Yeeha - A fistful of Euros! Part 1

A Small World

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Feb 22, 2007
Trip report- Easter 08 - Yeeha -A fistful of Euros!

Me - 5th time to DLP
DH - 5th time to DLP
DD (8) - 5th time to DLP
DS (21) - 1st time to DLP but has been to WDW 3 times but not for over 10 yrs

Mon 17th March- Journey- Home to Ashford.

We’d had a really busy few weeks prior to our trip and an even busier weekend. On Saturday DH and DD had headed South to collect DS from Uni to bring him home for Easter (he was coming on holiday with us this time). Id ended up having to work. I don’t normally work on Saturdays but every now and again there is an event I need to attend and unfortunately this happened to be the weekend before we were going away so I went to work but spent the time dreaming and planning.

Sunday was spent washing, washing and more washing and packing, packing and more packing – just how much stuff can we actually fit in the car and will we really need it all - sleeping bags, quilt, sheets, pillowcases, blankets, hot water bottles, towels – no not for Disney but for the campsite part of the trip – food, toiletries, toys for outside, books, games, scooter, DVDs, DVD player, washing up liquid, tea towels, washing powder, pegs, dish cloth – no again not for Disney but campsite. Hat, scarves and gloves in case its cold, sun hats and sun cream in case its hot (well Disney’s about dreaming isn’t it) Oh yes and clothes-I knew there was something else.
Id actually been getting everything together during the week before and it had all been stored in DSs room but then when he came home from Uni it all had to be moved out- into our room (on the bed, on the floor, on top of the stuff on the floor aargh!!!)

We’d told DS we wanted to set off at about 10.00 on Monday am expecting him to be up well before but we had got up, had showers, got dressed, packed the car, sneaked into his room for his bags, got changed and were ready to set off well before 10.00 but he hadn’t even surfaced.
Eventually he got up then decided to have some brekkie, check his Emails, phone his Grandma to say he was home etc etc “No hurry, anytime this year will do (well the APs run out in July so before that would be good”

Eventually he was ready, one last check , one last note left for the 2 staying at home, in the car and we were off- glad at last to have escaped the chaos of the last few weeks and looking forward to a fun 2 weeks in the ‘sun’!!!!!

The drive down to Ashford was uneventful. The roads were fairly quiet and thanks to the M6 toll we made good time. We stopped off on route at Watford Gap services to buy a sandwich for lunch, then completed the last leg of our journey today to the Travel Lodge in Ashford. We booked in then flopped in our £26 room with a welcome cuppa. Later on we decided to go to Frankie and Bennys for tea (a tradition now when we go from Ashford). We then watched TV and had a reasonably early night as we had a very early start the next morning.

Tuesday 18th March – Journey Ashford to DLP and a lazy afternoon at DCR

We were booked on the 7.20 shuttle but wanted to get there early. The TL is about 15 mins away from the Tunnel so we were up at 5.30 grabbed a cuppa, showered, dressed, overnight bag in the car and off by 6.00. We arrived at the tunnel and found we could get an earlier crossing so opted for this and just had time to go into the terminal to buy a newspaper for DH, Science magazine for DS, Maeve Binchy book for me and Rainbow Fairy book for DD before our letter was called. The car was loaded and the 30 minutes flew by and before we knew it we were in France.
DH loves driving in France as he finds the roads so quiet – just as well as I like zooming round in my little Fiesta from one place to another for work but that’s about it and I definitely don’t think all our luggage would have fit in the Fiesta.

As always we have a little competition to see who can spot the first DLP sign near CDG and as always DD won ( I don’t think the little bit of help she gets with “Im sure its coming up SOON”, “If you keep looking NOW you might see it” has anything to do with it!!)

Once we are passed that sign we know we really are on the last lap and yes before we know it we are turning off the A4 and following signs to ‘Hotels Disney’. We had decided to park at New York as usual and go to Annettes for lunch (again as usual) We flash our AP at the security guard and he waves us through. We immediately notice how quiet the car park is compared to Christmas – a good sign we hope.

We walk through the hotel and go to use the toilets. On route we see Pluto so stop for a photo, autograph and cuddle – Pluto was to become the character of the trip he seemed to be every where and at one point we were convinced he must be following us about. What a busy dog he is - I hope he gets lots of bones and doggy bickies to eat.

<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr><td colspan="2"><embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="325" height="453" wmode="transparent" flashvars="imgpath=http%3A//" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" "></embed></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:0px;background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="left"><img src=""><a target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td><td style="background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="right"><a style="padding-right:0px;" target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td></tr></table>
Anyhow we realised Pluto was about to finish and Minnie was coming so we browsed in the shop for a few minutes until she arrived. Not bad going – only been in the resort for 10 minutes and not even got out of the hotel and DD has 2 autographs and has had 2 cuddles.

<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr><td colspan="2"><embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="325" height="260" wmode="transparent" flashvars="imgpath=http%3A//" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" "></embed></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:0px;background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="left"><img src=""><a target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td><td style="background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="right"><a style="padding-right:0px;" target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td></tr></table>

We walk via Manhatten restaurant to browse at the menu and take a photo of it and decide it looks nice so will probably book a meal there the following week. We then stroll through the Village glancing in a couple of shops. However we are hungry as we’ve not had breakfast so head straight for Annettes where we are seated straight away towards the back of the restaurant.
I have the Rock and Roll burger, DH and DS have the Rockabilly burger (all with fries), DD has the kids burger and we have a portion of onion rings to share. DD then opted for the waffle for dessert while the 3 adults went for the Gourmet Coffee – A coffee with 2 chocolate brownies, a doughnut and small Vanilla milkshake. I love this style of French desserts with a few little tasters all on one plate.
Suitably refreshed we browsed in the shops and bought some sweets to enjoy later in the week before returning to the car and heading to DCR.

It was really easy to find our way to DCR this time compared to Christmas when we had tried to find our way there in the dark and fog. We booked in and were given a cabin in the first trail. This time we had booked a 2 bedroom cabin and really noticed the difference in upkeep – it looked newly done. We sorted our selves out, got the kettle on and then got our swimming stuff together. One thing which swayed us towards DCR rather than one of the other hotels for this one night stay was the pool. We wanted time to really enjoy it and relax after the long journey.
It was lovely- only a few other people in there. We grabbed floats and toys and swam about, went on the slide (well DD and DS did), and most enjoyable of all relaxed in the Jacuzzi. We ended up being in there for almost 2 hrs.
We then went into the shop to browse and buy some bread and cheese for tea. After a stroll through the little farm we went back to the cabin to enjoy our picnic style tea. We then decided to return to the bar for a drink. We thought we might beat the crowds as the park hadn’t been closed long and we thought most people would have stayed in the Village for longer however the car park was full and there were cars everywhere on the verges. We were just about to give up when DH decided to drive through the car park again and we noticed a few people returning to cars so we quickly grabbed a space.
We were a bit disappointed with the bar- Id imagined it to be quite large with entertainment but it was much smaller than Id thought. Im sure its much nicer in Summer with the outside seating area. DH and I had a hot chocolate with Baileys in, DS a glass of red wine and DD had a coke.
Whilst we were in there Mickey appeared outside so I took DD out to see him but we didn’t have the camera with us or autograph book. It was a bit of a free for all. There was a CM there but he wasn’t making any attempt to form a line or anything. A few people had started to queue at one side so we joined them, then another queue started in front of Mickey and they seemed to be the ones who were pushing forward to see him so we went to join that line instead only to find that as soon as we got to the front that another line had formed at the side where we had been and the CM was directing people from here to see Mickey. I told DD we’d better go back round there and the CM noticed and nodded and directed us round to the side. Fortunately this time we got to the front and managed to see Mickey. DD gave him a great big hug.
As we’d been up since the early hours we decided to go back to the cabin and flop. It wasn’t long before we were in bed ready for DSs first visit to the park the next day.
What a full first day, I was exhausted reading it! Looking forward to the rest of the trip and seeing how much your son enjoys his first trip to DLP.
Sounds great!! :) Can't wait to hear more!

Are gonna put the Manhattan menu on here at some point? Me and DBF are trying to decide whether or not this would be a good bet for us...

Great trip report!

Bob xoxox
Great start to your trip:thumbsup2 I look forward to reading the rest.
Sounds great!! :) Can't wait to hear more!

Are gonna put the Manhattan menu on here at some point? Me and DBF are trying to decide whether or not this would be a good bet for us...

Great trip report!

Bob xoxox

Will post it on the Manhatten thread later tonight - we ended up not eating there in the end so cant report on the food
Good to hear a nice relaxed start! Looking forward to reading more....
What a lovely relaxing first day :thumbsup2 and how wonderful to meet three characters without even setting foot in the parks!! :wizard:
What a lovely relaxing first day :thumbsup2 and how wonderful to meet three characters without even setting foot in the parks!! :wizard:

Yes it was a great start. Its definitely worth checking out the hotel info for character times- the times are displayed in each hotel.
It was lovely to have the afternoon to just relax rather than dashing into the park.
Some of you may remember we couldnt decide whether to spend that night at DCR or at somewhere like New York. The advise we got from you all was 50-50 split. Well we are really glad we went for DCR as it probably turned out to be more relaxing
Wow that was an early start :eek:

Glad you arrived safely and sounds like you enjoyed DCR pool :goodvibes


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