lost in cyber space. Sorry. Sue, would you know if the GAC card would help with the lines for getting into the park? I could maybe ask someone for a less busy time to enter the parks if I have to. I could understand them not wanting to make exceptions for people in this time of crisis. I don"t think we will do much park hopping.

Slightly Goofy
The GAC doesn't do anything about the lines getting into the parks. It's only for the queues for individual rides and attractions inside the parks.
Something that has been suggested for people who have trouble standing in lines, is to get one of the canes with a small seat that folds down from it. I have seen people use them in the parks.
Hi there Sue!

I have seen those canes and they are wonderful, only problem is that they are only useful if you have a small seat also!!! I have seen these neat walkers that have a storage place in the front and a rather large seating area. They are on wheels and seem very useful but the price is pretty high. As long as I have something to lean on I can manage. There are people far worse off than I and I will survive. Thank you for the input.

Slightly Goofy


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